Chapter 151 – Go to Dragon City in the deep sea and knock out all the Metal Dragon babies!

Saga knew he couldn't just keep praising Yekaterina; too much flattery would lose its effect.


So, lifting his chin slightly, Saga said, "Yekaterina, I must congratulate you on claiming the title of Hatchling Dragon Champion."


With a more serious tone, Saga added gravely, "But if I had been there in the Sea Dragon City, if I had been present, the title of Hatchling Dragon Champion would not have been yours."


Yekaterina paused, then flew into a rage.


"My foolish and overconfident brother, are you questioning my strength, doubting my abilities?"


As she spoke, The Little Dragoness crouched low, nostrils flaring with sparks, ready to pounce in a battle stance.


Saga spread his claws, saying, "Don't misunderstand, I'm not questioning your power. I think you're formidable."




Saga's golden eyes narrowed, his voice growing deep and solemn, "I am stronger than you."


Relying on mere compliments to handle Yekaterina wouldn't suffice, Saga knew, for as dragons, they ultimately had to speak through strength.


Moreover, Saga was curious to see how much his sibling, who had also undergone a positive mutation like himself, had grown.


"You're stronger than me?"


Yekaterina's ruby-like eyes turned into dangerous slits as she murmured, "Saga, my foolish brother, you have no idea how many dragons of our age fear me, dread me."


"They revere me as the Dragon Empress."


"And you, who have always stayed on Thorn Isle, what right do you have to claim you're stronger than me?"


Saga grinned, "How do you know I've always been on Thorn Isle? Is it not possible that, like you, I've only just returned?"


"Oh? Your experiences may differ from what I imagined, but that changes nothing," Yekaterina said, her gaze narrowing.


Shaking his head and neck with a crackling sound, Saga eagerly said, "Yekaterina, my foolish sister, enough talk. Let's battle and let our strength do the talking. I've been looking forward to our duel for a long time. I'll make you remember the experience of being pinned and beaten by me."


Unexpectedly, Yekaterina, provoked by Saga, slowly straightened up, her slit pupils returning to their normal round shape.


She calmly stated, "Saga, I too look forward to this battle."


"Only, I don't want it to be here, without any audience to witness our fight."


It seems your temperament has grown as well, Saga thought to himself.


"So what are you suggesting?" Saga countered.


With a slight smile, Yekaterina said, "The Sea Dragon City will soon host a Young Dragon Competition. Join me in it."


Just like the Hatchling Dragon Competition, in the Sea Dragon City, each age group regularly held combat events.


Hatchling Dragons, Young Dragons, Adolescent Dragons, Juvenile Dragons, Young Adult Dragons, Adult Dragons, and Mature Dragons – those who won the championship title in their respective age groups were respected by the Metal Dragons wherever they went.


Especially if one could win consecutive championships across different age groups, becoming a multiple-crown champion, they would be showered with countless flowers and praises.


The record holder for most consecutive championships in the Sea Dragon City had won titles across four age groups.


Yekaterina, proud by nature, wanted to break the record. She aimed to win every competition and become the unprecedented all-champion Dragon Empress.


"I want to press you to the ground under the watchful eyes of countless True Dragons, leave my claw marks on your beautiful scales, and make you beg for mercy," she said haughtily.


"I want you to bow in respect whenever you see me from now on."


Saga's gaze shifted slightly, "Then let's agree, the victor earns respect, the loser bows down."


Saga was curious about the Sea Dragon City, the gathering place of the greatest Metal Dragons.


When the Golden Dragonfather first visited, Saga was still under the protection of the Red Dragoness, unable to move freely. Out of respect for the Red Dragoness present, he didn't dare express his desire to visit the Sea Dragon City.


But things were different now.


Saga was a dragon living independently.


He could choose to visit the Sea Dragon City and see the gathering place of the Metal Dragon clan.


"I just need to tell Father I want to see the Sea Dragon City, and he'll gladly take me there," Saga thought.


Meanwhile, Yekaterina lifted her head, looking down on Saga with disdain, "Saga, my foolish and insignificant brother, don't lose to other Young Dragons before facing me. That would be very disappointing."


Standing tall, Saga looked down at Yekaterina with a scornful gaze, "I have the same concern, Yekaterina. Perhaps you'll only be able to watch me win the Young Dragon Championship from the sidelines, without even the chance to compete against me."


Seeing Saga stand taller than herself, Yekaterina also stood up, striving to be at the same height.


But because Saga's dragon horns were more rugged and robust, he stood a bit taller. Yekaterina had to stand on her tiptoes to match his height, and still not satisfied, she flapped her wings and flew a bit higher, towering over Saga.


"Hmph, I hope you can make it to face me," she said.


Saga too took flight, soaring above Yekaterina.


Like a challenge, the two Young Dragons faced off, eyes locked, flying higher and higher, neither willing to back down, determined to outdo the other.


Until they flew into the thousands of meters high cascading clouds, surrounded by fierce winds.


