Chapter 145 – Any time, any place, must cooperate with the master to show off!

Pulling his thoughts back, Chu Yi cast his gaze upon the students earnestly cultivating before him.


Watching the students who had begun their journey into immortality, Chu Yi's face was adorned with a smile as he unleashed the full power of his Insightful Eye!


[Virtue: 81]


[Talent: 52]


[Virtue: 79]


[Talent: 46]


[Virtue: 73]


[Talent: 49]


Little did he know, until he looked, and what he saw nearly knocked Chu Yi off his feet.


He had anticipated that the students at North Hill High School wouldn't have exceptional talent values, but damn, there was actually one with a talent value of 12?!


[Name: Wang Ergou]


[Virtue Value: 84]


[Talent Value: 12]


[Current Mood: Hehe, I'm also a badass cultivator now!]


Chu Yi stared intently at Wang Ergou, whose talent value was only 12, and Wang Ergou returned the gaze with wide eyes.


The two locked eyes in a silent standoff until Chu Yi finally couldn't help but break the silence:


"Classmate, what are you looking at?"


Hearing Chu Yi's question, Wang Ergou revealed a sage-like smile and chuckled foolishly:


"Hehe, nothing much. I'm just happy to see you so cheerful, I'm feeling pretty great today too!"




Why does this guy seem not too bright?


Chu Yi waved his hand in resignation, dismissing Wang Ergou, and continued to walk among the cultivating students, who did not disappoint him, casting admiring glances his way.


Chu Yi basked in the admiration of his students, feeling utterly content. After all, life is all about putting on a show!


Not only could he impress, but he could also…


Chu Yi made several rounds through the crowd…


On his final lap, a student couldn't hold back any longer and asked with a hint of exasperation:


"Teacher Chu, don't you have anything to do? Why keep pacing back and forth like this?"


Upon hearing this, Chu Yi pondered for a moment before replying: "Nothing much, just taking a stroll!"


Saying so, Chu Yi left the field.


Of course, he wasn't just idling around to enjoy the attention.


Well… of course, it felt pretty good…


But in reality, he had been wandering for so long mainly to check on the students' progress over the past few days.


After several days of cultivation, most of the students were on the verge of reaching the first level of Foundation Establishment.


With one more week to go, Chu Yi was confident that these students could make a big splash in the upcoming physical education college entrance examination!


However, it must be mentioned that although the students' virtue was commendable, their talent was as low as it could get!


Here, Chu Yi couldn't help but single out one individual, Wang Ergou!


This kid was a classic case of uneven skills!


The highest virtue, but that talent value was just laughably low.


While pondering this, Chu Yi reached out to Chen Hao through a mental imprint:


"What are you up to?"


At that moment, Chen Hao was still in the restroom, engaged in a strenuous effort, carefully yet forcefully creating.


Ever since a junior brother managed to produce an object of the same length as his in a motel, Chen Hao had been brooding over it!


Damn it, I'm the senior brother, and you dare to match my poop in length?


Right now, his great creation was at a critical juncture, the object beneath him having reached 40 centimeters!


But just as he was about to set a new record, Chen Hao's mind was suddenly interrupted by Chu Yi's voice:


"What are you up to?"


The unexpected voice made Chen Hao shudder, and his already standing body trembled violently.


Chen Hao was stunned, looking down, and then froze in place.


Following that, a roar that echoed across the entire field burst forth from the restroom:


"Damn it!"


This roar made countless students turn their heads toward the restroom, and even Chu Yi, who had walked some distance away, was startled and looked back.




Before everyone's eyes, the restroom door suddenly flew into the sky!


All heads followed the trajectory of the flying door, up and down.


Then, Chen Hao emerged at the restroom door, fuming with anger.


"Master! My 41-centimeter record!"




A rocketing headbutt struck Chen Hao squarely on the head, instantly dazing him.


"Are you calling for your mom? Isn't that disgusting?"




Chu Yi notified his other disciples to gather in the cafeteria with a mental message, then sat with Chen Hao in the school cafeteria, quietly waiting.


After a while, the disciples arrived one after another, and upon seeing their senior brother with a head full of bumps, they were all taken aback.


Xu Guanghui was also stunned for a moment before hesitantly asking:


"Mouse, are you cosplaying that character… with a head full of bumps?"


The comment almost made everyone lose their composure.


Chen Hao glared at Xu Guanghui with a face as dark as iron.


Damn it! How could he tolerate this?


"You wanna go one-on-one, son?"


"Bring it on! Who's afraid of whom!"




Ah, another good hit!


Chu Yi withdrew his hand, glared at Chen Hao, who looked at Xu Guanghui, now also sporting a bump, and chuckled foolishly.


Xu Guanghui grinned through the pain, but still managed to force a smile, saying:


"You've got more than me!"




Withdrawing his hand again, Chu Yi cleared his throat and then addressed the twenty-some people in front of him:


"I've finally come up with another sect rule, which will be the only rule in our sect for now. Anytime, anywhere!"


"Super detectives, serious about solving cases?"




"Shut up!"


Chu Yi glared at Xu Guanghui, annoyed. What's with this guy getting weirder by the day?


"Cough cough, let me announce it again, alright!"


"At any time, in any place, the most important thing is to support your master in putting on a show!"


"Also, I've decided on a name for our sect. After much contemplation, we shall be known as the Show-Off Sect!"


All the students were stunned, then in unison, they exclaimed:




"What's the matter? Don't like the name? Or is the rule I've set not to your liking?"


Chu Yi glared, his threatening gaze sweeping over every student present.


Each student swept by his gaze hurriedly shook their heads like rattle drums.


"One more thing, I expect each of you to give it your all in the physical education college entrance examination a week from now, to show your true strength before everyone!"

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

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