Chapter 113 – Lu Yang’s Three Questions

"Well, you can't say that. Cultivating immortality emphasizes a combination of work and rest. The so-called stillness leads to movement. If you stay in one place for too long, you have to go out and walk around."


"Little Yun, think about it. Cultivating immortality is for longevity and freedom. If you stay in seclusion all day, meditate and practice, then cultivating immortality becomes like being imprisoned and suffering. It's a case of putting the cart before the horse," said the Bu Yu Taoist with a serious tone.


As a frequent visitor to the heavenly prison, he had the right to speak on matters of imprisonment that others did not have.


"Moreover, cultivating immortality is divided into two types, worldly cultivation and reclusive cultivation, isn't it? I am a typical worldly cultivator. Only by mingling in the world and experiencing human life can I comprehend the path of immortality and break through!"


Lu Yang had heard of this view before. For example, the cultivators who entered the court as officials in the Great Xia Dynasty were worldly cultivators, while the cultivators of the Five Great Immortal Sects tended towards reclusive cultivation. However, there were very few pure reclusive cultivators like Senior Sister.


While the Bu Yu Taoist spoke eloquently, Yun Zhi did not even lift her eyelids.


"Master, when you taught me before, you said that pressure leads to motivation. Cultivating requires diligence. The plan for a day lies in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and the plan for a year lies in the four seasons."


Yun Zhi did indeed follow the Bu Yu Taoist's teachings, practicing from morning till night with exceptional diligence.


Yun Zhi was already an extremely rare genius, and coupled with her diligent practice, her cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds every day. When the Immortal Sect's grand assembly was held, Yun Zhi was the undisputed champion.


As usual, the five sect leaders of the Immortal Sect would point out the shortcomings of the champion, and some of them were worried that the champion would become arrogant, so they would fight the champion.


Then Yun Zhi beat the five sect leaders until they were defeated.


By the time of the next Immortal Sect grand assembly, while the Immortal Sect disciples fought hard on the stage, Yun Zhi sat in the sect leader's seat and gave her comments, right in the middle.


The Bu Yu Taoist thought to himself that he did not want Yun Zhi to practice diligently and improve her cultivation base just to become the sect leader for him, so he could slip away and have fun.


Of course, he couldn't say such things out loud.


Yun Zhi had no resistance to cultivating immortality. On the contrary, she enjoyed the process of cultivation. During cultivation, she felt a peace that she had never felt before, as if she and the world were one, and she could clearly feel herself becoming stronger.


After cultivation, her mind was clear, and she felt refreshed. Why not do it?


"Well, if you want to go out, then go out…" Yun Zhi said flatly, her tone relaxed.


The Bu Yu Taoist was delighted. Was it all for nothing that he had worked so hard to persuade Little Yun to let him out?


"Based on your own abilities," Yun Zhi added, then turned and left.


The Bu Yu Taoist opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. If he could get out by his own abilities, he would have done so long ago!


"Lu Yang, you…"


The Bu Yu Taoist wanted to stop Lu Yang and ask him to plead for him, but Lu Yang showed a face that said "Master, you're on your own" and ran after Senior Sister.


On one side was the unbeatable Senior Sister who suppressed the Seek Tao Sect, and on the other was the suppressed Master. It was easy to choose which side to stand on.


"Little disciple, don't go. As long as you remove the talisman, I will teach you the Sword that Turns into Ten Thousand Swords. Tens of thousands of swords will float in the air, with bright sword tips pointing down. Before the battle, the momentum will be three points higher!""Can I beat Senior Sister?" Lu Yang ran back, as a sword cultivator, who wouldn't want to learn a few cool and breathtaking sword techniques.


Power isn't important, what matters is being cool!


The Bu Yu Taoist shook his head, and Lu Yang was about to leave again.


The Bu Yu Taoist quickly said, "I can also teach you the 'True Explanation of Sword Dao', which can give you a deeper understanding of sword dao. When you reach the pinnacle of sword dao, you can break ten thousand laws with one sword, and no one dares to take your sword! You'll be invincible at the same level!"


"Can I beat Senior Sister?"


The Bu Yu Taoist shook his head, and Lu Yang was about to leave again.


The Bu Yu Taoist hurriedly said again, "I can also teach you the 'Four Absolute Sword Formation'. Once the formation is activated, it can break through any enemy with its overwhelming power, severing all vitality, and causing all things to wither and prosper!"


"Can I beat Senior Sister?"


The Bu Yu Taoist got angry, "You brat, if I could beat her, would I still be locked up here!"


Lu Yang felt that his master made sense, so he chose to stand on Senior Sister's side.



"Senior Sister, I found a problem during our mission this time."


"What is it?"


"I found that our five major immortal sects have low visibility. Many people don't know about us. When encountering demonic incidents, they can only rely on the government. If the government doesn't intervene, they can only wait helplessly without any way to solve the problem."


The Great Xia Dynasty is short on manpower and is embarrassed to ask the five major immortal sects for help, and the unlucky ones are the common people.


Lu Yang discovered this problem when he was in Songshan. Although the old hunter and the demon ghosts were acting the whole time, he didn't fake his lack of knowledge about the Seek Tao Sect.


When he was in Yanjiang County, Lu Yang also casually inquired and found that mortals knew very little about the upper-level affairs and didn't know much about the five major immortal sects.


Yun Zhi was a little surprised. She hadn't noticed this problem, or perhaps the people of the five major immortal sects had not discovered this problem.


She attended the immortal sects' annual summit every year, and no one had mentioned this matter.


"It's indeed a problem. Can we compile the Seek Tao Sect's information into a book and spread it among the people?"


Lu Yang offered his own method like a treasure, "Writing a book is indeed a great way to spread information, but as far as I know, the literacy rate among the common people is not high, and not many people can afford to buy books. Perhaps compiling the Seek Tao Sect's information into storytelling is also a good method."


"Storytelling?" Yun Zhi knew very little about this field. The Bu Yu Taoist was an expert in this area, after all, he was the one who donated 'The Complete Collection of Crosstalk' to the library.


"Yes, storytelling. Before I entered the Seek Tao Sect, I learned about immortal cultivation from storytellers."


"Nowadays, the content of storytelling on the market is mixed, with many contradictions and incomplete descriptions of immortal cultivation, which can easily lead to misunderstandings about immortal cultivation."


"If we compile the Seek Tao Sect's information into storytelling, it will definitely be popular!" Lu Yang said excitedly, clenching his fist.


"Is the Seek Tao Sect's information really that extraordinary? Can it attract people?" Senior Sister still had doubts about this.


Lu Yang thought to himself, if the Seek Tao Sect's information is not extraordinary, then how outrageous is the immortal cultivation world?


Senior Sister, you are solely focused on immortal cultivation and know very little about common sense issues. You probably don't know the reputation of the Seek Tao Sect in the outside world.


Lu Yang felt that with Senior Sister's cultivation level, people from other immortal sects would not dare to insult the Seek Tao Sect in front of Yun Zhi."Definitely no problem!" Lu Yang said with conviction.


"Who in the Seek Tao Sect is suitable for editing and promoting books?" Yun Zhi's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she pondered the question.


"I recommend someone who is undoubtedly capable of handling this matter!"






(End of Chapter)

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