Chapter 124 – Killing field

The legendary founder seems to attach great importance to the legacy of this unparalleled powerhouse on Earth.

“Send two cosmic-level powerhouses, and Bakaro will personally go and secretly assassinate the Earth Lord. The first wave of troops will temporarily hold their ground.”

Under the order of the founder, the entire Noran Mountain family was shaken.

The deployment of cosmic-level powerhouses in the Noran Mountain family has not happened for a long time, let alone Bakaro, who is proud of the family. He is a ruthless person who can counterattack a cosmic-level ninth-order with his eighth-order strength. His strength is second only to Noran Mountain himself in the Noran Mountain family!

Shortly after the order was issued, a spaceship flew out from the Noran Mountain family’s base on the planet and traveled through the dark universe to the Earth in the Milky Way.

However, the distance between the Bakaro Empire and Earth is extremely far. Even if they travel through the dark universe, it will take two years to arrive.

“If possible, I don’t want to violate the laws of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.”

In the virtual universe, Noran Mountain resides in a three-story villa. He has a square face, pointed ears, blood-red eyes, and overall, he is not much different from an Earthling.

“Contact this so-called Earth Lord and hope that he knows what’s good for him.”

A cold light flashed in Noran Mountain’s eyes.

He also has connections in the Black Dragon Mountain government office and easily obtained the virtual universe number of the Earth Lord Xu Zong. He dialed it.

“Who is it?”

Soon, the number was connected, and an image automatically appeared in front of him.

The two men looked at each other, and Xu Zong secretly felt shocked. Why did this person’s gaze feel as sharp as a knife?

“I am Noran Mountain.”

Noran Mountain calmly looked at Xu Zong in the image.

“I want Earth, name your price.”

The batch of people from Brona went offline too quickly, and the Noran Mountain family still doesn’t know how strong the natives of Earth are. But the information he obtained from the imperial office showed that Xu Zong, who bought Earth, is only a Celestial Level sixth-order, which is nothing to be afraid of. A kid like him, as long as Noran Mountain personally takes action, it is impossible for him to resist.

“You can be my slave, and I can consider it.”

Xu Zong smiled slightly and said sincerely.

“You don’t know what’s good for you!”

Noran Mountain’s face immediately darkened, and his eyes were filled with killing intent.

“I sincerely want to discuss the matter of Earth with you. Don’t push your luck!”

“Then let me ask you, do you love Earth?”

Xu Zong’s mouth curled up, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

“I will only sell Earth to someone who loves it!”

“So what if I love Earth?”

Noran Mountain said without hesitation. What he loves are the things on Earth that can bring him wealth.

“You love it? You don’t even dare to be a slave, and you dare to say you love Earth?”

Xu Zong sneered, “I don’t want to deal with scum like you. I’m tired, don’t contact me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zong directly ended the communication.

Noran Mountain’s cheek twitched violently, and anger surged in his heart.

But for the wealth on Earth, he suppressed it. After all, he can deal with this little bastard anytime in the future. The most important thing now is to buy Earth.

He dialed Xu Zong’s number again, but found that he had been added to the other party’s blacklist.


Noran Mountain slapped the wooden table in front of him, and his face became so gloomy that water could drip from it.

“Xu Zong!”


On the Black Dragon Mountain spaceship.

Xu Zong hung up Noran Mountain’s call and casually added him to the blacklist.

“This Noran Mountain doesn’t seem like someone who will easily give up.”

Hong frowned and said with some concern.

“Hong, you have a good eye for judging people. Noran Mountain will definitely not let it go easily.”

Lei Shen also followed.

“I’m afraid he will send the cosmic-level powerhouses from his family!”

Luo Feng also became nervous, feeling restless.

“Especially Noran Mountain himself and his disciple, Bakaro!”

From Brona’s mouth, they have learned about the strength of the entire Noran Mountain family. Other cosmic-level powerhouses are not a problem, Xu Zong’s robots can handle them, but Noran Mountain himself and Bakaro are extremely terrifying. They are both outstanding among the cosmic-level powerhouses, and the robots probably won’t be able to withstand them!

“San, don’t be too anxious.”

Hong smiled at this moment.

“From the time it takes for the Noran Mountain family to send powerhouses here with a C-class spaceship, it will take at least two years to travel through the dark universe. These two years will be our time to strive!”

“With our current strength, we can’t compete head-on with the Noran Mountain family, but if it’s about talent, it’s hard to say. The entire Noran Mountain family probably can’t find a Celestial Level who can have a domain. But we have three here.”

After hearing this, Luo Feng felt a bit helpless. He is the only one without a domain and is dragging down his four brothers.

“You see, Xu Zong is calm too. Your state of mind is not as good as Xu Zong’s.”

Hong pointed to Xu Zong.

He was holding a bottle of good wine he bought on Biyan Star and was drinking it non-stop.

Luo Feng felt embarrassed. Little Zong is several years younger than him, and he is not as calm as Little Zong.

