Chapter 96 – Only marry two people

CC informed me that Mi Cai had just left, which stirred an odd feeling within me. Yet, I maintained a nonchalant smile and said, "CC, let's not talk about Mi Cai. I came to see you, to listen to your songs, and to enjoy the Sichuan cuisine in this empty city."


"Really?" CC chuckled and stepped out of my embrace.


"Of course, get me a draft beer. I'll listen to your singing and enjoy this night."


CC readily agreed, "No problem." She snapped her fingers, and soon a waiter brought me a large draft beer and some simple snacks. Thus, under the warm air from the air conditioner, I drank my beer, listened to CC's singing, and enjoyed my first night back in Suzhou.


About half an hour later, I finished my dinner, and CC, tired from singing, ordered a small draft beer and sat down across from me.


After we clinked our glasses, she asked me, "Zhao Yang, I knew that once Le Yao came to find you, you would come back."


Looking at CC, I suddenly felt the weight of the word "come back". It felt as if I was being dragged from one world to another. I thought of Li Xiaoyun's gentleness and consideration, and my heart was filled with the pain of loss.


My mood suddenly plummeted, and I didn't know how to respond to CC.


CC cautiously asked, "Zhao Yang, what about your girlfriend in Xuzhou now that you're back…"


I interrupted CC, "CC, it's stuffy in here. I want to go outside for a bit."


As I stood up, CC also rose and said, "Wait, I'll go with you."




The cold wind outside was still howling, freezing my gloominess. After a while, I forced a smile and said, "Li Xiaoyun and I are over… She couldn't accept that I quit my job to return to Suzhou, let alone that I did it for another woman."


CC looked at me, her eyes full of sympathy. I lit a cigarette to shield myself from the wind, but in the smoke, I saw the figure of Li Xiaoyun leaving the night before. I remembered my mother's words, saying she didn't have a son anymore. My heart seemed to pale in an instant, and my eyes began to well up. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. After all, I was a man, and I didn't like to cry since I was a child.


CC gently put her arm around my shoulder, sighed, and then comforted me with a smile, "Zhao Yang, as a long-time friend, I understand you. Your love life is too complicated. Perhaps a simple woman like Li Xiaoyun, who represents life, is not suitable for you. So, take it easy."


I looked at CC for a long time before asking, "What about your love life? Do you want it to be simple or complicated?"


CC smiled and said, "Me? My love life is very simple. I just want to marry Robben. If Robben doesn't want me, I'll marry the man who left a hundred thousand yuan in the shop."


I looked at CC in surprise and asked, "Do you know who left the money?"


CC shook her head, "No."


"How do you know it must be a man?" I asked with a chuckle.


"Intuition, a woman's intuition."


"What if it's an old geezer?"


CC laughed, "I'd marry an old geezer too. I love a person's soul, not their body…" She paused, then added, "Of course, that's if Robben really doesn't want to marry me."


I laughed along with CC. Her love life was indeed simple, even the choice was eliminated. If Robben didn't want her, she would marry a man whose name and whereabouts she didn't know.


My suppressed emotions finally calmed down a bit during the conversation with CC. It was indeed time to calm down. After all, I had returned to Suzhou, and the two months I spent in Xuzhou had become the past. The urgent task was to help Le Yao solve all the troubles caused by opening a bar.




Leaving CC's "Empty City" restaurant, I dragged my suitcase through the long-lost streets of Suzhou. Tonight, I wouldn't stay in a hotel. I was going to walk to that old house because she had said: as long as I came back, she would give me that old house. So, I felt that I finally didn't have to worry about not having a place to stay in this city. I just didn't know whether Mi Cai was resting at this time. If she suddenly saw me standing in front of the door, what would her expression and mood be?


Maybe she would be happy, or maybe she would just talk to me indifferently, like the first time we met.


After smoking two cigarettes and drinking a can of beer, I finally arrived at the residential area after wandering through the shadows of the streetlights for three streets.


It was winter now, but the clustered old buildings still looked so lonely, so in need of comfort. I realized that nothing had changed, only the seasons and people's hearts.


I stuffed another cigarette into my mouth and approached the building with my suitcase. I went to the open space opposite out of boredom and saw Mi Cai's Q7 parked in the middle of the space. I smiled and dragged my suitcase towards the building.




I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. There was no response for a while, but I was sure that Mi Cai was inside, probably resting and didn't hear it.


I rudely started knocking on the door, making a louder noise. Finally, after a while, I heard that familiar voice, "Who's outside?"


My playful side started acting up again. I didn't answer Mi Cai, but knocked on the door a few more times.


"Speak up, who are you?"


"I spoke in a pinched voice, "It's me."


Mi Cai seemed not to recognize my voice, and said cautiously, "Stand where I can see you through the peephole, let me see who you are."


Finally, I stopped joking with Mi Cai and spoke in my normal voice, "It's me, Zhao Yang."


"Zhao Yang? Stand at the door so I can see you."


"Can't you recognize my voice?" I said impatiently.


"Who told you to speak in a pinched voice just now? It's so late, how can I feel safe opening the door without seeing who it is!"


"What a hassle!" I complained, then straightened my clothes and stood squarely where she could see me through the peephole.


Mi Cai confirmed it was me and finally opened the door. We looked at each other under the dim light in the hallway.


She, in her flannel pajamas, was still so beautiful. I greeted her with a smile, "Hi, good evening!"


"Why did you suddenly come back to Suzhou?"


"It's a long story! Can you let me in first?"


Mi Cai showed no intention of stepping aside, and said to me, "No!"


"Why not? You said last time that I could stay here when I came back. Now that I'm back, are you going to go back on your word?"


"Of course I'm not going back on my word. I did say that, but it was only for that one time. Unfortunately, you didn't come back with me that time."


My face fell instantly, "What's the difference? I'm back anyway, and you have to let me stay."


"Of course there's a difference, because you didn't come back for me." After Mi Cai finished speaking, she took advantage of my distraction and slammed the door shut, as if she was emotional.


I stood outside the door, a little dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.


Finally, I cursed, "Are you sick? It's so cold, if you don't let me stay, where am I supposed to go… I'm telling you now, I'm going to sit outside your door and not leave. If you have the guts, just watch me freeze to death!"

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