Vol.1 – Chapter 40 – Disappeared

Learning the Hundred Sword Art went smoothly. When Chu Liang said goodbye to Jiang Xiaobai, they agreed to learn a new divine ability together the next day.


But as soon as he returned to Silver Sword Peak, he received a letter with some bad news. It was from Ming Yuanwai in Xingzhou City, saying that his wife had disappeared.


Yes, it was the cat demon that Chu Liang had recently asked the sect to grant a title for.


"Ah…" Chu Liang sighed softly.


It seemed that learning the new divine ability would have to be put on hold for now. He immediately sent a message to Jiang Xiaobai and then went to report to his master.


This was the kind of trouble that came with asking for a title for a demon. Although it was well-intentioned, if anything happened to the demon, you had to take responsibility for it.


According to the rules, Ming's wife could not leave the city where she lived for a long time, and she had to return to Shu Mountain every few months. Now that she had disappeared for no reason, if she had been harmed by someone, as a demon granted a title by Shu Mountain, this behavior was undoubtedly challenging the authority of Shu Mountain, and the disciples of Shu Mountain had to help her seek justice.


If she had developed any bad intentions, the disciples of Shu Mountain had to go and deal with it, and try to minimize the impact. If she caused any trouble, it would ultimately fall on Chu Liang.


When young, everyone had a sense of responsibility and kindness. It was probably only after experiencing many such troublesome incidents that they gradually changed.


But Chu Liang was still fine. He just felt a little regretful about missing the opportunity to learn the divine ability. As for these troubles… he had already been mentally prepared when he did this.


When he arrived at the small attic, Di Nvfeng was indeed looking at a picture book again.


Since she accepted Chu Liang as her disciple, he had never seen her practicing, and he didn't know where she got such a powerful cultivation.


Although the seventh realm was called the realm of enlightenment, and the main focus was on sudden enlightenment, hard cultivation was no longer the way to increase one's cultivation.


But what kind of Dao could be understood from looking at a comic book all day?




Chu Liang didn't understand.


"Master…" He came to Di Nvfeng and said, "There's a problem with the Ming family in Xingzhou City that we granted a title for."


"Hmm?" Di Nvfeng sat up again.


Chu Liang then explained the situation in Ming Yuanwai's letter.


"I've seen that little cat demon before, and she doesn't look like a bad person. There shouldn't be any problems. If she's missing, she's probably encountered an accident." Di Nvfeng touched her chin and said.


"I think so too." Chu Liang nodded.


"Here, take this." Di Nvfeng raised her hand and threw something.


Chu Liang caught it and found it was a jade talisman with a tracking spell engraved on it.


"That cat demon left a tracking spell. With this jade talisman, you can find her." Di Nvfeng said.This is why we let the monsters leave a tracking spell when we request their assistance. If something unexpected happens, we don't have to waste energy searching for them.


"Also, keep this jade talisman. If anything happens, just smash it and I'll sense it and come to your rescue." Di Nvfeng smiled. "You said you lacked magical artifacts before, and I thought this would compensate you as a life-saving magical artifact."




A life-saving magical artifact… it's like a summoning spell.


Chu Liang held it in his hand and felt the jade talisman become much heavier.


Being able to summon a seventh realm expert at any time is much stronger than many magical artifacts.


Few masters in the cultivation world would give their disciples such things. One reason is that most masters have their own affairs and cannot guarantee that they can arrive in time, so it doesn't serve the purpose of "life-saving." For example, when a disciple is in danger, the master may be fighting with someone else, so it would be useless. Or when eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom, they have to be prepared to sense something and fly away immediately, which is uncomfortable to think about.


Another reason is that if elders can solve troubles for their disciples, the disciples will inevitably develop a dependence mentality, which doesn't serve the purpose of true cultivation. The master can protect you for a while, but not for a lifetime.


However, Di Nvfeng, a great educator, naturally doesn't care about these rules.


"Can the master really come at any time?" Chu Liang asked with some concern.


"I will definitely come immediately… um, if I'm not drunk at the time," Di Nvfeng added.


"…" Chu Liang was silent for a moment.


As expected.


He couldn't rely on a drunkard forever.



After obtaining the tracking spell talisman from his master, Chu Liang rushed to Xingzhou City in a hurry and arrived in the evening.


Ming Yuanwai came out with his whole family to greet him.


"Hero Chu, you're here."


"Ming Yuanwai, hello."


"Hero Chu, you've worked hard!"


"At this time, let's skip the formalities and tell me the details quickly," Chu Liang said.


"Okay, okay." Ming Yuanwai smiled bitterly and took Chu Liang back to the main hall, then began to explain.


"Thanks to Hero Chu's request for the seal for my wife, we thought we could live in peace from now on and have been happy for the past few days. Then, two days ago, my wife suddenly cried at night, and I asked her why…"


"She said she dreamed of her parents and remembered that she had been afraid of exposing her identity for ten years and dared not go back to the mountain to see her parents and brothers. Now that we can live in peace, she wants to go back and reunite with her family, sigh…""People have family affection, and monsters also have it. When I thought about it, I agreed to let her go home and even wanted to accompany her back. She was afraid that I would be frightened and didn't agree."


"Who knew that she would never come back…"


Ming Yuanwai earnestly said, "Hero Chu, my wife will never abandon me. She must have encountered some accident. You must save her."


"Ming Yuanwai, please rest assured. I will do my best." Chu Liang nodded and asked, "Where did Lady Ming go to visit?"


"She went to the East Mountain outside Xingzhou City. Her family of mountain cats used to live and cultivate in this mountain. I went into the mountain to search yesterday, but I didn't find any unusual traces in the vast mountain. Alas, we mortals are really powerless." Ming Yuanwai sighed repeatedly.


Chu Liang felt a little sad when he saw his sighing appearance. Ming Yuanwai and Lady Ming were truly a model couple, and their love was unshakable. It was a pity that they had encountered so many difficulties, but it could only be said that good things come after hard work.


He stood up and said, "Ming Yuanwai, don't worry. I will go to the East Mountain to search for Lady Ming's trace. I have the travel spell she left at Shu Mountain, so I should be able to find her soon."


"Hero Chu…won't you rest for a night before setting off?" Ming Yuanwai asked.


It's not the time to be polite. If I really rest here for a night, I don't believe you can sleep.


Chu Liang thought to himself and smiled, "The situation is urgent, and I can't afford to delay. We are considered acquaintances now, so Ming Yuanwai doesn't need to be polite with me. I will set off now!"

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