Vol.2 – Chapter 21 – Merfolk Tribe

The stone eggs were not born from the Dragon Turtle, but were formed on the trees!

These locust trees somehow absorbed the true essence of the Dragon Turtle, some of which was condensed within their bodies, while others formed into stone eggs.

Su He rose high into the air, carried by a wave, and looked around to see no boundaries.

This was a place similar to a swamp, dim and murky. Su He’s vision was obstructed here, and he could not see clearly beyond a hundred miles. There were small beasts in the forest, but most of them were sneaky creatures like snakes, rats, insects, and ants.

For a moment, he could not find the locust tree that had pulled them in. He couldn’t even find a single locust tree with a human face.

If it weren’t for the tragic return of the locust trees, clearly under someone’s command, he would even suspect that the human-faced locust tree was the culprit that had pulled them in.

This place gave Su He a bad feeling, it was filled with a grave-like atmosphere. Su He even suspected, could this be the place where the Dragon Turtle fell?

But when a Divine Beast falls, it nourishes the heavens and the earth, and it should form a blessed land. How could it be so gloomy?

There was definitely something wrong with these locust trees!

The toad put away his pipe, squinting at the two locust trees in the distance that had formed stone eggs: “So this is how the stone eggs came about. Is there something related to the Dragon Turtle buried under those two locust trees?”

Otherwise, it couldn’t be explained.

“Huh?” Feng Yaya’s eyes lit up.

The three exchanged glances, and Su He rode a wave towards the two large trees, carrying a person and a frog.

In a moment, they rushed out of the meteorite pit and into the locust tree forest. Before the turtle arrived, the locust trees were already screaming and fleeing in panic.

The two egg-bearing locust trees were screaming and struggling, but they couldn’t pull their roots out of the ground, as if something beneath the earth was holding them down.

The locust trees shook violently, and the two stone eggs collided in the shaking, exploding with a loud bang. The two locust trees, along with the other trees that couldn’t escape in time, were all blown to pieces.

Su He let out a low hum, and a wall of water formed in front of him, blocking the flying wood chips. Screams and black smoke rose from the water wall. Silver-white turtle essence, like little snakes, surged into his body.

They were still so active.

Turtle Essence +4

The numbers on the mirror jumped.

In the far distance, an old locust tree that had been shortened by three sections felt the explosion of the turtle egg, and its leaves twitched.

The Dragon Turtle had suppressed him here, how could he let him break the seal and escape? Moreover, there were the Dragon Turtle’s dependents, a tribe of merfolk hidden around, they would not let him leave easily.

This stone egg was a means of restriction.

At first, the stone egg was conceived under the stone, and a turtle broke out of the shell, causing great damage to the locust tree forest. It took him two thousand years to slightly modify the seal rules, condense the stone egg on the tree, and use the breath of the locust tree to destroy the structure of the stone egg, making the turtle a stillborn. Then throw it to the outside world.

But before the stone egg matured, it must not be touched.

It will explode!


The toad tilted his head to look at Su He, tapping his pipe on his shell: “Young man, what are you doing?”

He had noticed several times that Su He’s state was not right, as if he was suddenly exerting his power. Just raising a water wall, was it necessary to make such a big fuss?

At such a young age, was This Turtle so weak?

Su He slowly exhaled a turbid breath: “Absorbing the true essence of the Dragon Turtle, every locust tree here contains a strand of the Dragon Turtle’s true essence!”

The toad opened his mouth, looking incredulous.

True essence wasn’t anything rare, how come he hadn’t noticed?

He looked around and still found nothing. Even when he entered a completely ethereal state and used the unique perception of a soul beast to comprehend, he still found nothing.

He turned his head and looked at Su He in confusion, only to see Feng Yaya let out a light exclamation, floating up from the Dragon Turtle’s Turtle Mountain, swaying as if she wanted to go to the sky.

Who was the thief attacking the camp?!

Su He roared, his Divine Sense spreading out, but he found nothing.

Feng Yaya laughed: “How interesting, someone is summoning me.”

She felt as if a thread-like thing was tied to her body, pulling her away, and a sweet voice of a young lady came from the thread: “My lord, come with me……”

Su He’s heart was about to jump out: “Stop messing around! Refuse! You can’t go anywhere!”

