Chapter 235 – Talent: Hall of Heroes

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

The first step is to expel the gods. Once they vanish from the earth, humans will naturally change their way of thinking, naturally doubt the existence of gods. Then, spreading atheism will be simple.


To expel the gods, of course, power is necessary, but what's crucial is cutting off their source of power: faith.


The original gods of Earth died out almost 14,000 years ago—well, over 9,000 years ago from today's standpoint—during the battle with the white giants. The remaining gods have mostly fallen and become spirits.


The original gods were the planet's sensory organs, not needing human faith as nature provided them with power. But spirits are different; they rely on human faith as their source of power. Cut off their faith, and you extinguish their lives.


"Siduri, how's the promotion of the military formations going?"


Ascending the golden stairs to the top of the towering palace altar, Xu Zong took his seat on the golden throne. While casually handling state affairs with a stone tablet, he asked Siduri, who stood by his side.


"The soldiers have been diligently training for over ten years as per your command. They can now execute various formations with ease. Would you like to inspect the troops?"


"I'll take a look this afternoon."


Xu Zong flipped through one stone tablet after another. After twenty years since his arrival, he had become adept at handling the affairs of this era.


"How much more is there?"


"Two carts, my king."


"…We really need to invent paper sooner rather than later."


Xu Zong's mouth twitched.


He possessed the clairvoyance to see into the future, able to access any technology from human history at will. However, having been king for only about a decade, he couldn't rush things. The productivity level of this era was what it was; it needed gradual updates and iterations. Otherwise, it would be easy to end up like Yang Guang, overreaching and failing.


In these ten-plus years, he had focused his reforms primarily on military affairs. In this era, with other kings lacking clairvoyance, his Uruk's army was undoubtedly the strongest.


There was no need to worry about disturbing future archaeology. The history of this Type-Moon world was self-correcting. For instance, if the Sumerian civilization was doomed to fall, history would find a way to destroy it, steering the inertia of history towards the "correct" timeline.


How to avoid history and ensure the continuation of Uruk was a current concern for Xu Zong.


"My king, if I may speak frankly…"


Siduri handed over another stone tablet, hesitated for a moment, then tentatively asked.


"Your inquiry about the army's condition, does it mean you're contemplating war?"


"What's so strange about that? You should have realized this ten years ago when I started reforming the army."


Xu Zong took the tablet, frowning.


"I believe I've said before not to bother me with trivial matters. I've already issued policies regarding land distribution."


"My apologies, my king. Due to Uruk's population growth, the city-state must expand. The previous laws did not address the right to expand territory."


"Alright, that's my oversight. I'll address it later."


Xu Zong pursed his lips, setting aside that tablet for the moment.


"Back to the previous topic, Siduri, do you have any concerns about me waging war?"


"I just want to know, has the king consulted with our city god of Uruk on this matter?"


Seeing Xu Zong's frown and displeased expression, Siduri felt a headache coming on.


Which city-state's king would have such an unpleasant relationship with their own city god?


"I'll speak to Ishtar about it."


Xu Zong didn't hide his disdain when mentioning the name Ishtar.


If it were the Ishtar fused with Rin Tohsaka from the Fate series, it would be tolerable, but the original Ishtar of this era was a genuine madwoman! Xu Zong didn't even want to see her, let alone offer her sacrifices.


"The nearby city-states, each with their city gods, if it were just plundering some treasures, it should be manageable. But king, your goal is probably more than that, right?"


Siduri carefully phrased her question to Xu Zong.


After ten years of military preparation, it was clear he wouldn't be satisfied with merely plundering other city-states' wealth. He might be aiming to completely engulf other city-states, swallowing even their populations.


But if those city-states were engulfed, their city gods would never agree. It would certainly stir the gods' nerves. Gods care greatly about their believers; the more, the better. Thus, these gods would definitely intervene to prevent the city-states that worship them from being swallowed.


"I've already considered this; there's no need to worry."


Xu Zong waved his hand dismissively.


His tone was full of finality, clearly not allowing Siduri to question further.


Siduri could only sigh inwardly, hoping the king's capricious actions wouldn't drag Uruk into the abyss.


