Chapter 091 – Forced buying and selling

Trade: The general term for buying, selling, or trading activities, usually referring to all exchange activities or behaviors mediated by currency; synonyms: transaction, buying and selling;

Kindness: Pure-hearted, innocent, without malice, kind, good-hearted; synonyms: kind, loving, benevolent, friendly;

As Du Ge pondered the meanings of these two words, his thoughts gradually stagnated.

What the hell?

In a world like this, where social order has already collapsed, it’s obvious that whoever has the bigger fist gets to keep things. Who would trade with you? The cats and dogs outside?

And kindness, in the midst of the apocalypse, fighting and grabbing has become inevitable. Kindness is equivalent to giving people vegetables!


If I had known that the keywords were a trap, I wouldn’t have expected to be trapped by them in only the second simulation…

Even if he were assigned a keyword like killing, ferocity, or destruction, he could still dominate in this world.

No one does business without deceit. Doing business with a kind heart may not even work in a peaceful world, let alone in a post-apocalyptic world where people would probably eat you alive!

And also.

Du Ge discovered two unfortunate things.

First, he still didn’t have the memories of the person he possessed. It seemed to be a side effect of dual soul possession.

Second, all the skills he could use in the real world, such as the ability to see behind his back and backstab, were all ineffective in the simulation field. Except for his mental power, the simulation field wiped out all his original skills.

But thinking about it, it makes sense.

The Alien Star Battlefield is a universal amusement park. People who have been to the Alien Star Battlefield can bring their skills out. Allowing them to bring skills back in would contradict the fairness of the game. That assessment cabin should be designed to prevent such things from happening.

Everything reset.

He also randomly obtained two untimely keywords, which made Du Ge somewhat frustrated. The reason why he was so powerful last time was because he maintained a broad range, which could be applied to almost any situation.

Trade is actually quite broad, but in this almost paralyzed world, how big does one have to be in order to expand their influence to the whole world or a few surrounding cities?

Following the path of kindness is even more impractical.

Kindness needs to have an edge!

Given the current situation, it’s obvious that flipping the table won’t work anymore. He’ll have to be more cautious and aim for the top ten.


He had underestimated the simulation field.


Du Ge was only frustrated for a moment before he regained his composure.

Last time, he didn’t understand any of the rules and started with a severely injured body, but he still thrived. This time, he started with his own power and a strong body.

The starting point is much higher than last time, there’s no reason for it to be worse.

Isn’t it just trade?

He can just start step by step.

This starting point is not easy for him, and it won’t be easy for others either!

Du Ge checked the gun in his hand. The magazine was not full, there were only eight bullets inside. The person he possessed relied on this gun to gain a leadership position in this survivor gathering place.

Du Ge didn’t understand the model of the gun, but the person he possessed had a large tattoo on his arm, with patterns of leopards, eyeballs, and faces, all mixed together and looking intimidating. Clearly, he wasn’t a kind person…

Du Ge rubbed his hand, the tattoo was not printed on, it was a real tattoo. He sighed, it was really difficult for him to make someone like this kind-hearted.

He checked the safety of the gun, inserted the machete from under the pillow into his waist, and walked out of the door.

“Brother Hu, you’re awake.” The two people standing guard outside the door immediately smiled when they saw Du Ge, and habitually stood behind him. They took out a pack of cigarettes from their pockets and handed him one.

Du Ge glanced at them and took the cigarette: “How much?”

The underling was stunned: “Brother Hu, what are you talking about?”

“Aren’t there not many cigarettes left?” Du Ge said.

“Yeah, I’ve been smoking a lot lately.” The underling smiled bitterly and nodded.

“Put it on my tab, I’ll bring a bottle of water from inside to settle the bill later.” Du Ge said.

Putting it on the tab allows customers to receive the goods first and pay for them later.

“Brother Hu, what are you talking about? Even if we’re short on cigarettes, we can’t be short on Brother Hu’s.” The underling straightened his neck, as if he had been greatly insulted, “With Brother Hu here, can we even be short of a bottle of water?”

“That’s right, it’s Brother Hu. Without you, we wouldn’t have this group of brothers.” The person next to him echoed, “Smoking Dog Kun’s cigarettes shows that we respect him.”

“That’s not what I meant. In the future, resources will become harder and harder to obtain. I was thinking about it inside just now, we can’t play like we used to.” Du Ge glanced at them and said, “If we want to survive in this world for a long time, we need to establish order. The foundation of order is the distribution of resources. We need to make the people outside submit to us and let them know that we don’t get things for free…”

“It’s not like we’re getting things for free. We take their things and also protect them!” Dog Kun said, “Without us maintaining order, these people would have turned into dogs fighting for food.”

