Chapter 91 – The conspiracy is exposed


Xu Zong tilted his head, slowly forming a question mark.

“Didn’t I ask you to move all the treasures from your house?”

As early as the day the invitation was sent to the Luo Family, Xu Zong, based on Atkin’s behavior in the original work, guessed that Atkin might be planning to lure him away. So he had Luo Hua move all the Mu Yajing and Wood Spirit from his house early on.

“Xiao Xu, it’s not Ahua’s fault. It’s my fault. All the other treasures in the house have been moved, but I forgot about the half piece of Wood Spirit that I usually use to make tea. Sigh, it’s my fault!”

“Well, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

Xu Zong could only smile helplessly and couldn’t blame Luo Hongguo.

“Are you guys okay?”

“We’re all fine. Following your instructions, we quietly left Mingyue Community after you went to the banquet.”

“Half, half piece of Wood Spirit?”

Atkin was dumbfounded.

He specifically used the banquet as an excuse to lure Xu Zong out of the Luo Family and sent people to search for Luo Feng’s inheritance. He thought he could at least get a few Mu Yajing, but you’re telling me there’s only half a piece of Wood Spirit?

I risked being criticized by the whole world just to get half a piece of Wood Spirit?

“You idiot!”

Xu Zong raised his middle finger at Atkin.

Then he directly smashed the glass wall next to him and released a green primal energy from his body, flying straight towards the distant horizon!

“Wang Yu, any results?”

“The intruder in the Luo Family is a high-level War God!”

Wang Yu answered the phone and immediately gave the result, having been notified in advance.

“The intensity of the life force is only that of a high-level War God, and we can’t determine his psychic power. The satellite has located him, and he can’t escape!”

“Share the location with me in real-time!”

“No problem!”

Xu Zong rushed to the Asian continent at the fastest speed.

HR Alliance Building, top floor.

“Xu Zong!”

Atkin’s cheeks twitched violently due to the surge of anger, and his gums were so tight that he almost bit his teeth to pieces.

He quickly released his blue primal energy and was about to chase after Xu Zong as soon as he left.

“Atkin, do you have no shame?”

At this moment, Senator Tuoba walked up with a cold smile.

“Luo Feng sacrificed himself to defeat the Swallowed Star Beast. He is a hero of all mankind. And you actually had the idea of taking his inheritance? The global powerhouses are ashamed of you!”

“Stop with the pretty words. Among all of you, is there no one who has thought of taking Luo Feng’s inheritance? It’s laughable. Pot calling the kettle black!”

Atkin didn’t care at all. Instead, he scolded everyone disdainfully.

Then he also activated his magnetic field and primal energy, chasing after Xu Zong’s direction, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“I didn’t expect such a thing to happen!”

“That shameless bastard Atkin!”

“Senator Tuoba, what should we do now?”

Someone asked Senator Tuoba.

“We can’t catch up with Atkin’s speed, but Xu Zong won’t be in danger either. Let’s contact our respective forces and relay the message back.”

After a brief thought, Senator Tuoba made this suggestion.


“This brat, why is he so fast?”

Flying in the sky, Atkin was surrounded by howling winds, filled with anger that had nowhere to vent.

He thought that as a Celestial Level Third Stage, he could catch up to Xu Zong quickly. But he didn’t expect that after flying for several minutes, he couldn’t even find Xu Zong’s shadow!

He quickly accessed the HR Alliance’s satellite and checked the location. His eyes widened in an instant.

“How is this possible? This kid’s flying speed actually exceeds Mach 5! Faster than me?”

Atkin’s eyes widened, his thin face filled with disbelief.

As an experienced Celestial Level Third Stage, his flying speed was only just below Mach 5.

A kid who had just been promoted to Celestial Level for only a month, what qualifications did he have to be faster than him?

“It must be the inheritance from the ancient civilization. What he obtained is definitely more than just the Warrior’s secret manual!”

Atkin realized the key point and his heart suddenly heated up. He hurriedly flew towards the Jiangnan Base City.

At the same time, he dialed a number on his communication watch.

“Kateran, quickly leave Jiangnan Base City. Xu Zong is coming after you!”

“I can’t run!”


“It’s Liu He from the Extreme Martial Arts School! He’s ambushing me in Mingyue Community. He’s currently entangling me, and I dare not fight him. Come and save me!”

“Damn it!”

Atkin became furious.

He had moved all the Luo Family members and treasures in advance, and even arranged for Liu He to ambush there. Faced with these consecutive changes, he knew very well that Xu Zong had already anticipated his actions and made various preparations in advance!

On the other side.

Xu Zong flew towards the Jiangnan Base City at the fastest speed, but the distance between the two places was over tens of thousands of kilometers. Even he had to fly continuously for over an hour to arrive.

“How is it, Liu He? Can you hold him off?”

Xu Zong opened his light brain and asked Liu He.

“Haha, no problem!”

Liu He was in the midst of battle and even had the leisure to chat with him.

“The intruder in the Luo Family is Kateran from the Polainas Family, one of the nine core families of the HR Alliance. I recognized him at a glance. He is a high-level War God Warrior and a mid-level War God psychic Mind Teacher. He is also a illusionist among psychic Mind Teachers, very formidable against ordinary people. But I am a Celestial Level Warrior, his illusions are useless against me, and my ability is the binding of the wind element. Kateran can’t escape!”

