Chapter 106 – Beijing’s snow

Returning to the old house that Mi Cai had given me, I was enveloped in the darkness of the night, and in the quiet of the night, I couldn't help but reflect on the evening.


Fate is a strange thing. Le Yao was in debt of a million, but in the end, it was Mi Cai and Jian Wei who each took out 500,000 to solve Le Yao's debt problem.


What force bound these three women together? I couldn't be sure, and I knew this question would bother me for a long time.


I thought of Xiang Chen, his rejection, and the scene where he deliberately asked Jian Wei if she had money to lend me… Human nature seemed to suddenly become illusory and elusive.


A gust of wind brought a cloud that covered the moonlight, making the night darker and heavier. I was a bit tired, but I couldn't help but smile, and I was even more unsure: how hypocritical must one be to fit into this real world?


At this moment, I would rather be a bird without feet, flying through that crystal-clear city, even if I couldn't perch, even if I died from exhaustion, but at least I had once flown innocently…




After a sleepless night, I didn't get up until 10 o'clock the next day. Just after washing up, I received a call from Le Yao. She told me that Robben had accompanied her to pay off the high-interest loan. To express her gratitude, she planned to invite us to lunch, including Mi Cai, and asked me to invite Mi Cai on her behalf.


So after ending the call with her, I dialed Mi Cai's number. The first time no one answered, I called again at 11 o'clock, and she finally answered the phone, hurriedly asking me, "What's up, Zhao Yang?"


I quickly replied, "Le Yao has paid off the high-interest loan she owed, and to express her gratitude, she plans to invite us to lunch."


"I'm in Shanghai attending a business meeting."


"Oh, then how about tonight, are you free tonight?"


"I have other business meetings in the afternoon, I probably won't be able to make it back today, you guys go ahead."


I didn't say much more, after all, work is important. I just reminded Mi Cai not to work too hard, and then we hung up.


I stood by the window for a long time, and the midday sun, which was shining directly, drove away the cold of winter. I finally moved the few pots of plants that Mi Cai had raised to the balcony, letting them enjoy the warmth of the sun. When spring comes next year, they might grow better.




At 12 noon, Robben, Le Yao, and I arrived at CC's "Empty City" music restaurant, and CC had already prepared the food and drinks. The four of us sat around the table.


CC asked me, "Zhao Yang, did you invite Mi Cai?"


"I called her, but she's in Shanghai for a meeting and can't make it." I replied.


CC regretfully said, "Le Yao really wanted to invite her to dinner!"


"We'll do it another time, there will be plenty of opportunities."


Le Yao took over the conversation and said, "I'm going to Beijing this afternoon, and I probably won't be back in Suzhou this year."


"Why, did you get a new play?"


Le Yao shook her head and said, "No, but there are more opportunities in Beijing. I'll try my best to get a new play this year."


I felt the bitterness in Le Yao's words. For her, who is not yet famous, going to Beijing means drifting and being left out. She is about to embark on a difficult journey, but what can she do? People have to be busy for life, to bear, to work hard… But she is just a woman who lacks a sense of security, I can only silently wish her a smooth journey ahead.


Robben put his arm around Le Yao's shoulder and comforted, "Beijing, I have many friends who play music there. I'll ask them to take care of you when you get there. If there's anything you can't handle, feel free to bother them, they're all straightforward people."


"Thank you, Robben." Le Yao smiled.


"Don't be so polite, we've been old friends for so many years." Robben also responded with a smile.


Le Yao nodded, and CC patted my shoulder and asked, "Zhao Yang, why are you so quiet? Don't you have anything to say to Le Yao?"


"I have something to say." I responded, and then looked at Le Yao and said, "Take care of yourself in Beijing, don't put too much pressure on yourself. As for the bar, I will manage it well for you."


CC also chimed in, "Yes, Zhao Yang is right. We will all help with the bar. When you come back from Beijing next time, we will definitely make the bar vibrant."


Le Yao looked at us for a long time, her eyes filled with tears, and finally choked out, "Meeting you guys on the journey of life is my greatest fortune. Thank you… This time I will work hard, for myself, and for you!"


We all nodded, and CC, who is best at adjusting the atmosphere, raised her glass and said, "Let's toast to our friendship… and wish Le Yao a smooth journey and a clear path to stardom!"


"Smooth journey, clear path to stardom!"


Our glasses clinked together, the wine swaying in the glasses, as if shaking out the wounds of youth, the helplessness of life, the pain of living… and the remaining expectations for the future!




After lunch, Robben and I helped Le Yao with her luggage, and CC hailed a taxi for her. She would take this taxi to the airport, then leave Suzhou and fly to Beijing, the city where her dreams lie.


Le Yao took out a bank card from her wallet, the same one that Jian Wei had given me yesterday. She said to me, "There's still 150,000 in this card, use it as the operating capital for the bar."


"Okay." I nodded and took it.


The taxi driver was already urging, Le Yao looked at us, and finally said to me, "Zhao Yang, don't worry, I will pay off this million debt, even if I die, I won't let you owe others favors."


I frowned and said, "What's all this talk about death? We have to live, and live beautifully… Don't put too much pressure on yourself about money, okay?"


Le Yao just looked at me, took the luggage from Robben and me, and walked towards the taxi.


Watching her frail figure, a strange feeling welled up in my heart. I lit a cigarette in silence, and both CC and Robben did the same. At this moment, I believe we shared the same sentiment. We saw the weight of life in her departing figure, and we were even more worried that her delicate body wouldn't be able to bear it!


I tilted my head back, closed my eyes, and exhaled a heavy puff of smoke… Is there really a crystal clear city in this world?


If there is, please gently lay our weary souls to rest there!




When I opened my eyes again, the taxi was no longer in our sight. Robben, CC, and I stood in the sunlight in the same posture, enduring the cutting cold wind.


I said to the two of them, "It hasn't snowed this winter yet, has it?"


Robben nodded, looking towards the distant north. After a while, he said, "I heard it snowed in Beijing… Damn it, a snowfall that has nothing to do with me, yet it covers my wounds."


CC didn't quite understand Robben's sentiment, but I knew. The mention of "snow in Beijing" had reminded him of a girl from Beijing he couldn't forget.


I finally managed a smile and said to the puzzled CC, "Don't mind him. Folk singers are all nuts, never making sense. Let's go back and continue drinking."


I put my arm around CC and walked towards the restaurant, but she kept looking back. And in her gaze, Robben was still looking north… At this moment, even I didn't know what he was thinking.

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