Chapter 93,Part 2 – The enemy is lurking

Lu Yao fired another 50 lightning bolts at the statue.

Without the protection and mobility of the apostle, the statue became an easy target on the sea and was immediately reduced to rubble under the electric light. Two things flew out of the statue and floated on the surface of the sea, captured successively by the Lord of the Deep Sea.

A reminder appeared on the screen.

【The belief in the Skeleton God has completely disappeared nearby, and His followers will begin to seek new gods.】

Only then did Lu Yao relax.

Regardless of whether what Phileas said earlier was true or false, as long as he killed the Skeleton God, it didn’t matter.

Without the support of the flame of belief, his apostles would fall into a deep sleep even if they were still in some corner of this world, just like Isabella in the past.

Lu Yao put the two spoils of war into his inventory and inspected them one by one.

The first was a shiny stone.

【Omni Stone LV10】: Basic material for forging treasures, a rare mineral. Can be used to upgrade items below LV10 in one go.

It turned out to be a high-level Omni Stone.

Lu Yao finally understood that the quality of the Omni Stone could also be increased by leveling up.

He had completely underestimated it.

Who said that strengthening items couldn’t strengthen oneself?

What surprised him was the description of being able to be used for upgrading items below LV10, which was not present in the original Omni Stone. It seemed that the success rate should be good.

Lu Yao moved the map and arrived at the Abyss Island.

Snowman Jimmy was resting outside because he had exhausted his mana.

Lu Yao took off the 【Ghost White Horse】 from him and then took out the Omni Stone that was still warm from the inventory, and combined the two.

【Refinement (10 Belief)】

Lu Yao clicked on this icon, and a box appeared on the screen.

【Please put in the treasure that needs to be strengthened.】

Lu Yao directly threw in the 【Ghost White Horse】.

In the center of the screen, the white horse was enveloped in the flame of belief.

After a moment.

【Refinement successful】.

【Ghost White Horse LV6】: Belief +1/hour, Defense +12, Speed +24, HP +240, not restricted by terrain. Summon the spirit of the white horse, can activate 【Advanced Disguise LV5】.

After refining with the Omni Stone, all attributes of the white horse were enhanced.

Lu Yao was very satisfied with this result.

The Ghost White Horse was his most important individual equipment at the moment. Strengthening the white horse meant improving the strength of his apostle team.

As for using the LV10 Omni Stone on LV5 items, Lu Yao didn’t think it was a waste. Belief could accumulate slowly, but enhancing immediate combat power and the thickness of the lineup was the top priority.

After using the Omni Stone, Lu Yao turned his attention to the next spoil of war.

【Treasure Hunting Compass LV2】: Belief +2/hour.

Turn the winding handle, and the compass will give guidance. Whether the pointer points to treasure or disaster, no one knows. I hope you have enough luck.

This was a double-edged sword item, and it was also related to luck.

Luck? Fortune?

Lu Yao suddenly remembered. The higher the luck attribute, the easier it was to trigger random beneficial events.

In terms of luck, Snowman Jimmy was the strongest among the three apostles.

Jimmy not only had 10 points of luck, but also 10 points of morale.

For every point of luck, there was a 4% chance of a double attack and triggering a random beneficial event.

For every point of morale, there was a 4% chance of entering a high morale state. In the high morale state, movement speed and attack speed doubled, lasting for 10 seconds.

With high movement speed and high luck, it was no wonder that the Snowman rarely got caught when using the 【Thief’s Hand】.

So, this compass seemed to be most suitable for Jimmy to wear.

Lu Yao immediately equipped Jimmy with this item.

“Great God, thank you very much for your favor and gift to Jimmy!”

Jimmy happily inserted the compass into his forehead.

“Jimmy will definitely find the best treasures for you and bring back more flames of belief.”

The Snowman became highly motivated.

“With this treasure hunting compass, Jimmy will go to the Mirror World to find the Tyrant and find all the flames of belief hidden by Him, and offer them all to you.”

Lu Yao was startled and quickly typed.

—Wait for my command.

It’s not a good idea to go now.

That Tyrant is a demigod.

Lu Yao didn’t want his hard-trained Snowman to be killed at first sight by the Tyrant.

“I will follow your command.”

As soon as the God spoke, Jimmy immediately knelt down on the ground, his snowball head almost touching the ground.

Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the three apostles, Snowman Jimmy was the one who gave him the most headaches.

This guy was full of possibilities, but also unstable, with a high ceiling and a low floor.

After finishing the battle and spoils of war, the next step was to review and verify.

“Sir, the flame of belief has only just extinguished, and Phileas’ soul has not yet sunk into the Sea of Farewell, and his memory is still intact.”

Isabella petitioned, “May I ask if further questioning is needed?”

Lu Yao heard that, of course, he needed it.However, finding the deceased Apostle Phileas was not an easy task this time.

Isabella continuously used her abilities, busily trying for nearly half an hour, and finally found Phileas among the many lost souls at sea.

She negotiated with the black sphere of the deceased and translated for Lu Yao.

“Sir, the Skeleton God has indeed fallen.”

“Phileas said that the Skeleton God entered this fragmented world on the orders of the Whistleblower. He is one of the gods, and his purpose was to find a key. That key was hidden by another god under the Whistleblower’s command, Pray to the Gods.”

Lu Yao understood.

It was still about the key.

However, it seemed that the Whistleblower didn’t know that the key was not to open the Golden Fields, but to enter the Black Abyss.

Lu Yao was very curious about how a god like the Skeleton God could enter the fragmented world.

“By demotion.”

Isabella explained: “The gods cannot enter the fragmented world, but if they fall from the Pantheon and revert to being apprentice gods, they are no longer subject to the world’s rules.”

“However, the process of demotion is very painful, like cutting off limbs and returning to infancy for the gods. This causes the gods to lose most of their power, retaining only the most primitive god image, faith, and apostles… and they can’t move on their own.”

“Also, there are limits on faith. The maximum faith that can be brought into the fragmented world through demotion is 5000 points. Any excess faith will be rejected by the world and dissipate.”

“Even so, it is still very difficult and painful to pass through the world barrier.”

“After falling in rank, the Skeleton God was also removed from the Pantheon and could no longer contact the Whistleblower.”

Lu Yao took a sip of the hot tea brewed by the small fire.

In summary.

It was not the gods who came in, but the apprentice gods. Plus the 5000-point faith limit imposed by the rules of the fragmented world, there was nothing to fear.

Dealing with apprentice gods, Lu Yao had some experience and a relatively rich interaction experience.

“However, in addition to the Skeleton God, another god was also sent in.”

Isabella continued: “He is called the Tassel God, and his strength is comparable to the Skeleton God.”

“The difference is that while the Skeleton God is the ruler of the sea, the Tassel God has a strong control over the land and is even better at hiding.”

Lu Yao squinted his eyes.

There was another enemy hiding in the dark.

Lu Yao typed.

——Try to persuade Phileas to defect.

Isabella and the black sphere of the deceased had another encrypted conversation.

When Isabella drew her holy sword and took a combat stance, Phileas’s semi-transparent skull appeared in the black sphere.

He immediately expressed his willingness to follow God Yao and fight for the great God Yao!

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