Chapter 118 – Ordinary heroes, passionate anthem!

“Can he do it?”

Feng Qin questioned.

The boy chosen by Lin Baici was small in stature, probably less than 1.6 meters tall, thin and skinny, like an underdeveloped crop.

“Catching a frisbee is about agility, coordination between the body and eyes, not about being taller, right?”

Lin Baici could guess what No. 24 was thinking. He wanted to pick people who looked good at sports, but there weren’t many people for him to choose from.

Fantuan was reading a book, and the Food God had just evaluated this boy.

[From a remote mountainous area, skilled in catching birds and fish, agile movements.]

“How about I go second?”

The short boy was not selfish, he didn’t refuse, he just worried that if the first person messed up, it would seriously affect morale.

No, if he messed up, there would be no follow-up.

“It’s okay, I believe in you!”

Lin Baici handed the leg of the giant locust to him: “Jump a few times to get used to it!”

“Oh!” The short boy exerted force on his tiptoes and jumped.

Whoosh! He jumped straight up to four meters high.

“Damn!” The short boy was shocked.

A husky holding a frisbee in its mouth wagged its tail and walked away.

“Quick, catch up, go for it!” Lin Baici patted the short boy’s back.

Everyone looked at the short boy.

“Xiaolinzi…” Xia Hongyao felt somewhat guilty. It was her idea to save people, but in the end, it was Lin Baici who put in the effort and convinced these people.

“No need to blame yourself. You are from the Security Bureau, an official organization of the country. If you don’t even have the will to save ordinary people, then the Security Bureau is too useless!”

Lin Baici comforted Xia Hongyao: “Besides, even if you are an ordinary person, it’s not wrong to want to do something righteous. This world still needs some light!”

“I just feel like I’m causing trouble for you!” Xia Hongyao sighed.

“It’s okay!” Lin Baici smiled. This game is very simple, no need to use your brain, it’s all about the body. And Lin Baici is super confident in his enhanced body.

Moreover, the Food God said that the success rate is over 80%. As long as he chooses the right person and adds the leg of the giant locust, there is no pressure at all.

The husky threw the frisbee, which was indeed more difficult than the few times the delivery guy caught it, but it was only faster and farther.

The short boy immediately rushed out because he found that he could run faster and more easily while holding the leg of the giant locust. So he had the energy to observe the trajectory of the frisbee.

He was afraid that the frisbee would be too close to the ground and he wouldn’t have a chance to recover if he missed it. So relying on the power of the giant locust’s leg, he jumped, just to give it a try.

Whoosh! With a running start, he jumped over eight meters high.

Because he often climbed trees and caught birds when he was young, the short boy was completely calm at this height. He reached out and grabbed it.

Snap! The frisbee was in his hand.

When he landed, he planned to roll to cushion the impact and avoid hurting his legs, but the effect of the divine taboo made him feel no pain in his feet at all.

“Yeah, I did it!” Seeing the short boy holding the frisbee, everyone cheered.

Lin Baici led the applause: “Thank you!”

“Thank you!” Everyone followed suit and expressed their gratitude.

The short boy looked at everyone cheering for him and suddenly felt like he had done something great, like a hero. He was very excited and couldn’t help but raise the frisbee in his hand.

Whoosh! The people around heard the commotion caused by Lin Baici and his group and looked over.

“Should we go over too?”

“Let’s go, since it’s free, why not take advantage of it?”

“What if he doesn’t agree?”

“Just say a few nice words, worst case scenario, we’ll kowtow to him!”

Some people wanted to join, but without Lin Baici’s refusal, the stray dogs didn’t agree. When they saw the person who caught the frisbee wanted to leave, they immediately surrounded him.

Woof woof! The stray dogs barked wildly, showing their desire to devour.

“The game has started, no interruptions allowed!” The stray dogs warned.

“I didn’t interrupt, I just want to join them!” Someone explained, but the stray dogs didn’t listen at all.

“If all frisbees are at this speed, it’s completely easy!”

No. 24 didn’t care about others and felt relieved after seeing the situation in the first round.

