Chapter 105 – Nine months later

After another month as the new Inspector, the Luo Family was filled with joyous atmosphere.

This was because Luo Feng’s wife, Xu Xin, gave birth to two chubby boys. They were named Luo Ping and Luo Hai. The whole family was delighted, and Xu Zong also congratulated them.

Half a month later, Xu Xin attempted suicide but failed. The family was shocked and scared upon hearing the news.

During this process, Luo Feng finally sent an email back home, explaining in detail how Xu Xin attempted suicide but didn’t die because of the amulet “Eternal Love” he left behind. He also mentioned that he would return home in eight months.

“This must be a genuine email from Luo Feng!”

While the family was doubting its authenticity, Xu Zong stepped forward confidently.

“Xiao Zong, are you sure it’s Luo Feng’s email?”

Everyone in the Luo Family, including Luo Hua and Xu Xin, looked at him nervously.

“There’s no mistake. My intelligence tells me so!”

Xu Zong confidently lied, even though Sui Ling and Baba Tagen had never been in contact with each other. In fact, they didn’t even know each other.

“Great! That’s great!”

Now that Xu Zong was the strongest in the world, his words were convincing. Even Luo Hua believed him, and the Luo Family rejoiced.

“This Eternal Love is quite interesting. Can I ask Baba Tagen for one in the future?”

Xu Zong thought to himself.

The amulet of Eternal Love that Luo Feng gave to Xu Xin was a treasure extracted and refined from a special race in the universe. This race naturally possessed endless lifespan and could live until the decay of their souls, which meant they had a lifespan of ten million years. The Eternal Love amulet could grant a person a lifespan of ten million years!

However, the heavens were fair. Although this race had an extraordinary lifespan, they couldn’t cultivate at all. They could only live as ordinary people throughout their lives. This fatal flaw made the Eternal Love amulet useless for cultivation. Generally, the strong in the universe would only use it in life-threatening situations. Although they couldn’t cultivate anymore, they could live for ten million years and enjoy the scenery of the mortal world.

“If this thing were to be brought to a world like Zhe Tian, how many cultivators would go crazy for it?”

Xu Zong muttered to himself.

In the world of Zhe Tian, even if one became a Great Emperor, they could only live for a little over ten thousand years. Some could rely on the Elixir of Immortality to live a second life, but that would be at most several tens of thousands of years.

One Eternal Love amulet, even if it meant giving up cultivation, would still make the cultivators of Zhe Tian go crazy for it.

That being said, the Eternal Love amulet was not a cheap item. Xu Zong couldn’t obtain it now, so he could only think about it.

After the incident of Xu Xin’s failed suicide attempt, there was unprecedented peace on Earth. Humans gradually left the base city and sent troops to reclaim their lost territories.

Xu Zong stayed in the Luo Family and rarely went out. He immersed himself in cultivation almost all the time. Without any bottleneck or talent, he made progress every day. This feeling of watching the progress bar slowly rise made Xu Zong addicted and unable to extricate himself.

In the blink of an eye, nine months had passed since the defeat of the Thunder Dragon Emperor.

The time was now March 2061.

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “It’s been almost a year, and there hasn’t been any new Xu Zong joining the group.”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Delighting in other people’s misfortune.jpg”

Xu Zong from Wind & Cloud: “Are you not bored with this schadenfreude?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Well, now that you mention it, I do feel a bit bored. I’ve been comprehending the laws of space on Mount Celestial God every day, but I still haven’t mastered them. It’s ridiculous! If I were to comprehend other laws, I would have entered the Illusory Realm long ago.”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “It’s almost time for you to reach the deadline you set for yourself nine months ago. Haven’t you made any progress?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “It’s not that bad. I’ve learned teleportation.”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “What is that?!”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Don’t get too excited. Compared to the light-years of teleportation in your world, mine is far behind. I can only teleport up to ten kilometers at a time. Anything longer than that is not possible. It seems like the Nine Provinces restrict my teleportation distance.”

Xu Zong from Wind & Cloud: “Roar? (That’s already very impressive, isn’t it? In your world, how fast can the Illusory Realm experts move?)”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “One step, one kilometer.”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Goodness gracious, you’re already fearless against anyone. But looking at it this way, your comprehension of the laws of space is completely effective, right?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Yes, it is. But it’s time-consuming. I’ve spent nine months, and I haven’t fully comprehended the laws of space. I’ve only learned teleportation. If I were to comprehend other laws, like the Yin-Yang that occupies fifty percent of the world’s power, I’m afraid I would have already reached the Illusory Realm.”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “So, how do you choose? Will you continue to cultivate space or switch to the Five Elements?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “I think since my world can differentiate between Yin and Yang, create and destroy, there should definitely be a separate dimension for time. But now that I’m finding it so difficult to comprehend, I feel like something’s fishy!”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “I plan to continue cultivating the laws of space and see what’s really going on. Anyway, I have plenty of time. It’s not like I haven’t made any progress at all. Even if it takes me ten more years, I don’t believe I won’t comprehend the laws of space!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “That works too. I feel like I’m getting closer to the laws as well.”

