Vol.2 – Chapter 2 – Tiger whale

Time leisurely passed, day after day.

Rain was pouring from the sky, with flashes of lightning and thunderous roars, and dark clouds filled the sky. Feng Yaya had run off somewhere, and Su He was submerged at the bottom of the sea, introspecting with the Clear Mirror.

Day Six:

Status: In Heat

Sacrificial Bone: 9%

Internal Organs: 10%

Effect: The speed of the sacrificial bone process remains unchanged with ordinary food, but the internal organs process slows down. Two-star Exotic Beasts increase the speed of the internal organs process by 6%~8%, and the sacrificial bone process by 2%~3%. Three-star Exotic Beasts increase the internal organs process by 7%~11%, and the sacrificial bone process by 3%~5%.

The Clear Mirror doesn’t display fixed attributes, but changes according to Su He’s thoughts. Except for the status column, this column is locked and must be displayed, regardless of his control. It was designed this way to prevent special statuses, such as poisoning or dizziness, from being overlooked.

The diary-like function that appeared recently was a mystery to Su He when he woke up, but he guessed that the Clear Mirror had been spread out and someone had improved it.

Su He used it to record the details of his cultivation and the patterns of the dice.

For example, what time and place were best for cultivation – Su He’s realm was still low, and it was difficult for him to perceive the subtle changes in spiritual energy, but the Clear Mirror could.

These past few days, he had been recording the effects of food on cultivation. Compared to bones, internal organs were more affected by food. Generally speaking, the higher the grade, the better the effect. Su He found that he absorbed the effects of fish, shrimp, and crab better than wild rabbits and deer.

However, if meat and vegetables were mixed, the effect was even better.

He was still exploring and hadn’t yet figured out the best food combination.


Su He blew away a small fish that was swimming in front of his nose. These creatures were basically not afraid of him, their fear of sharks far outweighed their fear of Su He.

Probably because Su He didn’t eat them.

The sea was full of all kinds of creatures, never lacking Exotic Beasts. Every thirty to forty miles, there was a one-star Exotic Beast. If Su He was willing to travel, he could always find two or three two-star or even three-star Exotic Beasts within three to five hundred miles.

The only trouble was that the sea was too vast, making it difficult to rob and train long-term food sources. Just as he was preparing to tame one after a fight, it would escape while he was napping and couldn’t be found.

He had drawn two Positioning Talismans. One was now thousands of miles away, and the other had disappeared, probably eaten by other Exotic Beasts.

Su He swam towards the surface of the sea. When he was still some distance from the surface, he heard Feng Yaya’s shout: “Big Turtle, Big Turtle, stop it quickly!”

Su He accelerated and broke through the water, only to see Feng Yaya tying a tiger whale with two vines. The tiger whale was panicking and swimming rapidly, dragging Feng Yaya who was barefoot on the sea surface.

The speed was so fast that Feng Yaya broke the sea surface with her feet, forming two water walls that completely blocked her. Only a faint glimpse of her red clothes could be seen, and her excited shouts could be heard.

There was a bump on the head of the tiger whale, still showing the mark of a small fist. Six stars were twinkling under the bump.

“Big Turtle, catch it!” Feng Yaya shouted.

A six-star Exotic Beast, one level higher than Su He, but – it could be fought!

Su He slapped his tail, and waves formed under him. He shot out with a stroke of his four claws, and the rolling waves carried him towards the tiger whale.

A six-star Exotic Beast was worth taming as a long-term food source.

With Feng Yaya behind and the Giant Turtle in front, the tiger whale’s eyes flashed with anger. It let out a whistle, its head sank into the water, and it swam even faster, breaking through the waves and charging straight at Su He.

This was its usual skill, capable of smashing even a small island with a head-on collision.

Su He couldn’t shrink his dragon head into his turtle shell, but he was fearless. He was enveloped in an outer appearance, and the waves under him became more urgent, pushing him towards the tiger whale with a roar.