“Handsome guy, you’re up next!” Lin Baici called out.

With the successful demonstration by the short boy, the second person’s confidence doubled.

“Watch me!” The boy rolled up his sleeves.

The short boy came back and handed the leg of the giant locust to Lin Baici.

“Do you have any experience or insights to share?” Lin Baici handed the divine taboo to the second person.

“Ordinary people can’t jump that high, so for the first time, it might feel a bit uncomfortable. Also, the frisbee is quite fast, if you’re too slow, you might not be able to catch it. So I suggest leaving some leeway, jump directly to the front of the frisbee, and use your chest to collide with it, try to hold it in your arms!”

The short boy was obviously a smart boy: “And don’t be afraid of falling. With this weapon, landing from a height of seven or eight meters is no different from jumping off a curb. It doesn’t hurt at all.”

Everyone listened attentively.

“Do you understand?” No. 24 asked the second person.

“Of course!” The second person replied, looking at Lin Baici: “Any other instructions?”

“Go for it!” Lin Baici patted his back: “Go!”

The boy ran out.

Buzz! The frisbee spun and flew out.

This boy’s motor skills were also good. He kept his eyes on the frisbee’s trajectory and didn’t look down.

Everyone was afraid that he would fall, but he didn’t stumble. When he saw that the height was about right, he suddenly jumped and collided with it.

Snap! The frisbee hit his chest, and he quickly held onto it.

Thud! The boy landed and knelt on the ground.

Everyone stared at him without blinking.The boy stood up straight and raised the frisbee.

This time, Lin Baici didn’t need to take the lead. Everyone spontaneously applauded and shouted, “Thank you!”

“Hehe!” The boy quickly ran back.

“How does it feel?” Lin Baici asked.

“I can catch the remaining eight throws, no problem!” the boy replied confidently.

The second person’s confidence was clearly boosted.

“Go take a rest!” Lin Baici said, exactly what he wanted to hear. It had a stabilizing effect on morale.

“Captain, let me take the third one!” the boy in slippers rubbed his hands eagerly.

As for the title of captain, it was because he often played online games. The commanders who led the team in large-scale dungeons were called captains.

“You wait a moment!” Lin Baici picked a girl with medium-length hair.

According to the Food God’s food review, this girl had practiced gymnastics and had excellent flexibility. She was the type who could handle tough situations, like being made into grilled meat.

“A girl?” Number 24 questioned, “Is she capable?”

This girl seemed thin and weak, with not much flesh on her.

“Quiet! Just watch!” Lin Baici signaled everyone not to worry.

The third dog, a bulldog, walked a distance and then threw the frisbee.

The gymnast immediately started running, agile like a dancing deer in the jungle.

But just as everyone was focused on watching her, a scream suddenly came from the three o’clock direction.

“Ah!” The sound was so miserable, as if someone was being torn apart by a car.

Everyone instinctively turned their heads to look, even the gymnast turned her head for a moment. Then everyone saw a group of dogs viciously tearing apart a boy.

He made a mistake and failed to catch the fourth frisbee.

“Don’t watch, catch the frisbee!” Number 24 shouted.

Oops, I forgot about that.

Other people’s mistakes could also affect the mentality of their own candidates.

But he quickly realized that the girl was not affected. She just glanced at the bitten boy and continued to focus on the frisbee.

“Awesome, she’s really stable!” Number 24 exclaimed.

Without any suspense, the gymnast skillfully caught the frisbee and successfully landed.

Everyone applauded and cheered.

“Thank you!” The voice soared in the sky, harmonizing with the blue sky.

The gymnast smiled slightly and returned with light steps. When she handed the leg of the giant locust to Lin Baici, she seemed a bit reluctant.

If I hold it, I can perform many difficult moves. Winning an Olympic gold medal would be no problem!

The gymnast thought about how her gymnastics career had already ended and sighed.

“I was really scared just now. I was afraid you would be scared and make a mistake,” Xia Hongyao patted her chest, feeling relieved.

“You have a big heart!” She Niu, the social girl, gave a thumbs up.

