Vol.1 – Chapter 70 – Nine-leaf spirit ginseng


However, 4,000 Top Gold sounds like a lot, but that is the yield for a whole ten years. And the consumption of it is also enormous. Just the spirit gathering array alone needs to replace a spirit stone every five years, and each time it requires five spirit stones, which means one spirit stone needs to be consumed every year.


In addition, the fertility of the spirit fields is also a huge problem. Without fertile soil, it is like a human body lacking various vitamins, which makes it very easy for spiritual medicines to grow stunted or even die.


The best source of fertility comes from fermented substances with spiritual properties, such as the straw left over from harvesting spiritual rice, the purple leaves left over from purple leaf Tuber Fleeceflower Root, and the residue of spiritual fish and meat. Of course, the main source of fertility is the excrement of the domesticated spiritual beasts. For example, the Huangfu Clan raises many spiritual horned cows, which produce a lot of excrement each year. In addition to using it on their own spirit fields, they also sell the surplus to reduce the cost of raising spiritual beasts.


Spiritual horned cow meat is expensive, and it is naturally reasonable because the cost of raising them is too high. They must use a large amount of spiritual grass to plant the spirit fields, occasionally they also need to buy the residue of pressed spiritual bean oil or rice bran after the spiritual rice is dehulled, etc.


Even for the heavenly aristocratic families, they must carefully manage their finances in order to have a continuous stream of benefits.


Similarly, nurturing the spirit fields is also extremely troublesome, with the gathering of spiritual energy, the maintenance of the spirit gathering array, the construction and maintenance of the spiritual spring irrigation system, the replenishment of fertility in the spirit fields, and the treatment of diseases and pests, all of which are very costly.


However, if the spirit fields are well planted, not only is the output very high, but it is also the foundation of a family.


Wang Shouzhe put aside his distractions and said, "The sale of these purple leaves and hoarfrost, is it not reflected in the clan's account book?"


He had carefully examined the structure of the clan's account book, and there was no record of the output and expenditure of these two acres of medium-grade spirit fields.


"You can rest assured about that, Shouzhe." Wang Xiaohan explained hastily, "I personally handled the accounts for the income and expenses of these two acres of medium-grade spirit fields, and the other elders and clan leader can check the accounts at any time. When we return to the cottage later, I will show them to you."


"A part of the output is used to offset the cost of the two acres of medium-grade spirit fields. Another part is exchanged for Small Elemental Pills and some spiritual beast blood and meat, and gradually enters the clan's account book and inventory as a long-term consumption."


Wang Shouzhe suddenly remembered that there were some obscure descriptions of income in the clan's account book, such as some other clan owing money to the Wang Clan decades ago and paying it back in installments.


At that time, it was still somewhat inexplicable, but now it seems that it was the output of this secret spirit field. The purpose should be to make the two acres of medium-grade spirit fields more concealed.


"I naturally believe in Sixth Uncle." Wang Shouzhe waved his hand and smiled, "However, Sixth Uncle should cultivate an heir for the cultivation and care of the spirit fields as soon as possible. Otherwise, having an old ancestor of the Lingtai level planting the fields every day is not a good thing."


"Of course, the heir must be cultivated as soon as possible, but…" Wang Xiaohan frowned slightly, "Right now, among the younger generation of the clan, there is only Wang Zongwei!"


Wang Zongwei!


With the glory of the Wang Clan and their strictness towards male descendants, how could such a guy appear? Recently, it seems that he has been injured after being beaten and has become more obedient.


But with Wang Xiaohan's personality, how could he be willing to believe in a gambler, even if he seems to have reformed? The spirit fields are such an important foundation for the clan. What if that dog takes them and sells them?


"That's not urgent either. Let's try selecting a few among the younger generation with talent and see who is more suitable." Wang Shouzhe said, "Being faithful, honest, and dedicated to the clan is also worth trying. But the cultivation of the spirit fields is not something that can be done in just ten or eight years.""To let Wang Zongwei manage the spiritual field, not only Wang Xiaohan does not allow it, even Wang Shouzhe may not agree.


Wang Xiaohan opened his mouth, intending to ask what if he couldn't break through to the Lingtai realm?


But then he thought, if he couldn't break through to the Lingtai realm again, the family would be in danger…


At that time, he could only think of other ways to protect the family and Wang Shouzhe. But many family assets, including this spiritual field, are probably not protected. It is useless to think about it now.


"Shouzhe, most of the output benefits of Ziyeheshou are invested in this medium-grade spiritual field." Wang Xiaohan pointed to another medium-grade spiritual field.


The other spiritual field is also divided into grids of different sizes. The smallest grid is only about ten square meters, while the largest occupies one-third of the grid, about two hundred square meters.


Only one spiritual medicine is planted, and the huge leaves are greedily absorbing the sunlight and spiritual energy in the spiritual field.


As mentioned earlier, Wang Shouzhe had to memorize the map of fierce beasts and the map of spiritual medicine since he was a child. He immediately recognized this as a nine-leaf spirit ginseng. Looking at the huge leaves, this nine-leaf spirit ginseng has been around for quite some years.


An ordinary hundred-year-old ginseng is worth dozens of Top Gold.


The nine-leaf spirit ginseng is a spiritual product among ginsengs. Even a hundred-year-old nine-leaf spirit ginseng is worth thousands of Top Gold because it is the material for many third-order spiritual medicines.


