Chapter 120 – Should he dance?


On the corner of a steel-structured high-rise building in District Four, Su’en hung there using his spider arms, gasping heavily.

The position he was in was as high as forty floors, and the wind was strong.

Looking down, he could see the security teams in uniforms, the umbrella organization in windbreakers, and the fully armed mechanical city guards searching around the building. Occasionally, people from the bottom of the building looked up, seemingly noticing his traces of climbing the wall.

Su’en narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed, “The umbrella organization’s tracking ability is indeed well-deserved.”

There was a widely circulated saying in the outer city’s underworld: “Beware, even the street fruit vendors may be peripheral informants of the umbrella organization.”

Just now, Su’en experienced it firsthand.

As he was walking on the streets two blocks away, he suddenly noticed a fruit vendor staring at him with malicious intent.

Without hesitation, Su’en shot the guy in the head, and then he saw the military-standard pistol hidden in his fruit stall.

This triggered the fierce battle that forced him to hang on the outer wall to stay alive.

After gasping for a few breaths, Su’en finally had the strength to remove the alloy bulletproof plate from his chest.

He looked at his pale muscles that were almost frozen, his gaze slightly solemn.

He searched through his storage ring and found an “advanced frost healing potion.” After injecting it, he gradually felt the sensation of blood circulation returning to the muscle tissues in that area.

His complexion gradually recovered, and the restoration of body temperature also made him feel warmth.

If it weren’t for the lightweight bulletproof armor he had dismantled from the chest plate of the PX-911 mechanical limbs, which blocked most of the frost injuries, the previous round of frost bombardment might have taken half of his life.

It has to be said that the “Frost Giant Battle Armor” of the city guards is indeed a headache.

Fortunately, he had obtained several sets from the previous robbery, and Su’en had already done some research. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have had a chance to escape if he didn’t know the weak points of this thing.

They can fight, resist, and even use high-pressure bombardment to output frost wind cannons to control targets in a wide range.

With Su’en’s current strength and methods, he might be able to kill one or two, but they wouldn’t give him a chance to fight one-on-one. They would immediately surround him with a well-trained tactical encirclement.

He could only flee in a sorry state.

Two minutes later, the potent effect of the medicine took effect, and the frost sensation dissipated over a large area. His limbs finally stopped being stiff.

Su’en tried to move his spider legs, and the sluggish feeling in his nerves had also disappeared for the most part.

He knew that he couldn’t hide on this outer wall for much longer before he would be discovered.

He looked up at the “Mid-level City District” that was still seventy to eighty floors high. The lights there were dazzling and exceptionally prosperous.

This was the last possible escape method he could think of.

Because the “Moonlight Inn” was located in the business district right above his head.

Without wasting any time, Su’en used his spider arms to climb up the building.


When Su’en first joined the Cross Society, he witnessed the spectacular deathmatch between the “Red Demon” Gelong and the “Shadow Scorpion” Abok in the Colosseum of the Crimson Fortress.

In the end, Gelong survived, and Abok was killed.

Abok was an “A-level wanted criminal” who was active in the inner city at that time and was also a notorious thief.

Leaving aside other things, this guy’s ability to escape was indeed remarkable.

Today, Su’en also witnessed firsthand the umbrella organization’s control over the inner city, which shocked him even more that this guy had been able to commit crimes frequently and still remain at large for so many years.

At that time, Su’en also extracted a memory fragment from Abok’s soul: “It’s a pity that the ‘forbidden item’ is still in the ‘Moonlight Inn’ and hasn’t been taken out. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been caught.”

Now pushed to the extreme, he thought of this obsession of Abok’s.

If having that thing could allow such a notorious thief to evade the umbrella organization’s pursuit, Su’en believed it could also solve his own predicament.

However, what worried him was that if that thing was no longer in the inn, then he would truly be in a desperate situation.

After all, the “Mid-level City District” belonged to the wealthy area of the inner city, where the city’s defense forces were several times stronger, and there were also many high-level professionals.

This required taking a gamble.


The buildings in the inner city were densely packed, and almost all high-rise buildings were connected by various linking structures such as steam pipes, sky bridges, and iron frames.

This also made it convenient for Su’en.

He climbed to the rooftop of a building and then used the attached structures to climb onto the outer wall of another building, deliberately avoiding the attention of the crowd. He quickly arrived at the commercial district.

The good news was that the “Moonlight Inn” was a very high-end inn in the inner city, and its pink neon sign hanging on the building could be seen from far away.

But the bad news was that it was located right in the center of the commercial district.

If Su’en wanted to enter the inn, he only had one choice, which was to walk directly from the street.

This street called “Dunwich Street” was similar to the upscale venues in his previous life, with various colorful signs hanging on both sides of the street.

Unlike the streets in the outer city, where only essential goods like rice and flour were sold, there were many luxury shops here, jewelry stores where rich ladies gathered, high-end tailor shops where gentlemen frequented, luggage shops, cane shops, instrument shops…

The people on the street all looked wealthy and noble, and their clothes and jewelry gave off a strong visual impact. The scenes in the outer city felt like scenes from a black-and-white movie, while here, it truly felt like the era of color films.

