Chapter 86 – Iron-armored sword slave

Perhaps because she had walked too many roads in God's Ruins, her high heels were covered in dust, and there was some annoyance between her eyebrows.


Is this a young aunt?


Lin Baici remembered the food god's comments on Tang Zhiqian's ingredients and glanced at him.


Sure enough.


Tang Zhiqian was sizing up this Miss Gu, occasionally glancing at her feet.


[The "high-end" in this comment does not refer to the outstanding quality or rarity of the ingredients themselves, which are difficult for ordinary people to eat, but rather to their high status.]


[Just like some ingredients that taste average when eaten, but have a high level of sophistication, which ordinary people cannot eat. They occasionally eat it and take photos to show off on social media.]


"Is this woman the kind of ingredient worth showing off?"


Lin Baici shook his head, not thinking so.


[An outstanding gourmet will try any ingredient, even if it's not delicious, just to experience it!]


"You better tell me where the divine remains are."


Lin Baici wanted to break through this God's Ruins quickly.


[Go right!]


"Mr. Fu, stop talking!"


Lin Baici wasn't interested in getting to know these people, so he didn't want Fu Jinlin to introduce him.


"Heh, small person with a big attitude!"


Xie Changfeng sneered, but then noticed that the people across from him were looking at him as if he were a fool.


What's going on?


Did I say something wrong?


Immediately, he thought, I'm worth billions, why should I be afraid of you?


"Xie Changfeng, did you grow up eating shit? Your mouth stinks so much?"


Fu Jinlin was annoyed. He introduced Lin Baici to you guys with good intentions, and this is how you treat him?


The road is narrow indeed.


"Let's go!"


Lin Baici left the path and walked into the knee-high weeds, heading to the right.


In this dark mist, it was impossible to determine the exact direction.


Xia Hongyao and Hua Yueyu didn't hesitate and quickly followed.


Guo Zheng wanted to ask Lin Baici why he was going this way, but hesitated and gave up.


Tang Zhiqian and his group immediately followed.


"Mr. Fu, who is he?"


He Zhongkun inquired.


Fu Jinlin shook his head and went to catch up with Lin Baici.


Lin Baici didn't allow it, and he didn't dare to reveal his identity as a divine hunter.


"Judging from their posture, isn't he just a second-generation troublemaker?"


Xie Changfeng sneered.


Still wearing a kasaya, thinking he's the Buddha?


Gu Rongjie's gaze also fell on the kasaya on Lin Baici.


Is he playing cosplay? Or some kind of unique XP?


Because of her profession, Gu Rongjie had seen many people with strange fetishes.


Not to mention being a monk, there were even people who acted like dogs.


"Mr. He, Miss Gu, what should we do?"


Someone asked.


"What else can we do, follow them!"


He Zhongkun was unhappy. He didn't like others giving orders in front of him, but if they didn't follow the other party now, they would just be going in circles here.


"They seem so confident, there should be a way out, right?"


The girls were hopeful. They had had enough of this place.


Taking advantage of the freshmen registration at Haijing Drama Academy, Gu Rongjie had signed contracts with some talented girls who had the potential to make it in the entertainment industry. She then used her personal connections to bring them to Palm Port to broaden their horizons.


In addition to proving her connections, she also wanted them to experience the life of the wealthy, to give them a boost of motivation and make them work hard.


As the teacher in charge of the freshmen, Feng Yi had recommended several good girls to Gu Rongjie this year, so he also received an invitation to enjoy a day here.


These girls were indeed shocked at first. They couldn't imagine the happiness of the rich. But soon, as the meteor fell and God's Ruins appeared, their shock turned into fear and dread.


But compared to Tang Zhiqian and his group, they were lucky. They were just trapped in this overgrown maze and couldn't find a way out, but there were no casualties.


Everyone followed Lin Baici and left the rural path, walking through the weeds.


These overgrown weeds reached their knees, and they were hard and sharp. When people walked through them, they brushed against their legs, like a masseur using a pig bristle brush to scrub their skin, causing a stinging and uncomfortable sensation.


It was okay for those wearing long pants, but the women wearing skirts and stockings suffered.


