Chapter 227 – Su Zheng’s urban life

Su Zheng had once fantasized about waking up in a world where ferocious beasts roared.


There could be many extremely vicious things here, capable of claiming his life at any moment.


Su Zheng had also imagined himself appearing in an endless maze, forever scrambling to find a way out.


Su Zheng had stretched his imagination to its limits, envisioning all the possible scenarios he might encounter.


But the scene before him now completely shattered his usual composure.


What in the world was all this?


He stood up, looking around in bewilderment.


Skyscrapers towered above, taller than any house he had encountered in the Cangyuan Realm; even the Su Family didn't have buildings this high.


And the roaring sound of machinery around him was incredibly noisy.


What was that?


Su Zheng looked out through the construction site gate and saw small house-like things moving along the road outside.


What kind of world was this?


How did the Qinglian Sword Sovereign come up with such a world?


And this world actually had its own complete set of operational rules!


Otherwise, it wouldn't exist.


"The Qinglian Sword Sovereign actually created such a world," Su Zheng mumbled as he took a few steps in confusion.


"Where are you going?"


The foreman cursed from behind.


"Mind your own business," Su Zheng turned back to look at the man, rebuking him coldly.


Su Zheng didn't make a move, because he realized that his current body was that of a man around fifty years old, and he had no cultivation whatsoever.


But Su Zheng wasn't worried; although he had no cultivation, his mind was filled with memories of martial arts techniques gleaned from paintings. Returning to his peak was just a matter of time.


Now, he needed to figure out what kind of world this was, then find a way to reach the trigger point set by the Qinglian Sword Sovereign, so he could perfectly return to the Cangyuan Realm.


The Great Dream Soul Stone, huh.


What was there to fear?


The foreman was dumbfounded by Su Zheng's retort, unable to believe that these were the words of the usually meek and easily bullied Su Zheng.


Even the other workers on the construction site found it unbelievable.


"What's gotten into Old Su today?" someone whispered.


"I have no idea!"


Another person was just as puzzled.


"If you leave, you'll lose today's wages, you bastard!" the foreman had recovered and was cursing loudly.


"What are you looking at? Do you want to walk out with him?" the foreman cursed again.


The others weren't as bold as Su Zheng and quickly got back to work, heads down.


Su Zheng walked alone on the street, feeling more and more shocked, because this world had completely overturned his understanding.


This was a world utterly different from the Cangyuan Realm.


After walking for a while, Su Zheng remembered that he hadn't seen Su Xianci since he woke up.


They probably weren't the same person.


But right now, he couldn't help Su Xianci.


It didn't matter; once he got out of the Great Dream Soul Stone, he could take Su Xianci with him.


What's the fastest way to understand this world?


As the experienced Su Zheng, who had lived a long life in the Cangyuan Realm, he felt that asking the people of this world was the simplest way.


Walking on the street for a long time, Su Zheng kept looking for a target.


Finally, under a bridge, he saw a young man.


"He must be a beggar, right?" Su Zheng thought so but wasn't sure, because this beggar was nothing like the ones he knew.


Where have you seen such a lazy beggar?


In the Cangyuan Realm, beggars were very diligent in begging everywhere.


Su Zheng approached and saw the young man lying on a straw mat in tattered clothes, sleeping.


Su Zheng kicked him.


"Who is it!"


The young beggar cursed irritably.


"Get up, I want to ask you something."


"Get lost."


The young man cursed again.


Su Zheng was scolded by a beggar but had to suppress his anger.


"I'll ask you some questions, then I'll treat you to a bowl of noodles."


"Eat your selling ass, dumbass, get lost!"


The young man didn't even turn his head.


This left Su Zheng wide-eyed; were the beggars of this world so spirited?


"What's wrong, brother?"


At this moment, a middle-aged man walked out of the bridge tunnel, looking honest and curious, carrying a plastic bag and asking.


"I want to ask some questions," Su Zheng said, seeing the man's friendly face.


"Ask away." The man smiled, put down his bag, sat down, and said, "What does a kid know? Ask me, and I'll tell you if I know."


"But I haven't eaten since this morning; could you give me some consulting fees?" the man said with a grin.


"Money, is it?"


Su Zheng nodded; of course, he had to feed the dog before it would help, right?


He searched his body for a while and found not a single silver coin, but he did find a wallet, not knowing what it was.


Inside were things he couldn't understand at all, a bunch of papers, no idea what they were.


"Isn't this money? What are you looking for?" the man was surprised by Su Zheng's behavior.


"Oh? Is this money?" Su Zheng was somewhat surprised.


The man: "…"


Could this be a fool?


