Chapter 123 – Lord of the Earth

During the conversation, two high-level celestial level mind teachers rushed out and easily captured the two people on the other side.

“Retreat! Retreat quickly!”

The captain was shocked and immediately ordered the spaceship to retreat.

“They must be slaves bought by them!”

“Damn it, these natives have already adapted to the universe!”

The remaining four celestial level crew members cursed, but they were not worried.

In the universe, chasing battles were meaningless for C-level spaceships because the C-level laser cannons were already restricted weapons in the universe, not something ordinary people could buy. Therefore, most spaceships only carried B-level laser cannons at most.

However, B-level laser cannons couldn’t harm C-level spaceships, so they could easily escape.

But after waiting for a while, the captain suddenly panicked.

Because their spaceship was completely motionless, not only did it not turn around to escape, even the engines were shut down!

“Artuka, what’s going on?”

The captain quickly questioned the spaceship’s intelligence.

“Hahaha! How could this C-level piece of junk ship stop my great Lord Babata!”

But the voice that answered him was not from their own intelligence, but a loud and arrogant laughter.

On the screen, the monitoring footage disappeared completely, replaced by the image of a demon child with horns on his head, standing with his hands on his hips, laughing arrogantly. The members on the ship were shocked.

“FBI! Openthedoor!”

Soon, with a strange cry, a completely black metallic robot forcefully tore open the cabin door, and several figures rushed into the spaceship.

“We’ve got a lot of black dragon coins again!”

Thor applauded loudly, with a smile on his face.

“A total of five people, one sixth-level celestial level and four ninth-level celestial level.”

Luo Feng used his brain to measure the strength of everyone in the control room and nodded silently.

It seemed that the strongest person was the sixth-level celestial level.

Fortunately, this wave of space adventurers was not very dangerous.

“Everyone! You are so impolite!”

The captain, in a moment of desperation, shouted indignantly.

“We are guests in the universe, and we have no ill intentions. On the contrary, we come with goodwill, wanting to communicate with you on an equal footing, and even bring you into the forest of universal civilization. How can you just capture my people at will? Is this how you treat guests on this planet?”

“That’s right!”

“This is too much!”

The other several ninth-level celestial level crew members also shouted.

“You talk the talk!”

Thor sneered.

“Space adventurers are really cunning.”

Hong shook his head repeatedly.

“Stop with these empty words!”

Xu Zong also sneered.

“It seems that you are very dissatisfied.”

Luo Feng nodded and then looked at the screen in the control room.



Babata on the spaceship screen happily screamed, and then threw an image onto the screen.

“I love this planet, it can bring us wealth!”

“This planet is ours!”

In the image, the scene of the seven of them discussing and even wanting to take over the Earth was played.

The captain and the remaining crew members’ faces changed.

“How could this happen…”

“You were discovered as soon as you entered the solar system. Babata immediately launched a cyber attack on you. He had already thoroughly investigated you. It’s ridiculous that you still held onto the superiority of space adventurers!”

Luo Feng sneered.

Xu Zong took out several chips and a chip gun from his spatial ring and handed them to several celestial level slaves. They received the order and immediately approached the heads of the space adventurers and implanted the chips into their brains.

Captain Bro’s face turned pale, and he was about to resist, but the metallic robot’s eyes turned red, and it quickly rushed forward at a speed that couldn’t be discerned by the naked eye, punching him to the ground, motionless.

The other captured members were shocked and looked at the metallic robot in fear.

“Universal level! It must be a robot that can rival the universal level! Damn it, Bro has caused us a lot of trouble this time!”

C9-level robot appeared, and no one dared to resist anymore. Everyone cowered.

The celestial level slaves successfully implanted slave chips into everyone.

This wave of space adventurers was completely wiped out.

Soon, Captain Bro woke up, realizing that he had become a slave, and his face turned ashen, unable to recover for a long time.

“Tell me, who are you and where did you come from in the solar system? Has the coordinates here been leaked? Does anyone else know about this place?”

Luo Feng held Bro’s chip control terminal in his hand and coldly interrogated him.

“…I am from the Noran Mountain family. It took me two years to come here through the space wormhole.”

Bro said in a daze, “I informed the family as soon as I entered the wormhole, and the people from the family already knew the spatial coordinates of the Earth. They are expected to send the next batch of people to the dark universe within three months.”

“Which family are you from, and how strong is the family?”

Luo Feng’s expression slightly changed as he continued to inquire.

“I am from the Karodi Empire, a member of the Noran Mountain family. In our family, there are a total of seven universal level experts. The founder, Noran Mountain Patriarch, is a giant axe warrior in the Giant Axe Fighting Arena.”

Upon hearing this, Luo Feng and the others’ expressions changed drastically.

