Chapter 127 – Confess?

Fortunately, Mi Cai took a long time to wash up. After I finished smoking, I opened the window and the smell of smoke in the room quickly dissipated. Everything returned to normal, but my gloom did not dissipate with the smoke. My mind was filled with the image of Jian Wei leaving.


Mi Cai finally came out of the bathroom. Even though she was bare-faced, her beauty seemed to be etched onto her face. In the quiet of the night, she seemed so unreal. I thought to myself: women really shouldn't be this beautiful, they should be more ordinary.


"Zhao Yang, who won the car race between you and Wei Xiao today?" she asked.


"I did."


"Oh, a motor with a hundred thousand revolutions is indeed powerful!"


"It's okay."


Mi Cai didn't notice my reluctance to talk and asked again, "Did he invite you to KFC?"


"No, I invited him."


"But didn't you win?… With your character, would you let the little fat guy off easily?"


Mi Cai's words reminded me of Wei Xiao's lonely life, and my thoughts were pulled back. I patted the sofa, indicating her to sit down and talk.


Mi Cai sat down next to me, seemingly interested in why I would invite the little fat guy to eat.


In my gloom, I told Mi Cai about Wei Xiao's life. After I finished, I looked at her and found that she was crying, unable to control her tears.


Only then did I realize that Wei Xiao's life was very similar to hers. The difference was: she had ample material resources to fill her life, while Wei Xiao had nothing but a grandfather who depended on him.


I took a tissue from the box and handed it to her. She wiped her tears but continued to cry sadly. Perhaps this was the pain of empathy. I blamed myself a bit. I shouldn't have told her about Wei Xiao's life.


In the quiet of the night, a woman crying softly beside me filled my heart with torment, but I didn't know how to comfort her. The night made people emotional…


In my confusion, I said to Mi Cai, "If you don't mind, I can lend you my shoulder to cry on for a while."


Mi Cai really leaned on my shoulder and sobbed, as if she had found a support and cried even harder.


I understood her feelings at this moment. She was tired. She really missed her father, Mi Zhongxin. If Mi Zhongxin were still alive, he wouldn't let Mi Zhongde control Zhuo Mei as he pleased, and she wouldn't have to face the cruel business competition so alone. She would still be the little princess protected by her father.


After a long time, Mi Cai finally left my shoulder, but left a tear stain on my jacket. She took out a tissue to wipe the tears from her face and apologized to me, "I'll send your jacket to the dry cleaners when I have time."


"It's not necessary, I don't mind your tears."


Mi Cai's mood had calmed down a bit. She looked at me and said, "Haven't you heard of the saying 'tears and snot in abundance'?"


"Do you mean you also smeared snot on my clothes?"


"When you're upset, who cares about that? So I'm really sorry for dirtying your handsome jacket."


I looked at my jacket and sighed, "Uh… now that you mention it, it does seem pretty handsome!"


We looked at each other and laughed. At this moment, we could only lighten our emotional burden in this way.


After laughing, we fell silent again. Because all the joy in suffering is temporary, and the pain has already been etched into our bones. After a long time, I finally asked Mi Cai, "If I'm not mistaken, Wei Ran must have been with you during the most painful time in your life, and he must have helped you a lot, right?"


Mi Cai nodded and said, "Yes, he's the one who taught me to play the guitar. If it weren't for him, I can't imagine how I would have gotten through that time!"


I was silent, but I felt a bit envious of Wei Ran. If I had met Mi Cai at that time, I think, I would also teach her to play the guitar…


Mi Cai smiled again and said, "Actually, I'm quite lucky. I have him as a friend in America, and when I came back to China, I met you. Because of you, I got to know CC and Robben. You all treat me very well!"


I felt a bit lost. Perhaps Mi Cai didn't have any special feelings for me. I was just one of her many friends.


I hid my disappointment and laughed, "Don't forget the pain once the wound has healed. Do I treat you well?… I remember throwing away your quilt and sheets."


"But you wouldn't do that now, would you?"


"Don't be so sure!"


"The relationship between people is built up bit by bit after understanding each other. At that time, I also wished I could send you to the police station, but now I don't have such thoughts at all. Although you are still the same you, I understand you much better."


I agreed with Mi Cai's words and felt her thoughtfulness. Although she seemed indifferent, her inner world was as rich as mine. While I was sensing and guessing her, she was also sensing me and guessing me.


But why did we change into what we are now? I hope it's not because I once helped her, but because the subtle changes in our daily life have changed us.


The night grew deeper, and Mi Cai became quieter. Looking at her, my tired heart suddenly throbbed. At this moment, I didn't want to think about the painful past anymore. I wanted to confess my feelings to her… but I couldn't open my mouth. I felt that she had no reason to be my girlfriend. Even if she really wanted to find a boyfriend, it should be Wei Ran, who is wealthy and has given her a lot of comfort and care during her painful times… So my expression became more and more struggling!


Mi Cai looked at me and asked in confusion, "Zhao Yang, do you have something to say to me?"




Mi Cai looked at me, waiting patiently. My breathing seemed a bit rushed, or maybe not. Anyway, I was very nervous at this moment and didn't have time to pay attention to her expression."Um… You took my jacket to the dry cleaners, didn't you?" I said, taking off my jacket and tossing it to Mi Cai.


Mi Cai caught my jacket and after a moment, she said to me, "Do you have to stutter and stammer like this when you talk to me about this?"


"How should I talk to you then?"


Mi Cai didn't respond to my words. She folded the jacket neatly and placed it on the coffee table. After a long while, she said to me, "It's getting late, I'm going to rest."


"Oh, okay!"


"You should rest early too… Oh, when I come back from Shanghai, let's go find Wei Xiao together. I want to help him."


"Okay, no problem." I quickly agreed.


Mi Cai looked at me again, but didn't say anything else. She then got up from the sofa and walked towards her room, leaving me alone in the empty living room.


I quickly ran to the balcony and lit a cigarette for myself, feeling a wave of fear in my heart. I was lucky to have restrained myself just now. I knew very well that in the quiet of the night, people are extremely emotional. Any confession based on emotion is just playing the rogue, and I really didn't want to leave a rogue mark in Mi Cai's life.


What I fear more is the pain of rejection!

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