Chapter 130 – Rules

"What happened?" Meng Jingzhou was very surprised by the sudden descent of the flying car.


Lu Yang's forehead was covered in cold sweat as he desperately tried to activate his flying sword technique, but the car continued to fall. He had lost control of the Qingfeng Sword and couldn't sense its presence.


The Bu Yu Taoist said in a deep voice, "Spiritual power cannot be used here, all spells are ineffective!"




The Bu Yu Taoist, being knowledgeable, probably guessed what had happened. If they really encountered this situation, then the three of them were in big trouble.


But now was not the time to discuss this. The most urgent matter was to save Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou.


He stood up and lifted the car roof, holding Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou around their waists, and jumped down.


Although spiritual power couldn't be used here, their physical bodies were not restricted. As a cultivator in the Harmonization stage, the Bu Yu Taoist could jump from a high altitude without any problem.


Lu Yang tried to open his eyes several times to see the situation, but the strong wind during the descent prevented him and Meng Jingzhou from opening their eyes.


When the three of them were about to land, the Bu Yu Taoist let go and gently caught them, landing on the ground himself. A large pit was created upon impact, and then Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou landed, caught by the Bu Yu Taoist, with less than a second between them.


If the Bu Yu Taoist had held onto them while falling, he would have been fine, but Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou wouldn't have been able to withstand the impact. They would have either died or been seriously injured!


"Hoo, hoo, hoo!" Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou were still in shock. This trip was truly eventful, as they had just crashed their car right after leaving.


"Where is this?" Lu Yang frowned, realizing that they were in a small town. It seemed ordinary, but he couldn't understand why spiritual power couldn't be used here.


"Why isn't anyone coming out?" Lu Yang noticed another problem. It was just past midnight, and the sound of the car landing was very loud. Why wasn't anyone coming out to check the situation?


Could it be that there were no living people in the town? Was it a dead town?


No, there were candles lit in the thatched cottages and inn, and they could see shadows passing through the paper windows. There must be people here.


What was going on?


Lu Yang felt a strange and mysterious atmosphere in this place.


He looked at Meng Jingzhou, who shook his head. He didn't know what was going on either.


The Bu Yu Taoist walked to the wreckage of the flying car and pulled out the Qingfeng Sword from under the car. The Qingfeng Sword was given to Lu Yang by Yun Zhi and had extremely high quality. It couldn't be damaged at this level.


"Take it, use it for self-defense." The Bu Yu Taoist handed the Qingfeng Sword to Lu Yang, his expression serious without his previous jovial demeanor.


The Bu Yu Taoist found that spiritual power was heavily suppressed in this place, to the point where even he couldn't mobilize it.


Suddenly, a piece of paper appeared in the hands of each of the three of them, densely filled with words on both sides.


【Rules of Buyi Town】


【Rule 1: There is no spiritual energy within the town, and spiritual power cannot be used】


【Rule 2: From midnight to dawn, the thatched cottages with closed doors and the rooms of the closed inn are absolutely safe. Any other place is dangerous】


【Rule 3: You must leave the thatched cottages and inn before noon and cannot return until before sunset】


【Rule 4: You must fall asleep before midnight】


【Rule 5: You cannot enter the rooms marked with the character "天" (heaven)】


【Rule 6: If you hear knocking on the door or window inside the thatched cottages or inn, no matter what the other person says, you must not open the door or window】


【Rule 7: There are only flower dogs and white dogs in the town, no black dogs. If you see a black dog, run immediately】


【Rule 8: The private school has been abandoned for many years, and there is no private school teacher in the town. Only the sound of dogs barking can be heard from the private school, not the sound of studying】


【Rule 9: The person wearing gray clothes is the private school teacher. If you encounter the private school teacher, no matter what they say, you must pretend not to have heard】


【Rule 10: Do not make eye contact with the private school teacher. If you make eye contact, you will turn into a black dog】


【Rule 11: All food in the town is free to take, but you cannot eat meat buns】


【Rule 12: Beware of the officials. People wearing black clothes are officials. If you encounter an official, run immediately and do not look back no matter what they call you】


【Rule 13: If you feel someone is following you, firmly believe that it is an illusion and avoid showing any signs of unease or annoyance】


【Rule 14: The body of a deceased person is called a corpse, and it is normal for a corpse to move】


【Rule 15: If there is a problem inside the inn, ask the innkeeper. If there is a problem outside the inn, ask the medicine shop owner, but you cannot speak to them】


【Rule 16: After entering the black door, do not speak or eat anything inside】


【Rule 17: Do not easily believe the words of strangers, but people wearing white clothes always speak the truth】


【Rule 18: There is a monster that eats people in the ancestral hall】


【Rule 19: The ancestral hall is safe】


【Rule 20: The townspeople cannot reveal anything about the town to outsiders】


【Rule 21: If you leave the town or kill the town mayor, you no longer need to follow the rules of Buyi Town】


The white paper was filled with rules on both sides. After Lu Yang finished reading, the paper disappeared into thin air.