Giant Axe Warrior referred to a terrifying existence that won a thousand consecutive matches in the same level and same rank competition arranged in the Giant Axe Fighting Arena!The death rate in the Giant Axe Arena is as high as 100%. Every match ends with the death of one party. Winning ten consecutive matches is an extraordinary achievement at the same level. Winning a hundred matches is rare, and winning a thousand matches means that one has already comprehended the domain and has a more than 50% chance of becoming a domain master!

Xu Zong has three C9 level metal robots. They are not afraid of ordinary celestial level powerhouses.

However, if it’s a celestial level nine powerhouse who has comprehended the domain, it’s almost impossible for the metal robots to win!

Facing Nuo Lan Shan, a giant axe warrior who has won a thousand matches in a death match with a celestial level nine, there is no chance of winning at all!

Not to mention that there are seven celestial level warriors in the Nuo Lan Shan clan!

The most elite force under his command is the Nuo Lan Guard, which only celestial level nine can join. It is said that the total number is always maintained at eight thousand, which means at least eight thousand elite celestial level nine soldiers!

“Let’s go to Bi Yan Star.”

Xu Zong said, as he had expected.

“Xiao Zong, it seems that this matter depends on you.”

Luo Feng took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

Fortunately, they had already prepared countermeasures and obtained an astonishing wealth. They had plenty of time and could completely buy the ownership of the Earth in advance.

“To prevent accidents, let’s go to Bi Yan Star now!”


“Should we take these slaves to sell?”

“No need.”

At this time, Xu Zong simply shook his head.

“They all know the coordinates of the Earth. The fewer people know, the safer the Earth will be. Let’s leave them on Earth and confiscate all their light brain devices to prevent them from spreading the news!”

“Good point.”

Hong also nodded in agreement.

They rely on the Earth star domain, which is shielded by Hu Yan Bo, to roam freely in the universe. Once the Earth’s nest is discovered, they will be restrained in the universe.

The fewer people know the coordinates of the Earth, the better!

That day, the four of them captured all the cosmic adventurers, confiscated all the light brain devices, cosmic ships, and space rings, and then left the Earth quickly without telling anyone, taking Luo Feng’s Black Dragon Mountain spaceship.

Bi Yan Star is about 150,000 light years away from Earth. It is the official station of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire and the administrative center of several primary civilizations. Its development level is not inferior to the capital star of the primary civilization.

Only five days later, they arrived at Bi Yan Star and found the office of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

“The planet you want to buy was the territory of a peerless powerhouse fifty thousand years ago. Therefore, to buy its ownership, you need to pay three trillion Black Dragon coins at once!”

The staff of the office saw that they were here to buy a planet, and their eyes jumped with envy and smiled.

“This is too cunning!”

Lei Shen couldn’t help but mutter.

Just because it was ruled by a peerless powerhouse in the past, the price has to be maximized?

“It seems that only Xiao Zong can do it.”

Luo Feng and the others looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Xu Zong gave them each a trillion Black Dragon coins. They could have bought a normal planet long ago, but it seems that to buy the Earth, Xu Zong must take action.

“Alright, leave it to me.”

Xu Zong stepped forward and paid the purchase money of thirty billion Qian Wu coins according to the procedure.

“When will it be done?”

“It will definitely be done within a month at the latest!”

“That’s no problem then.”

The four of them looked at each other and saw the relaxation in each other’s eyes.

The next wave of Nuo Lan Shan family members will not arrive for three months, and they can become the lords of the Earth within a month. The Nuo Lan Shan family will definitely not reach the Earth before them. This round is already won!

Then, they rented a hotel on Bi Yan Star and waited patiently. They had plenty of time and were not in a hurry. Instead, they started to cultivate calmly.

The effect of Bi Bo Marrow on the body is much stronger than that of Mu Yajing. When he was on Earth, Xu Zong had already broken through to the celestial level six. In this month, he directly broke through to the celestial level seven.

The other three had a lot of cultivation resources. Lei Shen quickly cultivated himself to the peak of the ninth level, Hong also reached the early stage of the ninth level, and Luo Feng’s physique also reached the sixth level, and his mental power also reached the ninth level.

A month later, the four of Xu Zong came to the Empire Office again.

“Congratulations, Mr. Xu Zong, you have officially become the lord of the Earth!”

The head of the office personally announced this joyful result to Xu Zong and showed the proof issued by the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

The four of them were overjoyed.

“Let’s go home!”

Xu Zong waved his hand, and the four of them flew to the cosmic port in high spirits.

On the other side of the vast universe.

After the Earth had a lord, the person in charge of the Earth’s development immediately changed his expression and quickly reported the matter.

Soon, the patriarch of the Nuo Lan Shan family, and even the legendary founder, were alarmed.

(End of the chapter)

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