"Here you go." Su Zheng handed all the banknotes to the man.


The man's eyes widened, exclaiming, "All for me?"


"For you."


Su Zheng didn't care.


He, Su Zheng, a top powerhouse of the Cangyuan Realm, would he care about money? Even if this wasn't the same world, Su Zheng wasn't intimidated; earning money was easy for him. If nothing else, he could teach some disciples. With his experience in martial arts, wouldn't people line up from Dao Mountain Ancient Land to Guanglan Palace to seek him as a master?


As for the few pieces of paper in his hand, Su Zheng didn't care at all.


He could have as much as he wanted later.


Besides, how much could these few pieces of paper be worth?


They didn't look like high-denomination silver tickets; the largest denomination was only a hundred.


The man hurriedly thanked him and took the money; there was over two thousand yuan, and Su Zheng was so generous to give it all to him.


For a moment, he felt the bottles in his plastic bag on his back were no longer appealing.


Su Zheng then made an excuse, saying he had lost his memory or something, and started chatting with the man.


The man's name was Old Huang; his wife had passed away, and after his son got married, he was kicked out of the house, living alone, surviving by picking up trash, sometimes doing odd jobs.


Life was tough.


Old Huang told Su Zheng that this place was called Tongzhou.


Their country was called Yanhuang.


And so on, leaving Su Zheng dumbfounded.


The two talked until evening, and Old Huang, with a dry mouth, answered all of Su Zheng's questions.


Su Zheng now felt something was wrong.


This world was not right.


There were no cultivators in this world?


This made Su Zheng panic; his greatest advantage was the experience of a strong cultivator. If there were no cultivators in this world, what would he do with his cultivation experience?


Moreover, from Old Huang's description, Su Zheng also knew he was a construction worker.


Old Huang patted Su Zheng's shoulder gently and said, "Take care, brother. Life is hard for all of us. If you have a job, keep it. I don't know what trouble you've encountered, but there's hope as long as you're alive, right?"


Su Zheng remained silent.


"Brother, I live here. If you need help, come find me. We're all in the same boat, struggling in a foreign land. It's not easy, so let's help each other out," Old Huang said with a smile, showing his teeth.


Su Zheng still didn't speak; he didn't believe what Old Huang said. A lowly person wouldn't understand.


No one cultivates because they don't know how to.


It's even better if there are no cultivators in this world.


When he becomes powerful, what can't he have?


Wanting to leave the Great Dream Soul Stone is just a simple matter, isn't it?


After chatting with Old Huang, Su Zheng left.


But as he walked, Su Zheng realized he was hungry.


He hadn't eaten a bite since he came to this world.


Just thinking about it, he saw a noodle shop by the road.


Su Zheng walked in and ordered a bowl of noodles.


Perhaps because he was really hungry, Su Zheng ate with great relish.


After finishing the noodles, Su Zheng was about to leave when the waiter stopped him for money.


But Su Zheng had given all his money to Old Huang.


At this point, he was penniless.


So he angrily said, "I, the old ancestor of the Su Family, would I care about the money for a bowl of noodles?"


The boss was about to call the police, but at this moment, Old Huang suddenly appeared and paid for Su Zheng's noodles.


This allowed Su Zheng to be let off the hook.


"Just now after you left, I remembered that you gave me all your money. How are you going to eat?" Old Huang said with a wry smile, "Brother, it's not easy for anyone out there. I'll keep some money for food, and you should keep the rest."


Saying that, Old Huang gave the money back to Su Zheng, a total of eighteen hundred yuan.


"This…" Su Zheng was touched, but he said, "I, Su Zheng, the old ancestor of the Su Family, once I say something, it's set in stone. How could I possibly take back the money I said I'd give you? Wouldn't that be slapping my own face?"


Seeing this, Old Huang really thought Su Zheng was seriously ill.


If it weren't for the lack of money, he would have taken Su Zheng to the hospital to see a neurologist.


"Old Huang, I think you're a good person, so I'll tell you the truth. I'm a master, unmatched in this world. Give me two days, and when I make it big, I'll get you out of this life. When the time comes, that son who doesn't want you, I'll let you deal with him yourself!"


Su Zheng said with conviction.


"Alright, you're a master, but even masters need to eat. Take the money," Old Huang kindly reminded.




Su Zheng saw that Old Huang didn't believe what he said and could only lament that such lowly ants really couldn't see how high the sky was.


"Alright, I have things to do, I'm leaving."


Su Zheng worried that Old Huang would keep nagging, so he chose to leave.


On the street, a Honda was driving from south to north.


Su Wei had just finished work and was thinking about going home for a drink after a busy day at the company.


