Chapter 96 – Do not do regrettable things


“The Thunder Dragon Emperor has taken action?”

Upon hearing this news, General Deng’s face changed drastically, and even Xu Zong’s expression changed.

The Thunder Dragon Emperor, one of the two rulers of the Earth’s two major seas, is the unrivaled ruler of the Earth after Luo Feng killed the Octopus Emperor and the Swallowed Beast!

Its strength is at least at the Celestial Level Sixth Order, and its speed and power far surpass those of human warriors at the same level. Only Hong and the Thunder God can suppress it with their strength!

But now that Luo Feng is “dead” on Earth, Hong and the Thunder God are in a deep sleep. The strongest one left is Xu Zong, who just defeated Atkin. However, Xu Zong’s strength is only around the normal Celestial Level Fourth Order. Although his attack power is stronger, he cannot possibly defeat the Thunder Dragon Emperor!

In fact, after the death of the Swallowed Beast, the five major countries were worried that the Thunder Dragon Emperor would cause trouble, but it did not appear in the five months, so they were relieved.

This time, the beast tide actually lured out the Thunder Dragon Emperor?

“How could this happen, why…”

General Deng muttered in a daze.

The appearance of the Thunder Dragon Emperor is exactly the worst-case scenario mentioned by Zhu Xi!

It is extremely powerful, even an A5-level laser cannon cannot kill it. Its intelligence is also extremely high, and it will never touch a nuclear bomb. The two major weapons of humanity, the laser cannon and the nuclear bomb, cannot harm it. On the contrary, the Thunder Dragon Emperor can freely come and go, wreaking havoc on the entire Earth!

“It is estimated that it will arrive at the Southeast Base in more than ten minutes. Hurry up and arrange for evacuation.”

Zhu Xi’s words were also filled with helplessness.

General Deng clenched his fists, gritted his teeth fiercely, and trembled all over. But at a certain moment, his shoulders also drooped and silently flew towards the base.

Xu Zong followed without saying a word.

“No, what should we do?”

“What can we do? We can’t intervene.”

“Roar. (We can’t help now, we can only hope that the Swallowed World can get through this crisis on its own.)”

Several illusory Xu Zong looked at each other and could only smile bitterly.

Inside the command room of the base.

The main command figures of this base gathered here, looking up at the satellite images transmitted from the Kyoto Base City on the large screen.

A dragon god, thousands of kilometers long, with lightning flashing all over its body, rose from the depths of the Pacific Ocean and flew towards the Southeast Base at lightning speed like a flash of lightning.

The five king-level monsters roared arrogantly on the coastline like vanguards.

The map showed that the five king-level monsters would arrive within eight minutes, and the Thunder Dragon Emperor would arrive eleven minutes later.

This is not a joke, the Thunder Dragon Emperor has really appeared!

“How is the evacuation work going?”

General Deng walked quickly into the command room and asked the crowd in a low voice.

“It started immediately, but in about ten minutes, there is not enough time to evacuate many people!”

Someone in the command room replied.

The expressions of the people were either heavy or anxious.

“You damn bastard! Give me a nuclear bomb, I’ll fight that damn Thunder Dragon Emperor!”

“Save it, if you go with a nuclear bomb, you will die together. The Thunder Dragon Emperor is fine!”

There were also people with straightforward temperaments shouting to die together, but they were firmly suppressed by others.


At this moment, a messenger suddenly returned to the command room.

“What’s the matter?”

General Deng turned his head to look.

“The officers are unwilling to evacuate. They say they want to live and die with the soldiers!”

“This is ridiculous!”

General Deng couldn’t help but curse angrily.

“The evacuation should start with the precious talents. Only then can we have the confidence to rebuild our homeland. They are all brave warriors, but lack a sense of the bigger picture!”

“But, Old Deng, there is not enough time for evacuation in just a few minutes. We might even be caught up by the monsters.”

Someone said with a bitter smile, “Instead of dying in a miserable state during the evacuation, it’s better to fight fiercely. I’m afraid everyone thinks the same.”

“Who said it’s only a few minutes!”

General Deng glared fiercely at that person.

“I will stop those monsters. You evacuate as quickly as possible. Old Wang, I leave the command to you!”

Saying that, with red eyes, he was about to rush outside.

Xu Zong stood aside, silently watching this scene.

At any time, in the face of anything, one must carefully consider whether their choices will make their future selves regret. Remember, never make choices that will make you regret at any time.

His mind recalled Little Uncle’s teachings.

“Old Deng, don’t do something foolish!”

Suddenly, someone exclaimed in shock and quickly blocked the door.

“The Thunder Dragon Emperor is at least at the Celestial Level Sixth Order. Your Celestial Level First Order might be in mortal danger!”

“That’s right, if we talk about precious talents, you and Little Xu are the most precious. You should evacuate first and don’t worry about us old bones!”

Someone persuaded General Deng and Xu Zong to evacuate.In any case, this base cannot be defended, and even human civilization may suffer a huge blow! If we consider reconstruction, it is undoubtedly the Celestial Level experts who will be most needed in the future.

“That Celestial Level Second Order shouldn’t pose a fatal danger.”

But at this moment, in the midst of the chaos, Xu Zong slowly spoke up.


