Chapter 207 – The master of the chessboard world

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

"It's done."


Lu Qiaoqiao carefully wrote down the name, then turned back with a smile towards Li Hengsheng and asked, "Is it written correctly like this?"


"Mhm, it's correct."


Li Hengsheng's gaze softened as he looked at the name.


Li Hengsheng.


Lu Qiaoqiao.


"Let's go back," Li Hengsheng said as he stepped forward and took Lu Qiaoqiao's hand.


Her hand was soft and boneless, smooth to the touch, comforting to hold, and it gave Li Hengsheng an indescribable sense of peace.


How he wished he could freeze this moment in time.


This feeling made Li Hengsheng feel as if he owned the whole world.


Scenes that had appeared countless times in his dreams were now truly before his eyes.


Lu Qiaoqiao also moved her fingers, interlocking them with Li Hengsheng's.


Her eyes, looking at Li Hengsheng, were filled with joy and a touch of nervous unease.


The two walked hand in hand down the path.


Sensing Lu Qiaoqiao's unease, Li Hengsheng gently squeezed her hand and asked, "What's wrong?"




Lu Qiaoqiao fell silent for a moment, then asked, "Brother Li, I don't want to go home. Can I stay by your side forever?"


"Why don't you want to go home?" Li Hengsheng curiously asked.


Lu Qiaoqiao pursed her lips and then, looking down, said, "I don't know them. I'm not familiar with my so-called family at all. I just want to be with you, Brother Li."


Li Hengsheng understood. Lu Qiaoqiao had lost her memory and no longer recognized her family.


To Lu Qiaoqiao, her family was no different from strangers.


"Alright, whatever you want is fine. If you don't want to go home, then stay by my side," Li Hengsheng said with a smile. "You can stay with me as long as you like."


Lu Qiaoqiao's bright eyes lit up.


"Brother Li, will you marry me?"


Lu Qiaoqiao asked softly.


Her voice was as faint as a mosquito's, and if Li Hengsheng's hearing hadn't been good, he might not have heard what she was asking.


"If you're willing to marry me, of course I'm willing to marry," Li Hengsheng said, a bit excited.


"I'm willing," Lu Qiaoqiao murmured.


"Then I'm willing to marry," Li Hengsheng declared firmly. "I, Li Hengsheng, am willing to take Lu Qiaoqiao as my wife. Heaven and earth bear witness; I am willing to love Lu Qiaoqiao for a lifetime!"


"If I ever go against this…"


But before he could finish, Lu Qiaoqiao's lips pressed directly against his.


Lu Qiaoqiao knocked Li Hengsheng to the ground on the grass.


With that kiss, Li Hengsheng felt like he had fallen into an indescribable haven of warmth.


That night, the sky was their blanket, and the earth was their bed.


Countless stars bore witness to everything.


Li Hengsheng had never imagined that one day he would truly possess his Sister Lu under such circumstances.




Dawn was breaking.


Li Changqing in Ziwu City was getting restless. It had been two days without any news of Li Hengsheng, and even Zhen Wanshou had sent out birds and beasts to search.


But there was still no news of Li Hengsheng.


It was as if Li Hengsheng had vanished into thin air.


So, as dawn broke, Li Changqing stopped waiting for Zhen Wanshou's news and decided to personally head to Zhenguo Mansion.


Because in his heart, Li Changqing always had a bad premonition.


It felt like something was about to happen.


This feeling was getting stronger.


So, without waiting for news from Zhen Wanshou, Li Changqing prepared to set out on his own.


"Why don't you wait a bit longer? There are still a few small animals that haven't returned," Zhen Wanshou said quickly, seeing Li Changqing's anxious look.


"Mr. Changqing, let me help you look for him," Zhang Fuguang also said from the side.


"No need. You guys just stay in the tavern. I'll go look for him myself," Li Changqing said, his mind made up, and then called for Fei. Fei instantly transformed into a Golden Silk Linlang Beast and took to the sky with Li Changqing, flying towards Zhenguo Mansion.


