Chapter 50 – Emergency in the world

“Losing is losing, what’s this about intentional or not?”

I said indifferently.

But Su Mei sneered.

“Although I don’t understand the Swindler techniques, it doesn’t mean I’m a fool. The six dice Uncle Tian shook, the top one was a one. But the points on the other five were all mixed up. The six dice you shook, even though I didn’t see the top point, the side I could see, the points on the five dice were all the same. Just by this technique, you couldn’t possibly lose to Uncle Tian…”

What Su Mei was referring to was the side she saw when I opened the dice cup, where all the points were the same.

I was somewhat surprised.

Su Mei was very smart.

She actually got it right.

I did intentionally lose to Uncle Tian.

At first, I wanted to show off in front of Zou Xiaoxian.

That way, I could negotiate terms with her.

But after entering the VIP room.

I realized something was wrong.

Normally, when an expert comes to the casino and keeps winning, the casino staff should be nervous.

But Zou Xiaoxian was very relaxed.

She looked like she was just watching a show.

Although Su Mei didn’t show any particular expression.

But after Uncle Tian won so many rounds in a row, she actually requested to raise the bet to five hundred thousand.

The only ones who could afford to play at the casino at that time were Gao Zhiqiang and me.

I guessed.

All of this must have been requested by Zou Xiaoxian.

Raising the bet can test our psychological quality.

After all, a round with a bet of five hundred thousand and a round with a bet of fifty thousand.

In terms of psychological endurance, they are definitely not the same.

As for why I intentionally lost to Uncle Tian.

The reason is simple.

The last time the casino caught a swindler.

It brought me a lot of trouble.

Centipede, Eighth Brother, and the person behind Eighth Brother.

And this time, if I won against Uncle Tian.

Or, if I tied with him.

I don’t know what kind of trouble it would bring me next.

My current strength is not enough to confront this world.

So, I had to lose to him.

Master Liu once said.

A swindler needs to know how to play safe and act stupid.

One must know how to keep a low profile.

I thought I had fooled everyone.

But to my surprise, Su Mei saw through me.

Of course, I couldn’t explain, and I wouldn’t admit it.

I deliberately changed the subject.

“Sister Mei, I need a favor…”

“What is it?”

“I need to borrow some money…”

“How much?”

“Two hundred thousand!”

“Two hundred thousand?”

Su Mei was somewhat shocked.

Two hundred thousand, for Su Mei, was not a small sum.

After all, she was just working for Zou Xiaoxian.

After a moment of silence, Su Mei asked again:

“Do you have a round to gamble?”

I shook my head.

“No, it’s an emergency! I’ll pay it back with interest within three months…”

Hearing me say I would pay back the principal with interest.

Su Mei laughed.

“Alright, send me your card number, I’ll transfer it to you later…”

It’s funny when you think about it.

I’ve been on my own in the world for half a year.

I haven’t made a penny.

Instead, I owe two hundred thousand in debt.

Because I intentionally lost to Uncle Tian.

I couldn’t negotiate terms with Zou Xiaoxian.

I’m still a waiter.

And what I need most now is money.

I didn’t find any good rounds at Old Hei’s place.

We decided to go to the chess and card room in the old street.

Although there are often swindlers here.

But at least Old Hei is familiar with it.

I feel more at ease.

Some places, no matter how much the outside world changes.

It still retains its original flavor.

The old street is like this.

The familiar sound of stir-frying, children crying, couples arguing, the sound of drinking games.

This kind of worldly atmosphere always gives people a sense of familiarity.

There’s no place to park in the old street.

Old Hei parked the car on the side of the road outside the street.

We walked to the chess and card room.

We decided to pretend to be freeloading first.

When the time is right, we’ll go upstairs to find a round we can play.

As soon as we entered, the greasy restaurant was already full of people.

The manager saw Old Hei and greeted him with a laugh.

“Old Hei, I heard you won a lot last time, are you here to win money again today?”

“Win my ass, the money is long gone. I’m here to freeload today. Hurry up and get me some good dishes…”


The manager agreed and went to arrange the food.

Just as we were waiting for the food.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

“Oh, you two, have you developed feelings for each other? You’re not fighting anymore, and you’re here to freeload together…”

I turned around.

And saw an old man with silver hair, holding a half-moon purple clay teapot, striding in.

Both Old Hei and I knew this old man.

It was Old Wu from next to the supermarket.

When Old Hei and I had a one-on-one fight.

The one who was the most instigating was him.

But today, Old Wu was dressed quite stylishly.

A bright red linen Tang suit.

On his chest, there was a large embroidered “wealth” character.

His silver hair, which was longer than his ears, was tied into a ponytail.

He was holding his purple clay teapot.

He looked quite like a Taoist immortal.

Old Hei gave Old Wu a goofy smile, pointing to the spot next to him, and said:

“Old man, care to join us for a drink?”

Old Wu rolled his eyes, sneered, and disdainfully replied:

“I’m used to eating delicacies every day, how could I possibly eat this junk. You guys enjoy, I’m here to win money today…”

As he spoke, he pulled out a small stack of hundred-yuan bills from his pocket.

He even deliberately waved it at Old Hei, showing off:

“See this, a thousand yuan. It’ll turn into ten thousand in a bit…”

The manager, who also knew Old Wu, jokingly said:

“Old Wu, be careful not to lose all your coffin money…”

Old Wu sneered, pointing to the character “wealth” on his red Tang suit, and confidently said:

“Today, the God of Wealth is in the north, and the star Chen is shining red. I’m not bragging, it would be hard for me to lose money today, just wait and see…”

After finishing his words, Old Wu went upstairs triumphantly.

After Old Hei and I finished eating, we went straight to the fourth floor.

The card games here were still in full swing.

And in the casino, you could see all kinds of human nature.

Those who won money were elated and impassioned.

Those who lost money were gnashing their teeth, beating their chests and stamping their feet.

Many people here knew Old Hei.

As soon as we got upstairs, he was called over by a few loan sharks to have a smoke and chat.

I was wandering around the gambling rounds on my own.

Trying to see which round was easier to handle.

After a while, I found two rounds that seemed manageable.

I was about to go and tell Old Hei.

Suddenly, a man next to me called out my name in surprise.

“Chu Liu?”

His tone was somewhat doubtful.

As if he was afraid he had recognized the wrong person.

But this voice, I knew it too well.

Once upon a time, this voice was a nightmare to me.

So much so that even now, hearing it gives me a chill in my heart.

I turned around.

And saw a tall, thin man at the card game next to me, looking at me in surprise.

“Holy shit, it really is you, Chu Liu. I thought you were long dead. Didn’t expect you to still be alive…”

The man said, and then burst into laughter.

Looking at his twisted face in laughter.

Those painful memories suddenly surged up in my heart.

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