After finishing the state affairs, accompanied by Siduri, Xu Zong inspected Uruk's army. Unlike the soldiers of other city-states who could only wear single-layer clothing, Uruk's soldiers were clad in armor made from magical beast hides, their weapons forged from iron. They were disciplined and well-trained, as if they had been trained by the methods of future generations.


The physical condition of soldiers in this era was much stronger than in later times. The atmosphere of the Age of Gods contained true ether, an element long gone in the future. A breath of air from the Age of Gods was toxic to future generations. Living in such a dense magical environment, the soldiers of this era could lift heavy stones and were incredibly resilient.


Although the scale was far from satisfying Xu Zong, given the productivity of the era, achieving this level was already commendable.


"Wait another half year."


Xu Zong thought to himself.


In half a year, after testing and practicing all the abilities of the Xu Zongs in the chat group, he would be initially well-developed. By then, it's hard to say whether he could slay gods, but at least he wouldn't fear the power of gods.


Desolate Xu Zong: "Just checked the talent of the newcomer."


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Any issues?"


Desolate Xu Zong: "Talent: Hall of Heroes… I can't test it here, but is it like what I'm guessing?"


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Does this talent mean you have a Hall of Heroes inside your body?"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Correct."


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Any life I personally slay, its soul will automatically enter my body. With some energy, I can summon it to serve me."


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "What if they die again?"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Their souls have backups inside me. If they die, I can summon them again. In a sense, it's immortality, as long as I myself don't die."


Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: "Sounds like an undead army. I'll give it a try. First, I'll burn someone to death with the Nine Netherworld Flames, consume their essence, then their soul enters the Hall of Heroes inside me, and with energy, I can summon them… Yes, I'm one step closer to controlling the Soul Hall!"


Martial World General Xu Zong: "Goodness gracious, not even letting the dead rest in peace? That's too cruel!"


Dragon Ball Xu Zong: "So, how do you plan to expel the gods? @Type-Moon Xu Zong.Need us to come over? Although my strongest Buff won't work there, I've been training consistently for years and have now mastered Super Saiyan Blue."


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Honestly, that's outrageous!"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "I already have a plan. If it really comes down to it, I'll call on you guys. Points are quite precious; ten thousand points for just a ten-day stay."


Dragon Ball Xu Zong: "Alright, just call me or Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong if you need help. With our current strength, dealing with the gods should be easy."


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Okay."




In the Type-Moon world.


In Uruk city, there was a temple completely controlled by the priests, all devout followers of the god. Each one considered serving the god their primary duty, a very special group within Uruk city. They prided themselves as messengers of the god, and sometimes even Xu Zong's orders had difficulty being carried out here.


One day, Xu Zong came to this temple.


"Where's the high priestess? Have her come out to see me!"


"Please wait, my king. We will inform the high priestess immediately."


"Such a high and mighty high priestess. I'll see her myself!"


Xu Zong's brows furrowed, clearly displeased, as he ignored the priests blocking the entrance and barged into the depths of the temple.


"King, this is where the god resides. No clamor is allowed!"


In the deepest part of the temple, a dark yet spacious room, an elderly woman nearing eighty knelt before an altar, praying devoutly.


Hearing the commotion behind her, as if she guessed what was happening, her face darkened and she scolded the golden-haired king entering the room.


"I have no time for your nonsense. Summon Ishtar, I have important matters to discuss with her!"


Xu Zong stood with his arms crossed, his demeanor cold as if he didn't regard the old woman at all.


"If you dare utter a single word of refusal, I'll replace the high priestess of this temple!"


The old woman's expression changed from stern to shocked in an instant.


She was the high priestess of Uruk, a messenger of the god in flattering terms, but in harsher words, merely a servant of the god, a tool for conveying the god's will.


She prided herself as the god's messenger, commanding worship and respect from the people, but King Gilgamesh knew the truth and clearly didn't take her seriously.


After all, gods don't care which tool they use to convey their messages.


The old woman glared at him resentfully but had no choice but to comply. She knelt down at the altar and began to pray, murmuring as if communicating with something, her tone as humble as a slave's.




A dazzling white light descended from the heavens, landing above the altar. The light was so bright it was blinding, as if announcing its arrival.


"Gilgamesh, you seeking me out is quite the rare occurrence!"

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