Chapter 65 – Awakening


“Hello, Captain Chen Muye?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“We encountered a problem while cleaning the battlefield at Erzhong Middle School.”

“What problem?”

“When we were recovering the body of the Nandu Snake Demon, we found that its head… was missing.”

Chen Muye’s brow furrowed slightly in the passenger seat of the van.


“Yes, we searched the entire scene and couldn’t find its head.”

“Did the students hide it?”

“It’s unlikely. We searched their bodies and found nothing… We suspect that someone took its head and escaped the auditorium before we arrived.”

“The No-Restrictions Zone should still be covering the school. He can’t escape.” Chen Muye calmly said, “Play the Dream Whisper throughout the entire campus, wash away his memory first. Once he loses his memory, he will fall into the trap.”


After hanging up the phone, Hong Ying curiously asked, “Captain, what happened?”

“The head of the Nandu Snake Demon is missing, someone might have stolen it.” Chen Muye said, “But it’s not a big problem, we should be able to find it.”

Lin Qiye first froze, his brow furrowing slightly as he looked out the window.

Could it be him…?


An Qingyu, who was trying to climb over the wall, was forcefully knocked back to the ground by an invisible barrier. He gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, adjusting his backpack and staring at the emptiness in front of him.

“That invisible barrier is still there. They might have already discovered that the snake demon’s head is missing…” he muttered to himself.

His eyes flickered with light, and after a moment of contemplation, he ran straight towards the playground.

Since he couldn’t escape, he would hide. He didn’t believe that this barrier could stay open for too long. As long as he hid until they left, he could escape!

An Qingyu rushed to an empty space at the edge of the playground and flipped open a manhole cover hidden in the weeds, forcefully lifting it up.

Immediately, a foul smell rushed out from the sewer!

An Qingyu suppressed the urge to vomit, forcibly adjusted his mindset, and jumped down with his backpack, putting the manhole cover back in place.

In the dark and damp sewer, the stench infiltrated An Qingyu’s nostrils from all directions, almost suffocating him. He gritted his teeth, holding onto his backpack, enduring it.

In the darkness, his eyes were still as bright as stars.

Suddenly, a melodious music came from outside, and An Qingyu’s pupils contracted.

In a daze, he seemed to hear someone whispering in his ear. He couldn’t control his drowsiness and was about to fall into a deep sleep…

But at this moment, a strange force surged from his heart, as if a clear spring flowed into his brain, washing away all dreams and whispers!

An Qingyu suddenly opened his eyes, the haze in his eyes disappeared, replaced by absolute clarity!

In the depths of his eyes, a faint layer of gray covered them.

Now, he was more awake than ever before!

He stared blankly ahead, then looked down at his own palm.

In his eyes, his body seemed to have turned into an extremely precise machine. He could see the process of every part’s operation, clearly understanding how they worked.

He knew how he blinked, how he breathed, as if he were an experienced watchmaker, using a magnifying glass to observe every step of the watch’s operation…

He had never understood his own body like this before.

Suddenly, he thought of something. He quickly unzipped his backpack and took out a head.

The head of the Nandu Snake Demon.

Under those eyes, this mythical creature that didn’t belong in the realm of modern scientific research seemed to have been disassembled into gears, mechanisms, and screws…

But he still couldn’t see through it.

So, An Qingyu took out a sharp fruit knife from the compartment of his backpack.

He was like a doctor holding a surgical knife, staring intently at the head in front of him, then… he stabbed it!

He struggled to cut open its skull…

He dissected it, wanting to see… what was inside its head.

The speed at which he cut the head became faster and faster, his eyes becoming more and more excited, his body trembling with excitement!

In the dark and foul-smelling sewer, a thin and weak teenager held a knife, smiling as he slowly dissected the grotesque head… his voice echoed in the dim environment.

“So that’s how it is…

So that’s how it is!

I understand!

So that’s how it works…


Truly interesting!!”

“Where is this…?”

In the dim prison cell, Li Yifei slowly opened his eyes.

He looked around in confusion, about to stand up, when fragmented memories flooded into his mind like a tide.

He cried out in pain and fell to the ground again.

An Qingyu fired a gun, he himself was stunned by Lin Qiye, and the Nandu Snake Demon hidden inside him appeared, a fierce battle ensued, and then Lin Qiye beheaded him…

He looked at his own hands in disbelief, his voice trembling.

“I… I am the Nandu Snake Demon… How could this happen… I killed them!”

The images of the students slaughtered by the snake demon appeared before his eyes again. The blood on the ground seemed to be branded in his mind, gradually becoming his nightmare…

“No, no…”

He half-knelt on the ground, his face contorted, groaning in pain.In the next moment, his eyes suddenly turned into eerie vertical pupils, as if he had become a different person, standing up expressionlessly.

“Weak trash.”

One of the Nandu Snake Demon’s arms sprouted snake scales, fiercely grabbing the railing in front of it, intending to twist it off.

Immediately after, obscure runes emerged from the surface of the cell, and the terrifying repulsive force directly flung the Nandu Snake Demon away. It heavily smashed into the wall on the other side of the cell, then fell to the ground.

The Nandu Snake Demon stared at the railing in front of it, hissing, its eyes cold to the bone.

The moment it touched the railing, fragmented information about the cell had already poured into its mind.

It didn’t know where this was, but it knew… its life and death were in the hands of one person.

That person was the master of this place.

Just as the Nandu Snake Demon was deep in thought, steady footsteps came from the other end of the corridor. Its vertical pupils contracted, and it quickly crawled to the side of the railing, looking in that direction.

In the dim corridor, a figure became increasingly clear.

It was a young man in a white coat, with his hands in his pockets. The moment the Nandu Snake Demon saw his face, its body shook!

“It’s actually you?!”

Lin Qiye walked expressionlessly to its front, raising an eyebrow.

“Surprised or not, expected or not?”

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