“Brother Hu said it himself, we gather things for their own good…” another person laughed, “At this time, we need someone capable to manage them.”

“… ” Du Ge was stunned for a moment. He had to admit that this Brother Hu, although a social delinquent, unintentionally made sense…Looking at the crowd who were making a fuss, Du Ge put on a stern face, recalling the way gangsters spoke in TV dramas, he snatched the cigarette box from Gou Kun’s hand: “When I say we need to establish order, we need to establish order. Gou Kun, go get a bottle of water from inside, and we’re even.”

The laughter abruptly stopped.

Gou Kun was stunned for a moment, then awkwardly turned around and went back into the room, returning with a bottle of mineral water.

Du Ge’s attributes slightly increased, feeling the changes in his body, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, indeed, forced buying and selling was also a form of trade.

Du Ge looked at the crowd and said, “Gou Kun, I was thinking inside just now, since the world is in chaos, I’m not satisfied with managing just a few hundred people, if we’re going to do it, we should do it big. Otherwise, guarding this small garage, unable to get supplies, we’ll be swallowed by others sooner or later. So, we must become legitimate, first of all, we need to make the people below sincerely submit.”

The crowd looked at each other.

Gou Kun flattered, “Brother Hu is right, we all listen to you.”

You have to eat a meal bite by bite, and do things step by step, Du Ge didn’t continue to explain, but glanced at them: “No one is causing trouble, right?”

“Brother Hu, rest assured, the brothers are watching!” Gou Kun snorted, and said casually, “Food and water are with us, whoever dares to make trouble, throw them outside, guarantee they won’t survive twenty minutes, we don’t even need to lift a finger.”

Old habits die hard!

Du Ge glanced at him and said, “Gou Kun, don’t say these things in the future. It’s still the same sentence, we need to win people over with virtue. Supplies are getting less and less, we need to get food, if we kill everyone, who will go out to find resources, you or me? Change your way of speaking in the future……”

When they heard about finding supplies, a few underlings suddenly understood Du Ge’s intentions, Gou Kun chuckled: “Brother Hu, I was just saying, how could we really push them out?”

Du Ge looked around the entire underground garage, lowered his voice: “Remember, win people over with virtue, so that others will work for us. Otherwise, if we push them too hard, we’re the ones who will suffer……”

Four or five underlings said in unison: “Yes, we understand.”


The sewer of the underground garage was sealed off, the light should be driven by a generator, the voltage was unstable, flickering.

The air was filled with the smell of insecticide and sulfur, mixed with the smell of blood, and something rotting, because of the enclosed space, the smell was unpleasant.

Cars were transformed into beds by the survivors, due to the shortage of food, most people curled up in the cars to sleep, conserving energy.

Occasionally, those who didn’t sleep also leaned against the car with a worried look, even the children lost their usual liveliness, one by one huddled in their mother’s arms, or sat on the car seats, looking around, their eyes dull, their expressions wooden……

What kind of damned world is this?

Even knowing that the Simulation Field was virtual, Du Ge still frowned, he walked forward, planning to find the companion who had possessed a body before him, to study what kind of keyword he was?


“Brother Hu!”

“Brother Hu!”

Brother Hu was very intimidating, wherever Du Ge went, everyone greeted him with restraint.

Walking past them without expression, Du Ge didn’t pay them any attention, before determining the keyword of his companion, maintaining the original character of the host was always right, too abrupt a change would arouse suspicion.

After bypassing two pillars, Du Ge saw that little companion.

At this moment, he was in a one-legged chicken stance, one hand raised high above his head, the other hand stretched out in front, and his tongue sticking out of his mouth, completely out of place with the people around him.

The people around him looked at him, all with a look of astonishment.

The gazes of a few underlings were immediately drawn to him.

Gou Kun’s eyes widened: “This kid isn’t crazy from too much stress, is he?”

What kind of keyword is this?




Du Ge looked at him, frowning: “I remember his leg was broken, wasn’t it?”

“Exactly, exactly, I also remember his leg was broken, how did it heal so quickly?” Gou Kun shouted, “This guy wouldn’t have mutated like the animals outside, would he?”


The people surrounding him instantly scattered.


Du Ge pulled out his gun, loading the bullet.

“Brother Hu, don’t shoot.” The possessed companion saw Brother Hu with a gun and immediately returned to normal, raising his hands, “Brother Hu, don’t shoot, I have important things to tell you, related to my injury recovery, once it’s all good, it can make Brother Hu dominate the entire Tai Fen City……”


Hearing this familiar line, Du Ge was stunned on the spot, damn, wasn’t this the opening of his last Simulation Field?

Just a direct copy!

Didn’t the teacher tell you not to learn?


It seems that this Simulation Field is going to play an open hand again!

(End of Chapter)

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