"What is this?" Lu Yang felt a sense of absurdity. The rules seemed ominous.


"It's a trick played by a cultivator in the Harmonization stage!" The Bu Yu Taoist said in a deep voice. Seeing these twenty-one rules, he finally confirmed his guess.


There was a cultivator in the Harmonization stage, and from the suppression he felt, there was more than one!


"Disciples, have you ever heard of the 'Great Era Approaching'?"


The two nodded, but they still didn't quite understand. The concept of the Great Era Approaching was too vague, and they didn't know what it specifically referred to.


"The Great Era Approaching has many manifestations, and one of them is the awakening of powerful beings from other eras!"


"Nowadays, the spiritual energy is clear and the Dao is active, making it easier to cultivate and comprehend the Dao. Some even say that it is possible to become an immortal!"


"In the Great Qian Era and the Great Yu Era, there were many powerful cultivators, but they were unable to make further breakthroughs due to their own comprehension. To overcome this, they came up with a method of hibernation. They used Spirit Stone Marrow as a carrier to seal themselves and enter a state of false death. When the Dao becomes active, they awaken from their slumber.""After they regain consciousness, their bodies have not fully awakened yet, so they need to wait for a while. During this time, they will use various means to protect themselves and not expose their whereabouts."


"Demarcating areas, setting rules, and imprisoning newcomers are just one of the means."


"Do you know the difference between the Soul Refining stage and the Nascent Soul stage?"


Both of them shook their heads, as these stages were still far away for them.


"The difference between the Soul Refining stage and the Nascent Soul stage lies in whether they have mastered the 【Rules】."


"Rules?" Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou unconsciously repeated the word.


"At the Nascent Soul stage, one can modify the rules of reality within a certain range based on their own will. However, the modified rules cannot be too unreasonable, such as setting oneself to be invincible or immortal within a certain area."


"The River Spirit test and the Heart-Questioning Mountain test you encountered when you joined the sect are all manifestations of the rules."


"Nascent Soul stage practitioners have a relatively low control over the rules, so they need to set multiple rules to restrict the activities of people within the rules."


"The control of rules varies among those who have crossed the Tribulation stage and immortals. Immortals are the most exaggerated. Upon becoming an immortal, they condense a Dao Fruit, which is a symbol of the rules, and its power covers the entire world."


Lu Yang thought of the Immortal Maiden's Dao Fruit – as long as someone recites her honorific title and immortal name, she can be resurrected.


From the result, the Immortal Maiden is immortal.


However, from a global perspective, this means that the Immortal Maiden can transcend the limitations of time, space, soul, and flesh, and directly resurrect, violating the common sense of the world, which is terrifying!


Lu Yang told his guess to the Immortal Maiden, and she nodded, affirming his idea: "You're young, but your mind is quite quick."


Lu Yang temporarily had no interest in responding to the Immortal Maiden's teasing, and continued to listen to the Bu Yu Taoist: "From the perspective of the rules, only this small town is under the control of the other party. The range of rules controlled by the Nascent Soul stage is not that small. The other party is afraid of being discovered by the immortals of the Great Xia Dynasty!"


"The rules that even restrict me indicate that there is more than one Nascent Soul stage practitioner on the other side."


The Bu Yu Taoist revealed a fierce look, his eyes like swords: "The five major immortal sects and the Great Xia Dynasty have already eliminated many Nascent Soul stage practitioners who are awakening. It seems that today I need to eliminate a few more!"


He flicked his horsetail whisk, and the fine hairs of the whisk turned into millions of sword qi.


Swordsmanship is the foundation of the Bu Yu Taoist. He has comprehended it for a lifetime, and he can still use sword qi without using spiritual power!


The sword qi bombarded the barrier of the small town, and the barrier could not withstand the sword qi, creating a gap.


At the gap, four figures were waiting for the Bu Yu Taoist, proving that there was indeed more than one Nascent Soul stage practitioner!


They had to abide by the rules they set themselves, and they could not use their spiritual power within the small town. They had to deal with the Bu Yu Taoist outside the town.


"Kill him!"


The Bu Yu Taoist laughed loudly, took big strides, walked out of the small town, released the peak pressure of the Nascent Soul stage, and fought against the four Nascent Soul stage practitioners!


"Do you bunch of trash really think you can kill me?"


Before leaving, he left a message for Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou: "This battle may last for several days. You two should stay alive in the small town!"


The gap closed, and the Bu Yu Taoist disappeared outside the town.


There will be another update today.


(End of this chapter)

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