Chapter 87 – Exemplar

Jiangnan Base City, No. 102 Military Hospital in Suzhou City.

“Mr. Xu Qi, it’s time for breakfast.”

In Xu Qi’s single ward, a dedicated nurse walked in with breakfast and smiled sweetly at Xu Qi lying on the bed.

“Open your mouth, ah~”

“Nurse Liu, my hand is really fine.”

Seeing Nurse Liu’s face resembling that of feeding a child, Xu Qi could only helplessly defend himself.

While saying this, he raised his intact hands, wanting to prove his ability to eat on his own.

In fact, he had been staying in this hospital for a month. Although his injuries were serious at first, they quickly healed. Now, running on the ground was not a problem at all. Being treated like this, as a grown man, he felt a bit embarrassed.

“This is my duty. If Mr. Xu Qi says so, it means not letting me fulfill my duty, which will make it difficult for me.”

Nurse Liu smiled lightly, showing a restrained expression.

Xu Qi’s expression froze, and he could only open his mouth and be fed like a child.

He was a soldier and had no way to argue with the concept of duty and responsibility. Moreover, he was not good at talking, so when faced with someone like Nurse Liu, he was completely at her mercy.

“Wow, what’s that?”

“An airplane! It’s an airplane!”

At this moment, a burst of exclamations came from outside the hospital building.

“What happened?”

Xu Qi subconsciously looked out of the window.

Just as he was about to get up, Nurse Liu quickly held him down.

“There are specialized military guards in the hospital. There’s no need for you, a patient, to go out!”

“I’m used to it.”

Embarrassed, Xu Qi smiled and lay back on the bed.

After lying back down, he was fed by Nurse Liu for another two minutes.

“Tsk tsk tsk!”

Suddenly, a burst of enthusiastic tongue-clicking sound came from the door.

Both of them stopped their movements and looked towards the door at the same time.

“Little Uncle, when did you arrive?”

Seeing the only nephew appearing at the door, Xu Qi’s face immediately turned red. He looked at Nurse Liu, then at himself, feeling restless.

“Just arrived, here to pick you up from the hospital.”

Xu Zong walked into the ward with an ambiguous expression.

“Is this my aunt?”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

Xu Qi was startled by him and looked at Nurse Liu. Seeing her calm expression, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“This is Nurse Liu Wenqing, who has taken care of me for a month and treated me well.”

“I understand, I understand!”

Xu Zong nodded repeatedly, but secretly sighed in his heart.

“I’ll leave first. You two can chat.”

Nurse Liu picked up the remaining breakfast, showed a polite smile to Xu Zong, and then left the room.

“Little Uncle, I have to say, as a soldier, you are absolutely qualified, but your way with words is really lacking.”

“What do you mean?”

“You subconsciously looked at the nurse just now, worried that it would affect her reputation. You should have said it out loud. If you don’t say it, how would the girl know if you look down on her?”

“Is that so?”

Xu Qi’s expression changed, carefully recalling his words just now, indeed, it could easily be misunderstood.

He suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Xu Zong.

Xu Zong was smiling cunningly.

“You care about what others think, but you say you’re not interested in the girl?”

“Xu Zong, you’re becoming more and more cunning.”

Xu Qi sighed deeply, his expression complicated.

“Is being cunning a bad thing?”

Xu Zong shrugged.

“When dealing with society, you can’t do without worldly wisdom. It’s easier to get by with cunning. You’re still fine in the military, but the outside world is full of tricks. Being cunning can help you live a better life!”

“You’re right. It’s not good to be like me, a dull person.”

Xu Qi seemed to remember something and smiled bitterly.

Xu Zong narrowed his eyes. Did he suffer from others or something?

This was the first time he heard him mention it, but Xu Qi seemed unwilling to say more, so Xu Zong didn’t say anything more.

“It’s good to be a little slick, but if you become too slick, it’s easy to fall. Remember, never do something that you will regret… Just consider me meddling.”

“Don’t worry.”

Xu Zong chuckled lightly.

Having reached the Unity of Heaven and Man realm, his mind was as clear as a mirror. Combined with his experience in two lifetimes, he could see through ninety-nine percent of the world’s tricks. Many things were illusory in his eyes.

“I’ll go handle your discharge procedures.”

Xu Zong waved his hand and walked towards the nurse’s room.

Walking out of the ward, the room next to the stairs in the corridor was the nurse’s room. Xu Zong walked in and quickly completed the discharge procedures.

“Why didn’t I see Nurse Liu Wenqing?”

“She was called out by a man just now.”

A nurse hurriedly answered, pointing to the nearby emergency exit.

Xu Zong thought for a moment and walked towards the emergency exit.

Little Uncle was not good with words. He was probably unable to get Nurse Liu’s phone number. As his nephew, I should help him!

Once Little Uncle gets married and takes over the task of continuing the family line, I’ll be free!

When Xu Zong reached the edge of the emergency exit, he suddenly stopped.

“How did you handle the matter I asked you to handle?”

This was the voice of a young man, sounding hoarse and mechanical.