While Su’en observed the street with his gaze, he casually glanced at a storefront selling men’s canes and saw a cane with a silver lion head, priced at “348,888 lisuo.” Then, in a glass display case of a jewelry store, he looked at a diamond necklace that was purely decorative, priced at “1,256,666 lisuo.” A silk scarf was priced at “7,777 lisuo,” equivalent to three months’ salary of an ordinary worker in the outer city…

Before Su’en had a chance to take a closer look at the bustling street, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Because at this moment, as soon as he appeared in the district, several gazes immediately fell upon him.But then, a relaxed smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He muttered to himself, “So I was discovered so quickly…”

This time, Su’en didn’t avoid or draw his gun when he felt the malicious gaze.

Putting on his suit jacket and tidying up his messy wig from climbing the wall, he calmly walked out without trying to hide his face under the brim of his hat…

The smile at the corner of his mouth grew bigger and suddenly turned into a bright grin.

He was as happy as a child.

Could the situation get any worse?

No, it couldn’t.

This was his last chance.

Should he dance?

Of course.

Su’en was like a dancer on stage, at this moment, all the spotlights were on him.

He… was the only protagonist.

Walking to the soothing melody playing in the mall, he made a grand entrance. His steps were light and agile, occasionally spinning to avoid others, his clothes swaying gently. He even gave friendly smiles to strangers passing by. He danced like a waltz, proud, elegant, calm, and composed.

“He” really enjoyed the feeling of dancing in such a desperate situation.

At this moment, it felt like there was only the stage, the music, and the audience in the world.


The undercover agents, whether they were from the Umbrella Organization or the City Guard, thought that Su’en hadn’t noticed them yet and slowly surrounded him.

But after taking a few steps, they clearly saw Su’en raise his hand to adjust his wig, holding a device with a red button.

Seeing the inconspicuous button, the undercover agents’ faces turned pale, and their encirclement instantly dispersed. They no longer had any intention of forcibly arresting him.

An urgent report came through the communicator.

“Withdraw, retreat immediately!”

“The target has appeared at ‘Dunwich Commercial Street’. The suspect is holding an unknown device resembling a ‘pressure detonator’. Please advise…”

“There are a large number of civilians at the scene. Do not use area attack weapons. Do not approach the suspect. Do not cause panic. Start evacuating the crowd from the periphery. Top-level professionals have been notified to handle the situation…”



At this moment, Su’en’s eyes were focused on nothing else. He walked confidently, looking around.

Suddenly, a colorful ball rolled to his feet.

Su’en bent down to pick up the ball and handed it to the blond boy who was chasing after it.

The boy, wearing a checkered shirt, politely said, “Thank you, sir.”

Su’en touched his forehead and gave a bright smile, “You’re welcome.”

The boy’s parents were a few meters away, looking at their polite and adorable son, with smiles of happiness on their faces.

“Goodbye, uncle.”

“Goodbye, little friend…”

Su’en smiled.

What a beautiful world.

He didn’t feel that picking up the ball had delayed his time. Instead, he suddenly felt joyful.

Pinching the lighter with the red button, Su’en put his hand back into his pocket and walked towards the Moon Hotel with a swagger.

He would probably be mistaken for a bomb by those guys, right?

Su’en thought so.

But even I believe it, who wouldn’t?


Not far from the entrance of the Moon Hotel, there was a boutique jewelry store with shining samples in the display window.

This was a shop that young girls liked to visit.

And just at this moment, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with black hair and a blond girl happened to walk out of the store together.

“Rena, I heard you went to the outer city yesterday? The outer city is dangerous, why would you want to go to such a place?”

“Well, just to broaden my horizons.”

“What kind of knowledge can you gain from a place full of crime, filth, and plague?”

“Yulia, the outer city isn’t as bad as everyone says. I found that it’s not as terrifying as people make it out to be.”

“How is that possible… My mother said the outer city is a paradise for gangs and criminals. Poverty makes them do crazy and unreasonable things, like kidnapping, child trafficking, and it’s dangerous for girls like us to go there… I will never leave the city in my lifetime.”


Upon hearing her best friend say such things, Rena suddenly had a flash of insight in her mind and muttered softly, “Gangs… there are good people among them.”

Yulia argued, “No way!”

“There are…”

And just as Rena was about to argue further, she suddenly heard someone on the street call out her name, “Miss Rena!”

Rena looked up and saw a stranger walking towards her.

She felt that the voice was familiar but furrowed her brows, as if trying hard to remember.

Because she had never seen this face before.

At this moment, the burly bodyguard not far away also noticed her expression and immediately stood in front of her.


Su’en didn’t expect to encounter Rena, who was out shopping.

He didn’t show any fear when the bodyguard suddenly appeared beside Rena. Instead, he waved at her with a smile, as if they were old friends, “Hey, Miss Rena, long time no see.”

