Chapter 116 – Lost my moral compass

Mi Cai and Jian Wei, who was singing on stage, noticed each other almost at the same time. However, they didn't linger on each other, not even a nod of acknowledgment. It wasn't a big deal, after all, they had only met a few times.


This time, Mi Cai didn't come to me, but went to CC and Robben.


Yan Yan asked me in confusion, "Why didn't she greet you when she came?"


"Didn't you say that women have a few days when they don't want to do anything? Maybe she's having one of those days, so she didn't bother to greet me." I came up with an explanation that I thought was pretty good.


Yan Yan rolled her eyes at me and said, "Zhao Yang, you really know how to put your foot in your mouth. I think she's bothered by the fact that Jian Wei and I are here."


I looked over at Mi Cai and nodded, "Maybe, she doesn't really like socializing."


Yan Yan nodded and didn't say anything more. Jian Wei finally finished singing a song, but the audience below the stage wouldn't let her off and strongly requested her to sing another one. CC also joined in with the crowd, so Jian Wei sang another song. But this time, she sang "Elope", a song that I had sung countless times when we were together. As soon as the prelude started, my emotions began to surge.


Unlike my heart-wrenching rendition, Jian Wei sang softly, without any change in expression, just calmly interpreting the song.


Yan Yan suddenly nudged me and said, "Zhao Yang, I want to talk to you about something in private."


"What is it?"


Yan Yan was silent for a moment before she said, "It's about Jian Wei and Xiang Chen."


"What happened to them?"


After another moment of silence, Yan Yan said, "They haven't been getting along well recently…"


My emotions started to churn again, but I calmly replied, "Really?"


"Yes." Yan Yan sighed and said, "Jian Wei wants to work, but Xiang Chen absolutely refuses. In the end, he gave Jian Wei a check for two million, hoping she would give up the idea of working… He doesn't understand Jian Wei!"


After listening to Yan Yan's words, I looked at Jian Wei on the stage and felt even more confused. Was the luxurious life that Xiang Chen provided for her not what she wanted? And she was also dissatisfied with the life we had together, so what kind of life was she pursuing?


I didn't know the answer, so I didn't respond to Yan Yan. I just smoked in silence for a long time before asking, "Are they having a cold war now?"


Yan Yan nodded and said, "Yes, but it's always Xiang Chen who's trying to appease Jian Wei. Jian Wei is very conflicted right now, but her stance is clear. She wants to work and doesn't want to be a housewife… Xiang Chen really doesn't get it. How could Jian Wei, who studied abroad in America for three years, be content with being a housewife?"


Before I could respond, Jian Wei had already come down from the stage and sat down across from us, so our conversation came to an abrupt end.


The audience started calling for someone else to sing. I thought it would be CC, but to my surprise, Mi Cai and Robben went up to the stage together. It seemed that Mi Cai had invited Robben to sing with her. I wasn't surprised, as she had often expressed her admiration for Robben in front of me. But I was curious about what song they would sing. Usually, a male and female duet would sing a love song, but Robben, as a thoughtful folk singer, had never sung a cheesy love song with a woman in all these years.


On the stage, Mi Cai and Robben each strummed the guitar strings to get a feel for it, exchanged a glance, and then I heard the prelude to "Clearly My Heart", played by their guitar strumming.


I stared dumbfounded at the two of them on the stage, feeling that Robben's integrity was shattered. He was actually singing such a cheesy love song…


I looked over at CC, who shrugged helplessly. She was obviously shocked by Robben's lack of integrity. Perhaps this was the power of a beautiful woman, even Robben couldn't resist.


Not only were they singing a love song, but they also had occasional eye contact. I felt that Robben's integrity was even more shattered… After all, I knew Mi Cai first, and I haven't had the chance to sing a duet with her, let alone a love song. So I felt even more that Robben's integrity was shattered!


Halfway through Mi Cai and Robben's song, Jian Wei and Yan Yan both got up and said to me, "We're leaving now."


"Aren't you going to stay a little longer?"


Jian Wei didn't say anything, and Yan Yan smiled and said, "No, we have an appointment at the beauty salon, and it's about time."


I nodded and didn't try to keep them. I got up and walked them out of the bar, watched them get in the car, and then watched them until they completely disappeared from my sight.


I felt a bit empty and didn't want to go back to the bar right away. I just lit a cigarette and stood outside where the snow hadn't melted yet, breathing in the cold and damp air.


I gradually calmed down and thought about what Yan Yan had told me when Jian Wei wasn't around today. I wondered, would Jian Wei and Xiang Chen end up together?


Maybe they would, because Xiang Chen loved Jian Wei deeply and would tolerate her.


I thought about my past self, and it seemed that Jian Wei was always the one who tolerated me more. From this point of view, maybe Jian Wei would be happier with Xiang Chen.




When I returned to the bar, Mi Cai and Robben were enthusiastically singing their second love song. This time, CC and I sat together.


I took a sip of beer and sighed, "They're really in the mood today, singing love songs one after another!"


CC laughed and asked for my opinion, "How about we go up and sing a few songs after they finish?"


"A few songs? That's not enough. We have to sing more than them, and we have to sing those love songs that are full of passion!"


CC rolled her eyes at me and said, "That's not necessary, Zhao Yang! They only sang two songs, and you're already so jealous. I can't sing those passionate love songs!""Do I sound sour? It doesn't matter if I don't sing. Let's just listen to them and see how long they can keep it up!"


While he was speaking, Robben and Mi Cai finished their second song. They politely thanked each other and then walked towards CC and me.


Before Robben and Mi Cai could settle down, CC suddenly said to Mi Cai, "Darling, Zhao Yang just mentioned that he wanted to invite you to sing. Would you like to rest for a while or sing with him now?"


Even though I knew CC was saying this on purpose, I didn't expose her. Instead, I waited for Mi Cai's response with a hint of anticipation.


Without even glancing at me, Mi Cai said, "Who wants to sing with him!"


I was immediately annoyed and said, "You make it sound like I'm dying to sing with you. I can't bring myself to sing those love songs that are full of life and death."


Mi Cai immediately retorted, "Yes, you can't. You just like to sing songs like 'Elope'!"


Suddenly, I realized that she was present when I sang 'Elope' last time, and she was also here and heard it when Jian Wei sang 'Elope' this time. But was there any connection?


I extended my thoughts a bit further. Why did Jian Wei choose this song today? Was she trying to express something?


After thinking about it, I dismissed the idea. 'Elope' was the second song she sang tonight, and she only sang it due to the audience's strong request. She didn't originally plan to sing a second song. If she really wanted to express something, she would have sung this song from the beginning. She just liked this song, and there was no special meaning. I remember that there was not even a hint of emotional change when she sang it.


So I told myself not to overthink: Jian Wei and I are truly a thing of the past. Nothing will happen between us again, never ever.

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