"It hurts!"


"My calves are all cut, will they scar?"


"Can we ask him where we're going? If he's just wandering aimlessly, we might as well go back to the path!"


The girls complained one after another.


Gu Rongjie couldn't stand it either. Her flesh-colored stockings were already torn, with more than ten holes. What's more troublesome was that she was wearing high heels and walking in this grassy land. Every time she took a step, her heels sank into the soil, making every step torture.


Just as Gu Rongjie couldn't bear it anymore and was about to go talk to the young man, she suddenly heard cheers coming from ahead.


"Are we out?"


Gu Rongjie's spirits lifted, and she gained motivation. She immediately quickened her pace.


The others did the same.Everyone walked forward for more than thirty meters, and the endless grassland suddenly disappeared, leaving only yellow soil. The wind blew, and sand and dust were stirred up.


"It's so hot!"


The girls complained.


A wave of heat rose, making people feel like they were trapped in a steamer.


"Mr. He, Mr. Gu, I feel something is wrong ahead!"


Feng Yi reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead.


"Even if something is wrong, we have to keep going. Are we going back?"


He Zhongkun complained. If there was a choice, who would be willing to endure such hardship?


These people continued to follow Lin Baici and the others. Gradually, the two groups merged together. After all, in this unfamiliar place, having more people around provided a sense of security.


On the yellow soil around them, bronze swords appeared sparsely. They were broken, fragmented, and rusty…


Just casually stuck in the ground.


Some small streams, about a foot wide, appeared. However, the water flowing in them was not cool stream water, but red-hot molten iron, emitting high temperatures.


The scorching air here seemed to be caused by these rivers of molten iron.


Lin Baici looked around and pressed his stomach.


He was hungry.


[A top predator needs a handy weapon to hunt and kill prey, skillfully clean and prepare food, and try to preserve the original flavor of the ingredients.]


"I wonder what kind of rule pollution it is this time?"


Guo Zheng frowned.


Listening to the Food God's comments and judging from the surrounding environment, Lin Baici estimated that they would encounter divine taboos related to weapons ahead.


As the group moved forward, more and more bronze swords were inserted into the ground, and their quality improved. Some of them could even be used as weapons.


Feng Yi went over and picked two bronze swords with fewer notches on the blades.


"Mr. Gu, take this for self-defense, okay?"


Feng Yi offered generously.


"Thank you."


Gu Rongjie took it. The bronze sword was heavy in her hand, at least four catties, and it was still warm.


Seeing this, the others also started to look for swords. Some even took two. After all, it felt safer to have something in their hands than to be empty-handed. However, just as they picked up the swords, the female bear in front spoke.


"You better not randomly take things around here. They might be contaminated!"


Xia Hongyao's words startled everyone.




Just hearing this word made people feel uncomfortable.


Lin Baici and Guo Zheng coincidentally stopped and looked ahead. There was a huge sword pavilion, like a small mountain, covered in cracks.


Hot molten iron flowed out of those cracks, forming these streams.


[A sword pavilion that nurtures a famous sword. When it was built, a renowned swordsmith and three hundred slaves were sacrificed by the king as blood offerings, burned to death inside the sword pavilion.]


In the tomb of an emperor, there must be many burial objects.


This sword pavilion was one of them. The last step for a master swordsmith to forge a sword in this pavilion was to sacrifice the slaves and himself.


Even if the king went underground, he still needed a sword.


"Is this divine ruins a tomb?"


Lin Baici was curious.


The Food God did not answer.


But that was indeed the case.


Where the meteor fell, there happened to be an undiscovered pre-Qin tomb. After the divine remains radiated, some items in this tomb were contaminated and became divine taboos.


The divine tortoise shell that Lin Baici had just obtained was made by an ancient great wizard.


In front of the sword pavilion stood a black stone stele as tall as a person, with words written on it. It should be a sacrificial text. Further ahead, about twenty meters away from the sword pavilion, there was an extremely thick coiled iron pillar inserted into the soil.


Dragons and phoenixes were carved on the pillar, with fierce beasts and floating branches.


