Chapter 108 – Ten Thousand Feet Golden Dragon

“If you insist on doing this, you might as well kill me now.”

The cunning and sly Demon Warlock would not believe Saga’s words, thinking it was just a harmless ability to enhance mutual trust. As a Necromancer, it had a certain understanding of Mind Warlocks and knew that the soul-manipulating tricks of Mind Warlocks could be even more formidable than those of Necromancers.

It truly wished to follow Saga.

But it could not accept something being left in its soul.

“That’s not for you to decide.”

The dragon’s eyes narrowed, its gaze turning cold.

Saga extended a talon, aiming it from afar at the Demon Warlock.


In the bright daylight, a bolt of lightning shot out from the golden Hatchling Dragon’s talon tip, striking the Demon Warlock’s skull with precision, piercing through the flames and directly into its eye socket.

The lightning created by electromagnetic force penetrated the defenses, hitting the soul fire in the Demon Warlock’s eye socket.


A scream of agony rose.

The soul fire of the Demon Warlock fluctuated violently, severely damaged by the strike. Its already poor condition worsened as the bony hand supporting its head lost control and fell off, the head plummeting towards the ground, but before it could hit the earth, Saga used gravity to pull it into his dragon claw.

“Alright, let’s start building trust.”

After injuring the Demon Warlock and making it even weaker.

Saga held the Demon Warlock’s head, spread his dragon wings, and soared into the sky.

A minute later, the golden Hatchling Dragon returned to the summit of the Gemstone Peak.

Just then, a strong wind blew, howling fiercely.

The voice of the Demon Warlock rose amidst the wind’s roar: “You want to enslave my soul, I swear, you will not succeed. You can kill me, but to enslave my soul, heh, do not underestimate the resilience of a Necromancer’s soul. Forcibly using mind enslavement will only make you pay a heavy price!”

Its voice was weak.

There was also a hint of bluster within.

Saga smiled slightly and said, “Addison, you needn’t worry about me.”

Having said that, the golden Hatchling Dragon standing atop the Gemstone Peak exhaled lightly.

At the same time, his spirit, mind, and will became exceptionally focused, the brilliance of psychic power blooming in his eyes. Electromagnetic force emerged silently, causing currents of electricity to crawl through the gaps in Saga’s golden scales, with dust and pebbles in the surrounding environment unconsciously levitating and revolving around him.

The dragon claw completely enveloped the Demon Warlock’s head.


The golden Hatchling Dragon coiled up and closed its eyes.


The vision first plunged into darkness, then in the next second, with the change of psychic power, entered the Demon Warlock’s mind world.

To successfully cast the Electromagnetic Brand, an important step was required—soul strength determination.

That is, to defeat the target in a confrontation of pure mind, spirit, and soul within the opponent’s mind world, and then leave an indelible mark deep within their psyche.

In the mind world of the Demon Warlock, golden radiance converged, forming a small Hatchling Dragon surrounded by psychic brilliance and encircled by currents of electricity.

Saga opened his eyes.

First to catch his sight was an endless grey-white ‘wilderness’.

The ground was formed by layers of bones, including ordinary human skeletons, massive giant bones, fierce and ferocious lion and tiger bones, and even those of dragons. The land of this world was forged from bones.

Then he looked up at the sky.

Countless ghosts, wraiths, and other undead creatures formed an equally boundless necromantic canopy.

Roars, screams, maniacal laughter, murmurs, and mad speech overlapped, reaching Saga’s ears.

At the same time.


It was as if two eerie green suns suddenly lit up.

Numerous ghosts and wraiths spiraled up, forming the green eyes of the Demon Warlock, suspended high above the grotesque and gloomy necromantic firmament, looking down upon the golden Hatchling Dragon from above.

“Hehehe, entering the mind world of a Necromancer, Hatchling Dragon, you have overestimated yourself!”

The Demon Warlock’s signature eerie laugh thundered across the sky.

In a mind world filled with undead creatures, the golden Hatchling Dragon, seemingly the only living thing, remained unmoved, lifting its head to meet the gaze of the green eyes in the sky.

“Addison, is it necessary to put on such a show of strength at this point?”

“Do you think I can’t see your weakness? Heh, a mind world filled with undead might seem intimidating, but whose mind is so monotonous? Don’t tell me that a Necromancer’s mind contains not a single ray of sunshine.”

The small Hatchling Dragon, appearing as insignificant as dust beneath the Demon Warlock’s gaze, seemed to be the one in control.

It was a gaze from above.

But upon seeing Saga’s eyes, the Demon Warlock felt a momentary illusion that it was the one being looked down upon, the weaker one.

“Hehehe, you think I’m bluffing?”

“I know you’ve embarked on the path of a Mind Warlock, but damn it, you wretched Hatchling Dragon, do not underestimate the soul of a Necromancer!”

The Demon Warlock said with a surge of fighting spirit.

In a battle on the mental plane, the last thing one can afford is self-doubt or self-denial.

Once you believe the opponent is stronger than you, there’s no need for the battle to truly begin; it can be declared over, for the power of the mind stems from the self, and if even you don’t believe in yourself, the outcome is certain to be defeat.

