Chapter 88(2)

But this relationship was quickly destroyed, because of a hunting trip by the platoon.

Every military base in the world sends troops out to hunt the monsters around them on a regular basis. On one hand, it is to subsidize the military, and on the other hand, it ensures the safety of the base. Due to the regular hunting by the military, high-level monsters rarely roam in the wild.

During one of the hunts, the platoon encountered a group of beasts led by a beast general, which is a very rare event in the wild. Unfortunately, they ran into it.

During the battle, Xu Qi and Zhao Yun fought side by side, but accidentally hit the leader of the beast with a stray bullet, angering it and causing it to attack them.

The beast general was extremely fast, far beyond the abilities of the newly graduated warriors. By the time Xu Qi regained his senses, Zhao Yun had already fallen in a pool of blood. Fortunately, the platoon leader quickly arrived and restrained the beast general, allowing everyone to escape.

Zhao Yun’s face was completely destroyed, with half of his face and neck torn apart. Even his vocal cords were affected, and he could only rely on a mechanical device to speak. He was lucky to have survived.

Afterwards, Xu Qi found Zhao Yun and deeply apologized for his reckless actions. He also gave all his savings to compensate him. Zhao Yun knew that Xu Qi had made a mistake unintentionally, and although it was hard to accept, he forgave him because of his sincere attitude.

But the trouble didn’t end there.

After Zhao Yun retired due to his injuries and returned home, he was despised and rejected by his wife, who demanded a divorce because of his disfigurement. His son was also afraid of him and called him a devil, refusing to let him attend his parent-teacher meeting. His parents were also in tears every day.

One day, Xu Qi visited Zhao Yun’s home, only to be met with his friend’s hateful gaze.

Since then, Xu Qi dared not appear in front of Zhao Yun again, but secretly kept in touch with his parents and provided help whenever needed.

“It’s only natural for Zhao to hate me.”

After telling this past story, Xu Qi shook his head at Xu Zong, clearly indicating that he should not call the police or seek revenge.

After listening to his story, Xu Zong could only nod silently.

In the end, Zhao Yun was the victim.

Although he planned to retaliate against Xu Qi, it had not yet materialized and everything was still in the verbal stage. Moreover, since Xu Qi had said so, the matter could only be dropped.

During the process, Zhao Yun remained silent, standing there coldly.

Liu Wenqing was also dumbfounded. This development was completely unexpected to her. She thought Xu Qi was the victim, but it turned out that this disfigured young man was the real victim?

“Hey, Luo Hua, it’s me. I have a few bottles of Life Water in my suitcase. Can you take one for me? I’ll send my fighter jet to pick it up immediately. Okay, great!”

Xu Zong walked to the side, opened the auxiliary brain, and made a short phone call with Luo Hua.

Then he returned to the group and said to the disfigured young man Zhao Yun in a deep voice.

“Uncle Zhao, I’ll take the liberty to call you Uncle Zhao. Since Little Uncle doesn’t pursue it, I won’t say anything either. I have a bottle of Life Water here that can restore your appearance. I hope you can accept it.”

“Life Water?”

Zhao Yun, who had been silent, was stunned when he heard the name.

“You mean the one developed by the government, limited edition auctioned every year, and even sold for three hundred billion? The Life Water that can cure any injury or disability?”

Xu Qi and Liu Wenqing also looked at him in surprise.

“That’s right.”

Xu Zong nodded.

“In addition, I can also provide three hundred billion Huaxia coins as compensation. You can make any requests in the future. Your child can go to the best school, and your wife can find the best job.”

“We won’t mention the past, but we can find a way to make up for your past pain.”

As he spoke, Xu Zong used the auxiliary brain to control the fighter jet to take off and fly towards the Mingyue Community in Yangzhou City, causing another round of cheers.

After Xu Zong finished speaking, everyone in the scene was stunned for a moment.

“Can… can you really do it?”

Zhao Yun looked at Xu Zong with some doubt.

It’s not surprising that he doubted. After all, Xu Zong looked too young. How could a sixteen-year-old boy have such power? Can they believe it?

“If you don’t believe me, I can find someone now!”

Xu Zong simply made another phone call and whispered a few words to the person on the other end. Then he flicked his finger and projected the image in front of Old Zhao.

“Soldier Zhao, I can vouch for everything Xu Zong says.”

“Vice… Vice… Vice President Zhu…!”

Old Zhao’s eyes widened, completely dumbfounded.

The man appearing in the image was named Zhu Xi, one of the three parliamentary-level powerhouses loyal to Huaxia and the current second-in-command of the military, holding the power of the military!

After Xu Zong became a Celestial Level, he obtained the phone numbers of many people, and many of them tried to establish a relationship with him. This Vice President Zhu Xi was one of them.

“I believe! I believe!”

Old Zhao nodded repeatedly, and the tension on his face finally eased.

But then, his expression turned cold.

“I want the Life Water, and my son should go to the best school. I don’t want a single cent of the three hundred billion!”

“What about your wife?”

Liu Wenqing couldn’t help but ask.


Zhao Yun said coldly.

Liu Wenqing was speechless.

“Uncle Zhao, you may not need the three hundred billion, but your son and parents should still need it, right?”

Xu Zong nodded and continued to persuade.

“What path has your son chosen? Warrior? That will definitely require money in the future. Hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins will flow out like water. Your parents are not young anymore, and they may have some illnesses in the future. For the sake of your child and parents, you should accept it.”