“Hehe, if you have experienced falling from the uneven bars and fracturing your spleen, constantly spitting blood, you won’t be afraid of this!” The gymnast forced a smile. Gymnasts always get injured, don’t they?

Broken legs, falling into a coma, spitting blood non-stop, those were considered mild. The gymnast had even seen someone become paralyzed from a high fall, their life ruined forever.

Compared to that, their screams were much worse than the boy who got bitten by a dog.

“We’re really lucky!” Ning Meng let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s not luck, it’s the captain’s good choice!” The boy in slippers asked curiously, “What divine taboo did you use to select people? Let us see!”

“After the rule contamination is over, I’ll show you!” Lin Baici selected the fourth person. Xia Hongyao looked at him suspiciously. She felt that Lin Baici didn’t randomly choose people.

In fact, he didn’t.

Lin Baici estimated that in the third round, someone would make a mistake and be bitten by a dog. If an ordinary person heard the screams, they would definitely panic. So he chose this gymnast.

Generally speaking, athletes have strong resistance to pressure because they have experienced several competitions.

The Ferris wheel not far away slowly turned.

The setting sun cast a beautiful glow on the lake, shimmering with waves. With the pleasant temperature, it was perfect for a family picnic.

But what was happening on the lawn was not so pleasant.

People started making mistakes, and without exception, they were bitten by the ten wild dogs following them.

A man relied on his good legs and ran desperately. Never mind that this was in the midst of rule contamination, he couldn’t escape. A person’s speed couldn’t surpass that of hunting dogs.

A tall Doberman caught up to him, pounced on him, and bit his neck accurately, shaking its head and tearing at him.

The other wild dogs also joined in. Blood splattered, and flesh was torn apart.

Soon, the man was bitten to the point where his appearance couldn’t be recognized.

The atmosphere on the lawn became oppressive.

“Catching a frisbee is ordinary, but if you add the additional condition of death, it increases the pressure. With increased pressure, mistakes will happen!” Number 24 sighed.

“We’ve all taken many exams since childhood, and we’ve definitely made mistakes due to nervousness. At that time, the worst outcome was a bad grade. But now, we can die!”

The social girl spoke, looking at Lin Baici with gratitude.

The more times they caught the frisbee, the higher the chance of making a mistake. And now, Lin Baici had selected the most capable person to catch the frisbee.

Looking at the third girl to appear, she seemed calm.

“Don’t panic, catching the frisbee at this speed is not difficult!” Lin Baici encouraged everyone.At this moment, confidence is the most important.

The game of catching the frisbee continued, and people were occasionally tackled.

“Damn!” The delivery guy felt his legs go weak after catching it for the fifth time.

He suddenly regretted it.

He shouldn’t have agreed to that girl.

“I must be out of my mind!”

In reality, what the delivery guy was thinking was that if he could find a girl with a bachelor’s or even a master’s degree, he could bring her back to his hometown and make his parents very happy. The whole village would envy him.

Plus, the frisbee game that the delivery guy saw Lin Baici and his group playing didn’t seem too difficult, so he impulsively agreed.

“Keep going, only five more times!” The girl encouraged the delivery guy.

“I’m at a loss, you have to marry me!” The delivery guy took the opportunity to make a demand.

“Can you give up now?”

The girl hesitated for a moment and then quickly changed her words, “Let’s spend some time together. If it works out, we can get married!”

“Don’t worry, I will repay you!” The girl promised.

Upon hearing this, the delivery guy became angry, “Damn it, I’m risking my life for you right now, and you’re still considering it?”

The girl quickly responded, partly complaining and partly explaining, with a hint of tears in her voice, “We’ve only met twice. Do you believe that I would agree right away? When I say I’m considering it, it means I truly recognize your character.”

“…” The delivery guy listened and realized that she had a point.

So he stopped being angry and focused on catching the frisbee.

On Lin Baici’s side, it was the fifth person’s turn, and he asked the tall guy to go.

It was an easy and successful catch.

For the sixth person, the guy in slippers stepped up.