Rena had just thought that she didn’t recognize this person, but upon hearing his voice, she suddenly, in those sparkling eyes, showed a look of pleasant surprise and blurted out, “Mr. Su’en!”

Su’en, who didn’t have smoky makeup on, actually had a very handsome appearance.

Wearing a well-fitted suit, he exuded elegance and composure with every move. The faint, confident smile on his face made people feel a warm familiarity.

Looking at Su’en, who suddenly changed his style, Rena hesitated and asked, “Mr. Su’en… why are you here?”

She originally wanted to ask why Su’en had changed like this, but changed her question, “How did you come here?”

Yulia, who was beside them, looked at the well-mannered Su’en and was curious about when her best friend had met such a handsome guy. She asked with gossip in her eyes, “Rena, who is this…?”

Su’en had a strong and resolute temperament that was completely different from that of a pampered young master, which suddenly made him stand out.

Rena paused for a moment before introducing, “Mr. Su’en… is my friend.”

Su’en naturally bent down, taking the slender hand of the blonde girl that was extended a second late, and performed a hand-kissing gesture, “Oh, beautiful lady, the dimples that overflow from the corners of your mouth when you smile are truly captivating…”

His words were smooth, like a seasoned charmer, something that a noble lady would have encountered many times.

Yet at this moment, Yulia felt strange. In this man’s eyes, she saw no hint of the detestable light she was accustomed to.

She withdrew her kissed hand, returning the courtesy with equal elegance, “Thank you for your compliment.”

Seeing that he was indeed a friend of the young lady, the second-tier professional bodyguard subtly increased his distance.

Rena was still curious about why Su’en had suddenly come to the inner city, and asked again, “Mr. Su’en…”

But before she could finish her sentence, a pair of large hands had already draped over her shoulders, like an extremely intimate friend.

Su’en’s sudden intimate gesture made Rena’s pretty face stiffen, her words instantly evaporating.

Before she could react, she felt a warm breath by her ear, it was Su’en whispering, “Don’t move, help me out.”

Hearing this, Rena didn’t know why she suddenly felt less nervous.

It was as if they were back in the dungeon, where this man would always command her to do things in a commanding tone, but each time, it saved her life.


Su’en wasn’t here to flirt. Just a second ago, he had noticed that he was being targeted by a high-ranking professional.

The gaze felt extremely dangerous.

Su’en knew very well that the other party would definitely not give him time to go to the hotel to find the sealed object.

They would seize the opportunity to strike.

So, he needed a presence that would make the other party hesitate to act.

Originally, he planned to find a rich young master on the street, but he ran into the more suitable Rena.

In terms of weight, the young lady of the Reis family was naturally the most suitable.


When he took Rena away, Su’en didn’t forget to turn his head and ask her best friend cheerfully, “Beautiful lady, you don’t mind if I occupy a little bit of your best friend’s time, do you?”

Yulia, thinking they were close friends, smiled and said, “Of course~”

Su’en responded with a friendly smile and led Rena away.

Only Rena, the person involved, was still in a state of confusion.

After all, it wasn’t just the monster-filled dungeon where no one was watching. In public, she also felt it was inappropriate for a man to be holding the neck of the young lady of the Reis family.

Especially in front of her best friend and bodyguard.

Could it be that in the outer city, the way friends greet each other is so passionate?

Her cheeks slightly hot, her mind in a whirl, she took the initiative to ask, “Mr. Su’en, what… do you need my help with?”

Su’en was straightforward, “I’m being targeted, and the situation is very dangerous.”


Rena looked up at the face that still wore a smile, and couldn’t reconcile his casual tone with the urgent situation he described.

But thinking about how he always spoke in this tone in the dungeon, she understood.

Thinking about it, she asked softly, “Then… what can I do to help you?”

Su’en gave a slight smile and said directly, “You’ve been kidnapped by me.”


The abruptness of the topic made Rena feel like her brain had short-circuited, losing the ability to think.


A moment later, it clicked.

So, being held around the neck meant she was being kidnapped?

No wonder Mr. Su’en would do such a strange thing.

She suddenly understood something. But it seemed that she had no realization of being a “hostage”, and there was no panic in her heart.

Instead, because of the skin contact, she smelled a faint bloody scent on Su’en. She guessed that behind Mr. Su’en’s calm demeanor, the situation was already very urgent.

Rena thought for a moment, then asked weakly, “Then… then… do I need to cooperate with you?”

“No need, just follow me.”

Su’en said, looking at the very cooperative hostage, he was in a good mood, and added, “Hmm… if possible, you can show a little more nervousness.”

With that, Su’en had already pulled Rena into the “Moon Hotel”.

Only then did Rena belatedly respond with an “Oh”.


Not far away, Rena’s best friend Yulia was dumbfounded.

Is this what you meant by “occupying a little time”?

Heading straight for the hotel?

Showing off so blatantly in front of a single girl, is that really okay?

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