Chapter 41 – It’s open

I opened the door to find Zhao Yao standing at the entrance, dressed to the nines and clearly wearing makeup.

Zhao Yao was the kind of beauty with above-average facial features and attractiveness.

While not stunning at first glance, there was nothing to fault.

She was the transitional girlfriend that men envisioned as their ideal!

Curious, I asked, “What brings you here so late?”

“Sorry to bother you!”

Zhao Yao said, “I think I left my backlight here, just came to pick it up!”

“Sure, come on in!”

After entering, Zhao Yao walked straight to the wardrobe and asked, “Do you mind if I open it?”

“Not at all!”

I replied, “It’s empty inside, I haven’t used it yet!”

Zhao Yao opened the wardrobe, took out a USB backlight, and said, “I’ve tried several, but this one works the best!”

I casually asked, “Are you a streamer?”


Zhao Yao replied, “I’ve only been doing it for a month, still learning, not many followers yet!”

I said, “Take your time, it’ll pick up, especially since you’re so pretty!”

Women love compliments.

Zhao Yao was no exception, her face brightening with a smile, “I hope so!”

Taking the backlight, Zhao Yao prepared to leave.

As she reached the bedside, she suddenly stopped, bent down to pick up a talisman, and after examining it, asked, “Is this… a talisman?”

I was a bit surprised, “You recognize talismans?”

Zhao Yao looked at me with astonishment, “Can you draw them?”

I nodded without false modesty.

After all, I was planning to make money from this, and she might be a potential customer!

Zhao Yao wasn’t a potential customer.

However, she referred a job to me!

Zhao Yao said, “I have a close friend who’s encountered something strange recently, could you draw a talisman for her?”

I asked, “What kind of strange thing?”

Zhao Yao replied, “My friend has been having nightmares, the same one over and over!”

I inquired, “What’s the dream about?”


Zhao Yao’s face turned red, “I’m not too clear on the details, how about this, when you have time, I’ll introduce you two, and you can talk directly!”


I said, “When?”

Checking the time, Zhao Yao said, “Not now, she’s busy. How about tomorrow around noon? I’ll take you to meet her!”

“No problem!”

I said, “I’ll wait for your call at noon!”

After Zhao Yao left, I was overjoyed!

I had just started learning to draw talismans and already had a job!

If this worked out, it would be more profitable than driving a taxi!

Of course, that’s assuming I can handle it!

At noon, Zhao Yao called, “Have you eaten?”

“Not yet!”

I replied.

Zhao Yao said, “Come downstairs, let’s eat together!”

In the car, Zhao Yao asked, “Have you done this kind of work before?”

Not wanting to admit it was my first time, I said, “Occasionally, not too often!”

Zhao Yao said, “Xue’er is my best friend, you have to take good care of her!”

“Don’t worry!”

I promised confidently, though I was unsure inside.

Sansheng Mall.

Zhao Yao parked in the underground lot and led me to Western Steakhouse.

Through the glass, I saw a model-like beauty sitting inside, slender and dressed in a white slip dress, sipping coffee.

The beauty was indeed stunning.

But what attracted me wasn’t just her looks, but the dark Ghost Qi enveloping her!

Ever since I opened my meridians, I had seen many types of Qi, but this was the first time I encountered such dense Ghost Qi!

It was even more than at Fangshan Cemetery!

If I wasn’t mistaken, this beauty must be Zhao Yao’s friend!

Sure enough!

Entering the restaurant, Zhao Yao went straight to her and introduced, “This is my good friend Xue’er!”

Then, turning to Xue’er, she said, “This is Zhang Yuan I told you about!”

“Hello, please take a seat!”

Xue’er greeted me politely, “Yao Yao mentioned you can draw talismans?”

I nodded, “But I can do more than just that!”

Xue’er said, “Since you’re Yao Yao’s friend, I trust you, but my issue… I hope you won’t tell others!”

“Don’t worry!”

I assured, “I have professional ethics!”

Xue’er continued, “About half a month ago, I started having nightmares, always the same one!”

I pressed for details, “What exactly?”

Xue’er glanced at Zhao Yao, who nodded, before continuing, “In the dream, a man is after me, always… always wanting to do that with me!”

I asked, “Did it happen?”

Xue’er shook her head, “Every time in the dream, I resist with all my might and never let him succeed, so I wake up exhausted and drained!”

I said, “I noticed something was off outside; you have Ghost Qi on you!”

“Ghost Qi?”

Xue’er was shocked, “What should I do?”

I explained, “To break the Ghost Qi, we need to know how it started. Did anything strange happen to you half a month ago?”

After thinking, Xue’er said, “About half a month ago, a strange man came and picked me. It seems that’s when the nightmares started!”

“Picked you?”

I was taken aback.


Xue’er looked awkwardly at Zhao Yao, “Didn’t you tell him?”

Zhao Yao shook her head.

“Never mind, it’s nothing shameful!”

Xue’er said, “I work as a hostess at Ding Sheng International KTV, keeping guests company with drinks and songs. That night, a man in black clothes came, asked me for ten thousand yuan to leave with him. I refused, and he didn’t insist, just sat there silently, neither drinking nor singing.”

“And then?”

I asked.

Xue’er replied, “He left after about an hour without saying a word.”

“Did he do anything to you?”


Xue’er said, “That’s what’s strange! Normally, our clients like to get touchy, feeling like they’re getting their money’s worth. I’ve never met someone like him before!”

“I see…”

As someone who had never been to such a place, I didn’t feel qualified to comment.

Xue’er added, “It’s been since that night that I started having nightmares, but I can’t see the man’s face in them!”

I asked, “Has he been back to the KTV since that day?”


Xue’er shook her head.

I thought for a moment, “Do you have that nightmare every night without fail?”


Xue’er confirmed, “Unless I don’t sleep.”

With only these clues, I couldn’t make much of a judgment, so I said, “Let me draw you a talisman. Stick it on your skin when you sleep and see if it helps!”


Xue’er hoped it would work this time.

I took out yellow paper and cinnabar, “Have you had someone draw a talisman for you before?”

Xue’er replied, “No, I don’t know anyone who does that, but I bought one online once, it was useless.”

As I spoke, I drew.

Soon, a ghost-expelling talisman was ready, and I handed it to Xue’er, “Stick it on your skin before bed, not on your clothes, for a more direct effect.”

“Thank you!”

Xue’er took the talisman, ready to transfer money, “How much?”

I thought for a moment, “Let’s not talk about money until the issue is fully resolved!”

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