Chapter 113 – Crazy dog eats people

The owners of these barbecue stalls are most afraid of people getting drunk and causing trouble. If they get seriously injured and end up in the hospital, it will be very troublesome.

“I’m not dead, just drunk. Come and see if you don’t believe me!”

Lin Baici kicked the shoulder of the person next to his right foot.

Gu Qingxiang squatted beside the two unconscious men, checked them, and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that there was no problem.

“You’re all still young. What’s the point of fighting and going to jail or getting hospitalized?”

The boss was on the verge of tears.

He was actually very grateful to Lin Baici. If it weren’t for him knocking down two people with one punch and shocking these two groups of people, that big guy would definitely have caused a big commotion.

But now the problem is, are these two guys okay?

The boss squatted beside the two men, saw that they didn’t have any major injuries on the surface, and no scratches either, but he didn’t know if they had any internal injuries.

Lin Baici looked at the big guy who had first picked up a chair and was about to attack. “Are you sober now?”

There were vomit stains at the corners of the big guy’s mouth. He stood there, swaying, and even Lin Baici had a slight sway when he looked at him, but his mind had already calmed down a lot.

Damn it!

This guy is tough.

When the big guy was in junior high and high school, he was a troublemaker. Plus, he had some connections at home, so he could handle any trouble that followed. That’s why he had been in many fights.

But even so, he didn’t dare to aim at important parts of others when fighting. If he really killed someone, he would have to go to jail. But the guy in front of him…

Damn it!

He just came up and knocked the person down with two punches. When he saw his companions fall to the ground, the big guy broke out in a cold sweat. This kind of appearance, where someone is knocked out and falls straight to the ground, usually doesn’t result in death, but it’s a severe concussion.

Generally speaking, when the person who attacked sees the other person faint, they would take another look. After all, killing someone is no joke.

Who wouldn’t be afraid?

But this guy in front of him didn’t even glance at those two people. His attitude was as if he had casually crushed two ants, completely indifferent.

Look at his eyes, so calm and terrifying.

Damn it!

Why do I feel like he has killed someone before, or at least seen many dead bodies?

The big guy was scared!

He used to be arrogant because he could beat people up, but now he was the one being beaten, and he felt that the other party was so calm that he must have strong connections.

“Wake up! Wake up!”

The big guy wanted to nod, but he had drunk too much and his head wasn’t cooperating.

There’s no other way,

He can’t chicken out. The other person knocked out a strong man with one punch, so if he were to fight back, it would be self-inflicted humiliation.

“I’ll pay! I’ll pay!”

The big guy was obedient.

“Help these two guys back, I’ll call…”

Lin Baici instructed.

After being affected by the Drunken Immortal Fist, it’s like being drunk and passing out. After a sleep, there are no major issues with the body.

Lin Baici knew that there were no aftereffects, but these people didn’t know, so he gave his name to reassure them. Even if something happened to their friends, they could still find him.

In fact, even if Lin Baici didn’t give his name, they wouldn’t be able to escape if they wanted to find him, because there are surveillance cameras all over the street.

But before Lin Baici could say his name, Gu Qingxiang interrupted.

“I’m Gu Qingxiang, a counselor in the software engineering department. If they have any problems, they can come to me.”

Gu Qingxiang also left her phone number.

Lin Baici took action because she stopped these people, so she couldn’t involve Lin Baici. If the other party wanted trouble, she would handle it.

Among this group of people, there were some clever ones who secretly dialed this number and heard Gu Qingxiang’s phone ring, so they felt relieved.

When Lin Baici heard the phone ring, his eyebrows raised. “Counselor Gu, let me see your phone. I’ll write down the number. They caused trouble by drinking outside the school, so we need to keep a record.”

“If there’s a number, they can’t run away. Even if they give a fake name now, we can still trace them through the number!”

Lin Baici’s voice was stern.

The guy who called Gu Qingxiang earlier thought he was clever, but now he regretted it and wanted to bang his head against the wall.

Damn it,

I left a trace.

The big guy has been in more fights, so he has experience. When he saw that Gu Qingxiang and Lin Baici didn’t ask for everyone’s names, he knew that they didn’t intend to make a big deal out of it. So he quickly called his companions and helped the two unconscious friends leave.