Saga grinned and said:

“Is that so? Then, begin your final struggle.”

“Let’s see how this Necromancer performs.”

Damn it, if I weren’t in this half-crippled state, if I still had the peak level of a ninth-circle Warlock, the Demon Warlock snorted coldly and roared fiercely: “Die!”

In that instant.

The ground suddenly came to life, the soul fire igniting simultaneously in the eye sockets of countless skulls.

Then, right beneath the golden Hatchling Dragon’s feet, these bones crowded together, my skull in your ribcage, your hand bones piercing its pelvis, densely packed, layer upon layer, forming a kilometer-wide colossal bone hand that abruptly rose from the ground and clenched tightly, engulfing the golden Hatchling Dragon.


A muffled sound like thunder rang out, countless bones grinding against each other with a creaking noise.

“In the mind world, anything is possible.”

“Have you ever seen such a terrifying scene? Hmph, even if your mental strength surpasses mine, how can your experience and knowledge compare to mine?”

Seeing the golden Hatchling Dragon swallowed by the colossal bone hand, the Demon Warlock breathed a sigh of relief.

In a battle on the mental plane, it’s not just about the strength of the mind and spirit of both parties.

A multitude of ghosts and wraiths gathered together, forming the youthful visage of the Demon Warlock Addison in his prime, based on a pair of green sun-like eyes.

Fair skin, golden hair, emerald eyes, and distinctly handsome features.

Before becoming a Necromancer, and before his body withered from prolonged exposure to necromantic negative energy, Addison had a pleasing appearance.

“I am the master of my mind, hehehe, you want to enslave my soul? That’s impossible.”

The young and handsome Addison let out a hoarse and strange laugh.


Suddenly, a golden beam of light pierced through the gaps of the colossal bone hand, stretching towards the distant horizon.

The Demon Warlock’s laughter stopped abruptly, the smile first stiffening, then vanishing.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The first golden beam was just the beginning; more golden light burst forth, the colossal bone hand clenched into a fist unable to suppress its trembling, countless beams of golden light piercing through.

And then—


A deafening sound of bones shattering echoed.

A pair of resplendent, sky-obscuring dragon wings proudly flapped, shattering the colossal bone hand as they extended and unfolded, the blinding golden radiance coating the entire grey-white mind world with a layer of gold.

The half-shattered colossal bone hand was also coated with a thick layer of gold.

Immediately after, it disintegrated in an instant.

A mountainous golden dragon stood in the necromantic world, its size still swelling by the moment, soon reaching a height of ten thousand feet, its breaths like storms, a pair of dragon wings stretching out for a hundred kilometers.

“You are the master of your mind?”

The golden dragon displayed a look of disdain for all things and whispered, “Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t let you have your way, even in your own mind world, you can’t be the master.”

Before starting to use the Electromagnetic Brand, Saga specifically dealt another heavy blow to the Demon Warlock, injuring it again.

The essence of the Demon Warlock was extremely weak.

Although it tried its best to arm its mind, to Saga, it was nothing more than a facade, full of bluster and riddled with holes. If it weren’t for Saga’s intention to subdue it, he could now use his own mental will to burst its mind world apart, plunging it into a state of blind folly.

“Addison, give up your futile resistance.”


The Demon Warlock declared resolutely.

“Heh, then you’ll just have to suffer a bit more.”

Facing a Necromancer who could make most intelligent beings tremble with fear and apprehension, Saga acted as if he was the more terrifying one, more frightening than a Necromancer.

“You want me to suffer more?”

The expression of the Necromancer twisted.

“I, Addison, mastered the fourth-circle shaping Spell at the age of seventeen, hailed as a genius shaper mage, surrounded by countless flowers and praises. Damn it, I was sabotaged by the envious, leading to a diminished perception of the four elements, halting my progress at the fourth circle.”

As he reminisced.

In Addison’s murmuring, the countless bones forming the ground seemed to come to life, rising like mountains, converging together, gradually forming the outline of a towering skeleton.

“But I was not content, I did not wallow in despair, I willingly delved into the path of necromancy and negative energy, studying the mysteries of life and death, abandoning shaping Spells, and embarking on the path of a Necromancer, at all costs, striving to strengthen myself.”

“Have you experienced it, nearly being torn apart and dismembered by the Undead you summoned, the despair and pain of lying in a silent graveyard with only a breath left!”

“Have you felt it, the soul and body tormented by negative energy to the point of unbearable pain, as if pierced by a thousand arrows!”

The faces of the ghosts and wraiths fell, merging with the towering skeleton that had taken shape.

“Through countless trials, I finally achieved the rank of a ninth-circle Necromancer, only a step away from legend! The setbacks and hardships I’ve experienced, the pain and despair I’ve felt, are not something a naturally powerful and arrogant dragon like you can imagine!”


A ghastly green soul fire ignited in the eye sockets of the towering skeleton, boiling and burning fiercely.

The Necromancer reminisced about the past, invigorating his spirit and strengthening his will through countless trials and tribulations.

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