Chapter 112 – Attack

“Out of the blue?” Baili Pangpang scratched his head. “I think this should be called a surprise. Besides, what’s wrong with having a vacation? Why think so much about it?”

Lin Qiye fell silent for a moment and nodded. “I hope I’m just overthinking it…”

Returning to the dorm, Lin Qiye packed his luggage, but in reality, there wasn’t much for him to pack. After all, Hong Ying’s house had all the daily necessities. Perhaps that was the advantage of living close to home.

In the end, Lin Qiye only carried a light backpack and went to the training ground for assembly. Baili Pangpang, on the other hand, was even more outrageous, with empty hands and nothing to bring.

“You’re leaving like this?” Cao Yuan, dragging a suitcase, asked in surprise when he saw Baili Pangpang.


“What about clothes? Daily necessities?”

“Just have someone buy me a few sets.”

…Damn rich people.

When the new recruits arrived at the training ground, several buses were already waiting, and next to the buses were stacked with black long boxes.

The moment Lin Qiye saw these boxes, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew what was in these boxes, and the many new recruits present could also guess.

“This vacation… should be no simple matter,” Cao Yuan frowned.

Instructor Hong stood in front of the new recruits with his hands behind his back and spoke loudly, “For this leave, everyone will bring the Star Sword! But under no circumstances should it be used! Even if you encounter special situations, you must try to avoid the public’s sight and not cause panic among the people! Do you understand?!”

“We understand!”

“Take the swords!”

All the new recruits lined up in a long row, orderly picking up their black boxes from the ground, then boarding the bus in order, the whole process proceeding smoothly.

Lin Qiye sat on the bus with the box in his arms, and his psychic power swept through the box, sighing deeply.

“What’s wrong?” Cao Yuan, sitting behind him, asked.

“There’s no name engraved on the sword. This should be a standard-issue sword on temporary loan, and it has to be returned when we come back.”

“That’s for sure,” Cao Yuan nodded. “Only after graduating from the training camp will each person be assigned their own sword, cloak, and emblem. Our Star Swords should still be in the process of being made.”

Baili Pangpang tapped the black box in his hand and sighed, “The quality of this sword is good, but it’s still inferior to the Forbidden Artifact.”

“…Shut up.”

Only when the people were seated did the buses slowly start and head straight out of the training camp.

As they gradually left the range of the training camp, suddenly, everyone felt a lightness in their bodies, as if some heavy burden that had been suppressing them had disappeared, and their spirits were refreshed.

In this moment of relief, as if some shackles had been broken, a coolness flowed through their bodies, washing over every inch of their skin.

Lin Qiye’s body trembled, and the next moment, he felt an unprecedented clarity!

“This is…” Lin Qiye stared at his hands in astonishment.

“I’ve broken through? I’ve broken through!”

“Me too!”

“What’s going on? I’ve also broken through!”

“Damn! I’ve finally reached the ‘Pool’ Boundary, hahaha!”


Not only Lin Qiye, but the same situation occurred in all the new recruits who had left the training camp.

At this moment, Instructor Hong, sitting in the front passenger seat, stood up and chuckled.

“Do you think that we used that precious Forbidden Artifact just to suppress the Forbidden Ruin for you? While your Forbidden Ruin was being suppressed, your psychic power flow was also being suppressed! That Forbidden Artifact has been suppressing your psychic power for over five months. Now, suddenly released, your suppressed psychic power will undergo a drastic rebound, easily breaking the shackles of the ‘Pool’ Boundary and entering a new realm! This is the benefit that our training camp gives to every new recruit! It’s also considered a reward for successfully enduring five months of hellish training!”

As soon as Instructor Hong finished speaking, the atmosphere in the entire bus boiled over.

Lin Qiye carefully sensed the flow of psychic power, and both the total amount and the speed of recovery were far beyond what the ‘Lamp’ Boundary could compare to.

This time, his psychic power truly completed the transformation from ‘Lamp’ to ‘Pool’.

While most people were perceiving the change in their boundaries, Baili Pangpang, feeling lost, rubbed his forehead and looked at Lin Qiye in confusion.

“You’ve also broken through?”


“Hmm… I can’t perceive the boundary of psychic power, I can only feel that I’m much lighter.”

“That means your psychic power has also been greatly enhanced,” Cao Yuan spoke slowly. “Although you don’t have a Forbidden Ruin and can’t specifically perceive psychic power, it still objectively exists. After the enhancement of psychic power, the power of the Forbidden Artifact will also be greater in the future.”

“Sigh, I really envy you people with Forbidden Ruins.”

“…Look into your conscience, look at all your Forbidden Artifacts, and say that again?”

“It’s not comparable. After all, the Forbidden Artifact is just an external object, no matter how strong it is, it’s not your own…”

Just as Baili Pangpang was pontificating, someone suddenly shouted outside the window!

“Oh my god!! What are those?!”

Everyone fell silent, following his finger to look outside, and were stunned at the same time.

In the azure sky, five unknown objects swiftly cut through the clouds, trailing white tails, and flew rapidly in their direction.

“That, that is…” Lin Qiye saw this scene, and his pupils suddenly contracted!


Those are missiles!!!

Everyone, get down and hold onto something!!!”

Instructor Hong, sitting in the front passenger seat, roared loudly!


Five missiles broke through the air, with three of them flying past the top of everyone’s heads, heading straight for… the training camp behind them!

The moment those three missiles landed in the training camp, a brilliant fire erupted!!

Boom—!!!Amidst the earth-shattering explosion, blinding flames raged like a wild dragon, and thick black smoke gathered into a massive mushroom cloud that slowly rose!

Half a second later, a terrifying blast wave struck from behind the vehicle, causing the entire bus to shake violently!

Lin Qiye clutched tightly onto the seat’s support frame and turned back to look towards the Training Camp, only to see surging flames with a hint of gold flickering within.

At that moment, two more missiles fell.

One struck the military checkpoint they had just passed, and amidst a deafening explosion, the entire checkpoint was leveled to the ground.

The other missile… was plummeting right above everyone’s heads!

Lin Qiye’s pupils suddenly constricted, and he saw Instructor Hong stand up abruptly, about to do something, when the next moment, a long spear wrapped in rose-red flames shot out from the distance!

The speed of the spear was astonishing; it was nearly impossible for the naked eye to track its trajectory. It streaked across the sky, drawing a red line, and intercepted the missile in mid-air with precision!


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