“Lin, I’m sorry for the trouble!”

Gu Qingxiang apologized.

“If you encounter this kind of situation again, don’t rush forward. Just call the police directly!”

Lin Baici was speechless. Did you really think your role as a counselor is intimidating?

It’s just scaring those obedient good students.


Gu Qingxiang nodded.

Is she being cared for by the students?

Her cheeks were a little red, a little hot, and her heart was pounding like a little rabbit.

“Let’s go.”

Lin Baici looked at the relieved expression of the boss. Thinking about his worried appearance just now, Lin Baici suddenly realized that if he really hit too hard and killed someone, he would be in trouble.

If he became a Divine Hunter of the Nine Provinces Security Bureau, it would be different. Those security officers who have a license to kill can’t kill innocent people indiscriminately either, but with this license, they have room to maneuver.

Why are the Divine Hunters willing to join the Nine Provinces Security Bureau?The salary is just one aspect, the main thing is the official status of these personnel, which represents a kind of status and power. At least if they commit a crime, it will be investigated and interrogated internally by the security bureau, and the police department is not qualified to intervene.

The two of them walked slowly in the night breeze and returned to the school gate, it was already past 9 o’clock.

“You go back!”

Gu Qingxiang is not from Haijing, she stayed in this city after graduation, so she doesn’t have a house. Now she has rented a room in the Bosuo community, which is more than 300 meters away from Haijing University of Technology.

The place is not big, one bedroom and one living room, 40 square meters, but it costs 4500 yuan a month.

“I’ll walk you home.”

Lin Baici didn’t have anything to do anyway.

Gu Qingxiang felt a little embarrassed, but she didn’t refuse Lin Baici’s kindness.

“You just started college, are you used to it?”

Gu Qingxiang asked.

“It’s fine!”

Lin Baici thought to himself that going to college couldn’t be more dangerous than exploring God’s Ruins, right?

And now he has money and a job, as long as he guarantees not to fail the final exams, studying is a breeze.


The only problem should be that he doesn’t have a girlfriend. After all, he has everything else, but it feels like something is missing without a girlfriend.

The two of them chatted casually. When they were not far from an alley, a scream suddenly came from inside.

“Wait here!”

Lin Baici left a word and immediately ran over.

“Be careful!”

Gu Qingxiang didn’t listen to Lin Baici and followed him.

Bosuo is an old community with a history of more than twenty years. Most of the residents are tenants, mostly students from Haijing University of Technology.

Some people graduated and didn’t want to go back to their hometowns, so they stayed here to find jobs, and some came out to live during their college years.

That alley is a shortcut from the community to the school.

It is said that in the early years, someone robbed female college students in there, but since mobile payment became popular and there are surveillance cameras everywhere, the public security has improved a lot.

“I hope it’s just a robbery!”

Gu Qingxiang was very worried.

The most loss from being robbed is the phone and jewelry, but if a girl is harmed, it will leave a lifelong psychological shadow. However, when she saw Lin Baici rushing into the alley in a few breaths, she immediately felt relieved.

Lin Baici’s tall figure, as well as his fearless attitude when facing a dozen people just now, made her full of confidence in this boy.

The alley didn’t have much lighting, either because the lamps were old and not well-maintained, or to save electricity, the light bulbs installed were not very bright, in short, it was dark.

The twilight light actually intensified the terrifying atmosphere. If the weather was bad and there was no moon at night, I’m afraid no girl would dare to walk here.


A girl cried out.


Lin Baici shouted loudly and ran all the way. He thought someone was robbing or being a hooligan, but what he saw was a dirty golden retriever biting a girl.

“A mad dog?”

Lin Baici frowned.

The dog had been tearing at the girl, and it didn’t know how long it had been since it had a bath. Its fur was all tangled and dirty.

Even though the lighting was dim, Lin Baici could still see the bloodshot eyes of the dog and the saliva constantly flowing from its mouth.

When the golden retriever saw someone rushing over, it immediately gave up biting the girl and pounced on Lin Baici.

