Chapter 33 – Defeat someone in two years


What Meng Fan feared the least was assessments.

With his level of enlightenment, what kind of assessment wouldn’t be a piece of cake for him?

As long as it wasn’t about cultivation level, he’d be fine. Meng Fan’s biggest weakness was that his cultivation was only at the third level of Qi Refining, admittedly a bit low.

However, Elder Lin had taken notice of him before and was certainly aware of his Mixed Spiritual Root.

Since Elder Lin was willing to take him as a disciple, he naturally wouldn’t make things difficult for Meng Fan in terms of cultivation.

“Master, please proceed with the assessment. Your disciple will do his utmost to complete it!” Meng Fan declared with unwavering determination.

Hearing Meng Fan call him ‘Master’ as if he were truly Elder Lin’s disciple already, Senior Disciple Luo was genuinely impressed. He had to admit that Meng Fan’s thick skin was something he couldn’t match.

Not only was the guy handsome, but he also had the audacity to match. How were others supposed to compete?

Elder Lin’s smile never faded, clearly not put off by Meng Fan’s brazen attitude.

A junior showing a bit of cheekiness in front of their elders wouldn’t repel them; in fact, it might even be endearing.

“The reason I asked about your wish is that if you can become my direct disciple, I will fulfill one of your wishes.

Of course, it has to be within my capabilities, but my capabilities are probably greater than you imagine!

However, to become my direct disciple, you must defeat someone in two years.”

Elder Lin’s gaze upon Meng Fan was incredibly serious and solemn.

Defeat someone?

Meng Fan felt that the task wasn’t as simple as he had imagined.

Because this person was definitely stronger than Senior Disciple Luo.

And it was clear that in two years, Senior Disciple Luo wouldn’t be able to catch up to this person!

Otherwise, the position of direct disciple would have already been reserved by Senior Disciple Luo, and it wouldn’t be Meng Fan’s turn at all.

So in Elder Lin’s eyes, would Meng Fan in two years definitely surpass Senior Disciple Luo in two years?

To be honest, Elder Lin’s confidence in him was quite flattering for Meng Fan.

Because up until now, Meng Fan didn’t even know the realm of Senior Disciple Luo’s cultivation.

But judging by Senior Disciple Luo’s demeanor and aura, he seemed like he should be at least at the Heavenly Origin Realm, right?

“Elder Lin, what realm is that person at now?” Meng Fan asked with a hint of curiosity.

“A year ago, he just stepped into the Heavenly Origin Realm,” Elder Lin said with a complex tone.

Hearing Elder Lin’s words, Meng Fan was taken aback.

He had entered the Heavenly Origin Realm a year ago?

Could Meng Fan reach the Heavenly Origin Realm in two years?

It seemed unlikely!

Even if he could reach the Heavenly Origin Realm, the other person would be at least at the second or third level by then, right?

Elder Lin had so much confidence in him?

Meng Fan was truly astonished.

“Elder Lin, you really think highly of me,” Meng Fan said with a wry smile.

But to be fair, if Meng Fan really could reach the Heavenly Origin Realm, even if only at the first level, he probably could defeat someone at the third or even fourth level.

Heh, who’s got a cheat code?

But while he could have such confidence, why would Elder Lin, a stranger, have such faith in him?

Then Elder Lin, hearing Meng Fan’s words, let out a bitter laugh.

There was a hint of helplessness in his laughter.

“The entire Sword Pavilion only has you and Luo left. I’ve already given up on Luo, so now I can only have confidence in you!”

Meng Fan curiously asked Senior Disciple Luo, “Senior Brother Luo, what realm are you at now?”

Could it be that Senior Disciple Luo and the person Elder Lin mentioned were worlds apart?

Senior Disciple Luo replied somewhat sheepishly, “Eighth level of the True Martial Realm!”

Eighth level of the True Martial Realm?

Meng Fan’s face showed a trace of surprise.

He had always thought Senior Disciple Luo was at the Heavenly Origin Realm because Luo had the air of a master about him!

It turned out to be a bluff.

Senior Disciple Luo was still at the eighth level of the True Martial Realm, while the person Elder Lin mentioned had already reached the Heavenly Origin Realm a year ago.

Elder Lin must have trained Senior Disciple Luo before, so he knew that Luo wouldn’t be a match for that person!

But the gap between Meng Fan and that person was even greater!

Meng Fan was only at the third level of Qi Refining, a world apart from a cultivator at the Heavenly Origin Realm.

“Elder Lin, who is this person you speak of? Why do I need to defeat them?” Meng Fan asked with some curiosity.

Elder Lin sighed, his expression extremely complex.

He was silent for a moment, then said with a heavy heart, “That person is a disciple of an old rival of mine.

Eight years ago, my rival and I made a bet to each train a disciple and have them compete after ten years.

The loser must grant the winner a request!”

The story, although a bit melodramatic, was entirely acceptable to Meng Fan.

But what he didn’t understand was why, after eight years, Elder Lin still hadn’t found a satisfactory disciple?

Within the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, was there really not a single disciple that Elder Lin valued?

“Elder Lin, it’s been eight years, and you’re still looking for a disciple… isn’t that a bit… well… slow?” Meng Fan ventured cautiously.

Elder Lin shook his head, falling silent.

Senior Disciple Luo gave Meng Fan a meaningful look, but unfortunately, from Meng Fan’s angle, he couldn’t see Luo’s expression.

After a while, Elder Lin spoke again, his voice tinged with sadness.

“Actually, I took on a disciple eight years ago. He was very talented, and two years ago, he reached the Heavenly Origin Realm. In terms of talent and strength, he was no less than my rival’s disciple.”

Meng Fan could sense the sorrow in Elder Lin’s voice and felt somewhat uncomfortable pressing for more details.

Clearly, what followed wasn’t good news.

Although Meng Fan didn’t ask further, Elder Lin continued, “Unfortunately, two years ago, he died. After reaching the Heavenly Origin Realm, he went out full of confidence to slay demons and exterminate evil, only to perish at the hands of a demon!”

After finishing his story, Elder Lin slumped back onto his cushion as if his body had been drained of strength in an instant.

It was evident that the loss of his disciple had dealt him a great blow, one from which he had yet to fully recover.

Seeing Elder Lin in this state, Meng Fan didn’t know what to say and chose to remain silent.

Any attempt at consolation at such a time would seem hollow.

It took a long while before Elder Lin regained some semblance of spirit.

“Since then, I’ve lost all ambition, and for the past two years, I haven’t left the Sword Pavilion.

I had thought about training Luo for that ten-year challenge.

Unfortunately, whether it’s in terms of talent or enlightenment, he’s not up to the task and stands no chance of winning.

I had already given up and was prepared to concede defeat.”

Elder Lin looked up, his eyes filled with a renewed intensity as he gazed at Meng Fan.

“Until you came along!”

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