“It’s finally my turn!” The guy in slippers clasped his hands together, raised them above his head, twisted his waist, and did warm-up exercises.

“Don’t be careless!”

Lin Baici reminded him and suddenly regretted letting this guy go.

The guy in slippers had a big heart and a sense of justice, but he was too carefree and only focused on having fun.

Lin Baici estimated that besides himself and Xia Hongyao, this guy in slippers was the least flustered person.

Fortunately, the guy in slippers performed well and caught the frisbee steadily.

“You see, piece of cake!”

The guy in slippers hugged his girlfriend and kissed her, looking like a triumphant hero.

For the seventh person, the girl in workout pants stepped up.

“If I had known this day would come, I would have gone to the court and practiced frisbee. Now I have some experience.”

The girl in workout pants laughed at herself.

The so-called frisbee girl was someone who wore revealing clothes and played frisbee on the court, seemingly for sports, but actually to hunt for high-quality men.

[Oh no, the difficulty is increasing. The frisbee will become extremely fast and unpredictable.]

Upon hearing this, Lin Baici immediately reminded the girl in workout pants, “It’s the seventh round now, and the difficulty might increase again. Don’t jump too early, pay attention to the trajectory of the frisbee, it might move irregularly.”

“Really?” The girl in workout pants worried, and everyone’s confidence, which was initially high, was also shaken by Lin Baici’s words.

“Yes, I understand!” The girl in workout pants nodded and ran out.

This time, a German Shepherd was used as the frisbee. With a shake of its head, the frisbee flew more than thirty meters.


Everyone was shocked. Because of Lin Baici’s reminder, the girl in workout pants was mentally prepared and didn’t panic. She immediately rushed out.

Years of night running had made her physically fit, and she didn’t even get out of breath after running a few steps.

“Damn, it’s moving!”

The girl with a strong personality cursed.

The frisbee was swaying left and right, making it difficult to judge where it would land.

Lin Baici’s expression became serious as he activated the red rolling stone.

The clay figure hidden in the grass, like a cheetah, quickly rushed out.

The girl in workout pants couldn’t keep up with the frisbee’s speed, but she was stumped on how to catch it. She was afraid of dropping it.

“Don’t be afraid, catch it!” Number 24 shouted.

Seeing this, the others also shouted. This made the girl in workout pants even more flustered.

“Everyone, shut up and don’t disturb her!” Lin Baici shouted angrily.

But it was useless. The girl in workout pants had already been disturbed. So many voices represented so much hope placed on her.

If she failed… the girl in workout pants didn’t dare to think about it.

Lin Baici immediately activated the sound of the Buddhist chant, loudly shouting, “Do your best, no one will blame you if you fail!”

Under the influence of the Buddhist chant, the girl in workout pants quickly calmed down.

She gave it her all! The girl in workout pants seized the opportunity, jumped, and reached out her hand.

Snap! She caught the frisbee.

Bang! The girl in workout pants fell to the ground and happily shouted, “I did it!”

“Great job!” Everyone cheered.

Lin Baici then looked at number 24 and asked, “Can you do it?”

“Who do you think I am looking down on?”

Feng Qin spat, “If it’s just like this, I can catch two at once!”

“Hey, don’t jinx it. What if it really throws out two?” She Niu said, startling number 24.

“Damn it, don’t say that!” Number 24 lightly slapped his mouth.

“Feng Qin, go for it!” Xiaohuyao encouraged him.

Number 24 didn’t go immediately, but instead looked at Xia Hongyao, “Can she do it?”

Because he had competed with Lin Baici before, Feng Qin knew that he was strong, but he wasn’t sure about this female bear.

“Judging from the situation, it will probably get harder as we go on. Should we let her go first?” Feng Qin suggested.

“No need, you go first!”

The eighth round began, and this time it was a Teddy.

“Just this?” Feng Qin felt that this little dog couldn’t throw it far.

“Don’t underestimate it!” Xiaohuyao reminded him.

“Don’t worry!” Feng Qin attempted to run his left hand through his hair, striking a cool pose, but the Teddy had already thrown the frisbee.