“No need.”

Zhao Yun still refused to budge.

“He has given my family millions over the years. My parents have told me.”

He pointed at Xu Qi.

Xu Qi was slightly taken aback.More than ten minutes later, Xu Zong’s fighter jet returned to the open space of the hospital.

Xu Zong walked into the jet, took out a bottle of Life Water from inside, and handed it to Zhao Yun.

“Just drink it directly.”

Seeing Zhao Yun’s hesitant expression, Xu Zong reminded him.

Zhao Yun then came to his senses, opened the bottle cap, and gulped down the Life Water.

“Uh, actually, with your injuries, less than half of it would have been enough. The rest could have been saved… but it’s up to you.”

“Cough, cough!”

Zhao Yun choked on his own saliva and glared at Xu Zong.

Did you do this on purpose?

Xu Zong shrugged, I didn’t even finish my sentence, and you were so hasty. Who’s to blame?

Before long, Zhao Yun felt an unbearable itch on his left cheek.

He had been a soldier for several years and had endured a lot of torment during the ten years of his disfigurement. He had strong endurance and bravely endured the itch. Visibly, the flesh on his face gradually grew back. In just a few minutes, all the lost flesh, including his neck, had grown back, albeit a bit tender.

“I’ve recovered? I’ve really recovered! That’s great, hahaha!”

Seeing his reflection in the mirror return to normal, Zhao Yun was overjoyed. He laughed heartily, tears unconsciously streaming down his cheeks.

After a while, he gradually calmed down.

“I will fulfill the promise I made to you.”

Xu Zong made a promise to Zhao Yun, then quickly changed the subject.

“But I have a question for you. You said earlier that you were sent by the War God?”

How could it be such a coincidence that a War God was willing to back him up?

“That’s right.”

Zhao Yun pondered for a moment after hearing this.

“He and I are strangers. I also wondered why he wanted to help me. After meeting you, I understood. He fears you, so he wanted to use me as a pawn!”

“Thinking back, I found it a bit strange at the time. Suddenly, I felt a surge of anger and thought I must take revenge on Xu Qi…”

Zhao Yun spoke in a somewhat confused and obscure manner.

Upon reflection, he realized that he didn’t really want to take revenge on Xu Qi. After all, Xu Qi had done quite well over the years. He knew Xu Qi’s character well. Why couldn’t he control himself at that time?

“What’s his name?”

Xu Zong’s face suddenly darkened.

“I don’t know his name, but I secretly took a photo.”

Zhao Yun took out his phone and showed the photo to Xu Zong.

“You can’t see his face, only his figure. I don’t know if it’s useful.”

If things had developed as planned, after capturing Xu Qi, Zhao Yun would definitely have been silenced by the other party. So, he didn’t hesitate to betray the other party.

“According to what you said, you might have been mentally influenced. This person is likely a Mind Teacher.”

Xu Zong immediately had the AI in his light brain compare the body data of all the War God-level Mind Teachers in the world. He quickly locked onto a target.

“Phantom Catelan?”


The next morning, Xu Zong took Xu Qi out of the hospital.

“Little Uncle, someone might be targeting me recently. I’ve arranged a safe place for you. You can live there for a while.”


“The teacher’s dormitory of the Elite Training Camp at the Limit Martial Arts School.”

Xu Zong replied.

There were many War God-level fighters in the Elite Training Camp, and Wang Yu was personally stationed there. All the Celestial Level beings on Earth knew what kind of place it was. They usually avoided it. Anyone who dared to barge in openly would be declaring war on the Limit Martial Arts School. Even Atkin didn’t have the guts to do that.

He had already talked to Wang Yu. Wang Yu readily agreed and reminded him, “No matter what happens, the Martial Arts School is your strongest backing.”


Xu Qi also knew that living outside would only be a burden to Xu Zong, so he readily agreed.

“Xu Zong, you might think I’m being nosy, but I still want to remind you – in life, when doing anything, think carefully. Will your choices make the future you regret? Choose the path you should take wisely.”

Xu Qi said with a deep expression.

“I understand.”

Xu Zong nodded with a smile.

The incident with his Little Uncle had indeed taught him a valuable lesson.

The next day, Xu Qi moved to the Elite Training Camp in Hongning Base City.

“Hello, I’m your nanny.”

As soon as he walked through the gate, a woman came up to him in a coquettish manner.

“Nurse Liu? How come you’re here?”

Xu Qi was startled and looked at her incredulously.

“Your nephew said that I might also be targeted, so he arranged a high-paying job for me. I agreed, but I didn’t expect…”

Liu Wenqing was also embarrassed. The calm and composed demeanor she had in the ward was nowhere to be found.

Because they were going to spend a long time alone together.

“Is your family okay?”

“They’re fine. I asked my parents and brother, and they all said there’s been no situation recently.”

“Ding dong!”

A message arrived on Xu Qi’s phone not long after.

“Go for it! Try to get your aunt pregnant with a cousin within the year!”

“What’s the message?”

Liu Wenqing leaned over.

Xu Qi didn’t have time to put away his phone, and she saw the message clearly.

Both of them blushed.


Yangzhou City, Mingyue Community, Luo Family.


As soon as Luo Hua got home, he handed an invitation to Xu Zong, who was in the gravity room.

“What’s this?”

“An invitation to the HR Alliance banquet!”

Upon hearing this, Xu Zong’s eyes narrowed.

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