Chapter 119 – Will Chu Yi teach biotics? Is Chu Yi the Evergreen Sword Saint?!

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

The officials from the city's education department, including Song Liang, were dumbfounded.


They had never imagined such a scene!


This is…Biotics Men?


Are all these students Biotics Men?!


How else could they explain their ability to do a standing long jump of ten meters?!


"Could it be… Chu Yi wasn't just boasting before? Does he really have a method to cultivate Biotics Men? He kept these students out all night… to teach them Alien Abilities?"


Song Liang was utterly shocked.


He couldn't help but wonder if he was out of the loop.


Could it be that someone has already figured out how to cultivate Biotics Men?


And I just haven't heard the news?


But when Song Liang looked at Lin Zhiwu and Li Xiu and saw their equally shocked and puzzled expressions, he realized it might not be the case.


"Group Leader Lin, Group Leader Li, what's going on?" Song Liang hurriedly asked.


"How would I know what's going on?"


Lin Zhiwu slapped his forehead, his face a mix of bewilderment and astonishment.


Li Xiu didn't speak, but his expression was identical.


Are all these students really Biotics Men?


What's going on? Could they really have been taught by Chu Yi?


The things he said last week on the sports field weren't just hot air?!


But how is that possible?!


The state doesn't have a method to cultivate Biotics Men, so how could he?


They had never heard of anyone being able to cultivate Biotics Men!


Wait… No, that's not right, there seems to be one?


The title Evergreen Sword Saint surfaced in the minds of Lin Zhiwu and Li Xiu simultaneously.


The first National level Biotics Man in the world!


There were rumors before that he had a method to cultivate Biotics Men!


"Fuck, no way?"


Lin Zhiwu gasped in disbelief.


Li Xiu's brows were furrowed, he suppressed his emotions and analyzed, "I've heard that the headquarters had suspicions about Chu Yi being that person, with significant doubts about his identity and location, and now, his abilities seem to match up too…"


"I can't believe it! I can't accept it!"


Lin Zhiwu couldn't hold back.


The Evergreen Sword Saint? Chu Yi, this unreliable and unserious teacher, is the Evergreen Sword Saint?!


What kind of colossal joke is this?


The image of the Evergreen Sword Saint is so majestic and towering!


Isn't this collapse too absurd?!


"But looking at the current situation, it seems highly likely…"


Li Xiu muttered, emotionally, he also found it hard to believe.


The disparity between the two images in his mind was too great!


Song Liang was completely confused.


What on earth were they talking about?


Could this Chu Yi have some significant hidden identity?!


"Principal Chen, Principal Chen!"


Feng Shikai's face was covered with handprints, he clutched Chen Huaiyu's clothes tightly, his expression verging on madness as he nearly roared, "What on earth did Chu Yi teach these students?!"


"I don't know!" Chen Huaiyu's face showed difficulty, how could he dare to tell the truth?


"Chu Yi doesn't understand sports! He definitely doesn't understand sports!"


Feng Shikai kept shaking his head, "He must be into metaphysics, right?!"


Chen Huaiyu could only smile wryly, you actually guessed it right…


As for the students and teachers below, after being stunned for a long time, they erupted into an incredibly surprised commotion.


"Fuck! What did I just see? A ten-meter standing long jump!"


"Superhuman! This is really superhuman!"


"So the rumors are true! Teacher Chu really can give people superpowers!"


"Fuck! My worldview is shattered? What happened to the materialistic world we were promised? Science? Is this science?"


"What era is it? Still playing with traditional science? Explain all those supernatural videos on the internet with science, why don't you?"


"Eek! Ugh! Teacher Chu is awesome! I want to learn too!"




Chu Yi, watching everyone's reactions, finally relaxed his furrowed brows.


Not a bad show-off effect!


Nice, good work deserves a reward!


Chu Yi looked at his ten disciples with satisfaction, thinking that their show-off was modestly luxurious with substance!


If they had really given it their all, the people here would probably be not just shocked, but terrified!


A ten-meter jump was just the right display!


And there was still room for another round of showing off later!


Simply perfect!


Looking at Chu Yi's admiring gaze.


The ten disciples ten meters away looked at each other in confusion.


What does this mean? Is Master praising us for understanding his intentions?


We didn't break the rules and successfully helped him show off?


Chu Yi, who forgot to close his Insightful Eye, saw their thoughts and was stunned.


Rules? What rules?


Fuck! I had rules?!


Chu Yi then realized, these disciples didn't give their all just because of the rules?


When the ten disciples came back.


Chu Yi, without a change in expression, praised them, "Not bad! You've grasped the meaning of your master! You didn't forget the rules, I'm so relieved!"


The ten disciples had an epiphany.


So Master was testing us!


Thank goodness we kept the rules in mind! Otherwise, we would have disappointed Master just now!


"Right, right, that's exactly the test I had for you."


Chu Yi nodded with a smile, then looked at the other disciples, "You all should learn from them!"


Chen Hao and Xu Guanghui exchanged glances.


Why did they feel like Master was pulling their leg again?


Is there a chance?


Master himself forgot the rules? Was all this just a coincidence?


Hiss… Surely he can't be that unreliable?


"However, from now on, you don't have to follow the rules! Starting today, the first rule is officially abolished! Give it your all!" Chu Yi announced.


Chen Hao asked in confusion, "Do we have a second rule?"




Chu Yi headbutted him like a rocket, glaring, "Stop your nonsense! Wouldn't your master know? Do you need to tell me?"


Xu Guanghui thought for a moment, then tentatively said, "Master, actually Mouse remembered wrong, we do have a second rule."


Chu Yi looked enlightened, "Ah… I know, I know, the second rule… it's not important!"


Hiss, when did I set a second rule?


Xu Guanghui: "…"


Alright, it seems Master really doesn't remember anything.


Wang Yuan was completely baffled on the side.


What master? What rules?


Are you guys playing at being immortals here?




"Did Chu Yi really teach a bunch of D-level Biotics Men?"


Lin Zhiwu speculated in a low voice.


"Standing long jump of ten meters, looks like they didn't even use their full strength, probably between D and E level, right? If he really is the Evergreen Sword Saint, then this level of ability doesn't seem too exaggerated?" Li Xiu pondered, stroking his chin.


While shocked, both were also full of worry and anxiety.


Chu Yi's actions were a complete violation of the confidentiality agreement!


What should they do? Should they arrest Chu Yi?


"Wait…" Lin Zhiwu suddenly startled, "Could the big event mentioned by the higher-ups be related to Chu Yi?!"

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