This stunned Zhen Wanshou.


The inconspicuous dog in the corner of the yard was actually a Golden Silk Linlang Beast?


What kind of outrageous thing was this?


Zhang Fuguang was not surprised, though, and continued to busy himself with the tavern's affairs, following Li Changqing's instructions.


From Ziwu City to Zhenguo Mansion was just across a large river. Li Changqing quickly entered the territory of Zhenguo Mansion, and in less than a quarter of an hour, he entered the domain of White Snake Path.


Li Changqing's Divine Soul spread out, searching for traces of his son.


Starting from Tushan City, he searched all the way to the outskirts of the city, then headed even further afield.


But he still couldn't find his son's whereabouts.


Until, after searching for half a day, Li Changqing suddenly found traces of Zidian at the foot of a mountain.


Zidian was his son's horse, which Li Changqing had seen when he was at the Yan family.


Li Changqing landed next to Zidian, who was still waiting there for Li Hengsheng to return. Following the road, Li Changqing looked around and then continued up the mountain cliff.


Atop the cliff, there were signs of battle.


The ground had huge pits, and the surrounding rocks were shattered, indicating a fierce battle had taken place.


Li Changqing wasn't sure who had fought here, but Li Hengsheng must have been involved.


But after searching the area, Li Changqing found no other clues.


"Fei, can you smell any traces?"


Li Changqing asked Fei, who was beside him. Fei looked bewildered and shook his head.


I can transform into a dog, but I'm not really a dog!


"Useless," Li Changqing muttered disdainfully at Fei.


Fei looked aggrieved at the side, but seeing Li Changqing's bad mood, he obediently lay down.


At this moment, Li Changqing came to the edge of the cliff and looked down. It was noon, but below was still pitch black.


It seemed like a bottomless valley.


"Let's go down."


Li Changqing instructed Fei.


Fei quickly ran over, then carried Li Changqing down.


The valley was deep, and it took a while to finally reach the bottom. Once there, Li Changqing discovered a very turbulent river below.


The river flowed very fast, with a roaring sound echoing throughout the valley. Li Changqing looked in the direction of the river and then sent his Divine Soul into the riverbed, trying to search for any traces of Li Hengsheng.


But as soon as his Divine Soul entered the riverbed, Li Changqing was startled. With a thought, a skeleton flew out of the river.


"That gave me a fright."


Li Changqing looked at the skeleton and casually threw it away. At first, he thought it was his son who had drowned, but on second thought, it seemed unlikely. Even if his son had died, he wouldn't have turned into a skeleton so quickly, would he?


Also, there was another point: his son had his Painting Treasure on him. If he had really died, Li Changqing would have sensed it.


Continuing to search along the river, Li Changqing's eyebrows lifted after flying several miles out.


It seemed he had found something.


With a flick of his finger, there was a loud bang on the river surface, and a long spear flew out, whizzing into Li Changqing's hand.


"The Chasing Immortal Spear."


Recognizing the spear in his hand, Li Changqing knew it was Li Hengsheng's.


Since the spear was here, it meant his son must be not far from this place.


Li Changqing's Divine Soul spread out again, but at that moment, he suddenly found that his Divine Soul could no longer spread beyond five hundred meters.


It was as if something was restricting it.


"Brother Changqing, come up and sit for a while."


At this time, a voice came, as if from the high clouds, ethereal and captivating.


Li Changqing looked up and saw a figure sitting on the mountain peak, smiling and waving at him.


Recognizing the person, despite the change of clothes, Li Changqing still knew it was the same Luo Old Dao he had met in Changting Town.


Seeing this, Li Changqing had Fei carry him up.


On the mountain peak, the birds sang and the grass grew. Li Changqing saw a stone table in front of Luo Old Dao with a small stove on it, and a pot of hot tea was gently steaming.


"Please sit."


Luo Old Dao smiled at Li Changqing.