Could the summons from this strange place be casually accepted?

“Right!” Feng Yaya blinked and looked down at Su He: “Big Turtle, are you afraid that if I leave, no one will protect you?”

She stood with her hands on her hips, a proud look on her face, I, Feng Yaya, am invincible!

Su He was speechless.

Feng Yaya giggled: “Although it feels very interesting, I have to guard Big Turtle! See you next time, Miss!” Feng Yaya waved her hand and snapped the thread, the whole little person fell on the turtle shell with a thud, bounced up, and laughed heartlessly.

In a clean water area, a red mermaid girl swam quickly towards the bottom of the water.

As she swam, she shouted: “Grandma! Grandma! Something’s happened!”

From the round dome houses at the bottom of the water that looked like snow houses, several merfolk dressed as guards swam out, guarding an old mermaid in the center.

A robust merman next to her frowned and snorted: “You’re too old to be so clumsy!”

He was the chief of the merfolk, the girl’s father.

The mermaid girl stuck her tongue out at him, then quickly turned to the surrounded grandma, who was the tribe’s priestess, highly respected.

The old woman frowned slightly: “Little girl, I remember you were guarding the formation altar today. Did something happen to the formation altar?”

The mermaid girl shook her head: “The formation altar is fine, but something happened to the sealed land. Some outsiders accidentally entered the sealed land, broke the ten-mile-old locust trees, and I tried to summon them out, but failed.”

The priestess’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and she swam towards the surface of the water. Using the momentum, she leaped high to look at the sealed land.

This was a vast marshland—not a swamp, but a marshland more expansive than a lake, tranquil and peaceful. Only in one corner, a muddy swamp was enveloped by a lid-like seal. It was dark inside.

The sacrificial elder emerged from the water, taking on a human form. She hovered in the air, looking at the sealed area.

The sealed area had grown larger over the millennia. This was not due to the strengthening of the seal, but because the entity sealed within was expanding its territory.

Upon closer inspection, a patch of earthy yellow could be seen amidst the darkness. A locust tree forest had been destroyed.

The gods had perished, and their followers no longer had the power to seal this spirit tribe demon. This was the most significant destruction of the locust tree forest in a thousand years.

The sacrificial elder descended back into the water. After a moment of silence, she turned to the merfolk chieftain beside her, “Prepare the altar, I will summon it myself. Whoever can break through the ten-mile locust forest will be our benefactor. We must not let anything happen to him in the forest!”

Breaking through the ten-mile locust forest would inevitably provoke an attack from the forest. They had to act quickly!

The chieftain hesitated slightly, but the elder glared at him. He hurriedly waved his hand, “Elder, don’t misunderstand. Preparing the altar will take at least a day. I’m afraid something might happen to our benefactor during this time. How about I lead the hunting team to break through the locust forest directly and try to bring our benefactor back?”

The sacrificial elder hesitated for a moment, then nodded, “Please put on my divine armor… and take care of yourself!”

The chieftain nodded and turned to leave.

From under the water, the chieftain’s deep voice could be heard, “Hunting teams Alpha and Beta, follow me to retrieve our benefactor. Teams Gamma and Delta, guard the elder and do not leave her side!”

The sacrificial elder turned to the merfolk girl, “You return to the formation altar and continue the summoning. Don’t stop for a moment!”

If the summoning was unsuccessful, it didn’t matter. As long as the person was still alive, there was a target for the summoning. If the summoning didn’t land on a specific person, they would know that something had happened, and this would allow the chieftain to retreat as quickly as possible.

That locust forest was a place sealed by the gods, not to be entered lightly!

In fact, Feng Yaya was not wrong.

With the protection of the jade pendant and the boost from the finger tiger, she was indeed the main force in the team.

Whoever summoned Feng Yaya away at this moment would be an eternal enemy.

The kind that undermines one’s support!

After all, he was currently weak, and his combat power was discounted.

Su He released a trace of turtle energy from his Mind’s Eye, slowly nourishing his body. Feng Yaya beside him floated up again, looking elated.

(End of Chapter)

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