Chapter 87 – The gods descend

In the confinement room, Song Shiyi opened the recording on her phone and looked at the person sitting at the table across from her.

“You can speak now.”

Lin Zecheng, sitting opposite her, shivered his shoulders, unsure if it was from the cold or muscle stiffness.

He wiped his face with his right hand, his eyes weary.

Lin Zecheng picked up the paper cup on the table and took a sip of water. “Regardless of whether I succeed or fail here, the next plan of the ‘Whistleblower’ has already begun.”

“The ‘Whistleblower’ never trusts anyone. It is suspicious and treats all gods the same way.”

“Now that I have no results here, the ‘Whistleblower’ will focus on the Fragmented World… but I’m not sure about the specific timing.”

Song Shiyi frowned. “Under the dimensional restrictions, the gods cannot enter the Fragmented World.”

“Correct, dimensional restrictions. However, there is no such thing as absolute perfection, even the dimensional rules have small loopholes.”

Lin Zecheng sniffed. “Can you give me a cigarette?”

“Smoking is prohibited in the confinement room.”

Song Shiyi handed him a piece of chewing gum.

Lin Zecheng reluctantly put the chewing gum in his mouth and chewed vigorously.

“But I can help you apply for calming chewing tobacco,” Song Shiyi added.

Lin Zecheng’s eyes brightened, and his speech quickened. “The ‘Whistleblower’ suspects that Jia Xiaokai either hid the key here or in the previous Fragmented World.”

“To open the passage to the ‘Golden Wilderness,’ one must leave behind the Fragmented World created by the Forest God.”

“The gods cannot enter the sealed Fragmented World, but the apprentice gods can.”

Lin Zecheng continued, “If it’s an apprentice god, they can use the selection process of the Fragmented World and use the one-way teleportation gate to send the idols into it.”

Song Shiyi seemed to have realized something, her pupils slightly contracted, and her face showed a hint of surprise. “Demotion?”


Lin Zecheng nodded. “From what I know, the ‘Whistleblower’ will choose one or several gods and demote them to apprentice gods. This way, they can stay in the Forest Fragmented World for a long time to search for the key.”

Song Shiyi questioned, “Demotion requires the destruction of the civilization established by the previous players, destroying all wonders… equivalent to causing physical disability to the players.”

“The ‘Whistleblower’ doesn’t care.”

Lin Zecheng said blankly, “If they can’t accept it, the ‘Whistleblower’ doesn’t mind devouring some gods.”


Song Shiyi suddenly remembered.

The ‘Whistleblower’ is not human.

One cannot understand the other based on human behavior.

“Even the demoted gods are not something new players can contend with.”

Lin Zecheng squinted his eyes. “They will easily establish a foothold, relying on faith props and battle treasures to quickly dominate the surroundings. Not to mention that they probably have apostles and a considerable reserve of faith…”

“It is very likely that they have already gone over there.”

Song Shiyi looked at Lin Zecheng. “If that’s the case, why didn’t they do it before?”

“Because of the ‘Skin Peeler.’”

Lin Zecheng touched the back of his neck with his hand. “The ‘Whistleblower’ and the ‘Skin Peeler’ are both competing for the key, and they have made arrangements in the Fragmented World.”

“The ‘Whistleblower’ stationed a high-level hero there to guard against the ‘Skin Peeler.’”

“The ‘Skin Peeler’ also built an altar in that world and hid a group of special fanatics to counterbalance the ‘Whistleblower.’”

“These two titled gods are wary of each other, and the situation is basically balanced.”

“Not long ago, all the followers of the ‘Skin Peeler’ in that world were wiped out, and faith completely disappeared from that world. Following that, the high-level hero left by the ‘Whistleblower’ also received no response, and the spark of faith disappeared completely…”

He blinked his eyes continuously, tormented by the craving for cigarettes. “Something happened over there, and the gods all believe it is related to the ‘Golden Wilderness.’ The ‘Whistleblower’ will definitely not let it go.”