"It's been over half a year since I last saw Brother Changqing," Luo Old Dao poured a cup of tea for Li Changqing. "Now we meet again in Zhenguo Mansion, it really is fate."


"Should I call you Luo Old Dao or the Sect Master of Dao Mountain Ancient Land, Luo Xiaochuan?" Li Changqing also sat down.


"Either is fine."


Luo Xiaochuan waved his hand. "None of that is important. Luo Old Dao is me, Luo Xiaochuan is also me. It's just that when I met Brother Changqing last time, I was indeed Luo Old Dao. Strictly speaking, this is the first time I, Luo Xiaochuan, am meeting Brother Changqing."


"I can feel it," Li Changqing nodded. "I've heard that Sect Master Luo's cultivation method is very special. You cultivate in the world, forgetting all about yourself before entering the world, wandering around to tell fortunes and help people, forgetting your identity as the master of Dao Mountain Ancient Land, and using the heart of the mundane to enhance your cultivation. Such a method is indeed very unique."


"Unique is an overstatement," Luo Xiaochuan shook his head. "There are many strange methods of cultivation in this world. To transcend mortals, one must break free from mortal cultivation methods; otherwise, you will always be trapped by heaven and earth and unable to break through. The first half of the cultivation journey follows the paths of others, but ultimately, you must rely on your own path to reach the other shore."


"It seems Sect Master Luo has already found his own Dao," Li Changqing said with a salute. "I have yet to congratulate Sect Master Luo on breaking through to the realm of a Land Immortal."


Luo Xiaochuan just smiled lightly, not speaking, but lifted his teacup and said, "Drink tea."


But Li Changqing didn't move, calmly saying, "Sect Master Luo, I have a vague feeling that big things are slowly happening in this Cangyuan Realm. I wonder what role you play in these big events? And what does this have to do with my son, Li Hengsheng?"


"Or to say, not only my son, Li Hengsheng, but even I have been drawn into this big game?" Li Changqing asked seriously.


Luo Xiaochuan did not rush to answer.


After sipping his tea and pondering for a moment, he said, "Brother Changqing, what role do you think you play?"


"I do not know," Li Changqing said. "I do not wish to be a chess player, nor do I wish to be a pawn of others. I just want to live my life simply. I have always felt this way."


"Unfortunately," Luo Xiaochuan said helplessly, "if you do not become a chess player, you can only become a pawn. This is inevitable. You ask me what role I play, and I cannot say for sure. This is determined by heaven, and I am now trying to escape this fate."


"Escape fate?" Li Changqing pondered for a moment. "You should believe in fate, that humans can overcome heaven. These four words may not suit you."


"I used to think so, but later I felt that humans can overcome heaven is not just an empty talk," Luo Xiaochuan said leisurely. "Otherwise, why would I bring Li Hengsheng to my Dao Mountain Ancient Land? Because Li Hengsheng is a variable, so I kept him by my side, observing him, wanting to see how this variable came about."


"But later I found out that not only is Li Hengsheng a variable, but the bigger variable should be you, Li Changqing."


Luo Xiaochuan stared at Li Changqing.


"So Sect Master Luo uses my son and me as pawns to set up a game, to see if you can change fate against heaven through us?"


Li Changqing seemed to understand Luo Xiaochuan's meaning.


"Yes," Luo Xiaochuan did not deny it. "So I trapped Brother Changqing here, so you cannot go find Li Hengsheng."


"You should know the importance of my son to me," Li Changqing's tone suddenly turned cold, and the tea in his cup instantly froze into ice. The next moment, Li Changqing's killing intent filled the air, and the teacup in his hand cracked from the pressure!


With a wave of his hand, the sword case was drawn, and seven swords hovered in the air, ready to launch the Seven Kills Sword Formation.


But Luo Xiaochuan didn't even look, nor did he show any tension, saying, "Don't be hasty."


"Of course, I know Li Hengsheng is very important to Brother Changqing, but Li Hengsheng's fate has this calamity, and he should bear it. Moreover, Brother Changqing, you… haven't you already used against-heaven means to alter Li Hengsheng's fate? So why worry?"