The healing holy medicine "Zaohua Dan" that the ancestor Long Yan took also requires a two-hundred-year-old nine-leaf spirit ginseng, so it is extremely expensive, but the effect of healing and replenishing energy is also very powerful!


Even if an ordinary person is at death's door, a Zaohua Dan can save their life. However, it is difficult for ordinary rich people to afford a Zaohua Dan.


The more Wang Shouzhe looked, the more shocked he was. Something was wrong with this nine-leaf spirit ginseng.


"When the ancestor discovered this nine-leaf spirit ginseng in the foreign domain, it was almost five hundred years old." Wang Xiaohan explained, "Therefore, the ancestor decided to plant it in the spiritual field."


Five hundred years old?


Wang Shouzhe was really shocked by the family's heritage. It was indeed a treasure of the family. He roughly understood that one of the main materials of the legendary "Tianling Dan" was a five-hundred-year-old nine-leaf spirit ginseng.


The value of this thing is probably more than fifty thousand Top Gold, right? Indeed, if an ancestor who is powerful enough appears in the family, the heritage of the family is not something that an ordinary family can compare.


"Unfortunately, the medium-grade spiritual field has little effect on it." Wang Xiaohan said helplessly, "It is growing very slowly now. It has been here for seventy years and has not transformed into a five-hundred-year-old spiritual medicine."




Nearly five hundred years ago, it has not transformed after seventy years. It is really slow. Wang Shouzhe was also speechless. High-grade spiritual medicines are extraordinary, but they cannot be afforded by ordinary families.


The age of spiritual medicines is not simply determined by how many years they are planted. Can the same spiritual medicine planted in a low-grade spiritual field and a high-grade spiritual field be the same?


The so-called hundred-year-old spiritual medicine is because the spiritual medicine has undergone transformation at that stage, and both the essence of life and medicinal properties have made a leap to the next stage.


It's a bit like humans transforming from the Qi-refining realm to the Lingtai realm.


The value increases by a large multiple.


However, the higher the age of the spiritual medicine, the more difficult it is to plant because its demand for spiritual energy and nutrients will become greater. A poor spiritual field cannot provide enough nourishment for it to grow. "In some of the best spiritual fields, the growth rate of spiritual medicine would be much faster. However, when it comes to planting and cultivating spiritual medicine, it is best not to let its growth rate exceed the normal annual rate.


For example, by increasing the concentration of spiritual energy and fertility, a hundred-year-old spiritual medicine can be produced in fifty years.


This kind of spiritual medicine is called "fast-growing spiritual medicine" in the market, and its actual medicinal properties and value are greatly discounted.


In addition to factors such as spiritual energy and fertility, the real growth years of spiritual medicine are equally important. Some experienced spiritual medicine merchants, pill masters, and alchemists can easily tell if it is fast-growing spiritual medicine.


"According to my estimation, after seventy years of planting, its age should have increased by about seven years. However, it grows faster, and I expect it will transform into a five hundred-year-old spiritual medicine in another twenty years." Wang Xiaohan said excitedly and regretfully, "It's a pity that our family doesn't have a top-quality spiritual field, otherwise it should be able to grow normally."


A top-quality spiritual field?


Wang Shouzhe glanced at Wang Xiaohan. The sixth elder, you dare to think even more than me.


Our family is struggling with a middle-grade spiritual field, and you dare to think about a top-grade spiritual field?


"Shouzhe, this thing was originally meant to be kept for you in case of emergencies after it matures." Wang Xiaohan said with difficulty, "Moreover, the family has invested too many resources and efforts in it. It would be a loss to sell it now before it transforms. If it weren't for the family's crisis, I would never sell it to exchange for the Heavenly Spirit Pill. In the end, this matter is where the sixth grandfather has failed you."


"Selling it now is indeed a big loss." Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, "However, don't use it for now, Sixth Grandfather. I'll try to find a solution to the Heavenly Spirit Pill."




Wang Xiaohan was shocked, "Shouzhe, where do you get so much money to buy the Heavenly Spirit Pill?"


A ninth-grade family that has accumulated wealth over decades to exchange for a Heavenly Spirit Pill is already quite difficult.


Families that can achieve this level are mostly able to maintain their family for generations, living on and on.


As for loose cultivators, unless they encounter a great opportunity, they cannot afford to buy a Heavenly Spirit Pill in their lifetime. Moreover, general academies and sects are quite wary of rootless loose cultivators.


Even if the other party has a very good aptitude, far surpassing Wang Shouzhe's monstrous talent, the academy will carefully consider and investigate, and would rather not take any risks if there are any doubts.


Having no background means that one can fabricate a background, and there may be some fatal problems in the future. Who knows if they will be spies sent by hostile forces? Or if they carry too much hatred and entanglements that cannot be cleared.


It is also because resources are hard to earn that Wang Xiaohan is so shocked.


"Sixth Grandfather, you should first use the Peiyuan Pill to properly regulate your body and quickly recover to prepare for the breakthrough to the Lingtai Realm." Wang Shouzhe did not give a direct answer and said conservatively, "As for me, I'll just try my luck. If I'm lucky, hehe~"


In Wang Shouzhe's view, Liu's Clan and Zhao's Clan have achieved their current status by usurping the achievements that Wang's Clan ancestors exchanged for their lives. Now that he knows they have the "fruits" of decades of wealth accumulation in their hands.


With his personality, how could he not try his luck?


Even if he doesn't succeed, Wang Shouzhe is unwilling to let them easily digest the wealth fruits.


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