Using the Muscle Buddha technique could instantly solve the fight, but if someone saw it, it would cause a lot of trouble. It’s better to use the Red Earth Clayman.

Anyway, Lin Baici didn’t expect to take action himself. Although he could win the fight, if he got scratched by the mad dog, he would have to get a rabies vaccine.

“Speaking of which, with my physique, I shouldn’t get rabies, right?”

The divine blessing was activated, and a red rolling stone appeared.

A red clayman appeared under the shadow of the alley wall, swinging a slingshot.


The golden retriever barked wildly and rushed over, suddenly exerting force with its limbs and pounced on Lin Baici.

But before it could bite Lin Baici, a flying stone hit its left eye.



The golden retriever let out a miserable cry and immediately lost its balance.

Lin Baici took advantage of this and jumped up, turned around, and kicked the crazy dog’s head.



The mad dog let out another miserable cry and was kicked to the side, crashing into the wall.


The mad dog fell to the ground and struggled to get up.

Lin Baici took two quick steps and rushed over, kicking its head with great force.


The mad dog fainted.

Lin Baici wanted to pick up a brick and smash the mad dog’s head, but the sanitation worker had cleaned the environment quite clean, except for a few empty milk tea cups and fast food boxes, there was no weapon to attack with.

“Are you okay?”

Lin Baici ran to the girl’s side and saw that her arms, thighs, and clothes were torn and there were traces of bites, with blood stains all over.


The girl was crying.

“Don’t be afraid, the crazy dog is already down, you haven’t been disfigured either. Find a good doctor, there won’t be any scars on your body!”

Lin Baici comforted her.

“Lin classmate, what happened?”

Gu Qingxiang ran over, panting heavily.

“There was a mad dog!”

Lin Baici explained, and at the same time, he dialed 120: “She fainted, but she’s not dead yet.””Oh, I’ll call the school’s security department and ask them to bring tools to handle it. How is the girl?”

Gu Qingxiang made the call.

“She was bitten, but her life should be fine!”

Lin Baici wanted to let go of the girl, but she kept holding onto him. She didn’t have any other intentions, she was just scared.

“You are a student at Haijing University, right? What major are you in? What is the name of your counselor?”

Gu Qingxiang was preparing to call the girl’s counselor, but her emotions were unstable. She kept crying and couldn’t have a normal conversation.

In less than three minutes, the security department arrived with tools.

Because there have been many rabid dogs near the school recently, injuring more than forty students, the principal had given a strict order. If any more students were involved in accidents, the head of the security department would be fired, so they were very proactive.

“Immortal Wood Romance”

The ambulance arrived as well. Lin Baici and Gu Qingxiang took the girl to the hospital. After disinfection and stitching, the girl’s emotions finally stabilized.

Next, they asked for the girl’s basic information and called her counselor.

By the time this counselor Zhao arrived from home, it was already past 2 o’clock in the evening.

Lin Baici and Gu Qingxiang stood in front of the gate of the Third Hospital, waiting for a taxi.

“The dormitory building is already closed!”

Gu Qingxiang was conflicted. It was so late, where could Lin Baici go? He couldn’t sleep on the street, right?


At this hour, there were still people coming and going.


It seemed like the hospital was never empty.

“How about… you stay at my place for the night?”

Being alone in a room with a man, and he was her student, it wouldn’t look good if someone saw them. But Lin Baici couldn’t refuse.

“No, it’s not good for you!”

Lin Baici refused.

Hearing Lin Baici’s words, Gu Qingxiang felt embarrassed. She was too selfish. Look at him, his first concern was his reputation.

“It’s okay, otherwise where will you go at this hour?”

Gu Qingxiang invited. She didn’t doubt Lin Baici’s character and couldn’t help but think that he might do something to her.

“A hotel!”

If it was before, Lin Baici would definitely find an internet cafe to spend the night. But now, he could go to the Hilton. After all, Jin Yingzhen had booked a luxury suite for a year and it would be a waste not to stay there.

“That would be too much for you!”

Gu Qingxiang disagreed.

The taxi arrived and the two got in.

“To Bosuo Community!”

Lin Baici fastened his seatbelt. He didn’t sit in the back seat, but in the passenger seat.