Luo Xiaochuan smiled and said, "As for Brother Changqing's against-heaven methods, even I am amazed. Originally, this calamity in Li Hengsheng's fate was a death calamity, which no one could change. Yet, you, Brother Changqing, forcibly pulled out a chance of life from this heavenly path, changing fate against heaven. Such a method, I, Luo Xiaochuan, truly admire."


"Your divination skills are even more astounding," Li Changqing said with narrowed eyes.


"If that's the case, what situation can escape your eyes?"


Luo Xiaochuan shook his head repeatedly, "Not at all. Divination is indeed one of the great Dao, but divining the heavenly Dao is actually very dangerous, especially the stronger the diviner, the more dangerous it is. Lightly, it consumes oneself; heavily, it leads to annihilation. For example, Brother Changqing, I can only touch a bit of your karma when divining Li Hengsheng. If I directly divine you…"


Luo Xiaochuan smiled and shook his head, "Last time in Changting Town, I already experienced it. You asked me to divine your wife, and it's a good thing I didn't continue, otherwise I might have been annihilated by now and couldn't sit here and drink tea with you."


"I'm not interested in drinking tea with you," Li Changqing stood up. "I'm leaving."


With that, he stepped on his flying sword and soared away, but Luo Xiaochuan did not stop him, just watching Li Changqing's retreating figure with a smile.


However, after a while, Li Changqing found himself flying back to the same place.


Luo Xiaochuan was still sitting there.


Li Changqing frowned and tried to leave in another direction, but after a while, he found himself back here again.


Even Fei couldn't leave this place.


"I won't let you leave until the matter is over," Luo Xiaochuan said indifferently. "Brother Changqing, since you've already stolen a chance of life for Li Hengsheng, why are you so worried?"


"If you had a son, maybe you would understand," Li Changqing didn't explain further.


"Leave it to him," Luo Xiaochuan said.


But after Luo Xiaochuan finished speaking, Li Changqing's seven swords instantly formed a sword formation, trapping Luo Xiaochuan within.


The whole world roared with thunder.


Luo Xiaochuan sat in the middle of the sword formation, looking around, still smiling.


It seemed that the Seven Kills Sword Formation wasn't so terrifying to him.




Li Changqing shouted coldly.


The strongest sword formation attack was unleashed!


The sword formation became a domain of its own!


Giant waves in the sky, a sea of fire for thousands of miles, the sword qi that crisscrossed heaven and earth seemed to pierce the firmament, directly sweeping towards Luo Xiaochuan.


It was as if pieces of the world were pressing down on Luo Xiaochuan.


Time and space changed, thunder was overwhelming, and in the midst of the raging wind, every gust was a sword qi that cut through everything.


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of sword qi fell like a waterfall, capable of annihilating everything, destroying all beings.


At this moment, Li Changqing did not hold back, and the Seven Kills Sword Formation was pushed to its limit!


But at this time, Luo Xiaochuan simply raised his teacup and gently shook it against the table.


In an instant, time and space in this area froze.


Countless sword qi were shackled in the heavens and earth, frozen in place.


Li Changqing felt as if he had lost contact with his seven swords.


This shocked Li Changqing.


The Five Extremes Seal!


It was the same Five Extremes Seal, but when displayed by Luo Xiaochuan, it had such terrifying power.


Even time and space were frozen?


Li Changqing realized that Luo Xiaochuan must have cultivated the Five Extremes Seal to its peak.


He had not expected this supreme technique to have such power when cultivated to this level.


Li Changqing tried to replicate Luo Xiaochuan's Five Extremes Seal, but found that he couldn't.


Even if the Great Martial Sect made a move, Li Changqing was confident in fighting them, but now facing a Land Immortal, he felt an unprecedented gap.


It was truly a world apart.


"Go back," Luo Xiaochuan waved his sleeve, and the seven swords instantly flew back into the sword case, which closed on the spot.


Time and space also returned to normal.