But thinking of the nagging wife at home, he was a bit reluctant to go back.


Just then, his phone rang.


Su Wei picked up the phone and glanced at it; it was his nagging wife. He frowned but still answered the call.




Su Wei's tone was not pleasant.


"What? The kid's gone crazy?" Su Wei cursed, "He doesn't study well on weekdays, always watching that garbage on the internet, so his brain is messed up, right?"


"I'm being harsh? Damn it, I work hard outside, tired like a dead dog, and you can't even take care of a child at home? Do you still have the face to tell me this?"


Su Wei was furious.


And just then, Su Wei suddenly saw someone in front of him.




A sound, and Su Wei saw someone being hit and flying out.


Su Wei was stunned.


He quickly put down the phone, got out of the car, and saw a person he had knocked down on the ground.




Old Huang, who saw Su Zheng just crossing the street and getting hit by a car, changed his face and hurried over.


"Brother, are you alright?"


Old Huang helped Su Zheng up and then turned to curse at the driver, Su Wei: "How do you drive? Are you blind?"


Seeing the two people's attire, Su Wei knew that their social status was not high, and his worry was slightly relieved, but he quickly apologized.


"Heh, I'm fine." Su Zheng glanced at Su Wei, disdainfully saying, "With that strength, even an acquired martial artist can't compare, hitting me is like scratching an itch, it's nothing!"


"Alright, I'm leaving."


Su Zheng said calmly.


"Brother, are you really okay? Why don't you go to the hospital for a check-up?"


Old Huang said worriedly from behind.


But Su Zheng simply ignored him and walked away on his own.


Seeing this, even Su Wei was shocked; he had been hit and didn't extort money, truly a good person!


Su Wei hurriedly got in the car and left.


But Old Huang was worried.


Feeling that Old Huang hadn't followed, Su Zheng found a corner and sat down on the ground, grinning in pain.


"How can this thing have so much strength? It hurts me to death. If it were my previous cultivation, this thing wouldn't have hurt me at all!"


Su Zheng rubbed his legs vigorously, lifted his trouser leg, and saw that it was already purple.


Half an hour later.


Su Wei parked the car downstairs, then took the elevator home, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard a lot of noise inside.


"What's the noise!"


Su Wei entered the door and saw his wife and a young man, his son Su Xianci.


"Who are you? How dare you scold me, you really want to die!" Su Xianci looked at the newcomer and said loudly.


"Damn, you little bastard, are you itching for a beating?" Su Wei was furious and pulled out his belt.


"Ignorant mortal? Do you want to do it?" Su Xianci narrowed his eyes, then moved his wrists, "Just right, after coming to this world, I feel itchy hands, so I'll play with you today!"


After a while.


The entire neighborhood heard Su Xianci's screams.


Su Wei's Seven Wolves belt was almost broken.


Su Zheng wanted to find a place to stay, but he had no money. Fortunately, when he returned to the construction site, he met a coworker who asked where Su Zheng was going and why he hadn't gone back to rest.


Su Zheng then learned that he had a place to stay.


Following the coworker back to the place.


In a very small room, eight people lived.


The whole room smelled of sweat, Su Zheng frowned, then lay down on his bed; he had been busy all day and was really tired.


A few coworkers were chatting, and seeing that Su Zheng, who usually liked to talk, was silent, they felt a little strange.


Su Zheng sat cross-legged on the bed, enduring the pain in his legs, adjusting his breathing.


He began to practice according to the methods of his previous life, and the paintings he had comprehended while cultivating appeared in his mind.


An hour passed.


Two hours passed.


Su Zheng sat until the next day dawned, everyone got up to go to work, and Su Zheng still didn't feel any signs of cultivation.


"How could this be…" Su Zheng was a little scared in his heart.


Could it really be impossible to cultivate?


If he couldn't cultivate, what kind of life achievement point would he need to trigger to leave this damned world?


"Old Su, let's go, if you don't go to work today, the foreman is probably going to fire you!" a coworker said to Su Zheng as he left.


Su Zheng's heart sank when he heard this.




Does he eat people?


It seems that he still underestimated this world.


If he doesn't go to work, he will be fried and eaten by him.


Sure enough, without strength in this world, it is impossible to get out of the current predicament.


"I ask you."


Su Zheng suddenly said, "What is our goal in this job?"


Su Zheng suddenly felt that if he could achieve the goal in the hearts of these people, he could naturally reach the trigger point and leave the world of the Great Dream Soul Stone.


"What goal?"


The coworker thought Su Zheng was very strange, but still smiled and said, "What goal can there be, nothing more than a wife and children on a warm bed, and then financial freedom."