With a strong muffled sound, Su He felt as if he had hit a mountain head-on and was bounced back. It was like a volcanic eruption, and the waves exploded at the point of collision, shooting up into the sky.

Even the heavy rain was scattered.

After a long time, it fell down like a waterfall.

As far as the eye could see, the whole world was full of flying seawater.

Feng Yaya was thrown out with a shout, bouncing on the sea surface and going far away. Only a series of excited screams were left behind.

Su He shook his head and looked forward. The tiger whale’s head had caved in, but it hadn’t broken open. For a six-star Exotic Beast, it wasn’t a fatal injury. But the whole fish had already fainted and turned over.

There was an incredulous look on the whale’s face.

For the first time, the tiger whale was defeated head-on under its own best skill.

This Turtle didn’t use its sharp teeth to bite, but chose to collide?

Su He swam towards the tiger whale. As he approached, the tiger whale suddenly turned over, its tail flicked, and a whirlpool formed in the sea, rolling straight towards Su He.

Sneaky! Pretending to faint!

This was a sign of high spiritual intelligence among Exotic Beasts.

This whirlpool was a common skill used by the tiger whale to hunt sharks. With a flick of its tail, a whirlpool would form, sucking the sharks into it. With another flick of its tail, the sharks would be stunned and could be enjoyed at will.

However, this tiger whale’s whirlpool was different. The speed of the water flow was so fast that steam was appearing on the whirlpool, forming a tornado with the whirlpool and howling towards Su He.

Su He looked at the whirlpool, a flash of surprise in his eyes. Water could be used this way? He had never tried this method of water manipulation before, and he had learned a new trick.

Su He stretched out a claw into the whirlpool, connected with the sea water, and pressed down and lifted up.


The sea surface sank down, then was lifted up into the air, turning into a heavy rain that poured down.

The tiger whale had a dumbfounded look on its face. Its invincible whirlpool had failed.

Su He looked at it, playing with water in front of the Dragon Turtle, this whale was somewhat tiger-like.

It was only after entering the sea that Su He truly understood the Dragon Turtle. The Dragon Turtle was born to be in the sea! Every drop of water seemed to have life and could be controlled at will.

This was not a Divine Ability, but an instinct!

Su He thought for a moment, imitated the tiger whale, and with a wave of his claw, a whirlpool formed, chasing after the tiger whale in a counter-rotation, and instantly entangling it, spinning wildly.

The tiger whale let out a terrified, sharp cry: “Ya Wu~ Ya Wu~”

First, it was terrified and meaningless, then it was begging for mercy.

“Wah Wah!” Feng Yaya was also pulled back by the whirlpool, shouting. She was a bit at a loss, but also excited, feeling both thrilling and fun.

Su He pressed down the whirlpool, calming the sea surface.The tiger whale lay paralyzed on the water surface, shivering. Feng Yaya flipped over and lay on its back, allowing the seawater to fall and hit her. She just laughed heartily, not knowing what she was so happy about.

Su He realized that this little girl had become fearless.

In the past, she would never dare to surface if she wasn’t on the turtle shell. Swimming in the water and flying in the sky were her taboos. But these days, the little girl had gradually started to let go, even daring to dive into the water to catch tiger whales.

The seawater that was lifted into the sky, carrying fish, shrimp, and crabs, fell down with a spectacular splash.

After a while, the sea gradually calmed down.

The tiger whale shrank its fins, looking at Su He obediently.

Feng Yaya ran back and forth on its back, quite delighted, “Big Turtle, Big Turtle, there’s a school of big fish over there. This one is the most ferocious, it wanted to eat my piglet, but I beat it… Eh? Where’s my pig?”

Feng Yaya paused, then became furious, “Did you eat it?!”

She slapped the tiger whale on the forehead, causing a swelling on its head to be slapped back. The tiger whale let out a painful whistle.

At this moment, in the distance, a wild boar was panting as it swam towards the small island.

It was too terrifying. Why would a pig be in the sea?

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