“It’s useless to be troubled and anxious about anything. When encountering difficulties, the first thing to do is to calm down, think carefully about what you can do, what you can do well, instead of immersing yourself in fear and panic. That way, you will never find a solution.”

Hong shook his head and pointed out.

“I understand.”

Luo Feng nodded solemnly.

“I found a good place in the virtual universe. Do you want to go?”

Xu Zong finished the bottle of wine, exhaled, and said to the three of them.

“What kind of place is it?”

Luo Feng and the others looked at him.

“The Killing Arena!”

Xu Zong grinned, looking pleased.


In the virtual universe, the Killing Arena.

This is a hall of unimaginable scale. It is called a hall, but its length and width are comparable to a large city on Earth. It is almost impossible to see the end at a glance, but there are not many people coming and going, estimated to be only about ten thousand.

The entire hall is set up like a sea of blood, and in the center of the hall, there is a huge “blood drop” that is extremely eye-catching.This killing field is a branch located on the Black Dragon Mountain Island, gathering the strong ones from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, including both warriors and mind teachers.

“What a grand place!”

Upon entering this hall, Luo Feng and his companions were stunned by the extraordinarily magnificent backdrop.

The blood-red scene made people feel as if they were in a sea of blood, as if the entire hall was encouraging the strong ones to fight each other.

“This place is not just grand, it’s also incredibly expensive!”

Xu Zong led the three to sit down at a table in the corner of the hall, opened a few bottles of good wine at the bar, and handed them to the three.

“I’m at the Celestial Level Seven, the daily cost is 200,000 Black Dragon coins or 150 Qian Witch coins. You are all at the Celestial Level Nine, I’ve checked, the daily cost is at least over 1 million Black Dragon coins.”

“That high?”

The three were taken aback.

But they didn’t show any fear, after all, Xu Zong had given them a large sum of money, and they hadn’t spent much of it yet.

However, Luo Feng was secretly complaining. He had bought too many precious metal combinations these days, and his 1 billion Qian Witch coins were being spent like water.

“I need to break through to Celestial Level Seven as soon as possible, so that my mental power can reach Stellar Level One, and then I can withdraw from the bank the first account my teacher gave me.”

Luo Feng thought to himself.

“The cost of this killing field is so high, not many at the Celestial Level can afford it, its functions must be quite powerful, right?”

Hong said to Xu Zong, looking quite expectant.

“The function can only be described as extremely powerful!”

Xu Zong exclaimed, “Out there, it’s hard to find a good opponent with similar strength, we can’t spar with each other, and our strength increases very slowly. But this killing field? It can simulate any opponent you want at will!”

“For example, my realm has reached the sixth level, and my cultivation is still at the seventh level. I can set an opponent at the Celestial Level Seven, but whose realm is at the seventh level. In the battle with him, I can learn what the seventh level realm is like, and learn more complex uses of the realm!”

“Your realm has reached the sixth level?!”

Lei Shen was startled by his realm, and asked with wide eyes.

“That’s the advantage of this killing field!”

Xu Zong smiled slightly, keeping a low profile.

In fact, the bigger reason was that he was now comprehending the sixth level secret patterns! The sixth level secret patterns are much more complex and powerful than the fifth level ones. Although Xu Zong found it extremely difficult to comprehend, his progress was also much faster!

“Amazing! So, this killing field can play the role of a teacher?”

Hong quickly grasped the key to the killing field, his eyes sparkling.

“Although you can set it at will, the opponent you set is not a real person after all, there is a gap with the real opponent. You can learn from the set opponent, but you can’t treat this as life and death training.”

Xu Zong nodded and then shook his head.

“Huh? Who’s that old man?”

Suddenly, Lei Shen noticed an old man with green skin and full of wrinkles on his head, lying comfortably on a recliner in a corner of the hall, resting with his eyes closed. No one around him disturbed him, and they even respectfully saluted him.

In the eyes of Earth people, the old man was very ugly, but incredibly, he didn’t give people a disgusting feeling.

“His name is Man Luo, he is the overall person in charge of the killing field branch on Black Dragon Mountain Island. He’s very awesome, even the Domain Master has to respect him, don’t mess with him.”

Xu Zong glanced at the green-skinned old man and solemnly warned the others.

“Don’t worry, we’re not the kind of people who like to cause trouble.”

Hong and the others nodded in understanding. A person more powerful than the Domain Master should be the strongest person in this killing field.


The green-skinned old man seemed to hear someone discussing him, he slightly opened his eyes and looked over at the four of them. After seeing Xu Zong’s figure, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

“He noticed us?”

Luo Feng and the others were startled and quickly walked deeper into the hall.

Xu Zong gave him a brilliant smile and followed.

“That kid, going to the killing space again, doesn’t he know to visit the battle space?”

The green-skinned old man, Man Luo, shook his head secretly, looking quite regretful.

(End of this chapter)

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