After saying that, he didn't care about Su Zheng and turned to leave.


Wife and children on a warm bed?


Financial freedom?


Su Zheng could understand the first sentence; having a wife and a child was not difficult.


But what is the concept of financial freedom?


He couldn't figure out many things.


Su Zheng gritted his teeth and got out of bed, his leg still hurting badly, feeling that he should still find a medical hall.


But he had no money.


The money was given to Old Huang.




Su Zheng turned back to look at his bed, where there were a lot of messy things underneath, maybe there was money in it.


So Su Zheng searched below, hoping to find some money or something.


In the end, Su Zheng actually found something good in the innermost part.


A painting!


Seeing a painting, Su Zheng's eyes lit up!


When he opened the scroll, he was even more ecstatic; this painting was actually his Evil Ghost Scroll.


He didn't expect the Evil Ghost Scroll to come to this world as well.


But thinking of the three thousand evil ghosts in the Evil Ghost Scroll all dying in Li Changqing's Zhenxian Sword Formation, Su Zheng felt very regretful.


The scroll had lost its spirituality, but no matter what, it was the famous Evil Ghost Scroll.


Take it and exchange it for money.


Wouldn't he achieve financial freedom?


But where should he sell this thing?


Su Zheng didn't know.


So he quietly left the construction site, afraid of being discovered by the foreman and then being fried and eaten by the other party.


After all, he really didn't have the ability to resist now.


Limping to the bridge where he had been before, Su Zheng came to find Old Huang.


After all, he only knew Old Huang.


Old Huang saw Su Zheng coming, saw that Su Zheng's leg was swollen, and still suggested taking Su Zheng to the hospital first.


But Su Zheng was not in the mood now; leaving this world was the key.


If he could leave.


Isn't this injury healed in minutes?


He asked Old Huang where he should sell a treasure he had?


Old Huang didn't expect Su Zheng to have antiques.


Then he took Su Zheng to a street of antiques in Tongzhou.


There are many antique shops on this street.


There's no mistake in selling treasures here.


Coming to such a street, Su Zheng also gained insight; many things on the roadside looked very good to Su Zheng, and it was very lively today, with many people and all kinds of strange things.


Su Zheng was dazzled; there were things that didn't exist in the Cangyuan Realm.


"Old Huang, how much money does it take to achieve financial freedom?" Su Zheng asked Old Huang.


"Financial freedom?" Old Huang pondered for a moment. "Well, you'd need at least a million, I guess."


"A million?" Su Zheng chuckled, not a large amount.


"How many taels of silver is a million?" Su Zheng asked again.


"Silver?" Old Huang was taken aback, then calculated with his fingers, "If converted to silver, it should be about two hundred thousand taels."


"Only two hundred thousand taels." Su Zheng shook his head with a smile, realizing the goal was quite simple.


At that moment, they arrived in front of a shop.


Ju Gu Zhai.


Seeing the name and the antique decoration, they walked in.


The staff at Ju Gu Zhai initially thought they were beggars and were about to shoo them away.


To their surprise, the two were actually there to sell an ancient painting.


The staff quickly fetched the boss.


The boss, in his forties, looked somewhat young but was a well-known figure in the antique circle. Hearing that someone was selling an ancient painting, he hurried over to take a look.


"Gentlemen, may we see the painting?" Boss Zhao Yong greeted them with a smile.


"Show it to you, but be careful not to damage it," Su Zheng said cautiously as he spread the painting on the table.


Seeing how careful Su Zheng was, Zhao Yong also put on gloves, laid the painting on a flat table, and carefully unrolled it.


When the Evil Ghost Scroll appeared before Zhao Yong.


Despite Zhao Yong's many years in the antique circle, he was still visibly shocked.




What is this thing?


"Shopkeeper, name your price," Su Zheng said, seeing Zhao Yong's shocked expression, and spoke with pride.


Old Huang looked up and down but couldn't see what was so special about the painting.


"This gentleman, this painting seems not to be something valuable," Zhao Yong said, suppressing the anger in his heart and speaking gently.


"Do you really know your stuff?" Su Zheng frowned and said, "This is a work by the Painting Sage Feng Lin Ghost Lord!"


"Heh heh."


Zhao Yong chuckled.


This old man is quite adolescent delusional.


However, at that moment, a chubby boy suddenly came up and saw the painting, exclaiming, "This…"


"What's wrong, son?"


Zhao Yong's son, Zhao Songzhe, had come to the shop today since it was the weekend, and he had never seen his son so astonished.


"Digimon drawn with ink? That's so cool!" Zhao Songzhe exclaimed.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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