Chapter 123 – Seduce and Kill Sergei

For ordinary people, curse magic is simply the “devil’s technique”.

But for alchemists with a certain amount of knowledge, any technique can be traced back to its origin.

“Curse magic… is it essentially something similar to a parasitic nature? It must be because I breathed in or had skin contact with the green blood of those crows earlier, that I got infected…”

Su’en automatically recalled related knowledge in his mind.

He also guessed the process of how he got cursed.

The red-eyed crows from earlier were not only used for surveillance, but more importantly, they were the medium for the “plague doctor” Sergei to cast curse magic. Those crows were shot and their green blood splattered everywhere, which was unavoidable. Whether they were shot or not, the crows themselves were the source of the plague.

Su’en looked at his attribute panel, his brows furrowing.

At this moment, a negative status prompt appeared: [Raven’s Blood Curse], consuming 1% of vitality per minute, giving birth to green blood ravens.

Just now, he spat out a live crow, which was a distorted monster born from the curse using its flesh and blood.

Being cursed was equivalent to having a continuous blood loss status in the game.

The consumption of 1% vitality per minute did not mean that a person would die when it reached 100%. In fact, when it reached around 30%, a person would fall into a weakened state, and at most 60%, their life would be in danger.

Hmm, the psychological damage was also quite significant.

If an ordinary person encountered suddenly spitting out a living creature with feathers in their mouth, not to mention the extent of the damage, they would be scared half to death.

Su’en now felt strange even swallowing saliva. There seemed to be something foreign in his throat that he couldn’t swallow.

He thought and injected himself with a recovery potion.

The momentum of vitality loss eased, but it didn’t cure it.

If recovery potions were continuously injected, their effectiveness would gradually decrease, and the body would not be able to withstand it.

To completely resolve it, he could only find the correct method to lift the curse. Otherwise, he would be sucked to death.


At this moment, a red-eyed crow suddenly flew onto the handlebar of the motorcycle and cawed, “Kid, you have been cursed by me. I’ll give you a chance to survive…”

But before the crow could finish speaking, Su’en seemed to have no interest in listening and shot it, turning it into a mass of green blood mist with feathers flying everywhere.


I fucking believe you.

After causing such a big commotion in the inner city, Su’en had killed more than ten members of the Umbrella Organization. He didn’t have any hope of being caught and still staying alive.

Even if he wanted to survive, it definitely wouldn’t be relying on this guy.

He could only rely on himself.

Without thinking, Su’en knew that the crow’s words were either asking him to surrender or trying to buy time…

Su’en knew very well that this was also Sergei’s method. The crows themselves didn’t have much combat power, and now with the “curse” being applied, they could only engage in verbal battles.

But it also revealed one thing, which was that Sergei’s main body was still some distance away from here. Otherwise, there would be no need to use crows to relay messages.

Sergei was indeed very strong, but no matter how strong he was, he couldn’t kill someone from a distance. How could he take advantage of a few crows?

Su’en didn’t pay attention to this guy’s intentions.

Then, another crow flew over and threatened, “You’re looking for death! I now…”

Before it could finish speaking, it was shot again.

This action completely enraged the flock of crows. At this moment, these hundreds of crows unexpectedly formed a formation and charged towards Su’en’s motorcycle. The damage wasn’t significant, but it disturbed his line of sight and slowed down his riding speed.

“Heh… as expected, they want to buy time.”

Su’en looked at the increasing number of crows in the sky and decided not to escape. The buildings in the block became the crows’ cover, making it inconvenient to shoot. So he simply drove the motorcycle to an open area.

Once he arrived at the open area, the flock of crows immediately followed, their imposing manner wanting to peck at Su’en’s eyes and obstruct his vision.

Su’en squeezed the brakes, and the motorcycle abruptly stopped. Then, he extended his hands into the air, conjuring two puppets without any hesitation, and unleashed a barrage of phosphorus fire into the sky!

Can’t do anything to you second-tier professionals, can’t do anything to a few dumb birds?

