Chapter 76 – Evaluation

“Who took away my power?” Yun Zhi wondered. The Immortal Sect fled with their families, leaving only the Mountains and Rivers Cauldron that could buy a top-tier sect, but no one could be found who borrowed her power.

There was a spell called “God Descending Spell” that could borrow power with the other’s permission, but the spell was on the verge of extinction, and it was very difficult to learn. Yun Zhi had not seen this spell for a long time.

And who could borrow power without her consent? Yun Zhi felt that the person who borrowed her power had no malicious intent, so she did not stop the leakage of power.

Yun Zhi could guess who it was.

“But where did he learn the God Descending Spell?”

Yun Zhi did not remember teaching Lu Yang a similar spell.

First place, Lu Yang.

“Huh? The first place has changed?” The vice leader was puzzled. They were busy escaping just now and did not notice what Lu Yang had done.

The Mountains and Rivers Cauldron was broken, and there was no replay.

“But the Immortal Eye won’t be wrong. These three people have the strongest destructive power!” The leader affirmed. He did not guess what Lu Yang had done. The former first place had killed hundreds of people in a short period of time and brought hidden dangers to thousands of people. He was dying soon, and Lu Yang could surpass him all at once to become the first place. It was really incredible.

But there was no need to guess. The Immortal Eye was a treasure of the Immortal Realm, even more advanced than the Mountains and Rivers Cauldron, and would never be wrong.

Indeed, Lu Yang summoned Yun Zhi, destroyed the Mountains and Rivers Cauldron and the headquarters of the Immortal Sect, and brought destruction to the Immortal Sect that could rank in the top three in history.

In terms of the damage caused to the leader, it could rank first.

The leader said proudly, forgetting the pain in his body, “I told you, this Lu Yang has great wisdom. Don’t look at his ranking falling behind for a while. If you don’t pay attention, he can make a big move for you. Now he has ranked first.”

“Don’t look at Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu’s average performance. It’s just because they don’t have enough time. If they have enough time, they can guarantee to mix up to second or third place.”

The vice leader was convinced by the leader’s words. The leader was not only cautious in doing things, but also had extremely sharp eyes. No wonder he was only the vice leader, and the leader was the real leader.

“What is your evaluation of Lu Yang?”

After thinking for a moment, the leader said slowly, “Lu Yang walked a different path in the first level of the sword test, showing his martial talent and entering the Dao with martial arts, which is rare in the world. In the second level, he carefully observed and summarized the rules, bought potatoes, and made it impossible for subsequent interviewees to test, which shows his tremendous destructive power. This characteristic is even more prominent in the third level, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a natural demon seed.”

The vice leader was surprised. He had known the leader for so long and had never heard of anyone who could receive such a high evaluation.

“What about Meng Jingzhou?”

“Meng Jingzhou was bitten by a spider in the first level and gained power. It was a manifestation of luck, and in this great world, it was a Dao seed born in response to the times. In the second level, he carefully studied the test questions, thought about the problem from multiple angles, seemed arrogant but was actually step by step winning, planned well, and finally broke through the examiner’s psychological defense line and passed the test smoothly.””Unfortunately, he didn’t fully utilize his strengths in the third test, and he falls slightly behind Lu Yang. Let’s wait for the arrival of the Dao Demon.”

The Dao Demon’s evaluation is extremely rare, and only a few of the younger generation can receive such praise from the sect leader. It seems that Meng Jingzhou has a bright future ahead of him.

“What about Man Gu?”

“He showed intelligence, persistence, and strategy in the first test, and his problem-solving skills were quite thoughtful in the second test. However, he lacked initiative in the third test. He was among the outstanding performers in previous tests, but compared to the best, I can only give him the evaluation of a demon in his heart.”

A demon in his heart, according to past experiences, as long as he doesn’t fall, he can become a high-ranking immortal in the sect.

“Should we transfer them to the headquarters for careful cultivation?” the deputy sect leader asked.

The sect leader shook his head and shared his own experience, “Don’t be in such a hurry. Start from the grassroots level and at least have two years of experience. Believe me, grassroots experience is very helpful for future growth. That’s how I started.”

“I also have a plan. Lu Yang is a person with great ideas and destructive power. When he grows up, let’s see if he can sneak into a righteous sect like the Seek Tao Sect.”

The deputy sect leader laughed, thinking that the sect leader was overestimating them. They could find ways to infiltrate other sects, but it would be difficult to infiltrate the Seek Tao Sect. Only a few disciples of the Seek Tao Sect can keep up with Lu Yang’s ideas, and it wouldn’t take long for him to be recognized as an outsider.

It’s not easy to infiltrate the Seek Tao Sect.

“I’m going to heal now,” the sect leader said, and went to the secret room to meditate.

The deputy sect leader had no intentions of seizing power from the beginning until the end. Today was an example. Although killing the sect leader could help him climb up one step, what about later when the righteous sect comes to attack? Could he make the right decision?

Once he made the wrong judgment, he would die under the attack of the righteous sect, and it would be too late to regret seizing power.

Yanjiang Helm.

“Ten people passed the test in total, and three people received the evaluation of Natural Demon, Dao Demon, and Demon in their heart?!” The helm master’s eyebrows rose when he heard the message from the sect leader.

This is even better than the best-case scenario he estimated! The opportunity for promotion is right in front of him!

During the unconscious period of those demonic cultivators who did not pass the first and second tests, eleven staff members acted separately and threw them to different places. When they wake up, they will forget the location of Yanjiang Helm and think that the experience was just a dream.

The most stable method is to kill them, so the location of Yanjiang Helm will never be exposed. However, for the sake of the overall situation, the Immortal Sect did not do so.

These demonic cultivators are causing trouble, attracting the attention of the righteous sect. Under various chaos and misinformation, the righteous sect cannot distinguish which actions are caused by demonic cultivators and which are caused by the demonic sect, achieving the effect of disrupting their sight and hearing.

Lu Yang and the other two woke up, and their minds were confused after experiencing too much.

The last thing they remembered before losing consciousness was… Senior Sister falling from the sky?!

Lu Yang broke out in a cold sweat, hoping that Senior Sister didn’t see him turn into her appearance. If she did, he would be skinned alive.

Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu also remembered what happened, and Lu Yang’s pictorial fist summoned the real Senior Sister.Lu Yang warned the two with his eyes not to leak the news, and the two quickly nodded in understanding.

The sect leader suppressed his joy and said in a calm voice, “From today on, you ten are members of my Immortal Sect.”

“Normally, we should have a welcoming ceremony first, but today’s three rounds of tests have exhausted everyone’s energy, including mine. It would be disrespectful to visit the Immortal Being in this state. We will hold the ceremony tomorrow.”

Lu Yang could tell that the sect leader’s tone and the expressions of the eleven stewards changed when he mentioned the Immortal Being. This showed that they truly believed in the existence of the Immortal Being, and it wasn’t just a facade.

“No wonder it’s called a ‘sect’,” thought Lu Yang.

The sect leader continued, “However, since we have new members today, it’s not appropriate to not celebrate. Let’s go out for a meal. I heard there’s a new barbecue restaurant in the county called ‘Once Again’, which has received good reviews. Let’s meet there later, and I’ll treat you all.”

Lu Yang: “…”

Meng Jingzhou: “…”

Man Gu: “…”

No rest for the wicked?

The author is a veteran, with a classic talent for traditional leveling, decisive in killing, and not a Mary Sue.

(End of chapter)

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