Luo Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Brother Changqing, don't just start fighting so casually. I just want to sit here and drink tea with you, not wanting you to disturb the normal course of events. You don't have to be hostile to me. Sit down, I can tell you some things you'd like to hear."


"Such as?"


Li Changqing asked with a frown.


"Such as about yourself."


Luo Xiaochuan looked at Li Changqing. "Do you know that every fifty years, a new Cangyuan Realm Master is elected? And now another fifty years is about to come, and many in the Cangyuan Realm are scheming for this. I have long sensed that you, Brother Changqing, are deeply trapped in the game, yet actually, my game has not truly invited you in. You are caught in someone else's chess game."


"Someone else?" Li Changqing frowned. "Who?"


"I do not know," Luo Xiaochuan shook his head. "On Brother Changqing, there are terrifying traces of fate, the marks of defying heaven to change fate, and I cannot explore them. After all, there are not many who can do this, unless they have special abilities. Otherwise, just relying on strength, there are only a few people in the whole world who can do it, and I tend to believe the former."


"The former, special abilities?"


Li Changqing listened somewhat confused.


"Like some powerful eye techniques," Luo Xiaochuan looked at Li Changqing. "Your fate is surrounded by death qi. It seems that in this game, Brother Changqing, you end up as a pawn, doomed to die."


Li Changqing just listened quietly, but felt Luo Xiaochuan had the air of a fortune-telling charlatan.


"Do I have a bloody disaster? Then Sect Master Luo should think of a solution for me?" Li Changqing said with a hint of sarcasm.


"Heh," Luo Xiaochuan laughed and shook his head. "Brother Changqing seems to have little trust in me, but it's understandable. Whether you believe it or not, I can only let Brother Changqing judge for himself. The only solution I can offer Brother Changqing is to pull you out of that game and into mine, to become a chess player together."


"So you just want to win me over." Li Changqing understood, although he still didn't know Luo Xiaochuan's purpose, it was clear Luo Xiaochuan wanted to recruit him.


"The world is only so big, all beings are pawns, and the only way to escape this status is to become a chess player," Luo Xiaochuan said calmly. "But many games have started a long time ago, like the Longevity Sect. Its layout from hundreds of years ago was broken by you, yet the Longevity Sect still has other schemes. It can only be said that the person behind the Longevity Sect is very powerful."


"Then there's Jiang Tianyun, the Cangyuan Realm Master. Since he became the Realm Master, he has refused to abdicate for many years, still living in Tianhai City, controlling the Cangyuan Seal. He has his own game, his own calculations. And some old fellows in Yunhuang are also starting to stir, wanting to fight for this heavenly mandate, looking for that elusive trace."


"How will you fight these people? You want to be a chess player, but you have already lost the opportunity. Only by joining me will you have a chance. You can change Li Hengsheng's fate against heaven, but your own destiny is not so easy to fight for, is it?"


Luo Xiaochuan spoke earnestly.


"What do you want? I'm curious, what do you want?" Li Changqing asked.


"I just want to see if destiny can truly be rewritten," Luo Xiaochuan said with conviction. "I once believed in destiny, that everyone's fate was so uneventful. From birth to death, my fate was already determined, until I met Li Hengsheng, who made my fate waver."


"So I want to try and see if I can rewrite the destiny that has been set. I want to prove whether the saying 'humans can overcome heaven' is correct."


Luo Xiaochuan's chest heaved with emotion.


"Boring," Li Changqing found Luo Xiaochuan's reason to be quite dull.


"Ha ha ha ha!" Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaochuan was not angry, but laughed heartily. "You may find it boring, but for me, it's a very interesting thing. Otherwise, spending a lifetime walking the path set by fate, wouldn't that be even more boring? If I hadn't seen it, I would have let it be, but since I have, of course, I want to try!"


"Brother Changqing, what's wrong with you and me joining hands? Since you're already in the game, whose game isn't it to join? You've been calculated by others, wouldn't it be better to join me to escape this fate?" Luo Xiaochuan was still advising.