If it were a high-level War God psychic Mind Teacher, Liu He might not be able to entangle him. The flying speed of a high-level War God psychic Mind Teacher was already not slower than his. But Kateran was only a mid-level War God psychic Mind Teacher, coupled with Liu He’s innate binding talent, it was not just a matter of entangling him, it was entirely possible to kill him on the spot.

“Good, I will arrive in about an hour. Just help me hold him off!”

“No problem!”

Xu Zong hung up the phone, and then a strange number suddenly dialed in.

“Xu Zong, we need to talk——”With a click, Xu Zong ended the call with Atkin and promptly added him to the blacklist.

Without any hesitation, he flew towards China, ignoring any incoming calls.

Atkin, left behind, was furious, but could only watch helplessly as Xu Zong’s distance from him on the locator grew further and further.

After more than an hour, Xu Zong finally arrived at Mingyue Community in Yangzhou City, where he met Liu He and the captive, Katerlan Polinas.

Upon seeing Xu Zong descending from the sky, a smile spread across Liu He’s face, while Katerlan was filled with terror.

“Councilor Xu, all of this was orchestrated by Atkin. I had no choice but to comply for the sake of my family!” Katerlan pleaded with Xu Zong. Although he was among the top fifty in the War God rankings, he was nothing in front of a true Celestial Level. If the other party wanted to kill him, it would be as easy as turning over his hand.

“Are you sure it was all Atkin’s doing?”

Xu Zong raised his right hand, stroking his chin in a thoughtful manner.

“Yes, I’m sure. It was all Atkin’s doing! He even colluded with Yan Hai, Sago, and others, intending to take over the Thunder Martial Arts School. He even made moves on the Extreme Martial Arts School. We in the HR Alliance have grievances against him, but due to his strength, we dare not resist. If you let me go, I can testify against him and ensure his downfall…”

Seeing this, Katerlan was overjoyed and added more details. At the same time, he released his mental power, attempting to use his illusionist abilities to influence Xu Zong’s mind and evoke sympathy.

As an illusionist Mind Teacher, known as the “Illusion Demon”, he found it extremely easy to deal with those who were not firm in their convictions.

This Xu Zong was only 16 years old, surely his mental fortitude was not as strong as Liu He’s, and he should be easy to bewitch—

But then, Xu Zong suddenly furrowed his brows.

He then raised his signal gun and pierced Katerlan’s chest with a single shot!


Katerlan looked at the spear piercing his chest in disbelief, then at Xu Zong, before collapsing to the ground, slowly dying.

“Did he try to bewitch you with his mental power?”

Liu He also furrowed his brows, then looked at Xu Zong with some surprise.

“He thought he was clever.”

Xu Zong sneered.

His mental power might not be abundant, but its quality was genuinely Celestial Level! Moreover, his state of mind was at the Unity of Heaven and Man Realm. Trying to bewitch him with a mere intermediate War God level mental power was simply suicidal. Not that Xu Zong had any intention of sparing him in the first place.

“It’s a pity that we lost a piece of evidence to convict Atkin.”

“No worries, I recorded it.”

Xu Zong opened his light computer and replayed the scene.

“I’ll send you this video. Remember to cut out the part where I took action.”

“No problem.”

Liu He gave a thumbs up, admiring Xu Zong’s thorough preparation.

“By the way, here’s that half of the Spirit of Grass and Wood. Return it to the Luo Family!”


Xu Zong took the blackened root from Liu He. It looked ordinary but emitted a strong medicinal fragrance.

Suddenly, Wang Yu called.

“Atkin is almost here. He must be furious. Get out of there now!”

Wang Yu’s voice was very serious. Even with the protection of the Black God suit, Atkin’s strength could still give them a good beating.

There was a twofold difference in strength between each minor realm at the Celestial Level!

If the strength of the first stage of the Celestial Level was between 1 and 2, then the strength of the second stage would be between 2 and 4, and Atkin, at the third stage, would be between 4 and 8!

“Liu He, you should leave first!”

After hanging up Wang Yu’s call, Xu Zong said to Liu He.

“You’re not planning to fight Atkin, are you?”

Liu He was taken aback. Atkin was not Yan Hai. Even with the talent of Windless, it was impossible to fight Atkin, who was four or five times stronger, right?

“Why don’t you sense it again?”

Xu Zong laughed.

Liu He did as he was told and was immediately shocked.

“Celestial Level, second stage!”

How was that possible?

Didn’t Xu Zong just break through to the first stage of the Celestial Level a month ago? Under normal circumstances, even with the help of Mu Yajing, it would take five to six months to break through to the second stage, right?

“In any case, you should leave first. I want to give Atkin a taste of his own medicine!”

“If that’s the case, I won’t stop you.”

With a complex expression, Liu He sighed and then left Jiangnan City.

Xu Zong, on the other hand, flew directly into the sky, heading towards Atkin.

Before long, a blue light appeared in front of him. It was Atkin, who was rushing over at high speed!

(End of Chapter)

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