A huge bronze chain, about the thickness of an adult's calf, was connected to one end of the coiled dragon pillar and tied to the left ankle of an iron-armored person.


The iron-armored person was covered in black armor and was currently kneeling in front of the stone stele, motionless, performing a solemn ritual.


Although it didn't straighten its waist, its burly figure and large size were still evident.


Beside the iron-armored person, there was a large bronze sword inserted into the ground. It was wide and large, like a door panel.


"Let's… let's go. I feel something is wrong here!"


Du Xin was a little scared. She wanted to leave, but Lin Baici wouldn't go, and Tang Zhiqian and the others probably wouldn't leave either.


"Lin God, what do you think?"


Lu Yingxi rubbed her temples. Her head was aching, and she felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.


"Go? Where to? If we can't find the divine remains and break the divine ruins as soon as possible, even if you ordinary people hide and don't experience any rule pollution, you will still die!"


Guo Zheng sneered. Did they think the radiation from the divine remains was a joke? "Sorry, I was wrong. It's not death, it's turning into a dead flesh person!"


Everyone was frightened by Guo Zheng's words, their expressions filled with fear and panic.


"Xiao Bai!"


Hua Yueyu grabbed Lin Baici's arm.


"Don't panic!"


Lin Baici reassured her.


Coach Zhang's curse had already been lifted, and his tuberculosis had been cured. However, his body couldn't recover to full health all at once, and after walking so far, he felt some discomfort in his chest and lungs.




Coach Zhang felt his throat itch, so he coughed twice and then spat on the ground.


There were some traces of blood in the saliva.This made Coach Zhang's expression serious. He was about to wipe his mouth when suddenly he felt a shadow over his head, as if the sunlight had been blocked by something.


He turned his head and was surprised to see the iron-armored figure that had been kneeling in front of the stone tablet standing beside him.




The iron chains shook, making a harsh friction sound.


"Those who defile the Sword Pavilion shall be killed!"


The iron-armored figure shouted, swinging the large sword in his hand.


Coach Zhang instinctively wanted to run, but before he could take a step and exert force, the bronze door panel of the iron-armored figure's sword had already slashed across his left waist.




Coach Zhang was cut in half at the waist. His upper body fell to the ground in an instant, blood pouring out like a torrent, mixed with scattered internal organs.




Coach Zhang screamed, trying to crawl forward with all his strength.




The girls on Gu Rongjie's side all screamed, turning around and fleeing, wanting to leave this haunted place.


On Lin Baici's side, Zhou Ya and the others did the same.


"Don't run, you'll die!"


Lin Baici quickly persuaded.


Unfortunately, it was useless. Everyone was scared.




The iron-armored figure moved again. With the sound of the shaking chains, it appeared beside the man who had run the farthest, swinging its sword.




The man was cut in half with one sword.


"Disturbers of the Sword Pavilion's tranquility shall be killed!"


The iron-armored figure shouted, moving again and catching up to another man, slashing with its sword.




Blood splattered, wetting the yellow earth.


Another unfortunate soul was cut down.


"Don't run, don't scream, be quiet!"


Xia Hongyao shouted, reminding everyone.


If this continued, they would all die!


Gao Mawei was overly worried. The iron-armored figure had killed two people in a row, both of whom were the fastest and farthest runners. This scared everyone, freezing them in place, afraid to move.


Some timid girls even covered their mouths with both hands, afraid to scream and bring disaster upon themselves.




The sound of the iron chains rang out again, indicating that the iron-armored figure had moved once more.


This time, it appeared beside a girl with long hair.


"I… I didn't disturb you!"


The girl with long hair trembled, her voice trembling as she explained. Her voice was very soft, like a mosquito.


Everyone stood still, looking at the iron-armored figure.


It was so terrifying!


"Could it be that Coach Zhang from Palm Harbor was killed just because he coughed a few times and spat on the ground, dirtying the place?"


Guo Zheng was speechless. If that was the case, Coach Zhang's death would be too unworthy.


[A guardian of this Sword Pavilion, anyone who dirties this place, disturbs its tranquility, or intrudes without permission shall be killed!]


