Chapter 99 – Deal

Mad Kun finished speaking and burst into a fit of laughter.

Such a shameless proposal.

It was indeed very much in line with his character.

“Disgusting, Mad Kun, you’re making me sick!”

Su Mei’s face turned green with anger.

Her hands trembling, she cursed at Mad Kun furiously.

Mad Kun didn’t care at all.

“Just a joke! Why are you getting angry? But really, I do like it when you’re angry, it’s got spirit. How about this, if you lose, Su Mei spends the night with me. If we lose, you can do whatever you want to us. Even if you want my life, I’ll give it to you…”

Mad Kun was fearless.

He knew Zou Xiaoxian wouldn’t dare.

It was a trap they couldn’t escape.

It must be said, Zou Xiaoxian was still good to Su Mei.

She immediately said:

“Change the bet, I won’t use Su Mei as a stake!”

Mad Kun smirked sinisterly, slowly shaking his head.

“No change. If you don’t bet, then we’ll just go to your gambling den and keep betting until you agree…”

Saying so,

Mad Kun sat down on a chair.

His hands began to wander over the body of a girl next to him.

Zou Xiaoxian looked at Su Mei.

Su Mei was already furious.

Tears were swirling in her eyes.

She silently nodded at Zou Xiaoxian.

In this situation,

Other than gambling, there was no other way out.

Zou Xiaoxian sighed helplessly, took out her phone, and whispered to Su Mei:

“Don’t worry, Su Mei. I’ll call Gao Zhiqiang right now, I’ll get the best dealer with a hidden light. Who wins and who loses, it’s not certain yet…”

“No need for them!”

“How come?”

Zou Xiaoxian was somewhat confused by Su Mei’s words.

But Su Mei turned her head to look at me.

“Chu Liu, can you help me this time…”

Actually, even if Su Mei didn’t ask me,

I was ready to gamble with them.

Not for anything else.

Mad Kun had cursed me six times as a male dog.

The busty Huang Run had threatened me three times.

This account, I should settle with them too.

Zou Xiaoxian looked at Su Mei with a puzzled face and asked:

“Can he do it?”

Zou Xiaoxian knew I was The Swindler.

But in her eyes,

My level might be about the same as an ordinary dealer with a hidden light, or even worse than them.

“I believe he can!”

Su Mei looked at me, her gaze quite firm.

I slowly stood up.

As I passed by Zou Xiaoxian, I said coldly.

“Or, do you want to come?”

Zou Xiaoxian glared at me fiercely.

I ignored her.

And walked straight to the table.

Looking at Mad Kun, I directly asked:

“Mad Kun, I’ll gamble with you. Tell me, what are we betting on?”


Mad Kun looked at me like a madman, tilting his head, his face full of confusion.

He didn’t expect me to be The Swindler.

Suddenly, he hit his own head.

“Bang bang” he punched a few times.

“Damn, I know now. I finally know who you little male dog are…”

Mad Kun cursed me again.

Now it was seven times.

But I still didn’t understand what Mad Kun meant by that.

Then I heard him continue:

“You’re the one who cracked Second Boss’s detection watch, right?”

Mad Kun seemed to have discovered a new continent.

He shouted at me loudly.

Mad Kun’s ability to make this connection.

Showed that this man was only mad on the surface.

In reality, he was not stupid at all.

“Interesting, so interesting! Come on, you two tell him how to bet…”

The busty Huang Run and a swindler with triangular eyes came over.

Huang Run still had a look of disdain, asking me:

“I bet on poker, he bets on dice. Do you mean you want to gamble with both of us?”


I nodded.

The Swindler techniques are a craft.

And they require specialization.

Some specialize in hard tiles, like Mahjong and Pai Gow.

Others specialize in soft cards, like Poker and card games.

And then there are those like Nine-fingered heavenly cripple, who specialize in dice.

That’s why Huang Run asked me.

If I was going to gamble with both of them.

Of course, there are also those who are proficient in all areas.

Like Master Liu, and me.

“Alright, let’s start then. Waiter, bring the poker…”

Huang Run said.

While I sat at the table, looking at Mad Kun, I asked:

“You haven’t said yet, what happens if you lose?”

Mad Kun was full of confidence.

“I said it, anything you want. How about this, if we win Su Mei stays with me, if you win, Huang Run stays with you!”

I didn’t even think about it and shook my head.

Mad Kun couldn’t help but ask me:

“What, you’re not interested?”

“Right, I’m not interested in that kind of greasy stuff!”

Huang Run wasn’t actually fat.

I was deliberately provoking her.

A swindler, before cheating,

If they can’t ensure a stable mindset, they’re not far from making a mistake.

“You, motherf***er!!!”

Huang Run indeed took the bait, her face turning red with anger.

Staring at me, she stuttered and couldn’t say anything.

“Then what do you want?”

“Like this, if I win. Let her strip off all her clothes, walk down from here, all the way to the street…”

As soon as I finished speaking,

Mad Kun immediately slapped the table and laughed loudly.

“Interesting, so interesting! I agree to this bet!”

Huang Run was furious, her eyes nearly splitting as she glared at me.

I didn’t look at her, and continued to ask Mad Kun.

“Want to add more?”

“How to add?”

“Bet on my seven teeth! If either of them wins against me, I’ll consider it a loss. In addition to Su Mei leaving with you, I’ll knock out seven teeth!”

I emphasized seven teeth.

Because he had cursed me seven times.

“Alright, it’s a bet!”

Mad Kun agreed readily.

It wasn’t long before.

The waiter brought over a deck of poker.

I sat opposite Huang Run at the dining table.

Looking at me, Huang Run directly said:

“Three card poker, one round to determine the winner. Leopard is the highest, no 235 rule. How about that?”


I nodded, then asked another question.

“What if cheating is caught?”

“Consider it a loss!”

I thought Huang Run would say cheating means cutting off hands.

It seems she’s also lacking confidence now.

“Also, since we’re both swindlers. Let’s have something fair today. We’ll have someone else deal the cards, and we won’t touch the cards except for checking and cutting them. Not until the final stage of comparing cards!”


I nodded.

“I’m not a swindler, I’ll deal for you, how about that?”

Mad Kun said with a hoarse voice, a sly smile on his face.


I agreed.

Zou Xiaoxian hurriedly came forward, saying to me:

“They’re in cahoots, if you let him deal, aren’t you just asking to lose?”

I turned to look at Zou Xiaoxian and sent her two words.

“Shut up!”

Mad Kun took the poker, slowly opened it.

Then, pretending to be a professional casino dealer, he said to both of us:

“Who will check the cards first?”

“I will!”

Huang Run said first.

Actually, it doesn’t matter who checks the cards first.

Even if you arrange the cards in order, it’s useless.

Because once the cards are in the dealer’s hands, they have to be shuffled again.

Taking the poker, placing it on the dining table.

Huang Run gently pushed on it.

A deck of poker immediately formed a long line on the table.

Then, with a light flip of her fingers at the bottom of the poker.

The entire deck, like dominoes, flipped over one by one.

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