"Then tell me, whose game am I in?"


Li Changqing asked calmly.


"I do not know," Luo Xiaochuan shook his head.


"So you're divining with just your mouth?" Li Changqing raised his eyebrows. "I won't pay for that."


"Then tell me who my wife is, and I might consider joining you," Li Changqing asked again.


"I can't see it," Luo Xiaochuan said helplessly. "If I really told you, I'm afraid I would indeed be annihilated."


"One question, three unknowns, you want me to join, do you want to get something for nothing?" Li Changqing said disdainfully. "Where's your professional ethics?"




Luo Xiaochuan sighed deeply, somewhat melancholic.


"Lu Qiaoqiao, who is she?" Li Changqing couldn't help but say. "You can tell me that, right?"


"If you want to know, then I'll tell you," Luo Xiaochuan didn't refuse this time. "Lu Qiaoqiao is also a chess player."


"As powerful as the Longevity Sect's layout for hundreds of years, its planner is just a pawn of Lu Qiaoqiao…" Luo Xiaochuan said leisurely.


Upon hearing this, Li Changqing was stunned. The planner behind the Longevity Sect was just a pawn of Lu Qiaoqiao?


Lu Qiaoqiao was just a teenage girl, how could she be so powerful?




The next morning.


As the early sun rose in the east, Li Hengsheng sat cross-legged on the bed. His breath was even, and his injuries had completely healed.


With the Sun-Moon Immortal-Demon Divine Body, such severe injuries took only three days to heal. Li Hengsheng felt that if he could reach the minor completion of the divine body, his recovery ability would definitely be stronger.


And today was the day to return to Tushan City.


His injuries had fully recovered, and yesterday Lu Qiaoqiao had made many delicious dishes to reward Huang Tieshan for saving his life. Today, they were set to return with him.


Stepping out the door, he saw Lu Qiaoqiao had already woken up and was standing under a tree, gazing into the distance.


"Sister Lu, good morning," Li Hengsheng approached, admiring Lu Qiaoqiao's silhouette, like a fairy descending to earth.


Especially after what happened that night, Li Hengsheng was even more captivated.


Lu Qiaoqiao was truly too beautiful!


"Brother Li, good morning," Lu Qiaoqiao turned back with a smile and greeted Li Hengsheng.


"Today we should head back. It's a long way from here to Tushan City, and I need to look for my weapon on the way, so it's better to leave early."


Having been away from Tushan City for two days, Li Hengsheng was somewhat anxious. He didn't know how things were going at the Inspection Bureau.


Moreover, Uncle Xu and the others must be worried.


His disappearance would surely have caused unrest in both the Mu and Hua families.


There were too many things he needed to handle, and he had to return immediately.


"Okay, Brother Li, have your injuries really healed?" Lu Qiaoqiao approached to check Li Hengsheng carefully, then took the opportunity to straighten his clothes.


"Don't worry, they're completely healed," Li Hengsheng nodded.


"You're up so early," Huang Tieshan's voice came at this moment.


Huang Tieshan came out.


"Uncle Huang, we need to leave early today," Li Hengsheng said to Huang Tieshan. "The journey back to Tushan City is long."


"I know," Huang Tieshan nodded.


"Brother Li, I'll pack my things, wait for me," Lu Qiaoqiao told Li Hengsheng.


"Do you need my help?" Li Hengsheng quickly offered.


"No need, I'll be right out," Lu Qiaoqiao smiled slightly, then turned back into the house.


Li Hengsheng waited outside for Lu Qiaoqiao, meanwhile chatting with Huang Tieshan.


After a short while, Lu Qiaoqiao came out of the house.


"Brother Li, I'm ready," Lu Qiaoqiao said calmly.


Li Hengsheng turned to look but was surprised to see that Lu Qiaoqiao had changed into a new outfit.


It was a blood-red dress that looked somewhat enchanting, different from Lu Qiaoqiao's usual style.


