Chapter 120 – The shock of Song Liang and others, did we criticize someone terrible?

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

It seems that only the Evergreen Sword Saint would warrant such attention from Director Wang to personally intervene, right?


Moreover, they had all heard that last night, the Evergreen Sword Saint helped the nation uncover a conspiracy within the martial arts world and annihilated the Qingcheng Guo family.


It's very likely that the nation has reached some sort of cooperation with the Evergreen Sword Saint.


So, was Wang Yunlong here today to discuss a collaboration with Chu Yi?


Thinking of this, Lin Zhiwu and Li Xiu looked at Chu Yi with even greater shock in their eyes.


There seemed to be no other possibility…


All the evidence pointed towards Chu Yi!


"Damn… Behind Chu Yi is the Emei Chu family, a martial arts family with a continental-level warrior at its helm."


Lin Zhiwu furrowed his brows and whispered, "Is there a possibility that Chu Yi isn't a Biotics Man but a martial artist instead? That would explain how he could grant students transcendent abilities."


Li Xiu was startled by the suggestion, which seemed entirely plausible!


"But that doesn't make sense, does it?" Li Xiu was puzzled, "If Chu Yi belonged to the martial arts world, why would he be willing to help the nation? Aren't they sworn enemies?"


"Besides, Chu Yi is just a collateral member of the Chu family; he shouldn't be qualified to practice martial arts, right?"


"Forget it, let's not guess anymore. Let's just ask our superiors."


Li Xiu quickly took out his phone and reported everything that had happened here to his superiors.


This was all too sudden.


They had never imagined that Chu Yi, a seemingly unreliable physical education teacher, could be connected to the Evergreen Sword Saint.


At this moment, Song Liang couldn't help but interject, "Group leaders, hasn't this Chu Yi violated the confidentiality agreement? Why don't you arrest him directly? This is having a terrible impact!"


Other leaders from the city's education department also looked at Lin Zhiwu and his colleague with puzzled eyes.


They really hadn't expected this!


Just coming to conduct a surprise inspection at a school, they had encountered a Biotics Man teacher leading a group of Biotics Man students, openly breaching the confidentiality agreement in front of two Biotics Management Bureau leaders!


Wasn't this too outrageous?


According to the confidentiality agreement, revealing transcendent abilities in front of ordinary people could be punishable by death at worst!


And Chu Yi had exposed his transcendent abilities in front of the entire senior year of North Hill High School, over a thousand teachers and students! Such behavior was undoubtedly extremely reprehensible!


Death penalty was probably inevitable, right?


But why were the two group leaders, Lin Zhiwu and his colleague, unmoved?


"Arrest him?"


Li Xiu looked at his phone, a self-deprecating smile on his face, unable to hide the shock in his eyes.


His superiors had replied instantly.


"Fuck…" Lin Zhiwu also saw the message on the phone, his eyes widening in disbelief.


Their reactions left Song Liang and the others completely baffled.


"What do you mean by this? Why can't you arrest Chu Yi? He has already committed a serious crime!"


Song Liang was utterly perplexed; Chu Yi's actions were seriously destabilizing society!


Lin Zhiwu glanced at him and sighed, "Director Song, you're not a Biotics Man, you don't understand what it means to have the ability to cultivate Biotics Men."


Song Liang was taken aback and quickly said, "I have some idea about that. The nation hasn't figured it out in three years, so… does this mean Chu Yi is now considered a special talent that requires special handling and can't be arrested?"


"No." Li Xiu shook his head and said indifferently, "So far, only that one National level Biotics Man is suspected of having the ability to cultivate Biotics Men."


"The only National level Biotics Man?"


Song Liang was stunned, not comprehending for a moment.


But soon, he widened his eyes in shock, pointing at Chu Yi below and said incredulously, "Are you saying that this means… Chu Yi is the Evergreen Sword Saint?"


At this revelation, all the leaders from the city's education department turned pale.


They didn't know much about Biotics Men.


But recently, the title of Evergreen Sword Saint was something they were very familiar with!


The first National level Biotics Man in the world!


Stronger than the head of the Biotics Management Bureau, Wang Yunlong!


An unquestionable national figure!


Song Liang and the others couldn't believe it!


That utterly unreliable teacher, Chu Yi, was actually the Evergreen Sword Saint!


Had they just criticized a very important person?


"That's not right, is it? Group leaders, could you have made a mistake? What if Chu Yi just happened to discover a method to cultivate Biotics Men?"


Song Liang's smile was uglier than crying.


He had just openly criticized Chu Yi!


He even wanted to use him as a stepping stone to show off in front of Wang Yunlong!


If Chu Yi really was that person…


Just the thought made Song Liang's scalp tingle with fear!


Could it really be such a coincidence?


It must be a misunderstanding… right?


"I've already asked the superiors, and they've confirmed that Chu Yi is the Evergreen Sword Saint."


Li Xiu's calm voice shattered Song Liang's last hope.




The deputy director of the city's education department cursed outright, almost jumping in shock.


Song Liang's expression was as if he had seen a ghost; even his deep composure was now stretched thin.


He was well aware.


In the face of the increasingly severe Alien Beast crisis, the Evergreen Sword Saint was definitely someone the nation would actively seek to please!


He had just thought of firing him? Of using him as a stepping stone?!


"I didn't criticize Chu… Mr. Chu earlier, did he hear that?"


Song Liang asked anxiously and fearfully.


"I don't know."


Li Xiu shook his head, outwardly calm but inwardly relieved.


Thankfully, although he hadn't been fond of Chu Yi, he had never shown it.


Otherwise, the trouble would have been immense!


Meanwhile, Feng Shikai and the others were already in a daze.


They looked as if they were hearing something unbelievable!


The conversation between Li Xiu and Song Liang was no longer concealed.


Feng Shikai and the others heard everything clearly but couldn't understand a thing!


What Biotics Man?


What Evergreen Sword Saint?


What confidentiality agreement?!


Are you guys writing a novel here?!


"This, this isn't right, is it? This dream today is too real…"


Feng Shikai muttered, unable to believe he was in reality.


He could only vaguely sense that something major was wrong with the world, and that Chu Yi might have an even higher status?


Even making Song Liang change his expression to one of worry and fear!


What happened to the physical education inspection? Why did things suddenly take a turn towards the mystical?


"This kid, is the Evergreen Sword Saint?"


Chen Huaiyu had been stunned for a while before he murmured in disbelief.


What the hell? What's going on?


You've been hiding this deep, kid?!

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