The flames caught the crows off guard, and hundreds of them were instantly burned to death. Their bodies fell like rain, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt meat.

The surviving crows flew away in panic, screeching in fear from a distance.

But Su’en wasn’t polite either, both guns firing.

As a “firearms expert,” he might not be able to kill professionals, but shooting these stupid birds was like shooting one with each bullet, or even shooting several at once.

With a few shots, the remaining two or three percent of the crows in the sky exploded into blood mist.

In the blink of an eye, the hundreds of crows scattered and fled, leaving only one crow flying while shouting in anger, “Damn it, kid, I will definitely tear you into pieces…”

Su’en listened to this threat without any change in his expression. Without aiming, he raised his hand and pulled the trigger in the direction where the sound came from, instantly killing it.

It’s no wonder that Sergei, the “plague doctor,” cursed and cursed. Su’en’s actions just now caused him quite a bit of loss.

These “green blood crows” were not ordinary crows. To train them to their current state, it required a large amount of money, energy, and time.

Every death was like plucking a hair from the top of the “Mediterranean” head, one pluck, one heartache.

And those three crows that could speak were especially precious!


After Su’en finished this, he ignored the crows that were hiding far away and rode the motorcycle towards Green Street once again.

He also knew that his whereabouts were exposed now, and he would be surrounded at any moment.Moreover, there is a second-order professional who is good at tracking, which is the most troublesome.

“I must find a way to kill Sergei first, otherwise I won’t be able to escape back to Green Street…”

Su’en rode his bike, a coldness appearing in his eyes.

To kill a second-order professional, the most reliable method he could think of now was the zombies and scythes in the basement of Green Street.

However, Sergei, the “Plague Doctor,” had a very strange ability. It was said that he had a special curse technique that allowed him to use crows to take damage in his place, making him immune to physical injuries such as knives and guns. There were rumors in the underworld that he could “resurrect” after being killed.

Su’en didn’t know what that ability was, but since it had been spread, it meant that Sergei definitely had a similar ability and should not be underestimated.

After all, the scythe caused physical damage. If he couldn’t kill Sergei, Su’en felt that his situation would be very bad.

“Qiantiao is on Norton Street… No, besides the Smoke Ghost, there must be other moles in the Cross Society.”

Su’en trusted Qiantiao, but he knew that Qiantiao couldn’t protect him.

Although the Crow Gang was fearless, there was an umbrella organization behind them.

Moreover, if he couldn’t find anyone on Norton Street at the first moment and instead attracted other smoke ghosts or moles, that would be the worst.

As for the “communicator,” Su’en dared not use it now.

The communication range of a regular gang member’s communicator was only a few kilometers, and it received on all channels, so the level of confidentiality was very low.

Once he spoke, the undercover agents of the umbrella organization in the outer city would receive the message first, exposing his approximate location.

Just shouting “the smoke ghost is a mole” wouldn’t be of much significance.

First, there was no evidence.

Second, it would be harmful to his escape route.

What he might receive then would not be help, but killers.

And… the only expert he knew seemed to be Mr. Hei.

Although that elusive top professional was not afraid of the umbrella organization, he had no obligation to help.

“It seems that I can only use that method…”

With a flash of thought, Su’en frowned and muttered to himself.


The crow flock was dispersed, but Su’en knew that his whereabouts must have been exposed.

He was certain that the “Plague Doctor” Sergei must be chasing after him now.

However, the situation was not too bad.

That was because the southern city was the territory of the Cross Society, and the Crow Gang couldn’t cross the border on a large scale. Su’en believed that it was very likely that Sergei came alone.

Su’en thought of a plan to kill him.

Just now, he had frightened the flock of crows, and those crows had learned their lesson and no longer came out to intimidate him. But he had the ability of “Malicious Perception,” and although those crows hid well, they couldn’t escape his perception.

Su’en pretended not to notice and rode his motorcycle not to Green Street, but to Gingko Street a few blocks away.

