Chapter 133 – First encounter Mi Zhongde

Mi Cai on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time. This silence was obviously due to anger. I suddenly felt that I was really despicable. Not only did I steal her photos, but I also insulted her.


"Zhao Yang, I don't care how you insult me, but you need to explain why you stole my photos."


Facing Mi Cai's question, I felt a bit guilty. If I didn't like her, even if she gave me her photos, I wouldn't want them. But I couldn't tell her my real motive. After a while, I said, "As Kong Yiji said, stealing photos is not stealing."


"Do you think I didn't go to primary school? What he said was about stealing books, not photos." Mi Cai's tone became increasingly displeased.


"Exactly! Books are printed for people to read, and photos are taken for people to see. They are essentially the same."


Mi Cai: "……"


"Well… I just said your photos were like poison, which seems a bit excessive! Actually… you are really beautiful, and your photos are very cute… You know, I never have the chance to see you like that in real life, so those stolen photos are very precious to me! " After a long time, I said sincerely.


Mi Cai was silent again, and finally stopped mentioning the photo issue. She said to me, "Remember to bring me lunch later. Call me when you arrive, and I'll come to meet you."


After Mi Cai finished speaking, she hung up the phone. I was stunned for a moment. It seemed that she just said she would come to meet me personally, not send her assistant. I didn't hear it wrong, I definitely didn't!




A moment later, Mr. Ban had prepared lunch. I told him that Mi Cai was too busy to come back for lunch, so I would deliver it to her company later. Mr. Ban nodded calmly, so I thought Mi Cai was overthinking. If Mr. Ban considered her as my girlfriend, he wouldn't mind even if she slept in the same bed with me. After all, it's the 21st century, isn't it?


During the meal, I chatted with Mr. Ban. Of course, the person I cared about most was my mother. I asked him, "Is my mother doing well recently?"


"She's been playing less mahjong."


I was a bit sad about this answer, which was typical of Mr. Ban. I disappointed my mother greatly by giving up on Li Xiaoyun. I could understand her eagerness for me to get married soon. In her eyes, Li Xiaoyun was the most suitable person for me to marry.


After a long silence, I finally asked Mr. Ban, "Have you been fishing less recently?"


"What's the point of fishing in the middle of winter?"


I was silent. My initial intention was to lighten the mood with this joke, but it only provoked Mr. Ban's emotions.


After taking a sip of wine, Mr. Ban asked me, "Zhao Yang, what's the situation with Mi's family?"


With Mr. Ban's question, I finally confirmed that he really considered Mi Cai as my girlfriend and thought I gave up Li Xiaoyun for her. So compared to my mother's reaction at that time, he was much calmer.


Regardless of what Mr. Ban thought, I had no need to hide anything about Mi Cai's family situation, so I told him everything I knew.


After listening, Mr. Ban's expression became a bit serious. After a long time, he asked me again, "What about her mother?"


I was taken aback. It seemed that Mi Cai had never mentioned her mother in front of me. I didn't feel it was appropriate to ask, so I shook my head and said to Mr. Ban, "I'm not sure, she never mentioned it."


"Mi is a pitiful girl. You should treat her well. If you have time during the New Year, take her back to Xuzhou, so she won't be alone and helpless in Suzhou."


I tentatively asked, "Mr. Ban, you really don't mind her family background? And our two families are not well-matched!"


"I've always advocated that you should make your own choices about your feelings. So I could accept it when you chose Xiaoyun when you returned to Xuzhou, and I can also accept it when you live with Mi in Suzhou. The key is that before you make any choice, you must consider whether you can go on with the girl, and then live a good life… What happened with Xiaoyun must never happen again. You hurt her too much! "


I remained silent. The reason for my silence was self-blame. The hastily started relationship with Li Xiaoyun was a major mistake in my life. In this relationship, I was extremely selfish. I selfishly hoped that Li Xiaoyun would save me from my misery, yet I selfishly failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a boyfriend. Looking back, Li Xiaoyun is the only woman I have ever wronged in my life. So Mr. Ban was right, I should learn from this and not let down another woman who might appear in my life.




After the meal, Mr. Ban packed the untouched portion of the food into a thermos and said to me, "You take this meal to Mi. I have to catch the one o'clock train to Xuzhou, so I'll leave first."


"I thought you would stay in Suzhou for a few more days this time!"


"Everything is settled, and there are other tasks to arrange at work."


"Oh, then take care on the road." I reminded him.


Mr. Ban nodded, then picked up his old-fashioned briefcase and prepared to leave.


Suddenly, on an impulse, I called out to him, "Mr. Ban…"


"What else?"


"…Don't you think I'm not good enough for Comrade Mi? I don't even have a proper job yet!"


Mr. Ban looked at me, smiled rarely, and said, "I have confidence in my son. Work hard and become Mi's support in the future. Don't let this girl suffer anymore! "


Mr. Ban's words made my eyes well up. It turned out that he had never looked down on me, his unsuccessful son. His words gave me an inexplicably strong motivation. I will strive hard and say goodbye to my past self in the process…Mr. Ban left, carrying with him a misunderstanding. I didn't explain because all explanations seemed unconvincing. After all, Mi Cai had once come to Xuzhou to find me, I had moved back into her house in Suzhou, and I had secretly kept her photos. Not to mention the scene Mr. Ban had walked in on last night, with her clinging to me.


All these things even made me hallucinate that Mi Cai was mine, Zhao Yang's, legitimate girlfriend.



I drove my little Alto Prince, which now belonged to me, at high speed towards Zhuomei. It was just past 12 o'clock, lunchtime.


Since we had contacted in advance, when I arrived at the visitor registration desk at Zhuomei, Mi Cai was already there, waiting for me.


After quickly registering, I walked with Mi Cai, chatting. But neither of us mentioned the photos again. I thought: After my chaotic explanations, Mi Cai had no energy to argue with me, and I could finally own those rare photos openly and honestly.


Walking in the corridor leading to the general manager's office, a group of people suddenly came around the corner. The leader was a middle-aged man with some white hair, strong features, but an ageless face. His aura was very strong, and the people following him seemed very submissive.


We soon came face to face, and he stopped, sizing me up. His stern yet gloomy face carried a hint of a smile as he asked Mi Cai, "Little Cai, is this your friend?"


Hearing his address to Mi Cai, I immediately understood. The man in front of me was likely the infamous Mi Zhongde!

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