Chapter 47 – Such activities might seem childish to elementary school students, but they’re just right for college students

After finishing their meal, the two left the restaurant.


On the way, Xie Shu lined up to buy Ruan Nianxi a milk tea. The pair then leisurely strolled around, digesting their food while shopping for other items.


Throughout the walk, Ruan Nianxi's heartbeat never settled to its normal pace.


All these pleasures were once exclusive to Su Qianyi, and now she was experiencing them too.


It served Su Qianyi right for not cherishing what she had!


The commercial street was lined with various shops, and Xie Shu felt at ease only when he bought something for Ruan Nianxi at each one.


Well… how should he put it? In his heart, this was their first "date."


Although they often went out to play when they were children, they were too young back then for him to think much of it.




But now, things were different!


"What's wrong? Don't you like this?"


Xie Shu had bought a cheese stick for Ruan Nianxi from a snack shop. After paying, he turned around to find her staring blankly at him, and he wondered if she disliked it.


Ruan Nianxi, who had been daydreaming, quickly snapped back to reality and shook her head: "No."


"If there's anything else you like, just tell me. I'll buy it for you."




They had already eaten, and Ruan Nianxi wasn't hungry. Along the way, Xie Shu had bought her several snacks.


Although he only bought a little each time for her to taste, she soon couldn't eat anymore because she still had the milk tea in her hand.


She couldn't finish the cheese stick Xie Shu bought her and didn't have the heart to throw it away.


How could she discard something Xie Shu had bought for her?


She felt incredibly guilty for not finishing the ice cream he bought her last time.


Xie Shu wasn't oblivious; he knew they had just eaten, so when he saw Ruan Nianxi had lost interest in the food, he guessed her thoughts.


He reached out and took the item from her hand.


"Give it to me."




After taking it, Xie Shu bit into it without hesitation.


Ruan Nianxi was stunned.


Her cheeks flushed with a sudden crimson.


She had already eaten from it!


And Xie Shu, he…


"What are you looking at? Let's go," Xie Shu said nonchalantly, continuing to walk ahead.


Ruan Nianxi followed, a step behind, her blush lingering.


Xie Shu didn't think much of the little incident, but Ruan Nianxi's heartbeat quickened even more.


Did that count as…?


Afterward, Xie Shu didn't buy any more food for Ruan Nianxi. They walked around the commercial street, and just as he thought there was nothing interesting left and considered heading back to the school's playground, he noticed a new self-service art studio at the edge of the street.


Xie Shu: "???"


Did they have this near their school now?


A self-service art studio simply provides painting materials, and customers can go in and create with those materials.


DIY coloring, painting… it all depends on the owner's management.


Near his neighborhood, there was a DIY stall for painting ceramic dolls, very popular among young people.


He had been to this commercial street several times before and never noticed this shop; it must be new.


Xie Shu glanced inside and saw many people his age, probably students from around the area, and he also noticed quite a few couples.


Such activities might seem childish to elementary school students, but they're just right for college students.


With that thought, Xie Shu, who had planned to return to school, changed his mind.


He asked Ruan Nianxi, "Interested? Let's go in and have a look."




Ruan Nianxi didn't refuse and even walked into the shop first.




Ruan Nianxi couldn't paint.


But Xie Shu had learned painting, and she wanted to be closer to him, so she wanted to engage in things he was good at.


In high school, Xie Shu took art classes, and she wanted to join him, but she had lost control and caused trouble with Su Qianyi at school. After her parents smoothed things over, they forcibly took her abroad…


Her ID was confiscated; she couldn't return.


She didn't know how Xie Shu was doing in China, what had happened between him and Su Qianyi.


She cried and made a scene, but her parents wouldn't let her return.


Later, she took many medications, saw many doctors, and repeatedly assured her parents that she wouldn't act impulsively if she returned and would keep her distance from Xie Shu. Only then did they reluctantly allow her to come back.


But that was half a year later, and by then, Xie Shu had already returned to school from training.


She missed out and didn't learn to paint.


So when it came time to choose a major in university, she couldn't follow Xie Shu's path.


His major at their school required art exam scores, which she didn't have, so she couldn't choose it, not even by transferring after the semester started.


In the end, she had to follow her family's wishes and study her current major.


She wanted to understand everything related to Xie Shu.


She wanted to get as close to him as possible.




The two entered the shop together, and the owner, seeing customers, immediately came forward to greet them.


Due to the crowd, there were few seats, and they found a small corner to sit down.


The owner briefly introduced the available activities: coloring blank ceramic dolls, choosing uncolored paintings to fill in, or creating or copying on blank paper…


The choices were diverse.


Ruan Nianxi didn't know what to choose.


Considering Ruan Nianxi was a beginner, Xie Shu chose a simple coloring project for her.


After making their choice, the owner handed them the painting tools and a reference image before leaving.


As for the paints, they were shared on the table.


Xie Shu didn't choose a separate activity for himself; he planned to color with Ruan Nianxi.


Other couples were together; why should he be any different?


Xie Shu prepared the main colors on the palette according to the reference image, fetched a small bucket of water, and then got ready to start coloring with Ruan Nianxi.


Just as they were about to begin, Xie Shu's phone screen lit up on the table.


He glanced over; it was a WeChat message notification.


A new message had arrived.

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

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