Those people were instantly stunned.

“What I mean is…”

Xu Zong paused, his expression gradually becoming firm.

“I will stop the Thunder Dragon Emperor, and you all take the opportunity to evacuate!”

“Xu, have you gone mad?”

General Deng widened his eyes and quickly said to him.

“You became a Second Order Celestial Level expert within a month of entering the Celestial Level. You have the potential to become a figure like Hong in the future. By then, you can easily defeat the Thunder Dragon Emperor and rebuild human civilization. You don’t need to take risks with us at this time!”

Since this place is already destined to be destroyed, the person with the most hope of leading humanity to rise again should be the first to leave.

Obviously, Xu Zong is such a person, just like Hong who led humanity to rise from the Great Nirvana period!

“I’m not mad.”

Xu Zong shook his head and analyzed it very rationally.

“The Thunder Dragon Emperor is indeed very strong, but it hasn’t reached the level of Hong and the Thunder God yet. With my Second Order Celestial Level body wearing the Black God suit, and with my excellent unloading skills, I should be able to withstand it in a fight.”

General Deng was momentarily stunned upon hearing this.

Xu Zong was the one who passed the second trial of the Himalayan Ruins. They all knew what the second trial was, so they knew that Xu Zong’s unloading skills were probably very strong. His words made sense.

“General Deng, you arrange for people to evacuate, and leave those monsters to me!”

Before they could respond, Xu Zong turned and left the command room, rushing out of the base at an extremely fast speed.

“This… General Deng, is there any hope?”

Someone couldn’t help but ask General Deng.

General Deng took a deep breath.

“Evacuate quickly!!”

Kyoto Base City.

“What did you say? Xu Zong wants to stop the Thunder Dragon Emperor alone?!”

Zhu Xi answered the phone and couldn’t help but widen his eyes upon hearing General Deng’s words.

“This is simply absurd! He could have cultivated for a few more years before going to find the Thunder Dragon Emperor. Going now is simply not worth it! I shouldn’t have asked him to support us!”

Zhu Xi kept rubbing his temples and after a while.

“There’s nothing we can do. Since Xu Zong is willing to stay behind, all of you evacuate as quickly as possible, evacuate as much as you can!”

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Xi fell silent and unconsciously touched the military uniform on his body.

This military uniform belonged to someone else five months ago. His name was Jia Yi, his predecessor. In the Swallowed Star disaster, he was sacrificed by Luo Feng in order to defeat the Swallowed Star Beast. Before leaving, Jia Yi left this military uniform for him.

“I command you to immediately broadcast the satellite images I sent to the whole country live!”

Zhu Xi made a call and gave the order in a cold and stern tone.

Just like the battle against the Swallowed Star Beast five months ago, at that time, all the TV stations on Earth broadcasted it live in the face of the disaster of human destruction.

Zhu Xi decided to follow the same approach this time. If humanity is destined to be destroyed because of the Thunder Dragon Emperor, at least let everyone die with a clear understanding.

At this time, no one would harbor any illusions, including Zhu Xi.

In his heart, he knew that Xu Zong definitely couldn’t defeat the Thunder Dragon Emperor. No one on Earth could do such a thing. Human civilization was about to be reborn from the ashes once again, just like during the Great Nirvana period.

This live broadcast would serve as a boost for Xu Zong’s future efforts to rebuild human civilization!

A few minutes later, the television stations in the six base cities of China all abruptly switched their screens. Not only the televisions in people’s homes, but even the projection screens on the walls of buildings.

“What’s going on? It’s only morning, why are they broadcasting the news?”

“Is something wrong in the sea? Could there be another incident?”

“No way, it’s only been a few months. Is it happening again?”

Just as people were panicking, the host of the Central Television Station appeared rapidly on the screen, broadcasting the news with a heavy and anxious tone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, just now, we received a very unfortunate piece of news. The last remaining monster emperor, the Thunder Dragon Emperor, is about to land along the Yangtze River…”

On the screen, the footage was divided into two parts. One part was satellite footage of the Thunder Dragon Emperor and the King-level monsters flying at high speed.

“The Thunder Dragon Emperor?”


The audience looked at each other, and a strong sense of shock emerged from their confusion.

“This is bad!”

“Without Hong and the Thunder God, and without Luo Feng, who can stop the monster emperor?”

“We’re done for! Earth is going to be destroyed!”

Some of the audience panicked and were in a state of fear.

“Huh? Who is that person?”Meanwhile, another group of people noticed a young man captured by the satellite, who was also flying at high speed. The camera gradually zoomed in, focusing on the young man.

The bottom left corner of the screen was constantly updating the distance between the two.

“Is that a council-level powerhouse? He looks so young. Is he going to stop the Thunder Dragon Emperor?”

“What good is a council member? Without Hong, the Thunder God, and Luo Feng, who can defeat the Thunder Dragon Emperor?”

“Why are you being so pessimistic? He must be able to win, otherwise why would they broadcast it?”

At this moment, all 1.2 billion people in China were focusing on this encounter in the Pacific sky. Some were excited and full of confidence, while others looked despondent, their faces pale as death. Some even started to riot, as if it were the end of the world.

As major media outlets broadcasted this scene, it gradually spread to the rest of the world.

(End of Chapter)

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