This time, the frisbee skimmed the ground, flying out at about a foot high, fast and furious!

“Holy shit!” Feng Qin cursed, immediately breaking into a sprint.

“Ah!” The crowd screamed, the sudden change catching them off guard.

It must be said that Feng Qin, standing at 1.91 meters tall with long legs, was a force to be reckoned with when he started running.

Feng Qin caught up with the frisbee, but it suddenly accelerated, causing the crowd, who had barely caught their breath, to tense up again.

“Watch out for the frisbee suddenly hitting the ground!” Lin Baici shouted.

Feng Qin, who had been adjusting his posture to catch the frisbee in the most comfortable and least error-prone way, heard this and immediately leapt into the air without hesitation. His long arm stretched out, like a basketball player making a flying save on the court, and with a smack, he caught it.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Feng Qin fell to the ground, rolling several times.

“Feng Qin!” Xiaohuya ran out worriedly.

“He’s got the girl now!” the man in slippers said enviously.

“What? You want a girl too?” His girlfriend twisted his ear.

Their antics lightened the atmosphere considerably.

“Hey!” Feng Qin, holding Xiaohuya in one arm and raising the frisbee with the other, shouted at Lin Baici, “How’s that?”

The meaning of his boast was clear.

Look, even though you impressed Xiaohuya with your performance that day, and she might even agree to be your girlfriend if you pursued her, in the end, she’s in my arms.

Lin Baici clapped. This boy who liked to wear the Lakers’ number 24 was arrogant and possessive, but his dive was for the sake of the hundred or so people present.

He deserved this applause.

The others also began to clap.

“Xiaoying, I’m sorry, I was cowardly just now. I swear, I won’t be like this in the future. I will protect you!”

Feng Qin apologized.

The moment Xiaohuya threw herself at him, he was so happy he could have exploded. He realized then that he truly loved this girl.

He loved her every look, her light laughter, and her little white tiger tooth.

That’s why he had been so angry and provoked Lin Baici when Xia Xiaoying had given Lin Baici an extra glance that morning.

“Mm!” Xiaohuya nodded.

Feng Qin walked up to Lin Baici, pounded his chest, and said, “I did it, and you should too. Keep it up!”

In Feng Qin’s heart, he actually acknowledged that Lin Baici was stronger than him, which was why he let Lin Baici go last.

“Xiaolin, I’ll go in the last round, okay?”

Xia Hongyao felt that she was better suited for this physical task than Lin Baici.

“You go first!”

The situation was clear. The difficulty of catching the frisbee was increasing, and as a man, Lin Baici couldn’t let Gao Matou bear the greatest risk and pressure.

“Alright!” With little time left, Xia Hongyao didn’t insist.

A Caucasian dog ran out with a frisbee in its mouth, and suddenly, it shook its head and threw the frisbee.

“Holy shit, there are two?”

“Damn, we’re screwed!”

“Isn’t this cheating?”

The crowd was dumbfounded and desperate when they saw two frisbees flying out of the dog’s mouth.

“Fuck!” Feng Qin cursed and instinctively wanted to run over and catch one.

Smack! Lin Baici grabbed Feng Qin’s arm, “Everyone stay still, trust her!”

The man in slippers, the woman in workout pants, the tall man…

Several people had already run out, but they stopped when they heard Lin Baici’s words.

Xia Hongyao’s intelligence was D, but her strength and speed were both A. Her body was definitely world-class. After the Caucasian dog threw out two frisbees,

She showed no surprise or panic, and shot out directly.

Two frisbees, one skimming the ground and the other flying in a parabola towards the distance.

If Lin Baici were on the field, he would definitely catch the one on the ground first, because it could land at any time.

Gao Matou didn’t think so, because she didn’t have that cognitive ability. She purely relied on her instinctive reaction and charged towards the frisbee skimming the ground.

At this moment, she relied more on her intuition.

Xia Hongyao sprinted across the lawn, her black hair tied up in a high ponytail fluttering in the wind like a battle flag, her chest heaving…

Peaks clustered, waves raging.

She took a step on the path of life and death!

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