Li Hengsheng couldn't help but be taken aback and asked subconsciously, "Sister Lu, why did you change into a new dress?""Do you like it?" Lu Qiaoqiao asked with a smile.


"It looks good, Junior Sister Lu looks good in anything," Li Hengsheng nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.


At that moment, Li Hengsheng was reminded of the intelligence report he had read earlier.


If Lu Qiaoqiao wore red, he must stay away from her.


This thought gave Li Hengsheng an ominous premonition.


He didn't know why, but the feeling was intense.


Before Li Hengsheng could figure out what was happening, Huang Tieshan, who stood behind him, suddenly reached out and embraced Li Hengsheng, locking him in place with a terrifying force!


Li Hengsheng was shocked and exclaimed, "Uncle Huang, what are you doing?"


But no answer came. Huang Tieshan had already changed, his face twisting into something fierce.


With a series of cracking sounds, countless vines spread out from Huang Tieshan's body.


In just two breaths, Huang Tieshan had transformed into a black ancient tree!


Li Hengsheng found himself bound to the tree, the countless vines tightening the more he struggled.


"Tree demon."


Li Hengsheng hadn't expected Huang Tieshan to be a tree demon in disguise.


Turning to look at Lu Qiaoqiao, she was quietly staring at him.


"Why?" Li Hengsheng couldn't believe that Lu Qiaoqiao would actually strike against him.


"You ask me why?" Lu Qiaoqiao's tone became calm as she slowly approached Li Hengsheng, her eyes carrying a hint of unfamiliarity mixed with complex emotions.


"Why did you join the Longevity Sect? And why, after leaving, do you want to kill me?" Li Hengsheng desperately wanted to know.


"Brother Li, don't blame me," Lu Qiaoqiao shook her head. "I joined the Longevity Sect to use their resources to find the gate. Now that I've found it, I need your key, otherwise my years of planning would be in vain."


"Years?" Li Hengsheng frowned. "But you're only so young?"


"Have you been possessed?"


That was the only explanation Li Hengsheng could think of.


Otherwise, how could Lu Qiaoqiao have changed so much?


"And your amnesia, was it all an act? Your acting is truly convincing; I was completely fooled!" Li Hengsheng looked at Lu Qiaoqiao with complex emotions. How had he never noticed Lu Qiaoqiao's talent in this area before?


Are all women so deceptive?


"I didn't deceive you."


"It's just that after meeting you, I used a secret technique to temporarily seal my memory. So these past few days, I haven't lied to you. My words were true, my memory loss was real, my unease was genuine, and my love for you was also real," Lu Qiaoqiao said quietly. "The only thing I didn't anticipate was that, in a moment of emotional impulse, I would lose my virginity."


When Lu Qiaoqiao regained her memory and noticed the changes in her body, even she hadn't expected it.


She had given herself away.


"Sealing memories? Hah."


"Why? When we met, I was already gravely injured. If you wanted to kill me, couldn't you have done it at any time?" Li Hengsheng asked calmly.


"You were injured," Lu Qiaoqiao said. "Your divine body was damaged. Killing you then could have compromised the key. I couldn't take that risk, so I had to act now. I sealed my memory to prevent you from detecting anything, especially since your Junior Sister Lu once secretly informed your father. I guessed you would have been warned."


"To ensure you wouldn't escape during this time, I had no choice but to resort to this."


"Brother Li, I'm sorry," Lu Qiaoqiao confessed.


"Hah," Li Hengsheng laughed and shook his head. "I never thought the day would come when I'd be outwitted by the person I love the most, and twice at that."


"You haven't answered my question yet. Did you possess Junior Sister Lu?"


"When did you possess her?"


"And who are you?"


Li Hengsheng stared intently at Lu Qiaoqiao.


"I…" Lu Qiaoqiao hesitated for a moment: "I am your Junior Sister Lu, but not entirely."


"The me now is from a past life," Lu Qiaoqiao pondered and then spoke.


"Past life?" Li Hengsheng was stunned. "What do you mean?"


