Chapter 56 – Nandu Snake Demon

An Qingyu opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask something, but hesitated for a moment and wisely remained silent.

He was very interested in Lin Qiye’s identity and his extraordinary combat power, but he knew that even if he asked, Lin Qiye probably wouldn’t answer, and it might even provoke his displeasure.

“Qi Ye, this is the genius of Cangnan City that hasn’t appeared in ten years, the treasure of Erzhong. Have you heard of his name?” Li Yifei introduced.

“I haven’t heard of it.”


“Now is not the time to discuss these things.” Lin Qiye spoke calmly, “First, send these students to the auditorium. It’s safer there.”

Li Yifei was taken aback, “But we can’t go down at all. There are many monsters on the first floor…”

Halfway through his sentence, Li Yifei realized that he had asked a foolish question.

“Kill them all, otherwise how do you think I came up here?” Lin Qiye looked at Li Yifei as if he were looking at an idiot.

“You’re really fierce.” Li Yifei grinned, “So, are you going to continue going up to save people?”

“Of course.”

“I’ll go with you.” Li Yifei firmly said, “Don’t worry, I won’t drag you down. Besides, they trust me more now, and I can help you control the situation.”

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Qiye nodded slightly, “Bring your axe team and come with me.”

Although there seemed to be no change on the surface, after a day of fighting, Lin Qiye had already killed nearly twenty monsters. Both his physical and psychic powers were severely depleted, and he was tired.

With Li Yifei and his axe team, he could relieve some of the pressure.

“I’ll go too.” An Qingyu suddenly spoke up.


“I can help you strategize and analyze the behavior patterns of the monsters.” An Qingyu calmly looked into Lin Qiye’s eyes, showing no signs of retreat.

Li Yifei leaned close to Lin Qiye’s ear and whispered, “I think this kid is quite smart.”

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Qiye nodded slightly, “Alright, but I have to make it clear that I can’t guarantee your safety.”

Anyway, he already had a whole team of axe-wielding students with him, so adding one more person wouldn’t make much of a difference.

“No problem, I’m not afraid of death.” An Qingyu’s eyes lit up, seemingly excited.

After giving some instructions to the other students in the class, Lin Qiye let them go to the auditorium on their own. The auditorium was not far from the second floor of the teaching building, and with Lin Qiye having just cleared the monsters again, they wouldn’t encounter any danger.

“Li Yifei.”

“What’s up?”

“How’s the situation upstairs?”

“It’s fine. It shouldn’t be a problem to block the monsters on the fourth floor.”

“Good, let’s rest here for a while.”

Lin Qiye found a chair and sat down. There were many monsters on the fourth floor, and he needed enough physical and psychic power to forcefully kill them.

“Sister Hong Ying, how are things on your end?” Lin Qiye opened his earpiece.

“I didn’t catch it. I chased it for half of the school before it disappeared into the woods behind your school.” Hong Ying on the other end of the earpiece seemed a bit frustrated.

Lin Qiye’s heart sank.

As long as the main body didn’t die, this incident wouldn’t end. Even if he could kill all the monsters in the school one by one, it would only be a temporary solution.

“Where are you now?”

“Xiangnan is trying to track the traces left by the monster. We will continue to chase it. As long as the No-Restrictions Zone is still here, it won’t be able to escape from this school.”


“By the way, Wu Xiangnan found out what this monster is.”

Lin Qiye’s eyes lit up.

“This monster is the Nandu Snake Demon, which should come from rural legends. Wu Xiangnan couldn’t find any information about this thing in all the mythological books he searched through. He finally found some fragments in a tattered ancient book.”

“Nandu Snake Demon?”

“This snake demon has a strong camouflage ability and intelligence comparable to humans. After swallowing a creature, it can plant snake seeds inside its body and turn the host into its offspring, controlling their actions.

However, there are limitations to the production of snake seeds. Even the main body can only produce one snake seed a day, and it takes three days for an offspring to produce one. Moreover, both the main body and the offspring have low combat power, at least during their juvenile stage.”

“I see.” Lin Qiye rubbed his chin.

From this perspective, this snake demon had been here for a longer time than he had imagined. With so many snake demon offspring, it might have been in this school for more than a month.

It was cautious and careful.

While Lin Qiye was contemplating, An Qingyu quietly walked up to him.

“Do you have something to ask?”

“I want to ask a question.”

“If you’re going to ask if I’m a superhuman or a cultivator, forget it.”

“No, what I want to ask is… are there always monsters like this existing in places we don’t know?” An Qingyu pointed to the monsters’ dismembered bodies outside.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Qiye nodded.

“Then why can we still live so leisurely and comfortably?”

Lin Qiye glanced at him and slowly spoke, “Because there are people watching over the night for humanity.”

In theory, Lin Qiye shouldn’t answer this question, but since they would eventually have their memories erased, it didn’t matter what he said now.

However, Lin Qiye could only say so much.

“I understand.” An Qingyu nodded.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“Afraid? Why should I be afraid?” An Qingyu’s mouth curled up slightly, “I just find it interesting.”

“Interesting?””So, besides science, there are such magical creatures in this world.” An Qingyu licked his lips, his gaze never leaving the monster’s corpse outside the corridor. “I really want to take them back for dissection and study.”

“You’re still just a high school student, aren’t you?”

“So what? Do you, like everyone else, think that high school students can only learn what high school students should learn?” An Qingyu chuckled lightly. “Spending three years to learn those rigid and monotonous basic knowledge is just a waste of life.”

“Then you…”

“I just finished studying the content of a master’s degree in biology. In the second half of the year, I plan to start pursuing a doctorate, mainly studying the genetics and gene mutations of organisms, and I also have some research in clinical medicine.”

“…” Lin Qiye stared blankly at An Qingyu, and after a long while, he managed to utter a few words: “Excuse me.”

So, there really are such prodigies in this world?

Lin Qiye had always considered himself quite intelligent, but compared to the boy in front of him, the word ‘intelligent’ seemed so pale and powerless.

He glanced at the time, stood up from the chair, and walked towards the classroom door.

“Let’s go, it’s time to save people.”

Everyone quickly grabbed their weapons and followed Lin Qiye out with great momentum. Even An Qingyu rummaged through his drawer and pulled out a fruit knife, following them with a smile on his face.

That expression, it seemed like he wasn’t going to fight the monsters, but to slice them into eighteen pieces and take them back for study.

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