Chapter 114 – Senior Sister, have I learned it?

When Bu Yu Taoist found out that he had a chance to be released, he wanted to worship Lu Yang as his teacher, which scared Lu Yang into rejecting him.


Lu Yang shared his thoughts with Bu Yu Taoist, who agreed that they had overlooked the importance of publicity. People knew too little about cultivation, the five major immortal sects, and other sects.


Bu Yu Taoist stroked his beard and pondered, "Writing a book related to Seek Tao Sect is really a technical job. Let me think about it first."


"Our Seek Tao Sect has a history of 120,000 years, which can be divided into three stages: the founder, the Returning to Origin Celestial Lord who listed our sect as one of the five major immortal sects, and the ancestor Hanhai Daojun who led the revival. Each stage has many stories to tell. Just the beginning of the founder's story, Qiankun Asking the Way, can be elaborated on."


Lu Yang thought to himself that Buyu was indeed a master, as he could turn the founder's getting lost into something as grand as Qiankun Asking the Way. He thought he should learn from him for a while.


"Of course, we can't ignore the present situation, which is the most important. For example, in my case, we can't say that I was picked up by the third senior brother. We need to change it to 'a person born with natural talent, nurtured by heaven and earth, holding a short sword with the word 'kill' inscribed on the hilt at birth.' Uh, I'm just joking. I won't really say that."


Bu Yu Taoist met the icy gaze of his senior sister and quickly retreated, "I will describe it truthfully without any falsehoods!"


Bu Yu Taoist said in a consultative tone, "My dear disciple, can you release me first? The eight senior brothers are the ones involved in the matter of Seek Tao Sect slaying demons and eliminating evil and supporting the righteous. To write a book, I must ask them for detailed information. This is the only way to have room for creativity."


Yun Zhi thought it made sense and prepared to release her master.


Then Yun Zhi left directly, and Bu Yu Taoist became anxious, shouting behind her, "My dear disciple, you haven't released me yet!"


Yun Zhi replied without looking back, "You can meditate in the cave for three days, and the barrier will disappear on its own."


Lu Yang thought to himself that his master had been imprisoned for ten years and had not meditated continuously for three days. No wonder his senior sister did not want to release him.


Lu Yang ran after his senior sister and said earnestly, "Senior sister, I want to learn a spell that can be cast with my mouth."




"When I'm fighting, my feet can dodge and attack, my hands can wield a sword and throw hidden weapons, but my mouth is useless."


"Think about it. I'm in a stalemate with my enemy, and our weapons collide without any progress. Suddenly, I use my mouth to cast a spell, catching them off guard. I'm sure I can win!"


Yun Zhi couldn't understand what Lu Yang meant by "stalemate with the enemy." Her battles were always one-sided. But if Lu Yang wanted to learn, she had no reason to stop him.


"I have a spell that can exhale golden qi, which can break hair and cut steel. It requires a gold spiritual root, and your sword spiritual root is barely related. It also requires a few breaths of preparation, during which you cannot make any other movements."


Lu Yang shook his head, "It's too limited. It can only be used for sneak attacks and is rarely useful in frontal combat."


"What about the Samadhi True Fire? You can accumulate power in your abdomen and exhale the upper, middle, and lower true fires, which cannot be extinguished by non-rooted water. However, the learning difficulty is too high. It may take several months to learn, and you have never learned any Five Elements spells before. I don't know how talented you are in this area."Yun Zhi suddenly stopped talking, she remembered that Lu Yang's first Five Elements spell was the Shrinking Earth spell.


Lu Yang was delighted, it turned out to be the famous Samadhi True Fire. He definitely had to learn it if there was an opportunity to do so. If he couldn't learn it, it would be a break in his train of thought.


"I want to learn Samadhi True Fire."


Seeing Lu Yang make his choice, Yun Zhi didn't stop him and took him to the place where he first started practicing.


Here, Lu Yang successfully breathed in the air by lifting a jar and catching tofu, which was very memorable.


Yun Zhi calmly explained, "The so-called Samadhi True Fire refers to the three fires of gods, spirits, and mortals, which are classified similarly to the River Spirit's axe."


"The heart is the lord fire, also known as the divine fire, and its name is Shangmei; the kidney is the minister fire, also known as the spirit fire, and its name is Zhongmei; the bladder, which is the lower abdomen's sea of qi, is the people's fire, and its name is Xiamei."


"When using Samadhi True Fire, pay attention to the three positions of the heart, kidney, and bladder."


"I told you before that you need to keep the kidney water constantly full. The reason is that the human body has five elements, and most Five Elements spells rely on the five organs of the human body, so kidney water is crucial."


"I'll demonstrate it to you, watch closely."


Yun Zhi aimed at a big tree, opened her mouth, and spat out a Samadhi True Fire, turning the thick tree into ashes in an instant. Lu Yang didn't even react!


This was still the result of Yun Zhi trying to reduce the power as much as possible. If she used her full strength, whether Tianmen Peak could be left standing was uncertain.


"Did you learn it?"


Lu Yang hesitated. Senior Sister's teaching method was always mysterious and unpredictable. The key was to see his own comprehension ability. "Let me try."


He created the "Mingxin Jianxing Jue" himself, which could penetrate the essence of things. He also had a reason to learn Senior Sister's spell.


It was time to show the power of his self-created technique!


Lu Yang mobilized his internal energy, concentrated it in the three positions of the heart, kidney, and bladder, and suddenly spewed out saliva three zhang away!


"Samadhi True Fire!" Lu Yang shouted, not believing it. He spewed out saliva three zhang away again!






Lu Yang kept trying, spitting until he was dry.


Samadhi True Fire was really difficult to learn.


Seeing Lu Yang's hard work, Yun Zhi handed him a gourd. Lu Yang took a sip and found it particularly sweet, like a nectar.


"What kind of water is this? It's so sweet!"


"Sugar water."


Lu Yang: "…"


Can sugar water not be sweet?


With a persistent spirit, Lu Yang kept trying repeatedly, practicing from noon until evening, gradually mastering the knack.


"I will definitely succeed this time. Samadhi True Fire, spit!" Lu Yang exerted all his strength, mobilized his entire body's spiritual power, ran the small and big heavenly circuits, and suddenly spewed out a blazing fire from his mouth, burning the big tree, which made crackling sounds!


"I succeeded!" Lu Yang smiled. He did have talent in learning spells. He learned several months' worth of spells in one afternoon.


Yun Zhi, who was watching by the side, always felt that the flame was not right. She walked up and ignored the high temperature of the flame, pinched a small amount, twisted it with her finger, and licked her fingertip with her tongue.


"Is it sweet?"


Why does the flame have a taste?


"Do it again."


Lu Yang didn't understand and spewed out the true fire again. Yun Zhi tasted it again, "Is it salty?"


"Do it again."


Yun Zhi tasted it again, "Is it spicy?"Yun Zhi tried repeatedly and found that Lu Yang's flame was extremely powerful, but it had a unique taste, either sweet, salty, or spicy.


Lu Yang excitedly ran over: "Senior Sister, have I learned it?"


Yun Zhi looked at Lu Yang with a strange expression: "You did, but what you learned is the Three Flavors True Fire."


"Three Flavors True Fire?"


(End of Chapter)

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