Food God's comment.


When Lin Baici heard that intruders would be killed, his brows furrowed.


The iron-armored sword slave stood in front of the girl with long hair, the large door panel sword in his hand did not fall. Just when everyone thought the girl would survive, the iron-armored sword slave suddenly spoke.


"Intruders of the Sword Pavilion shall be killed!"


One word, filled with killing intent.


The sword swung down, cutting into the left side of the girl's neck, slicing through her chest, and then slashing out from her right waist.




Cut in half with one sword.


Everyone's eyes were about to burst, almost convulsing.


Thump! Thump! Thump!


A few timid ones were so scared that their legs went weak, and they sat down on the ground.


Gu Rongjie's scalp went numb as she watched, feeling heartbroken.


That girl with long hair was a seed she had discovered last year and had focused on cultivating for a year. Half a month ago, she had just taken on a supporting role in a period idol drama with several popular male idols. There was a high chance of becoming a money-making tree for the company.


But now, she had been cut in half by that iron-armored monster!


However, soon Gu Rongjie couldn't care less about her money-making tree. Whether she could survive or not was still unknown.


Gu Rongjie quickly scanned the surroundings, looking for an opportunity to escape. She suddenly saw the young man that the wealthy boss had intended to introduce to her earlier, looking calmly at the iron-armored monster.


The girl bear, who was beside him, also had a fearless expression, and even seemed a bit eager.


Could it be that she wants to fight this monster?


"I am the iron-armored sword slave of this Sword Pavilion. Those who intrude here shall die."


The iron-armored sword slave's voice was fierce.


"This monster is very fast!"


Xia Hongyao whispered as a reminder.




Lin Baici was already on high alert, but the sudden movement of the monster just now, killing Coach Zhang, was still fast enough to make people's hearts tremble.


When the crowd heard the words of the iron-armored sword slave, the blood drained from their faces.


Doesn't this mean that everyone is going to die?


Gu Rongjie was quite clever and keenly noticed a loophole. If this monster wants to kill intruders, why bother saying so much?


Just take action directly!


"What do we need to do for you to let us go?"


Gu Rongjie asked humbly.


The iron-armored sword slave lived up to its name, covered in heavy armor, not even the mouth and nose were exceptions. Only the eye area had two fist-sized holes, revealing a pair of eyes shimmering with crimson light.


It was about two meters tall, already burly in stature, and with the armor on, it held a two-meter-long sword, like a bloodthirsty iron general who had slain a thousand men."Kill all of you, it will harm the heavens and make Wang Jian tainted with death qi, which is ominous. But if I don't kill you, I can't make you submit to the authority of Wang Jian!"


The Iron-armored Sword Slave's gaze was cold and stern. "So, choose ten people to sacrifice, take their heads, and offer them to the respected Wang Jian. Then you can leave!"


Everyone's expression changed upon hearing this.


"What does sacrificing people mean?"


The wealthy boss quietly asked the young man with an earring. Despite having a lot of money, he lacked education and knowledge.


The young man with an earring was not in the mood to answer him.


The atmosphere at the scene became particularly oppressive.


Gu Rongjie turned her head and locked eyes with Boss He.


The so-called sacrifice of people referred to the ancient funeral or sacrificial activities where living people were killed as sacrifices. It was prevalent during the slave system period and gradually declined during the Warring States period.


Some emperors in history, after their death, would have their concubines and some palace maids buried with them.


Sacrificing people could be said to be a very cruel custom.


"Actually, think about it. It's worth it to exchange the lives of ten people for the lives of dozens of others!"


He Zhongkun expressed his opinion.


He was afraid of death, so he didn't want to continue the stalemate. What if that monster changed his mind? Therefore, he wanted to quickly select ten people as sacrifices.


Anyway, no matter how they were chosen, he wouldn't be one of those unlucky ones.


Upon hearing this, the expressions of the crowd became fearful and panicked.


After all, no one wanted to become a sacrifice.


Several wealthy bosses exchanged glances quickly. Although they didn't speak, everything was understood without words.