Xu Zong from Martial World General: “Four months ago, didn’t you say you couldn’t sense the fluctuations of the laws in the second realm?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “I’m about to break through to the third realm of the domain, and recently, I can vaguely sense it. Maybe when I reach the third or fourth realm, I’ll be able to touch the fluctuations of the laws. By then, I can comprehend the laws of wind and time.”Martial World General Xu Zong: “You all are in the sixth realm, while I’m still wandering around the Divine Land.”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “You left the Water Moon Immortal Realm?”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Yes, I’ve mastered all of the Tong Clan’s spells and become immortal. However, the spells have a long casting time and only provide average power boost. Fortunately, I’ve created the Basalt Inner Power and combined it with the top ten martial arts. I should be able to defeat anyone in the cultivation world.”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “Aren’t you going to take revenge on Yin Zhong?”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “I want to, but Yin Zhong is not in the Sword Mastery Villa. I’ve looked for him, but I don’t know where he’s gone. So, I’m currently in the Jin Kingdom’s palace.”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “Are you going to take revenge on Ji Dongming?”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Yes, that’s what I’m thinking. Unfortunately, Ji Dongming is also not around, so I’m currently causing chaos in the harem.”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “Stop causing chaos in the harem!”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “6!”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “I want Ji Dongming to see the entire harem under my control when he returns. His expression will be priceless!”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “That sounds devilish.”

Wind & Cloud Xu Zong: “Roar. (You know how to take revenge.)”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “Start a live stream!”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Do you like being watched when you’re working?”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “I don’t, but I’m asking you to do it!”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “No way! At most, I’ll post a video afterwards.”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “Give me more, let me appreciate the beauties of the Martial World!”

The world of The Nine Cauldrons.

On the Celestial God Mountain in the far north grassland.

“A year has passed, it’s time to go back and switch with my cousin!”

The muscular Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong walked out of his house and stretched lazily.

He left his small courtyard and walked towards the grand hall where the Celestial God resided. Everyone he met along the way showed him respect, addressing him as the Ninth God General.

“Are you leaving Celestial God Mountain?”

The Celestial God came out of his retreat and met with Xu Zong.

“May I ask why?”

“I have family back home. I’ve completed my mission here, and it’s time to go back and spend time with them.”

Xu Zong paused, then added, “Does our Celestial God Palace have a base in the Central Plains? I can work there.”

“Where is your home?”

“Yangzhou, Chu County.”

“Hmm, our Celestial God Palace does have a base in Wu’an County, Yangzhou. You can take up a position there.”

The Celestial God didn’t ask any further and let him go.

Xu Zong understood. Wu’an County, Yangzhou was the headquarters of Qinghu Island. It seemed that the Celestial God Palace had already laid out its plans in Yangzhou, aiming to unify the world in the future.

Xu Zong had no interest in unifying the world, nor did he want to deal with unpredictable and ruthless characters like Pei San. He just wanted to cultivate in the deep mountains and forests, hoping to break through the void one day. He had no interest in fighting for supremacy in the small Nine Provinces.

After leaving Celestial God Mountain, Xu Zong arrived at the great grassland. He whistled, and a giant white eagle descended from the sky, rubbing its head affectionately against his.

This was an Innate Golden Elixir Realm beast he had tamed using the communication talent of Wind & Cloud Xu Zong. It was a Snow Eagle, a local specialty near the Snow Eagle Sect. He never used it on Celestial God Mountain to avoid attracting Pei San’s attention.

Riding on the back of the Snow Eagle, he quickly headed towards the Central Plains.

Just a few days later.

Xu Zong arrived near Dayan Mountain and landed on the training ground of Teng Family Village with a loud eagle cry.

Before the people of Teng Family Village could react, a loud shout echoed throughout the village.

“I, Teng Qinghu, am back!”

“Qinghu? Is Qinghu back?”

“This kid, he’s been gone for a whole year, and he didn’t even send a message back!”

In no time, the whole Teng Family Village was bustling with excitement.

“Cousin, you’re finally back!”

Teng Qingshan also came to the training ground. Seeing Xu Zong, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“I see you’ve opened all your meridians. You can’t wait to go out, can you?”

With one glance, Xu Zong could tell that Teng Qingshan had re-entered the Grandmaster Realm.

“Come with me, I have some good things to show you!”

Xu Zong grabbed Teng Qingshan’s arm and led him away from the village, heading towards the cultivation spot on Twin Head Mountain.

“Cousin, how strong have you become?”

On Twin Head Mountain, Teng Qingshan looked Xu Zong up and down, his eyes full of eagerness.

His cousin had been away for a year, and his aura had become as deep as the ocean. A year ago, his cousin’s talent had greatly increased, and he had made rapid progress. A year later, he was very curious about how strong his cousin had become!

“Want to spar?”

Xu Zong grinned, his body radiating a lustrous glow.

“Let’s do it!”

Teng Qingshan was immediately eager to try.

(End of Chapter)

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