After leaving the motorcycle behind, he deliberately circled around and made enough anti-tracking movements before entering the small Western-style building at No. 88.

After entering the house, Su’en no longer felt anxious.

He sat on the sofa in the living room and took the time to deal with the wounds on his body.

Then he checked his ammunition, firearms, and equipment.

After doing all this, he lay back on the sofa to rest. Looking at the ceiling, he muttered to himself, “I hope Mr. Hei doesn’t mind me leading someone into his trap…”

Yes, this was a plan he had thought of a long time ago.

Su’en had imagined that if he encountered an unbeatable enemy, No. 88 Green Street would be an excellent ambush location.

Because there was a “T-level Curse Space” in the basement.

And Su’en knew the way out.

Although he might encounter the terrifying super-tier zombies after entering, compared to the enemy who was lured in, it was a nightmare.


“But this ‘Raven Hematopoietic Curse’ is indeed a problem. If I can’t find a way to break it, I might really be sucked to death…”

Nearly twenty minutes had passed, and even though he had injected the healing potion, Su’en still felt dizzy and weak, a sign of blood loss.

And at this moment, a familiar foreign object sensation appeared in his throat again. Su’en’s face turned slightly pale, and in an instant, with a “vomit,” another crow flew out.

The “caw caw caw” sound seemed to be mocking his incompetence.

As soon as he vomited, Su’en instantly felt even weaker, but a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. “Finally, it’s here…”

Although Su’en had no surprise in his heart when the crow flew out of his mouth, he still reacted as if his whereabouts had been discovered and turned to rush out of the door.

But obviously, the enemy wouldn’t let him escape so easily.

Just at this moment, the glass of the second-floor window suddenly shattered, and a group of crows flew in, blocking his way. Among the flock of crows, a middle-aged man with large black feather wings and a crow mask on his face flew in.

“Your talent for flying is indeed fast.”

Seeing the newcomer, Su’en naturally guessed that this was the real “Plague Doctor” Sergei.

This guy had the rare Beastification talent [B-055-Crowman].

As soon as the crow flock entered the room, the imposing pressure of a second-order professional immediately made Su’en feel a strong sense of malice.

Sergei looked at Su’en, who was trapped like a turtle in a jar, sneered, and didn’t rush to attack. He coldly taunted, “Kid, do you think you can escape?”

In response, two bullets were fired in rapid succession.

Two crows were killed, but Sergei’s main body was unharmed.

Seeing this, Su’en’s face was full of “panic,” without any hesitation, he turned and rushed into the basement.

Sergei, seeing that Su’en had been discovered, naturally guessed that there might be an ambush or tunnel in the basement. He didn’t rush to chase after him, but controlled the flock of crows to fly down first.Through the shared vision of his crow, he found that it was just an empty, enclosed basement.

Then, the basement was filled with the sound of gunfire again.

His crow was shot down by Su’en once more.

“Damn bastard!”

Sergei cursed, feeling his pet being killed. His eyes twitched, and his anger surged instantly.

Knowing that there was no ambush in the basement, he pursued.


Sergei cornered Su’en in the basement.

Originally, he wanted to persuade him to surrender in a victorious posture, but before he could, a strange scene occurred.

The space around Su’en in the basement twisted, and then, without any warning, he disappeared!

“Teleportation? Or invisibility?”

Sergei watched as a living person in front of him vanished, his face changing drastically.

Where Su’en disappeared, a piece of paper slowly fell to the ground.

Sergei widened his eyes, trying to find Su’en’s figure in the basement, but to no avail.

“No seals, no alchemy array lighting up, how did he escape?”

Sergei was full of doubts.

At this time, he also saw the paper, so he controlled the crow to fetch it.

Upon reading it, the paper read: “The basement is a cursed space.”

“Cursed space?”

Sergei instinctively muttered something in his heart, and suddenly found the surroundings twisting and changing.

He instantly realized something and muttered, “Not good!”

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