"Do you know of the Three Lives Flower?" Lu Qiaoqiao asked.


"The Three Lives Flower?" Li Hengsheng's pupils constricted. "The legendary Three Lives Flower? The rumor says that consuming one can allow a person to live three lifetimes with memories intact. If one can consume a second flower in this life, they can achieve immortality. If not, after the third life, they will truly perish from this world. Is this not just a legend?"


"It's not a legend."


"The Three Lives Flower truly exists, and I'm not the only one who has consumed it," Lu Qiaoqiao turned away, looking into the distance. "Lu Qiaoqiao is my second life, but because my first life was plotted against and I died in the Black and White Forbidden Zone, I sealed my memory before dying. It wasn't until Lu Qiaoqiao turned fifteen that she awakened. In my previous life, I had already encountered the Longevity Sect."


"The Longevity Sect has records of the Three Lives Flower. Brother Li, in this life, I have important things to do. I seek the Three Lives Flower not for immortality, but to exchange my past and present lives. If successful, in the future, I have a chance to revive you. I'm only borrowing your soul for now."


Lu Qiaoqiao took a deep breath. "I hope Brother Li can understand."


Li Hengsheng felt like he was listening to a fantastical tale.


"Exchange past and present lives…" Li Hengsheng was astonished. "You want to kill the current Junior Sister Lu and return to your past life? Have you gone mad?"


"How can you decide Junior Sister Lu's fate!"


"If you from the past have died, then you should remain dead. If you have a great vengeance to exact, you need to be reborn in this life to seek revenge. Who is your enemy? I can help you. What skill is there in relying on the power from a past life?" Li Hengsheng couldn't help but rage.


"Rely on you?"


Lu Qiaoqiao shook her head. "His power is beyond what you and I can contend with. I understand this well. Using the Three Lives Flower to exchange past and present lives is a method no one has tried before. It's very risky. If my talents in this life were better, I wouldn't take such a risk."


"But Lu Qiaoqiao's talents are too poor."


"Your talents are the same."


"Brother Li, although I am from a past life, the feelings Lu Qiaoqiao has for you have always influenced me. We share the same memories and emotions, so you are equally important to me. I said I would revive you in the future, and it's not an empty promise!" Lu Qiaoqiao stated with conviction.


"You can't. You cannot kill Junior Sister Lu. If you exchange past and present lives, won't Junior Sister Lu never wake up again?" Li Hengsheng struggled with all his might.


But the tree demon's binding left Li Hengsheng unable to break free.


"My soul and hers will completely merge into one, becoming a single person," Lu Qiaoqiao explained. "She is still here, and so am I."


"Brother Li, I can only say I'm sorry to you."


After speaking, Lu Qiaoqiao reached out her hand.


Instantly, from a nearby pool, a long sword flew out!


The sword was slender, bursting with supreme power, its blade seeming to cleave the heavens and earth.


The sword flew into Lu Qiaoqiao's hand.


Green patterns adorned the blade, and sensing Lu Qiaoqiao's presence, the sword seemed to cheer in excitement.


The sound of the sword was like the ringing of silver bells.


It was indeed a supreme Divine Weapon!


Li Hengsheng was taken aback upon seeing the sword, for he recognized it.


Then looking at Lu Qiaoqiao in her red garment, a name came to Li Hengsheng's mind.


Ranked fourth on the Divine Weapon List, the Celestial Maiden Sword.


Before killing, she always donned a blood-red garment, the only female sword immortal in history, one of the Four Saints of humanity!


The Celestial Maiden Sword Immortal, Li Xuanxi!


Legend had it that the Four Saints of humanity ventured into the Black and White Forbidden Zone to uncover the greatest secret of the world, but three perished within, with only Jiang Tianyun returning alive.


And this Celestial Maiden Sword Immortal, Li Xuanxi, was one of them.


"You are…"


Before Li Hengsheng could utter the name, the Celestial Maiden Sword showed no mercy as it pierced straight into Li Hengsheng's heart!

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