“You should have gained Mr. Xu Qi’s trust fully in this past month. He has no guard against you now. As long as you dare to do it, it will be easy to succeed!”

At the edge of the passage, Xu Zong’s eyes turned cold.


Gained full trust?Was Liu Wenqing deliberately getting close to Little Uncle?

“I can’t understand.”

Another voice rang out, it was Liu Wenqing’s.

“What exactly is the grudge between you two? You’re both soldiers, how could it have escalated to this point?”

“You don’t need to know!”

The man’s voice grew coarse.

“I only have one question, can you do it or not? If you can’t, your parents and brother won’t have a good time! Let me tell you, I have a War God-level figure backing me up. Don’t think I can’t do it. Although fighting is prohibited in the base city, there are plenty of ways for a War God-level figure to deal with you!”

A War God-level figure?

If a War God-level figure chose to stay in the base city, there would be plenty of positions available, like Uncle Yong, Zhou Zhengyong. He was a mid-level War God, currently the president of the Jiangnan Base City Martial Arts School, the number one figure. Indeed, there were plenty of ways to deal with a small nurse.

Xu Zong remained silent, standing at the door, continuing to listen quietly.

“…I can’t harm people.”

This was Liu Wenqing’s answer. Her tone was filled with hesitation and struggle, but even more determination.


The man was instantly furious.

He raised his hand, about to slap her.


Suddenly, a loud noise was heard, and the door of the safety passage was kicked open.

A gust of wind whistled out of nowhere, blowing the man directly against the wall.

“Which War God is backing you up?”

A teenager of about sixteen or seventeen walked in, looking at the man with a smirk.

“You, you are Xu Qi’s nephew?”

Liu Wenqing was startled, looking at Xu Zong with a shocked expression.

What’s going on?

Was Xu Qi’s nephew so powerful? Why had she never heard him mention it?


Xu Zong hummed, neither confirming nor denying.

“I’m asking you, what are you planning to do to my Little Uncle?”

He looked at the man who was pinned against the wall by the wind, his eyebrows raised.

The man was extremely ugly.

No, to be precise, the man was originally quite handsome, but the left half of his face seemed to have been scratched by a large beast like a tiger, a large chunk of flesh and skin was missing, even his throat was affected, and there was a voice aid on his throat.

Xu Zong withdrew his Primal Energy, letting the man fall from the wall.

“You, you are Xu Qi’s nephew?”

The man sat on the ground, looking at Xu Zong with a face full of disbelief.

“Guaranteed genuine.”

“Hah, I didn’t expect the heavens to be so cruel to me, I can’t even avenge my great hatred!”

The man glared at the floor, his eyes filled with bitterness.

“Great hatred?”

Xu Zong tilted his head, looking at the man.

“What did my Little Uncle do to you? With his character, how could he possibly have a grudge with you?”

“You’re talking nonsense!”

The man was instantly agitated at his words.

“You’re all family, of course you’re on his side! But what about me? What did I do wrong to deserve such punishment from him, Xu Qi!”

He pointed at his disfigured face, his face full of hatred, his eyes filled with tears of anger.


Xu Zong frowned.

The man’s expression didn’t seem to be fake, as if he had really been wronged by Little Uncle. But he knew his Little Uncle’s character very well, his selfless character of saving others, which was a model for modern soldiers, how could he possibly have a grudge with others?

“I’ll explain this.”

Just then, a voice came from the hospital corridor behind him.

“Little Uncle?”

Xu Zong looked back, the man was Xu Qi, dressed in a patient’s uniform.

The previous gust of wind had caused a commotion on the entire floor, many people had run out of their wards, Xu Qi had also heard the noise outside, his professional instinct kicked in, he wanted to come out and help, but he didn’t expect to see this scene.

“He’s Old Zhao, ten years ago, we were good friends at the same school.”

Xu Qi looked at the ugly young man with a complicated expression, meeting his hateful gaze, Xu Qi silently lowered his head.

“Ten years ago, I had just graduated from the military academy, and Old Zhao and I joined a squad. Once, while driving monsters in the wilderness, I lacked experience and ended up leading the monsters to the edge of our team.”

The military bases around the base city would go to the wilderness at regular intervals to drive away nearby monsters, so the really powerful monsters in the wilderness would sneak into the city.

“At that time, the squad leader led us to fight bravely. I was in a group with Old Zhao, I should have fought with him, but I, I was scared at the time, so… I ran away.”

Xu Zong was stunned, even his eyes widened.

Ran away?

The Little Uncle who always risked his life to save people when in danger, actually abandoned his teammate and ran away?

Although Xu Zong had some criticisms about Little Uncle’s character, he actually admired him deep down.

Because Xu Zong considered himself a commoner, the purpose of becoming stronger was just to enjoy the future better. Little Uncle could do what he wouldn’t do, so he admired him very much.

But the fact that he had abandoned his companion and ran away when he was in danger, made Xu Zong feel as if his fantasy had been shattered.

“After returning to the base city, I found out that Old Zhao was seriously injured and almost lost his life.”

Xu Qi looked at the disfigured young man, his lips trembling slightly.

“…I’ve always regretted it.”

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