“The ‘Skin Peeler’ is currently caught up in a divine war and cannot free himself, so it is the best opportunity for the ‘Whistleblower.’”

Song Shiyi remembered what Jia Xiaokai had said.

The Forest God reduced his divine body and hid it in a certain Fragmented World.

Could it be in this Fragmented World?

Even if He really existed there in a reduced form, He would have lost everything. Life would start anew, no longer the Forest God of the past.

Speaking of which, it was somewhat similar to herself.

After the questioning process ended, Song Shiyi passed through the wall.

Outside was a white corridor, with black iron doors fixed on both sides. The doors were marked with different names and numbers in white paint.

Song Shiyi stopped in front of one of the iron doors.

The door read: [0235 Yuan Lisha].

Song Shiyi lightly touched the door with her finger and pushed it open.

At that moment, Yuan Lisha inside was doing a handstand against the wall.

She flipped back up when she saw Song Shiyi. “Oh? Prosecutor Song, what brings you here?”

“I want to ask you some questions.”


After listening, Yuan Lisha gracefully flipped back up.She untied the towel around her neck and wiped the sweat off her forehead, “I’m not very familiar with the situation you’re talking about.”

“The ‘Skin Peeler’ doesn’t really care about the gods. But when it needs them, they must appear, otherwise it will find a reason to skin them for sacrifice…”

“Right now, the ‘Skin Peeler’ is indeed stuck in the quagmire of the god war, unable to spare any attention for anything else. As for what’s happening in the fragment world, we can only find out by going in.”

Song Shiyi asked her, “I remember you said that you entered the forest fragment world after being demoted due to losing in the god war, right?”

“I was ambushed by a lizard man, that guy was pretty disgusting. If we fought head-on, we would be evenly matched.”

Yuan Lisha couldn’t hide her resentment when she talked about this.

“So, after falling from the reptile zone, you entered the forest fragment world through a one-way portal as per the ‘Skin Peeler’s’ request, and waited for orders inside?”

“That’s right, but my home was stolen by a newcomer. If it weren’t for the ‘Skin Peeler’s’ trait that gave me two statues, I would have almost capsized… But this ability has halved my faith income, so there are pros and cons.”

Yuan Lisha snorted, “The players nowadays are getting more and more cowardly, they just like to steal. They don’t even have the courage to fight face to face.”

“I see.”

Song Shiyi nodded.

The testimonies of Yuan Lisha and Lin Zecheng corroborated each other.

The ‘Whistleblower’ and the ‘Skin Peeler’ were indeed scheming against each other in the fragment world, wary of each other, and both had intentions of sending demoted gods.

However, Yuan Lisha, who had laid out her plans first, was ironically eliminated early.

Song Shiyi was a bit worried now.

Once the gods sent by the ‘Whistleblower’ passed through the portal and arrived on the other side.

The newcomer called God Yao would be in great danger.

In the pixel fragment world, in an ordinary forest on the grassland of the Eastern Continent.

A gray statue stood quietly on the ground.

The statue looked like a large stone stump, only its top was wide and its bottom was narrow, making it look like a large mushroom carved out of stone.

Moss grew on the mushroom statue, as if it had been there for many years.

A LV5 ‘Fire Chicken’ was pacing around the statue, looking left and right, somewhat puzzled by this thing. When did this thing appear?

Suddenly, a tongue flew out from the statue, wrapping around the Fire Chicken in an instant.

The Fire Chicken struggled desperately, its body igniting in flames, but the other party was not afraid of fire at all, easily pulling it into the statue, leaving no trace. Afterwards, the moss on the mushroom statue became a bit denser.

A figure slowly walked out from the statue.

It was covered in green moss, looking like a lump of mud that had taken human form.

Above the moss man’s head was displayed: ‘Apostle LV20’.

On a distant sea, another gray statue was slowly moving through the water.

Below the stone tablet was a huge white creature.

Above its head was displayed: ‘Apostle LV22’.

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