This action made Gu Qingxiang have a good impression of Lin Baici. In the past, when carpooling, someone would intentionally sit next to her and touch her.

After dropping off Gu Qingxiang at Bosuo Community, Lin Baici instructed the driver to go straight to the Hilton Hotel.

Gu Qingxiang watched the taxi drive away and stood in place for a few minutes. Then she went home, but after a few steps, she suddenly remembered.

Lin Baici had paid for the ambulance, 130 yuan, and he hadn’t mentioned it from beginning to end.

He was a generous and magnanimous guy.

Gu Qingxiang quickly called Counselor Zhao and told him not to forget to ask the girl to repay the money.

“What divine taboo has contaminated so many rabid dogs?”

Lin Baici frowned and decided to deal with this problem.

These days, when he had nothing to do, he would stroll around the school and use his hunger radar to search.

They arrived at the hotel.

The girl at the front desk was not the same as last time, but she was still very enthusiastic.

“Mr. Lin, this way, watch your step!”

[A girl with a relatively open mindset, as long as you give her a gift worth around 3,000 yuan, you can have a friendly match for a night.]

[Twenty-four years old, healthy, good skin, although a bit less flexible, but very skilled!]

Lin Baici’s gaze fell on the girl’s legs.

The black stockings were shining under the lights.

“3,000 yuan!”

For Lin Baici now, this amount of money was no different from a few cents. He could spend it and have a fun night, but he still held back.

The next morning, after having breakfast at the first-floor restaurant, Lin Baici was preparing to return to school when the hotel manager came.

“Mr. Lin, how was your stay last night? Are you satisfied?”

The manager, in his forties, handed over a business card with both hands.


Lin Baici took the card. “I don’t have one of these!”

He didn’t want to give the impression that he looked down on the manager and didn’t give him a business card.

“Don’t misunderstand, Mr. Lin. You have a Mercedes-Benz in the parking lot that hasn’t been driven for many days. It has been left there, which is not good for the engine.”

The manager explained with a smile. He didn’t mean to pry into Lin Baici’s privacy at all. It was purely because he was a big customer that he cared so much.

After all, he had booked a luxury suite for a year. If the service was not good, he might switch to another hotel next year, and he would lose a lot.

Lin Baici frowned slightly. This was indeed a problem.

“If you don’t want to drive yourself, we can arrange for someone to drive you, using your car or the hotel’s car, both are fine.”

The hotel also had cars. With Lin Baici’s spending, he wouldn’t have to pay for the ride.

“But I suggest you take your own car. It’s a pity to let such an expensive Benz sit idle!”

The manager, with a friendly face, spoke in a pleasant tone.

“Then please arrange a driver to take me in the Benz, thank you.”

Taking a taxi would cost money, it’s better to use his own car. As for his student status, it probably wouldn’t matter if people found out.

“Wow, a Mercedes AMG! Sister Hong, what’s the background of that guy?”

The receptionist who had seen Lin Baici off yesterday couldn’t help but exclaim when she saw the hotel driver pick up Lin Baici in a Mercedes AMG.

“What, feeling regretful for not seizing the opportunity yesterday?”

Sister Hong teased. As the front desk supervisor, she was familiar with the information of these guests.

“He’s broke, all he has is that face. I wouldn’t lose anything by being his girlfriend!”

The receptionist giggled, “But someone like me, he would probably just play around with, not consider as a girlfriend. Why bother?”

“As long as you know!” Sister Hong warned, “Anyway, don’t mess with that young man!”

Sister Hong hadn’t forgotten the Korean woman who booked the room. Lin Baici might be her pet dog. If he was touched by a female employee of her hotel, she definitely wouldn’t let it go.

When Lin Baici returned to the dormitory, Qian Jiahui was still sleeping in.

“Aren’t you going to class again?”

Lin Baici picked up his calculus textbook, ready to go to the classroom.

“You played all night and still plan to go to class? You really have a lot of energy!”

Qian Jiahui looked at Lin Baici.

“What do you mean, what did I play?”

Lin Baici was both amused and annoyed. Qian Jiahui must have misunderstood. Just as he was about to explain, Gu Qingxiang called.

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