"Saga, Yekaterina, what little game are you two playing?"


The golden gates opened wide, and the Golden Dragonfather, singed and smoky, stepped out, interrupting Saga and Yekaterina's contest.




A fiery claw reached out, grabbing the Golden Dragonfather by the tail and yanked him back in.


"Nagayes, you refuse to face me now? I'm not done fighting! Come back here!" The Red Dragoness's deep roar echoed from within the gate.


After being yanked back through the gate, the Golden Dragonfather disappeared once more.


Saga and Yekaterina exchanged glances, their competitive spirit dampened by their father's interruption, losing interest in continuing their rivalry.


Soon after, the two young dragons folded their wings and descended back to the peak of Yakan Volcano.


"Saga, you said you've just returned to Thorn Isle. Where did you go?" Yekaterina inquired.


Having decided to save their battle for the Young Dragon event, Yekaterina's demeanor had calmed considerably, her presence like a volcano that had settled.


"Your life in the Sea Dragon City may be exciting, but it's not something I envy," Saga said, lifting his chin with the majesty of the king of Moon Bay and the Giant Stone Isle. "Yekaterina, let me ask you, do you have your own territory in the Sea Dragon City?"


Feeling an inexplicable authority emanating from her brother, Yekaterina's heart skipped a beat.


Reluctantly, but honestly, she replied, "No."


"Do you have followers who fight for you, whom you can command at will?" Saga pressed on.


After a moment's hesitation, Yekaterina said, ".I have some sea-creature servants assigned by the Dragon City."


"Servants? That means no," Saga surmised, guessing that these so-called sea-creature servants couldn't be commanded unconditionally.


"Have you participated in wars where the skies are ablaze and rivers run red with blood? Have you slain giants, the sworn enemies of our kind? Have you experienced the thrill of turning the tide from the brink of death?" Saga bombarded her with questions.


Yekaterina could only shake her head in frustration and helplessness.




"Do you?" she challenged.


Without hesitation, Saga nodded, calmly but confidently, "Of course, I've been through all that."


After a pause, he stretched his neck out long, raising his head, and with a haughty and superior tone, he said to Yekaterina, "Yekaterina, my foolish sister."


"When I was fighting bloodied battles to claim territories and enslave followers, you were in a safe zone surrounded by countless Metal Dragons, playing house with a bunch of bloodless Hatchling Dragons."


Saga's voice was calm and deep, "So, don't think you're stronger than me."


"If you truly harbor such thoughts, heh, your underestimation will lead to your crushing defeat by me, and I will be very disappointed, thinking you unworthy to be my sibling."


Yekaterina fell silent for a moment, then laughed, revealing her sharp, gleaming teeth.


"Saga, you're worth defeating only when you're like this."


"I take back my contempt for you and will go all out in the upcoming Young Dragon event to crush you, to make you acknowledge my strength and bow down to me."


Her fighting spirit was high, her eyes blazing with flames.


Minutes later, the golden gates opened again, and the Golden Dragonfather emerged with the Red Dragoness, the outcome of their battle unknown.


The two colossal dragons landed on Yakan Volcano together.


Compared to them, Saga and Yekaterina seemed particularly small.


Soon after, the family of dragons entered the Red Dragoness's palace, and as time passed, they communicated in a calm and peaceful atmosphere.


The next day, the Golden Dragonfather prepared to return to the Sea Dragon City with Yekaterina, bidding farewell to the Red Dragoness and Saga.


That's when Saga expressed his desire to visit the Sea Dragon City.


"Father, take me with you. I want to see the Sea Dragon City and join Yekaterina in the Young Dragon competition."


The Golden Dragonfather glanced at the Red Dragoness, then looked down at his small golden dragon, whose scales shone as brightly as his own, and said with a kind expression, "You want to see the Sea Dragon City? Sure."


His gaze shifting between Yekaterina and Saga, the Golden Dragonfather reminded them, "The Young Dragon competition is open to all dragons aged six to fifteen. I know you two are very strong and exceptionally gifted, but as dragons who have just entered the Young Dragon phase, you may not necessarily win against fifteen-year-olds. Besides, there are many dragons of extraordinary talent in the Dragon City."


"You can wait, wait until you're a bit older to participate. The Young Dragon competition starts in a month."


Yekaterina and Saga said in unison, "No, we're confident we can become Young Dragon champions."


The Golden Dragonfather laughed heartily, "I knew you'd answer like that. The offspring of Nagayes will not fear battling the strong."


Then, Saga bid farewell to the Red Dragoness.


"Mother, I'm going to the Sea Dragon City to show the Metal Dragons the might of the Hell Empress's son."


The Red Dragoness smiled warmly, "Go, knock all those Metal Dragon whelps down."


Golden light enveloped Saga and Yekaterina, and after bidding farewell to the Red Dragoness, the Golden Dragonfather led his two half-blood offspring towards the Metal Dragon City.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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