They were wealthy, and most importantly, they still had bodyguards by their side. If they united, they would definitely be the strongest. Those female students from the Haijing Drama Academy would be like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.


He Zhongkun was a coal mine owner, and among these bosses, he had the largest family business and the most assets. Naturally, he was the undisputed leader.


He glanced at Lin Baici's side and saw no reason for him to be the villain. They would reap the benefits while those unlucky ones would be sacrificed first.


He Zhongkun valued his identity and didn't want to deal with Lin Baici and Tang Zhiqian, these young brats. Besides, he hadn't figured out their backgrounds yet, so he decided to wait a little longer and let Gu Rongjie negotiate first.


A beautiful woman would have a higher success rate in negotiations.


"Boss He, as a woman, I don't have much weight in my words."


Gu Rongjie didn't want to go and do such dirty work.


"Miss Gu, we are all old foxes who have lived for thousands of years. Why pretend to be innocent? If you want to survive, you have to show some sincerity, right?"


He Zhongkun sneered. He understood her thoughts.


She just didn't want to be the villain, right?


I'm really giving you face!


If it weren't for the fact that you're pretty enough and I haven't had my way with you yet, I would have chosen you directly as a sacrifice.


Gu Rongjie's face turned ugly. Among the people present, these bosses had already formed an informal alliance. With money and bodyguards, they had enough power to ensure their words were respected.


"If I can survive and leave here, I will also hire some bodyguards!"


Gu Rongjie had actually compromised, but she was preparing to fight for some benefits for herself. However, He Zhongkun couldn't wait any longer.


He was in his fifties and had already exhausted his body from indulging in food, drink, and pleasure. Therefore, the radiation from the divine remains had a great impact on him, causing him constant headaches and signs of madness.


Now, seeing Gu Rongjie not speaking, he raised his hand and struck.




He Zhongkun's short rod-like five fingers slapped Gu Rongjie's face, leaving five deep red finger marks.


Gu Rongjie staggered back a few steps, almost twisting her ankle in her high heels. She covered her burning cheek, stunned by the blow.


"Go quickly!"


He Zhongkun growled, "I'm not negotiating, I'm ordering you!"


The commotion here also caught the attention of the others.


The several bosses had already gathered together, glanced at Gu Rongjie, and didn't care. They continued their quiet discussion on which few people to choose as sacrifices.


Of course, they didn't forget to promise generous rewards to their respective bodyguards. Each offer was exorbitant. Otherwise, if the bodyguards didn't obey, the bosses would be at a loss.


[Unforgivable! This dirty and despicable creature dares to touch your ingredients with its filthy hands. It must be severely punished. I suggest frying it in hot oil and then feeding it to wild dogs!]


The Food God's killing intent filled the air.


Food is sacred, and every meal should be treated with kindness.


Gu Rongjie covered her cheek and walked over to Lin Baici.


To be honest, being slapped in front of so many people was embarrassing and awkward for her, but what else could she do?




Then she would definitely be pushed out to be sacrificed.


"What do you want?"


Hua Yueyu's big eyes stared at Gu Rongjie, full of vigilance.


"He Zhongkun said that everyone should choose five people as sacrifices!"


After Gu Rongjie finished speaking, she noticed that all these people were staring at her with hostile gazes.


"Why should we be the ones to choose?"


Du Xin became anxious. As a peripheral member of this group, she definitely wouldn't be able to escape if she was chosen as a sacrifice.


That's reality.


So Du Xin grabbed Zhou Ya's arm and desperately signaled her.


Hurry up and make a statement, your junior brother!


Let He Zhongkun choose all ten people.


If he doesn't listen, beat him to death!


Fu Jinlin also became a little panicked. He was an outsider in this circle, and although he had money, it seemed useless in God's Ruins.


Tang Zhiqian and Lu Yingxi's hearts were pounding, filled with unease.


Just half an hour ago, they were the core figures of this circle. If it weren't for Lin Baici and his two companions, they would have been the ones with the decision-making power, even Xue Zhao would have been safe.


But now, Lin Baici was the one calling the shots.


With just one sentence from him, he could decide who lives and who dies.

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